Chapter 11 (Attack on Green Emerald Pack)

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It was a cold day and the rogues were on their way to the Green Emerald Pack lands and because it was so big they had help from some shapeshifters that also worked for the Witch Nimra and she was the one that wanted to test the strength of Prince Derek's pack to see if he would be anything as strong as they said he was, Nimra came to know that Derek was indeed the Mate of the human Princess Rose of Urtania and this was not good news at all because if a werewolf found his or her mate their bond is one of the strongest things to break but one thing that could help them in this misfortune was the fact that Rose was Human but Rose without knowing carried some witch magic in her as her and her mother were saved at her birth and as it came to pass some of Nimra's powers were transferred to Rose while Nimra saved them that day and this could be a bad combination if that power should be awaken in Rose and her being chosen by the moon goddess to be the mate of a Alpha Prince was not good at all, this had to mean something and the witch was not willing to let this go. Nimra talked to Bion her son and Bion told her that Rose felt something for Derek and that he knew Derek wanted his mate for himself and so the mother and son decided to test The Emerald pack and it's Alpha and Bion also told his mother of the bracelet he gave Rose and that it could help if needed and Bion's mother was very impressed by her evil son.  The Green Emerald castle was in the snow mountains so it was rather difficult to get to it and to try take it on so Nimra send her rogues in first and so the fight began as she sat back overseeing it all.  Alpha Derek (Pov)  The day barley becan when Derek got this strange feeling so he stood outside and it seemed that it was to quiet and so he mindlinked his Beta and gamma to send patrolls out and so they went to scout but soon after Derek was mindlinked by a warrior about rogues infiltrating the pack territory and so Derek shifted to his wolf heading there too help and find out what these rogues wanted, his pack was big but still he had to know. Diago ran to the border , there the warriors were already fighting and so was the beta and Gamma and soon Derek was fighting too, what the hell is happening ?, he thought to himself, he mindlinks his beta, "What the hell, why are they attacking like this?", "I don't know alpha ". Soon the fight was over and some got away but one was cought and taken to the dungeon to be talked to . Derek had a scratch on his eye and one or two wounds but luckily for fast healing he was ok but very mad, Derek went to the pack hospital to see to the injured and then he went to the dungeon were the Beta was already interrogating the rogue. "Who are you and why did you attack us ?". "I will say nothing, only this, you will never win, she will have her revenge!!" the rogue shouts and so Derek hits him almost breaking his jaw."Tell us why and I will spare your live scum!!!". "She is the only true one and you will die", he says and then before they can ask more he somehow dies and this purple smoke  leaves his mouth. They are all shocked and so Derek now worried ,wonders what  just happened. There was a lot of pack members hurt and a few were killed by the rogues but the rogues did what they had to do and Nimra was very pleased by the outcome. "You did good , now Bion you can further the plans my son and get what is ouers but do not underestimate that Alpha , he is still very powerful even though they took a hit from the rogues", Nimra says then vanish into thin air while Bion miles at the victory .  Now it is time to get ready for the masquerade ball held by the lovely Princess Rose herself and I do hope Alpha Derek attends for he will not be happy at all.HAHahahahahahaha !!!!!. Rose (Pov)   Rose heard about the Emerald Kingdom being attacked and it made her worried thinking Prince Derek could be hurt but her father said he was fine and that only some men were hurt but they managed to scare the wolf's away in time and so Rose felt better. "You see Rose this is why I do not like them werewolfs so much, they go rogue at some point and then attack others and worst of all humans and a Prince like Derek", her father says mad. "Father it was rogue wolfs not another packs !" Rose helped him right but the King will have nothing of the sort. "Precisely Rose , they are a danger rogue or not, I do not like them and now I like them even less, at least vampires are what they are they don't play both good and bad, werewolfs are just bad news for this world of ours, bad I tell you , bad!", he spits walking out leaving Rose to wonder why they attacked and if her Prince Derek was ok and so she hoped to see him at the ball tonight. The ball was on the way and Rose was standing in her red and silver ball gown with this all feathery mask at the drinks table getting a ginger beer . "I wonder who this could be?", Derek says while standing next to Rose also getting a drink . Derek is wearing a red suit and a black mask but he is still the most handsome man there and Rose knows it somehow. "Let me give you a hint shall I?" Rose plays along. "Ok that sounds fair". "I like the river and once I was there I got my first kiss", Rose say but she blushes and Derek sees it smiling at her cuteness and man he will also never forget their first kiss."O my this is difficult , I will go with Princess Rose?", he playfully say and Rose giggles.She takes her drink and look at him smiling back at her. "Yes indeed I am Prince and now it is my turn, you think not?". "yes you may, let me give you a clue, I love roses too just like you and tonight I give you a purple rose , and it is this colour because you excite me Princess every day". Rose takes the rose and it is perfect once again,"Then I think it must be Prince Derek?", she smiles and so he agrees while they both laugh out loud aking the Prince Bion turn to them and what better way to begin this night then letting Rose know the truth about her beloved Prince Derek.  While the two still talk Bion makes his way to them and so he takes Rose aside. "You look stunning Princess,and it seems you and Prince Derek of the Emerald Pack are also getting along well , they did say he was friendly for a werewolf , and I must agree even after they attacked his Pack, but luckily the mask is hiding the scars over his eye", Bion lands the truth and Rose is dumbstruck about what Bion is saying. "What, What did you mean by he is a wolf and Pack Prince Bion, Derek is a human?", Rose say rather mad at this man just saying stuff and he is clearly mistaken , or is he?. "O no Princess you thought he was human?". "Yes and he is, stop spreading rumors, he... he would have...". Rose say while looking to Derek standing talking to his mother . This can not be true, it can't be!. "You are not telling the truth Bion, why would he lie to me?"Rose say walking to Derek and it's like he knows something is up. "Derek is it true?", Derek frowns but then he sees Bion having a good smile behind Rose and he knew that scum said something . "Rose please let me...". "NO it can't be , Derek are you a werewolf or human?" she ask and now her father is there as well looking mad. "Rose I wanted to tell you but,... yes I am but it doesn't change how I feel and I love you , you must know that'. "You dare say and also lie to us, get out now before I throw you out". the King say and Rose runs away but as Derek wants to go after her he is stopped. Now Rose will hate him, he lost Rose and it's all Bion's fault.  The King threw him out and told him to never speak to Rose again, he broke their trust and he lied to her too, this was not good at all.
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