Chapter 12 (Heartbroken)

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Rose was shattered and it felt like her heart was hurting and it was like she could not breath normal, she ran from the ball after Prince Bion let the truth out about Derek , that he was a werewolf ,the one creatures her family hated for many years because they killed her birth mother when she was a small child and the thought of Derek lying to her about who he is was like someone stabbing a knife through her gut and her heart, she did not believe it at first and thought Bion was trying to play with her feelings, but Derek admitted it to her and when her father saw and heard what was happening he lost it he was mad and told Derek to leave and never dare come back, this was hard for Rose, she started to feel something for Derek , more than she was supposed to whitch was weird, but still he was the one Rose wanted and he seemed normal , like a normal human Prince but he was only deceiving her all this time, was he even real , did he want love or did he have other bad reasons to get closer to her?. Rose cried the whole night and she did not even want her stepmother near her , not even Maria her handmaiden, nor Kate her best friend , no Rose needed to be alone to think and this was hard on everyone and even the King felt betrayed telling his royal guards to not let Derek near his home, his kingdom and his beloved daughter, for werewolves were evil indeed and he would never let Rose be taken or worse. "Rose please let me in, I only wish to talk and run you a nice hot bath, I know it will make you feel better Princess, please!", Maria pleaded by the door of the Princess she looked after since birth and she has never seen Rose like this, behaving in such a  sad manor and so the old woman kept on trying and trying and at last Rose opened her door to let Maria in, but as soon as the door opened Maria hugged Rose in her motherly arms and Rose cried her heart out again ."O my dear do not shed so much tears, do not cry "."Maria he lied to me, he ... he ". Rose say while trying to stop the tears but Maria take her to sit on the bed again sitting next to her. "O Rose I am so sorry, but don't you think he was scared to tell you the truth, it seemed like he truly liked to be with you", Maria say and Rose snickers trying hard to speak. "No he lied to us all Maria and daddy do not trust him anymore, and now he must also hate me for being so cruel to him and well he is a werewolf not a human".The old woman wipes her tears again smiling at the little girl that now sits before her as a woman, a woman in love but a woman heartbroken too. "My dear he could never hate you , he liked you Rose and maybe if you let him explain you will see, but for now let's get you cleaned ok". The air was still thick in Rose's room even though she took the bath that Maria so badly wanted her to take and she did feel a little bit better but a hot bath could never fix her broken heart, only Derek could. "Maria can I tell you a secret, but you must swear to never tell this to anyone?", Rose says and Maria being like a mother to Rose agrees and promise . "You know I will , what is it?". "We kissed at the lake and it was so magical, it felt so right Maria, like we are meant to be in love and he, well he told me he loved me , and I think I feel the same". Rose admits to Maria who stands stunned at this news but feel sympathy towards Rose because even though she is old now Maria also knew love ones and she knew this young wolf was to be her Rose's first crush and most propobily her one true love but it could never work and it was truly sad. "O Princess it must have been magical ?". Rose smile but soon it fades. "Yes it was and I will keep that in my heart always but I can never choose him now, it can and will never be Maria and he and I are not the same he is a werewolf and I a human and I know he has a mate so how can it ever work", Rose say rather sad too but Maria lifts her chin. "You will find love again Princess, this was merely like practice , so come lets get you dressed and maybe we can take a walk?". "Ok yes you are right Maria I will get over him and then all will be ok again", rose says while the two dress Rose to go for a walk... Alpha Derek (Pov)  The whole night he could not close his eyes the first two hours after the King threw him out he was still sitting on the hill that was overlooking the Urtania Kingdom were his beloved but also heartbroken mate was doing who knows what, possibly crying because as she ran from him he saw her face and tears were everywhere drowning her beautiful skin in sadness and it was all his fault so after the two hours just looking to her castle he decided to walk home also trying to calm his own broken heart, knowing he might never be with her , but he is an Alpha of the strongest pack and he could take these humans but he did not want Rose t hate him and so he needed to think of something else to do to make her see why he lied and that he is in love with her and to make them understand that she is his mate . Derek was so overwhelmed that he did not even see the movement in the forest and Diago was not talking to him , he was mad to so he walked but suddenly this red light shown before him on his path and even though it was pretty it was strange, he knew fairy's lived in these woods too but he never saw their lights and so he walked closer to see better but then this voice spoke making his hair on his back stand up, this is not good nor normal at all, "Why look so droopy and sad Alpha Prince of the mighty Emerald Pack in the snow mountains", the voice say. Who could this be ,or were the hell did this voice come from??...
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