Chapter 5 (Alpha Derek)

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Snow was laying thick on the mountains near the Emerald pack, which made this the most stunning place to live with all the forest surrounding the pack it was also  nicely covered from the rest of the world and as every day Alpha Derek was up early getting into his routine but he could not sleep well after finding his mate, seeing her but not being able to tell her who he really was, got to him ,yes he was a Prince but he was also a werewolf Alpha and if it was up to her father he would not let Derek near Rose and then there would be war because no one would dare to keep his mate from him but,she was the Luna of his pack and she was everything to him and more.If a werewolf found their mate it is big but when a Alpha Prince found his mate it was much bigger because she is then his Luna meaning she is second to him , his equal and the one thing that can make a pack so much stronger and if she was to far, the Alpha could become weak , making it easy for the enemy to catch them of guard.  "Alpha the borders are clear and the school is on schedule too", Chris the Beta reports to Derek , which he tend to do every day."Thank you Chris I am glad to hear it', Derek replys but Chris frowns because he knows Derek to well. "You miss the Luna don't you?",Chris asks again and Derek smile . "Yes I do but I can't tell her who I am just yet because then she would be scared and who knows what will happen and besides I want her to first get to know me first as a human/Prince then when time is right I will tell her everything, but now I need to know the first thing first, who this bloody arrogant Lord Stefan is ?, he seemed way to close to my mate", Derek says to Chris and he agrees."Yes Alpha , but do not worry we will find out who he is Alpha very soon". So then the two males walked to the school they are busy building on the territory and it was a small school but still it would be for the smaller pups and it had a nursery too where mothers could leave their pups to go to the market or any business they would have.It would be  save place. Derek was a great Alpha and he grew up with so much love from his mother and father and he also lost his father at a young age leaving his mother the Luna to be the keeper and the head of the pack until he was old enough to take over , she is a lot like her son, strong and a true warrior , Derek still looked after her and she also stayed in the mansion where the Alpha family and Beta families lived and his mother was in her own way a teacher too, always helping and she was also very strict with her son always telling him the true value in live and so she was so excited when she came to know her son found his mate and that she is indeed a princess ,but her being human made it a bit difficult seeing humans did never realy like other creatures. Derek thought about Rose everyday sins seeing her the first time and so he knew he had to see her again soon and thankfully tomorrow is Opera Night in the social season ,all is invited and he could not wait . He also told Chris to get the perfect suit for the evening to impress Rose and he loved the Opera a lot and was excited to see if Rose did as well, seeing she loves classical music so much and he actually saw her as the type that would appreciate it the most.Derek wanted to show Rose who he is and that he already cared about her even if she would not understand it now , she would some day see why. Diago wanted Rose to but he was prepared to play along and behave as long as he felt her he was happy with it, one day he would be free to shift and run with her, it is said a werewolf could turn a human but it was never really done and worked but at least they have their mate and for now it was enough for them both... Rose (Pov)  I woke up out of this strange dream of running in a field covered in snow shouting at Prince Derek to stop, just shouting Stop,Stop,Stop!. Over and over and he kept going away and that is when I woke up feeling a bit overwhelmed buy this dream.I have never had such intense dreams of a man and ever since I saw him the first time its like I can't get him out of my head. He is handsome and beyond nice and he is a Prince ,but it feels like he has this other side to him ,not bad but challenging in a way and I will find out what it is hopefully in this social season and unravel him and I can't wait ,and yes he is one of the frontrunners to me so far, it just feels right to be with him and I can't wait to see him again but for now My violin lessons is almost starting and then I have to choose a dress for the Opera night and it is always a grand afair to all attending and this will be a chance to see what man loves it as I do and if Prince Derek does then he is on my top list and I might have a bit of small talk with him.  I got up and so my ladies in waiting came in helping to bath and dress me and I decide to only dress in a not so formal gown because today I just give to my studies and schooling and I love it , a day just for me ."Rose darling you must hurry there is a guest that wishes to see you",Maria says to me smiling a bit nervous and instantly I hope it is the one man that captivated my heart so I hurry them along to make me look presentable for him.After getting ready I almost ran downstairs and there in the dining room I heard voices but it did not really seem like his, it seemed foren, but still I walked in smiling and as I did the handsome young man came into my view and he bows to me,"Princess you are without a doubt a beauty,I am afraid I did not bring a gift" ,he says and as he rises I see he has dark blue eyes and blond hair and he is rather good looking and well build but I did not have a clue who he was, so I just smiled . "Good day , thank you and please what is your name ?,so I may address you correctly?", I say and he smiles to my father and mother as if the joke was on me, "I do apologize , I am crown Prince Bion of the Blue Island Kingdom my lady", he says and then I remember that Maria always talk of this place and she would say those people were always involved with witches and that this famous witch Nimra was friends with the old king (his father) because his Queen died long ago after child birth. "Please to meet you Prince Bion, and welcome to our Kingdom Urtania", I say but then he steps back letting me sit down and I feel this power radiating over him but it seems my parents like him not minding and he is nice to look at too ,but so far I will still put Prince Derek in my first place , so we shall see.  We ate breakfast and it seemed that this Prince being late to the social season wanted to get to know my father a bit more than he wanted to know me so I found it odd but I mean it might be his plan so I excused myself and he smiles and kisses my hand but I shy away telling him that I am to leave but will see him soon and so I walk away and as I do I feel better ,but still had this thought in my head wondering if my parents know of all this rumors about him, but alas I have a long day ....and he is a guest ...
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