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"How is he?" Aldo said "How should I know he's not even talking to us and took most of my job from me and all I do is stay home" Petrov said "Give him time" Aldo said "It's been six months" Petrov said "Yeah he just caught his cousin brother f*****g his future wife" Aldo said "That's not the problem the problem is that the wife fuckin the cousin looks like the girl he loves" Petrov said "Who cares what the b***h looked like, we need to work and he's cutting us off" Aldo said Petrov sigh out and rub his head, Demetri was in his office with Theo and Rafael. "What is the connection between the Romano family and the five families?" Demetri said "Nothing, we found nothing we thought we had a led but it was nothing but we did find that the Romano family is at war with all five families" Theo said "We also found that one girl that escape from the Romano family" Rafael said "No, looks like the Romano family is not part of the five. Let's just concentrate on the five here. We will strike next week will leave tonight, have about 150 of our men drive all armed and ready. We will go ahead and act like we are making deals with them and when the time is right we strike one night that's our opening" Demetri said "What about the twins?" Theo said "House lockdown I don't want them near the shooting" Demetri said "We going now?" Rafael said "Now, spread the words to the men that guard the house nobody is to leave the house and have someone stay with Angelo and let him stay in the states" Demetri said Theo and Rafael nodded their heads and went out the room, the twins went towards Demetri's office and saw him packing his guns. "Where you going?" Petrov said "Work" Demetri said He check his clip and put it in his waist band. "Great where we going?" Aldo said "Your staying here" Demetri said "What? You can't be serious?" Petrov said "I am" Demetri said Demetri went towards the door. "Demetri you need us" Aldo said "Your both staying" Demetri said "Are you f*****g serious?" Petrov said "Dead serious" Demetri said Demetri walked towards the front door and nodded to his men as they stop the twins. "Demetri!" Aldo yelled "What the f**k move" Petrov said "Nobody is going make sure they don't leave the mansion" Demetri said The twins were yelling his name as Demetri got into the car and speed away from the mansion towards the jet. "We could have used their help" Theo said "What were about to see they shouldn't see" Demetri said Theo and Rafael looked at each other then went silent. "He f*****g left us!" Aldo yelled in the phone. "I'll go see him, and call you guys back" Angelo said "Alright" Aldo said Angelo hung up the phone grab his bag and put some clothes in it and grab his passport making his way to the door when two men step in front of him. "Sir, the boss said to stay here" one of the guards said "f**k that" Angelo said "Sir we will use force to detain you" The guard said "f**k!" Angelo yelled Angelo slam the door and took his phone out and called back Aldo. "What" Aldo said "He's got me on lockdown here" Angelo said "That f*****g asshole" Petrov said "Can you try to escape?" Aldo said "Unless you want me to jump out a 23rd floor" Angelo said "f**k, alright just sit tight and will think of something" Aldo said "Alright" Angelo said Aldo hang up the phone, and pace back in forth. "Do you think he went to Calabria?" Petrov said "He was looking into the five families" Aldo said "We can always check his office" Petrov said "He did say stay in the mansion nothing about going into his office" Aldo smiled The twins went towards Demetri's office and began looking around. Demetri and them got off the jet in Calabria. "How far the men?" Demetri said  "Between Naples and Salerno" Theo said "Good" Demetri said They got into their vehicles. The twins were still looking around in the office. "This drawer is locked" Aldo said "Let me pick it" Petrov said Petrov took out his picks and began picking at it, Aldo called Angelo. "Hello?" Angelo said "Hold on we might have found something in Demetri's office" Aldo said "Got it" Petrov said He took out the files from the drawer. "It's all about the five families" Petrov said "Who are the five families?" Angelo said "These are one sick families" Aldo said "How sick?" Angelo said "I think these are the people are behind the messed up deals that been happening lately" Petrov said "You think Demetri went to them?" Angelo said "Looks like he already made contact with them" Aldo said "How long ago?" Angelo said "About the time we went to help Giovanni" Petrov said "I mean he did say he was going to do work with some of the five families he didn't say anything about all five of them" Aldo said "So he went behind our backs?" Angelo said "No, he just didn't tell us, and I was wondering where he was getting all these supplies and handing them over to five" Petrov said "Do you think he went there on a suicide mission?" Angelo said "He probably just doing a deal" Aldo said "If what your saying about the five families I don't think it's just a simple deal. Guys you know Demetri" Angelo said "Your right, Angelo find a way to get away from your men and will do the same here. If Demetri is doing what we think he is doing he would need our help" Petrov said "Where do they live I can just leave from here" Angelo said "Calabria" Aldo said "Okay see you guys soon" Angelo said They hung up the phone as each of them planed on how to get out without getting caught.
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