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"So party tonight?" Angelo said "Nah, we have to get up early" Aldo said "Come on, tomorrow is the wedding" Petrov said Demetri looked at Javier then at his brother's. "Up to you all" Demetri said "Yes! Everybody get ready we leave in an hour!" Angelo said Angelo ran out the living room and upstairs. "Well he sure cant wait to drink" Petrov said "Well legal age in Europe is 18, what do you expect" Aldo said "Hey guys what's up" Emma says "Going out to celebrate" Petrov said "Oh, can I come" Emma said "Sorry kid men only" Aldo said "Oh, come on. Please" Emma said "Let her come, she's of age" Demetri said "Yes!" Emma said she stuck her tongue out to Aldo  Emma ran out of the living room as well, she was told to stay with the boys so they wouldn't be late. "Why couldn't she go to Sofia's party" Aldo said "One because aunty Alice told her to watch over us and second, I need help watching over you three" Demetri said "Javier will be there" Petrov said "Actually I have something to do later on so I only can stay for a bit" Javier said "Boo, your cousin is getting married an you can't celebrate with him" Aldo said "Sorry some of us have to work" Javier said "Fine let's do some warm up shots" Aldo said Angelo and Emma came back down as Aldo pour the drinks. "To Demetri and Sofia" Petrov said They raised their glass and took the shot. "Alright to the cars sorry kiddo's you guys go in another car, Petrov let's go" Aldo said Demetri and Javier shared a car, the twins shared one, which left Emma and Angelo share one as well. "I can't believe he's actually marrying her" Emma said "Why? It's his life" Angelo said "Why is she marrying her?" Emma said "I told you" Angelo said "I know you told me but don't you think it's kind of f****d up?" Emma said "Emma just leave him be, who knows what's in his head" Angelo said "Why doesn't he look for Abby?" Emma said "Because she's underage and would you bring an innocent girl into our world. I sure wouldn't" Angelo said "Yeah, but your not your brother and he is not you" Emma said "True but I'd be damn to do that to a girl I love" Angelo said "Isn't he trying to make the business more legal?" Emma said "If he can pull it off" Angelo said "Well isn't that what he is doing now?" Emma said "Yeah, sure. Why would he get in bed with the five families if he was trying to go legit" Angelo said "Your right his mind is really confusing" Emma said "It's like nobody can understand him" Angelo said "I still don't like her, I heard stories of her" Emma said "Story like what?" Angelo said "She f****d most of his men" Emma said "Emma!" Angelo said "What? I'm just telling you what I heard" Emma said "And who told you that?" Angelo said "Please I ain't giving up my sources" Emma said "Whatever" Angelo said They arrived at the club, and went inside Demetri already got a private room so they headed upstairs. "Em, what the boys with me tonight" Demetri said "Oh, come on" Emma said Demetri looked at her. "Fine water and drinks here and there tonight" Emma said "Thanks, I'll get you something" Demetri said "Your card! I want to buy something for my friends kids" Emma said "Deal" Demetri said "And you can't complain" Emma said "Deal" Demetri said Emma smiled as they went inside the VIP box room, Emma watched as the boys partied while she was at the bar having a few drinks here and there when she felt like buzz she would drink water to sober back up. An hour later Javier left the group, Angelo got drunk the twins were missing with him. "Hey no marker on the face the wedding is tomorrow" Emma said "Yes, momma bear" The twins said together The next hour Emma was taking care of Angelo, by one am there were all hammered except her and Demetri so they had to call the limo and take the boys in and they drove back to the mansion where they were put to bed. The next morning was knocking on the doors to wake up the guys. "Time to get up we have a wedding to get too" Emma said "Go away!" Angelo yelled "Angelo get your ass up" Emma yelled back Demetri woke up and took a shower an hour later the twins were downstairs eating. "I need to get my tux from the apartment" Demetri said "I'll take you, Aldo go check if Angelo is up" Petrov said Demetri rub his head and went to the car, Petrov was behind him. "Here some aspirin" Petrov said Demetri took the pills, Petrov drove up to the apartment building and park. "I'll only be a minute" Demetri said "I need to pee dude" Petrov said "Fine" Demetri said They got off the car, as they made their way towards the building, he press the pent house floor they went into the place. "The tux is in the room" Demetri said Petrov nodded his head and went to the bathroom to the side, Demetri walked towards the room opening his door he saw Sofia in bed he frown and walked in more there was someone else beside her. "Hey bro, you know you have no towel in the.....What the f**k" Petrov said The two on the bed heard the noise and got up. "Javier!?" Petrov said Demetri looked at the two before him. "Demetri I can..." Sofia was saying Demetri pulled his gun and shot at Javier twice, Sofia screamed out then he went towards to Sofia and grab her out of the bed moving them towards the front door and threw her out, Sofia was crying out for Javier as she fell on the floor. "I will kill you! And everybody you love" Sofia said "You can't do anything Sofia, I was willing to give you the world" Demetri said "Your lying! I know I'm just a replacement! Yeah, Javier told me about that girl at the club and how I look like her you don't love me you love my looks" Sofia said "Leave before I shot you" Demetri said "I will be back for your head" Sofia said She was holding onto the sheet's and went towards the elevator.
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