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"Where are they?" Demetri said "Outside of Calabria" Theo said "Sir" one of his men said "Yes?" Demetri said "We got a call, Angelo is on his way his plane will be landing this evening." the men said "f**k! Call back to the mansion" Demetri said Demetri's phone rang it was from the mansion. "What" Demetri yelled Demetri threw his phone. "f**k! Tell them to hurry, looks like we have to move now" Demetri said Theo took out his phone and called. "Alright how much do we have now?" Demetri said "We have about fifty and from the scouts the house is guarded twenty men" Rafael said "Okay, split it 25. Theo your with me Rafael you take the second team, give the address to the other three family will do the Moretti and Mancini family and leave the woman and children get them to a safe place and new identity if they want and some clean money" Demetri said The men nodded their heads the sun was high in the sky, as they began to travel to the homes of the two family, Demetri and the men were putting on vest and checking their weapons. "The other's made it, ran a few red lights but made it" Theo said "Put me their the com" Demetri said Theo nodded his head and click at the computer and then nodded to Demetri. "All right everybody listen take them all out leave the woman and children if they want to leave take them to the Airport, Five is there with new identity for them and some money, half will take the woman and children while the other do a clean sweep make sure you get them all. You all have their pictures remember quick and fast we have a window of thirty minutes before their back ups come some come from the side some from the back as well some from the front. Got it" Demetri said "Yes Sir" the men said Demetri and his men parked a few mile and half from the Moretti family home. "Everybody in position?" Demetri said "Ready" They all said "Move forward" Demetri said They moved forward towards the mansion, they dock down as they saw men. "Take them out use silencers" Demetri whispered out A few moments later the five bodies fell to the floor. "Go" Demetri said They went closer to the mansion wall. "Looks like a good yard to the door" Theo said "Side team you any closer" Demetri said "We are close to the home we can go in from the windows" his men said "Take it, everybody move, move" Demetri said Gun shoots were heard in the home as Demetri and his men were moving from the front a few men came out of the house and they began firing towards Demetri and them. "Take cover" Demetri yelled Demetri went behind a statue that was in the front yard as the rest laid down, once they finished their round Demetri went out to start shooting. "Go, go" Demetri yelled A few moments later they made it into the mansion. "Sir they barricade themselves upstairs" one of his men said  "Any woman and child?" Demetri said "We got a baby and a mother" one of his men said "Alright sit tight and get those doors open, the rest of you sweep this floor. Theo let's go" Demetri said They made their way upstairs, one of his men crawled towards them. "Sir, the wife says there's an escape door in their" on of his men said "Okay on my mark start shooting towards the door. 3....2....1" Demetri said They all started shooting towards the double doors, Demetri took a garnered from his side and threw it towards the open hole of the door. "Down" Demetri yelled They all got down, the door exploded, Demetri stood up waving the smoke out of his way. "Move" Demetri said They went towards the office, Herberto and his father were laying on the floor, Demetri shot them in the head. "Look for the escape door" Demetri said They started looking around. "Here" Theo said Theo was pushing the book case, the men help him. The book case open there was a long hallway, Demetri moved forward. "Stay behind me and sweep this floor, get all the information from the woman and take them to the airport" Demetri said One of his men nodded and left, Demetri and the rest moved forward into the hallway, they saw doors along the way. "What's that smell" Theo said "Death. Check the cells, Theo let's go" Demetri said They moved forward soon they came to a brown door, Demetri looked at Theo and nodded his head he pulled it open and Theo went forward. "Clear" He said Demetri looked in the room, was a torture room there was all different kind of whips, and equipment some of them still dripping of blood, they were busy looking around they didn't see a girl tie up until she moan out. "Demetri" Theo said Demetri went towards the girl. "Hey, hey wake up" Demetri said The girl moan out again, Demetri began to untie her and she leaned forward her back was bloody, he finally got her out of the chair and laid her down, she looked at him. "Your safe" Demetri said "Safe" she whispered out "Yes, safe" Demetri said The girl gave a small smile, then she closed her eyes. "Hey" Demetri said "She's gone, Demetri" Theo said Demetri sigh out and laid her down cover her body with his jacked. "I found another door" Theo said Demetri went forward with Theo. "Looks like they are wounded" Theo said Demetri looked down and saw the blood trail. "They couldn't have gone far" Demetri said They began running, by the time they made it to another door they heard a car sound, they ran out and started shooting at the car but it speed away Demetri cursed out, he called the men on there status. 
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