


Demetri Russo he loved his the way it was going, ladies he wanted every night and he loved the Mafia business but he always wanted it to go legit bring it to the modern times. He's been in the states for awhile now trying to expand his work, but one night with her, his life is not his anymore he want's to give her the world but all to be gone when he finds out the truth about her. With a messy head he goes home and causes more of a mess before he finally starts to wake up and the life he's gotten into he has to clean it up.


This is Demetri's story after that night with Abigail and of the five dangerous family.

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"Bro come on! The club is crazy, put that work down and let's have some fun" Petrov said "If we want this deal has be finish tonight" Demetri said "Yeah, yeah but hot babes in short dress or paper work" Petrov said Demetri sigh out and place the papers in the drawer as he stood up. "Yes, VIP room is ready" Petrov said Demetri went out with Petrov, the faint music from downstairs as they went into their VIP room, glass window as it showed the crowd of people downstairs, Demetri went straight towards the bar made himself a drink and sat down. "We need some ladies in here" Petrov said "I can look for some" Javier said "Hold up, let me see first" Petrov said Petrov went towards the window. "Aren't you going to pick?" Javier said "Give me a few" Demetri said He got up from his seat and grab another drink for himself and stood there as he down the drink, and pour himself another. "Brother you seriously want me to choose for you or will you do it?" Petrov said Demetri smirk down the drink and refilled it as he walked towards his brother as he looked around, some old women as usual. "Should we get our own from New York to come?" Petrov said Demetri looked, he finally saw a girl in a red dress she was at the bar doing a shots with her friend soon she went towards the dance floor, he watched as her body was moving with the rhythm of the beat. "Woah, I found my lady" Petrov said  Demetri looked at him as he pointed to a girl in a black dress, it was the girl that was with the girl in the red dress, Demetri looked back at the girl that was dancing on the floor some Latino music was playin and her hips was moving. Until her friend came back up to her with two more shots that she took. "Looks like she has a friend a hot one" Petrov said "Javier" Demetri said "Yeah" Javier said Demetri pointed to the girl, Javier nodded his head and went out the room. Demetri watched as Javier went towards them but his phone rang. "Who is it?" Petrov said "Grandpa" Demetri said They both went back to Demetri's office as he and answered the call. "How is the business their" Amato said "Almost finish just one more deal" Demetri said "Papa any news of momma?" Petrov said "Still the same, just finish work you guys been their long enough" Amato said "Okay, we should finish in two weeks" Demetri said "Okay" Amato said Demetri hung up the phone as they both went out the office and walk towards the VIP room where they saw Javier. "Boss the girl and her friend are inside" Javier said Demetri nodded his head, Javier open the door and once they were inside Demetri saw the girl dancing on the pole that was in middle of the room and her friend was at the bar. "Gloria these are my friends, guys this is Gloria and the lady dancing is Abby" Javier said Demetri saw the girl come down the pole giggling as she came up to her friend. "This is so much fun! Letting lose from all the work and study!" Abby said Demetri couldn't stop looking at her. "Sorry she works and goes to college, she never has time for herself" Gloria said Demetri kept looking at her and finally she was looking at him, he can see that she was blushing and smiling at him, her smile was bright she looked beautiful her hazel eyes was hypnotizing him so she let out a giggle. "I want to dance with him" Abby giggled out Demetri watched her as she was coming up to him, he also saw his brother and Javier going to stop her but he looked at them and they stop. "Let's go to the dance floor" Abby said Demetri let her take his hand as they were walking out, he looked at her back side the dress was backless. He went close and finally hugged her from behind, he took in her scent she smelt good, he felt his little man stand up. "I know a place where we can dance more private" Demetri said  She can feel him shiver under his hug. "Yes" Abby said breathless. Demetri smiled, he like that he was having that effect on her, he turned her around and lifted her over his shoulders and began walking towards his office. "Nice butt" Abby said Demetri felt the slap on his ass, he turn to the side and saw her under butt cheeks and slap it as well, and he heard her letting out a moan. "Do it again" she groan out. Demetri quickly kicked his office door open and kicking it back close before he sild her body against his and slowly letting her down on the table, Demetri looked down at her as she looked back at him, she bit her lips as Demetri let out a groan, he ran his fingers across her soft smooth lips. "What's you name?" Abby said "Demetri" Demetri said "Demetri" Abby said softly Demetri liked the way she said his names, he saw that she reached her hand up and stroke his face, her hand was soft and smooth just like her back as he was running his hand on her back, he saw that she was shy and blushing. "Will you be my first" Abby said shyly Demetri was looked at her shocked, was she talking about being a virgin? Then he remember her friend saying something about always work and school, Demetri was glad that he will be her first. "Yes" Demetri said Demetri laid her down and began slowly kissing her, he can taste the shots that she had earlier, he slowly began undressing her slowly, taking her breast in his mouth as she moaned out his name.

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