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The doctor was stitching up Demetri, when Javier came in, so Demetri waved the the doctor away as he finished up the stitching himself up. "Seems like the five were behind this today, they covered their tracks well" Javier said "Don't tell them, and make an appointment with them like we didn't know anything" Demetri said "It will take a while, they do keep their tracks covered well" Javier said "As long as it takes" Demetri said Javier nodded his head and went out the room, Demetri put the patch on, he looked at the wound and scar's on his right side of his body. "You look like s**t" Petrov said "Make an appointment with a the shop time to cover this up" Demetri said "Woah that's a bit extreme" Petrov said "What's extreme?" Aldo said "Demetri wants a tattoo" Petrov said "Why not, papa has some" Aldo said "Whatever, we got another shipment coming in" Petrov said "You guys stay back, I'll take this one" Demetri said Demetri put his shirt on and grab his coat as he walked out the room by the time he got downstairs he was fixing his tie and putting on his coat, he got in the car. "Mossa" Demetri said (Move) The car left, he looked out the window as it drove. "Demetri" Abby moan out Demetri clench his fist, he can hear her gasp. "Demetri" Abby said "Fanculo" Demetri said (f**k) "Sir?" the driver said Demetri open his eyes, and cleared his throat. "Fermare" Demetri said (Stop) The driver stop the car, Demetri got off his other men pulled the car over as well. It's been a month why can't he get her out of his mind, he needs to stop. "Sir" His men said "Dammi un momento" Demetri said (Give me a moment) He walked the street of Naples, with his men behind him, Demetri saw a shop in front he felt thirsty so he went in but bump into someone. "Mi dispiace di non averti visto" Demetri said (Sorry I didn't see you) "Va tutto bene, sto bene" the soft female voice said (It's alright I'm okay) Demetri looked up from his wet shirt saw a pair of green eyes that was acting so innocent and pure but when when he saw her appearance her face flashed in his mind as he looked at the girl in front of him only she had the appearance nothing else. "Demetri Russo" Demetri said "Sofia Bianchi" Sofia said She smiled at him, Demetri looked at her smile it wasn't as bright as hers but it did look like her when she smiled so he gave her a small smile. "I would like to buy you another cup" Demetri said "Okay" Sofia said Demetri went to the counter and ordered himself a cup of coffee and got her a ice vanilla coffee. "So Sofia what are you doing in Italy" Demetri said "I am a model, were here for a shoot" Sofia said "What kind of shoot?" Demetri said "A swimsuit shoot" Sofia said "Oh, you using all the beaches in Italy?" Demetri said "Yes, our next stop is Lake Garda before it get's cold" Sofia said Demetri and her spoke more until Demetri's men came up to him. "Sir the business" he said "Moment" Demetri said "Are you on your way to work" Sofia said "Yes, I would like your number and see you again" Demetri said "Okay" Sofia said They traded numbers, Demetri bid his farewell leaving her in the coffee shop, he looked her up and saw some of her work, her body wasn't like how hers was but her face resembles hers much that he didn't mind.  "Demetri" Abby giggled out Demetri sigh out, and rub his temples, flashes of her went threw his mind then it stop on the last one she was looking at him with her sad face the way she bite her lip and had some tears in her eyes, Demetri sigh out and open his eyes open there she was in front of him, she reach out her hand and rub his cheeks. "Demetri" Abby said softly "Abby" Demetri said He reach out but grab air instead. "Sir were here" his driver said Demetri cleared his throat, and cleared his throat fixed his tie and got out of the car they were at a different dock on the seaside, he went into the warehouse. "Mr. Russo"  "Mr. Ricci" Demetri said "All the guns are accounted for" Mr. Ricci said Demetri nodded to Javier who went towards the carts and looked at the weapons, inspecting it making sure there was no default with it, Javier looked at Demetri and nodded his head, "Pleasure doing business" Demetri said "Same to you as well" Mr. Ricci said Demetri, waved to his men as they grab the guns and went back out the warehouse. "How much is left from the shot out" Demetri said "Just about five crats left" Javier said "We need about ten more before the deadline" Demetri said "Where can we find ten more carts" Javier said "Get in contact with Ferrari from Lake Garda see if they have at least ten carts in hand" Demetri said "Anything else?" Javier said Demetri waved him off, as he got back in the car soon his phone ping. (We are leaving tomorrow for Lake Garda in the morning) Sofia (Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?) Demetri (Yes) Sofia said (I'll pick you up around seven) Demetri  (Okay) Sofia Demetri went back to his house, he hasn't gone home yet he hated seeing his mother in that state so he stayed away from home, he got back into his apartment check the time was six so he went into the shower. "Demetri" Abby gasp out Demetri change the water to cold, as he stood under it. "Demetri" Abby said softly "f**k!" Demetri said He hit his shower wall, closed his eyes as her naked body was under him, she reached up and rub his cheeks, Demetri groan out and turn the shower off and got out. 
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