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Demetri slowly push himself in, she gasp out so he stop when she hummed out he went in further he can feel her tight walls around his manhood and stop again to let her get use to his size. "Keep going" Abby said Demetri slowly went out and back in he groan out she felt so good, she wrap her legs around his waist. Demetri picked her up she kissed him and he did the same they were up against wall now as Demetri kept going, Abby was moaning out his name, he kept going faster. Demetri felt himself coming closer. "Dem...I'm ahhh" Abby moan out Demetri felt her come and he did the same, he lean against her. His breathing was hard so was hers. Demetri looked back at her, Abby smiled at him and touched his face. Demetri lean forward and kissed her again, he felt himself growing again, Abby moan out as she felt it. "Another round?" Demetri said huskily  "Yes" Abby said Demetri smirk as he carried her to the back room of his office, closing the door behind him. Two hours later, he got out of bed and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower when he came back out he saw her get up from the bed. "You can shower if you want" Demetri said "Okay" Abby said to him and smiled Demetri walked to her and kissed her. "I have to shower" she said "Go" Demetri said Abby walked towards the bathroom, Demetri watched her and couldn't help but smile to himself as he got a new set of clothes and walked out back to his office and picked up his clothes and hers putting her clothes on the bed, Demetri then went back out and grab his shirt from the table. And started putting it on, buttoning it up when the doors open and Petrov walked in. "There in high school Dem" Petrov said "What?" Demetri growled out Demetri saw the girl looked behind him he turn and saw her standing there, he walked up to her. "How old are you?" Demetri said Please be older. Demetri thought to himself Please. She wasn't saying anything he can see the worried look on her face. "Answer me!" Demetri yelled Demetri saw her flinch, that hurt him. "16" she whispered Demetri grip on her lose, he heard his brother curse. Demetri let go of her and looked down. "Get out" Demetri said "I..." Abby was about to say "Get the f**k out" Demetri yelled Demetri saw her leave, leave out of his life. Demetri punch the table and went to bar, took about three glasses. "Get the jet ready were leaving" Demetri said "The deal" Petrov said "Get the f*****g jet ready" Demetri yelled Petrov looked at his brother and took his phone out and spoke in Italian, Demetri took a few more drinks grab his coat, as they walked out the club towards a car that was waiting for them, he got in. "Aeroporto" Demetri said (Airport) "Demetri the deal" Petrov said "Stay and deal with it, I'm going home" Demetri said Petrov nodded his head, they arrived at the airport and Demetri went straight inside the jet, he grab a drink and sat down, as the jet started to take off he was looking out to the city light's taking a sip of his drink. -Time Skip- Demetri was putting his clothes on. "Mmm, un altro round" the lady in bed said (one more round) "Prendi la tua merda e vattene" Demetri said (Get your s**t and get the f**k out) "Stronza" the lady said (Asshole) Demetri, put his jacket on. He thought of her again so he had to find his release, Petrov and Javier came into his room. "We are ready" Petrov said "The shipment in place" Demetri said Demetri was doing his tie, when the woman came out and scoff at him then left, Petrov and Javier looked at each other then Demetri. "All the guns are accounted for" Petrov said "Where's Aldo" Demetri said "Downstairs waiting" Petrov said "Let's get this over with" Demetri said Demetri went towards the door as the two followed him, they went down stairs towards the car as they got in. "No mistakes" Demetri said "When have we ever made a mistake?" Petrov said Demetri looked at him and Javier. "It's not our fault I told you to leave until after the deal" Petrov said, "Yes, and I had to invite them over and clean up the mess" Demetri said "But we go the deal in the end" Petrov said "Yeah no thanks to me" Demetri said "What's the plan for today" Javier said "Simple make sure they agree to our demands and price" Demetri said -Time Skip- Gun fire was all around the place. "So much for simple!" Petrov yelled "Oh shut it!" Demetri yelled at him "Why did you have to sleep with their sister!" Aldo said "Shut up and keep firing!" Demetri yelled "Why couldn't you just marry her!" Petrov said "Shut up and shoot!" Demetri yelled Petrov and Aldo rolled their eyes and started shooting at the other men, they were behind big crats, Demetri went towards Javier. "Have some of them come from the back door" Demetri said Javier nodded his head, and moved towards the other men as Demetri and his brothers were shooting, half of his men went out the warehouse towards the back entrance. "Demetri, I'm low" Petrov yelled Demetri checked his waist and found two clips he threw on towards Petrov and reloaded his gun. "Let's move to the next carts" Demetri said Aldo and Petrov nodded there heads, Demetri shoot out first as Aldo and Petrov moved to the next cart then they began shooting as Demetri went forward but got shot in the shoulder. "Demetri!" Aldo yelled "I'm fine" Demetri said Demetri got back up, and started shooting again, a few moments later Javier and the rest of the men came from the back entrance and started taking the other men out. 
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