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Demetri and Javier were at Lake Garda getting the last ten carts from Mr. Ferrari it was quick and clean since they did deals in the past before, Demetri bought weapons and traded them with clean money he found a supplier a few years back. He always wanted to go clean with his business the only problem was that in order to do that he had to make deals with those mafia like to play dirty always wanting more money and supplies. "You know it's wrong, you dating her" Javier said "Tell me that when you have a woman stuck in your mind 24/7" Demetri said "Once, it'll get better with time" Javier said "Until then this is my release" Demetri said Javier sigh out and lean back as they drove away from the warehouse, when Demetri's phone ping. (What you doing?) Sofia (I'm in Lake Garda for work) Demetri (Really?) Sofia (Yes, dinner?) Demetri (Yes, almost done with my shoot) Sofia (Tell me where, I'll come and get you) Demetri (South side of Lake Garda) Sofia Demetri told his driver to go towards the south side of Lake Garda, Javier just looked him then shook his head, they went to Lake. Demetri got down from his car as he looked out to the shoot and saw Sofia as she was working, looking at her serious face he wondered if that's how she would look, Sofia saw Demetri she smiled and waved to him. Demetri gave a small smile back to her, Javier went up to him. "The shipment's are on it's way back home" Javier said "Get in contact with the business men tell them we have the supplies and want Fifty mil" Demetri said "What if they want some more?" Javier said "Then call me" Demetri said "Okay" Javier said Javier saw Sofia coming so he left, "Hey" Sofia said "You finished" Demetri said "Yeah, were done." Sofia said "You don't need to change" Demetri said "Yeah we can go back to my hotel and I can change" Sofia said Demetri nodded his head and open the car door for her, as they got inside Sofia told Demetri her hotel and gave it to the driver. Sofia was telling Demetri where her next shoot would be at they were doing Italian tour then they would go to London after that. "You can wait here" Sofia said Demetri nodded his head, looked around the hotel room was nice seemed like they took care of the model's, Demetri sat of the sofa as he waited for her. Sofia came out of the room from the room with only her robe and undergarments, Demetri saw her walking towards her, she came and straddle him. Sofia then ran her hands on his face, Demetri looked at her but he was imagining Abby, Sofia was leaning in for a kiss when his phone rang and Demetri snap out and saw green eyes looking at him. "Excuse me" Demetri said Sofia sat off to the side as Demetri got up from the sofa and answered the call. "Yeah" Demetri said "They want a quick met up, like in a few hours same place" Javier said "Got it, bring the car around" Demetri said Demetri hung up the phone and looked at Sofia on the sofa. "Work, have to reschedule the dinner" Demetri said "Okay, I'll text you" Sofia said "See you" Demetri said Demetri kissed her cheeks, and went out of the hotel. Sofia sigh out, she didn't even turn him on she felt nothing when she was sitting on his lap. Demetri, thought of Abby again as they were in the Jet. "Dem....I'm....Ahhhhh" Abby said Demetri rub his temples again, he can hear the echo's of her moan's in his mind, Demetri sigh as he looked up but saw Abby looking down at him smiling then a gasp. "Demetri" Javier said Demetri kept looking at her face as she was moving on top of him. "Demetri!" Javier yelled Demetri snap out and looked at Javier. "Were here" Javier said Demetri nodded his head, unbuckle his seat belt and fixed himself as he got off the jet and into the car that was waiting for him. "Are they there" Demetri said "Not yet, but the shipment are there" Javier said "And security?" Demetri said "Everything is tight, the camera's are off" Javier said "Where are the twins?" Demetri said "They are doing a clean up now and they will leave" Javier said "Good, tell them they are on stand by incase they want some more" Demetri said "Anything else" Demetri said "Yes, send Sofia a gift. And contact her employer make sure she's getting the best deals" Demetri said "Yes" Javier said The car stop and Demetri got off made his way to the inside the warehouse, he looked in each crat making sure that all the guns and explosive that he had gotten were the right one and there was no default in them. "Demetri there here" Javier said Demetri, waited for the guys in suits, they never gave him names just numbers that they referred themselves too but Demetri already got their names and information about them but they didn't need to know about that so he just stayed with sticking to the numbers. "Mr. Russo we met again"  "Five, why is that you always say that when we do deals, what is this only been three weeks since we last seen each other?" Demetri said "What can I say, I just miss you" Five said "Everything you wanted" Demetri said Five went up to investigate the supplies, as he looked at them and checked everyone of them. Demetri could tell him but he knows they will still check it you'll be fool to believe the people you are dealing with some might be fake. "All good, great. Now here is the list of what I want next. And the money" Five said Demetri nodded to Javier who went up the suitcase and looked into them he then nodded to Demetri. "Until next time" Demetri said Javier and another man grab the suitcase as they followed Demetri out of the warehouse. 
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