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It was now the middle of February and Demetri was working with the five families for four and half months they still haven't found out why the Romano family wasn't part of it or why his men would include them if they weren't there. His plan was going smoothly, he hasn't heard from Theo and Rafael yet last contact was four months ago they just said they were still looking into one of the family. "Any news yet?" Javier said "No nothing" Demetri said "Do you think they got caught?" Javier said "If they did, the families would made their move" Demetri said "When are you going to make your move?" Javier said "Soon, you'll know when we their" Demetri said "What about the twins?" Javier said "They are doing good, they would be coming back in three weeks." Demetri said "And Angelo?" Javier said "Will be back in another month" Demetri said "How's the-" Javier was saying "Baby" Sofia said Demetri waved Javier away, and looked at his phone as Sofia looked at Javier as they passed by each other she went towards Demetri and sat on his lap. "We need to do our fitting next week and the cake tasting" Sofia said "The fitting?" Demetri said "You forgot again your tux for the wedding and my dress. I pick two dress one for our photos and the other I will actually be wearing" Sofia said "We have to do that?" Demetri said "Yes, the photo well be on the invitations, and we still have to pick a date" Sofia said "Okay well my brothers will all be back in March so we can pick on there" Demetri said "When in March?" Sofia said "The twins will be back the first week and Angelo will be back a week after so I'd say on 27 or 21 we can pick one of those" Demetri said "How about the 27th" Sofia said "Okay, I will mark it down as well as the fitting and we can do the shoot" Demetri said "Great I found the most beautiful place" Sofia said "Hmm, where?" Demetri said "Some place in Calabria, I like the beach there" Sofia said Demetri smiled at her and nodded his head. "What else is on the list?" Demetri said "Flowers shopping today, but I know your busy" Sofia said "No we can go today, I need a break" Demetri said Sofia squealed and smiled. "I'll go get my bag" Sofia said Demetri nodded his head, Sofia gave him a quick kiss and went out of the room. Demetri put all his files away and locked it up and went out the room and found Javier there. "What is it?" Demetri said "Lazaro wants to make another deal" Javier said "And the others?" Demetri said "Not yet" Javier said "Well, tell them will be in Calabria next week. Sofia found a place to do the wedding photos" Demetri said "So tell them yes but wait till next week" Javier said "Yes" Demetri said "Demetri? Is it work?" Sofia said "No darling. Javier can get it done. You ready?" Demetri said Sofia nodded her head, Demetri reached out his hand as she took it. "Get it done" Demetri said to Javier  Javier nodded his head as he watched Sofia and Demetri walk out of the apartment, Demetri hold off on the moving out since Sofia started staying over more often whenever she came back from her modeling gig but she took time off this week and next to do the shoot and get the flowers and decorations for the wedding. "Where will we hold the wedding?" Sofia said "I can reserve a spot at one of the hotel conference hall" Demetri said "Should we do that today? Or another time" Sofia said "We can do it today, how long will it take at the flower shop" Demetri said "Just an hour" Sofia said "You should call them and reschedule it for the end of the day or have them come to a hotel we pick so they will know how many flowers" Demetri said "Your right, let me call them now" Sofia said Demetri told his driver to go to the hotel, the next few hours they were looking at the conference halls. "How many people are we going to invite" Demetri said "I was think a few hundred" Sofia said Demetri nodded his head, as he looked at the hall. "Let's go look at another one" Demetri said They went to another place. "I love this one" Sofia said The hall was white, there was window doors that lead to a garden by the ocean view the space was pretty big enough to fit a lot of people, Demetri turn to the manager of the hotel. "Well take it" Demetri said "Certainly sir for what day" the manager said "The 27th of March" Sofia said "The time?" the manager said "The full day" Demetri said "Okay, I will go do that now" the manager said He nodded to them and went out of the hall, Demetri turned to Sofia she smiled at him. "Call the flower shop and have them come over" Demetri said Sofia smiled and went to make the call, Demetri went out towards the garden, this was the first time he thought of Abby again, he sigh out as he felt someone hug him from behind. "They will be here in a few minutes" Sofia said "Okay" Demetri said He looked out towards the garden, Sofia stood in front of him. "Hey what are you thinking of?" Sofia said "The view it's nice" Demetri lied "It is, just a month to go" Sofia said Demetri looked at the smiling Sofia, soon they heard clicking sound they turn around as saw a woman coming towards them. "You must be Demetri and Sofia the bride and groom. I am Grace the flouriest" Grace said "Hello so we booked this hall, and we wanted to do the flowers first before the decorations to match the flowers" Sofia said The three went back into the hall as they looked around and began talking how many flowers they would need.  
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