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Demetri and Javier walked into the restaurant. "Ciao, tavolo o cabina" the lady said (Hello, table or booth) "Tavolo" Demetri said (Table) The lady nodded her head, and grab two menu's and followed her to the back. "What would you like to drink" the lady said "Your expensive bottle of wine" Demetri said The lady nodded her head and left them. "Here they come" Javier whispered Demetri smirk as he looked at the menu and looked up from the menu when he heard the footsteps all the oldest child of the five family came. "Mr. Russo" they each said "Gentlemen" Demetri said "Fabrizio Conti" Fabrizio said "Alessandro Bruno" Alessandro said "Alfonso De Luca" Alfonso said "Gino Moretti" Gino said "Lazaro Mancini" Lazaro said "Demetri Russo and my cousin Javier Rizzo" Demetri said Javier nodded to them. "What brings you to our town" Lazaro said They all sat down, as the lady came back. "More glasses" Demetri said The lady left the bottle and went back a few moments later she brought back some glasses. "That will be all" Demetri said Demetri pour them all glasses for them, and he took a sip of his wine. "We are looking for new dealers to work with" Demetri said "Oh?" Alessandro said "Been all around Italy" Demetri said "And you think you'll be finding one here?" Lazaro said "Just looking" Demetri said "Why not ask us?" Gino said Demetri and Javier looked at each other, then back at them. "I don't know, if you have what we need" Demetri said "I'm sure we can pull it off" Alfonso said "Why don't you call us, when you want to make a deal" Fabrizio said Fabrizio got up and place his card down then the rest of them. "Enjoy your dinner boys" Lazaro said winking at them Demetri and Javier watched as they walked away. "I didn't see any from the Romano family" Demetri said "I didn't either weren't they suppose to be one of the five?" Javier said "I don't know we have to check it out" Demetri said "So there is six?" Javier said "Yeah but something is fishy people always said five but there's six unless the Romano family isn't part of the five" Demetri said "Do you think we got the wrong information?" Javier said "No, unless Theo and Rafael has something on it that we don't know, we just have to wait until they come back" Demetri said "Let's just call them back now" Javier said "No, let's wait" Demetri said He waved the waiter over and they ordered their food. "Why not go to a club" Demetri said "You feeling lucky tonight?" Javier said "Nope, to scout out" Demetri said Javier nodded his head, Demetri paid for the food and they went out of the restaurant. "We should get some change of clothes and check into a hotel" Javier said Demetri nodded his head as they got into the car, told the driver to go to the hotel, their they got the VIP suite asked them to bring them clothes, Demetri went in the shower. -Time Skip- "I asked for the VIP section" Javier said Demetri nodded his head as they made there way upstairs, as they were going to their room they saw one of the Mancini brothers coming out a door, Lazaro saw them in the hallway. "Demetri! Javier!" he yelled Demetri and Javier stop and looked towards the door where one of the Mancini was holding the doors, Lazaro waved at them, so they moved towards the room inside of course were the family family but this time all the brothers were there with ladies beside them. "Guys this is Demetri Russo, and his cousin Javier Rizzo. Guys this my younger brother Leone, Luigi" Lazaro said "This is my brother Brio" Alessandro said "These are my brothers Herberto and Italo" Gino said "My other Three brothers will be joining us later" Lazaro said Demetri and Javier notice nobody from the Romano family came, Demetri and Javier nodded his head at them. "What you doing just standing come sit down" Lazaro said Demetri and Javier sat down, Alessandro snap his fingers two girls were going towards him and Demetri waved his hand. "You have to excuse my cousin, he likes to pick his own woman" Javier said Alessandro raised his brows. "What none of the ladies here you like?" Gino said "Not my taste" Demetri said "Well we can bring in more if you like" Alfonso said "No need" Demetri said "Or would you prefer your fiancée. Pretty little thing you got there" Gino said "Hmm" Demetri said "Have you decided on what we said earlier" Fabrizio said  Demetri looked around at the woman that were there, Fabrizio saw it and whistle out. "Fuori tutti" Fabrizio said (Out everybody) The ladies stood up and went out of the VIP room, Demetri watched how they obey them, they must have been trained. Demetri took a sip of his drink and lean back and then looked at Javier who open his jacket pocket and took out piece of paper and put it on the table and slid it towards them and then lean back again. Demetri held his drink as he watched Fabrizio open the paper and read it and passed it to Alessandro, they passed it around before placing it on the table again. "We got what you need, only thing is how long do you want the contracts" Alfonso said "We'd have to look at the supplies first" Javier said "Sure, sure" Gino said "Will talk more in the morning" Demetri said Demetri stood up and Javier followed, as they made their way towards the door. "Oh, and Demetri coagulations on your marriage" Alessandro said Demetri kept walking to the door, and went out the door towards the stairs and went to the bar as they grab a drink, Demetri knew that Javier wanted to let loose to he let him but he told him to get a woman from the dance floor not one that they offered.
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