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Five months went by they were still in Russia looking for Gino Moretti and Italo Moretti, at the same time Demetri would do deals and send them back to Naples and let the twins sell them off to five and get the clean money. That was the only time they would talk over the phone with his brothers is about the deals and how much to ask for, he hasn't talk to Angelo yet as well. "Any thing yet?" Demetri said "None yet, we might have to try another city if you like" Rafael said "What about the others?" Demetri said "None" Theo said "We need..." Demetri said but his phone rang. He looked at his phone it was home, he place his phone to his ears and went to the next room. "Hello" Demetri said "Demetri" a soft quiet voice said Demetri froze for a bit. "Momma" Demetri said "Mmhmm" Valentina said "What? How you doing?" Demetri said he was speechless "Well you come home?" Valentina said "Yeah, I'll come home, I'll go to the airport now" Demetri said "Okay. I love you" Valentina said "I love you too momma" Demetri said "I'll see you" Valentina said "I'll see you soon" Demetri said The phone was hung up, Demetri wipe his tear that came down, it had been years since he heard his mother's voice, he put the phone away and went to grab his bag. "Demetri, we got a hit" Theo said Demetri stop packing he hesitated and began packing again. "Go, I need to go back home" Demetri said "You sure? What if..." Theo was saying but Demetri cut him off. "That was my mom, she wants me home. You guys can handle it" Demetri said Theo was shocked he had been working for Demetri for quite some times now and Rafael was longer he only knew that their mother shut down after her failed miscarriage he heard that she locked herself in the room. "Okay we can handle it, I'll tell them to get the jet ready and the car" Theo said "Thanks Theo. My mom asked me to come home" Demetri said smiling Theo saw the smile, it was the first time seeing him smile again. "Go home Demetri go see your momma" Theo said Demetri nodded his head, Theo went out the room and saw Rafael there. "Well?" Rafael said "Mrs. Russo called told him to come home" Theo said "She called him?" Rafael said happy Rafael knew Demetri since they were teens and he knew of Valentina, she was always nice to him and the guys. "Yeah, I have to call the jet and car for him. He said we can handle this on our own" Theo said "Alright call quick and well go" Rafael said Theo nodded his head and took his phone out, an hour later Demetri came out the room, with a clean shave and dressed up nicely. "Car is waiting" Theo said "Tell me how it goes once you get back" Demetri said "We will just go" Rafael said Demetri smiled and went out of the room down towards the car that was waiting for him. -Time Skip- It was New Year's eve, Demetri and Valentina were walking the garden like they do since Demetri came back a few weeks ago. "I started watching this bakery show" Valentina said "I haven't watch a movie in a long time" Demetri said "You can sit and watch a show with me one of these days" Valentina said "Which bakery show is it?" Demetri said "Right now it's out in New York, some special there's this teen I like she's new to bakery I think she's going to be an underdog" Valentina said "Oh yeah, what's her name?" Demetri said "I don't know her name but her last name is Torres, she makes these wonderful cakes and cupcakes" Valentina said "Maybe we should invite her one of these days" Demetri teased "Please darling but you should watch it with me tonight although they are a day ahead and well get it tonight" Valentina said "Okay but I did agree to working the grill tonight with Petrov, while Aldo goes and pick up Angelo from the airport" Demetri said "Okay, I'll tell you when she's on" Valentina said "Okay, when does it start?" Demetri said "In an hour" Valentina said Demetri and Valentina walked around the garden for another forty minutes before they went back inside Demetri and Petrov were at the grill working. "Demetri she's on" Valentina said "Take over for a minute" Demetri said to Petrov Demetri went threw the back door past the kitchen and into the living room. "You just missed her, it's comercial"  Valentina said "Just record it for me, I really need to work on the grill" Demetri said "Okay" Valentina said Demetri went back out to the grill and help Petrov by the time they were finished Angelo and Aldo came back from the airport. "Dinner's ready" Demetri called out The family came into the dinning room as they all sat down they did a little prayer as they ate, Demetri talked with his mother and father even there grandpa was there. "Fireworks show is about to start" Angelo said They all went out to the back yard, as they watched the fireworks. "Oh, it's so lovely" Valentina said Antonio smiled and held Valentina, Demetri and the brother all stood behind their parents as they looked at their mother this was the first time they spent New Year's all together again. "I'm glad she's getting better" Angelo said "I know I hope this year goes well for us" Petrov said "Same here" Aldo said "For momma" Demetri said They looked up at the sky as the fireworks were going off around them lighting up the sky in the night, on chilly cold night, the maids passed around drinks as they all toast with each other. "Happy New Year" They all cheered, and toasted their drinks going around the small group of family.
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