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"How is the business going" Antonio said "Hey no business talk" Valentina said Demetri put up his hands, they were at the airport picking up Angelo he was on summer break, Valentina started seeing a therapist and she was recovering well, Demetri hasn't heard any sights of the five families as well. Theo and Rafael missed Gino Moretti but they did killed Italo and since then there was no sighting of the other five family, in spain they were wondering why Fabrizio wasn't there but they found a small cabin under the rug. Seem like he hid in there and after the sweep was done they had to inspected again only to find that cabin under the rug when Theo fell threw it. "There is he is, oh Emma is with him. Angelo" Valentina said "Momma" Angelo called out "oh my baby" Valentina said "Hey Emma" Demetri said "Come on let's get home" Antonio said "I'm fine uncle, my momma is coming" Emma said Antonio nodded his head and Valentina gave her a hug. Demetri saw the look between Emma and Angelo as she walked away, Demetri nudge him. "What's up with you too?" Demetri said "Nothing how you doing?" Angelo said "Good" Demetri said They drove home, Demetri was on the phone with five they wanted another shipment so once they got back Demetri went straight to his office. "How many do you need?" Demetri said "How many do you have?" Five said "Well we have about ten carts from Spain and fifteen from Russia still, if you want to take a look at it" Demetri said "How much" Five said "I would say five mill, for each cart" Demetri said "Five, that's why too much" Five said "Well, you can take it or leave it and let it just sit there till I find another clean money" Demetri said "Alright fine same place, and I'll take a look" Five said "Alright" Demetri said Demetri looked up and saw his father come in as he hugh up the phone. "What can I help you with" Demetri said "Business" Antonio said "That was five getting more clean money, almost enough to start taking over hotel building in Italy" Demetri said "How long?" Antonio said "Another three or four months and that will be the first stage next will be restaurants then company's by next year" Demetri said "Good, take Angelo along let him know the ropes. Your mother and I will be taking a cruise, she wants to go to the states and find that baker girl" Antonio said "Okay, Angelo good with this?" Demetri said "He has to be" Antonio said "What if he wants to do something else" Demetri said "It's a family business" Antonio said "Which I am trying to change" Demetri said "Just take him." Antonio said "You just don't want him to come between you and mom" Demetri said "Of course I got my wife back and I want her to myself. When your married you'll know" Antonio said "Whatever, I have to get ready to leave" Demetri said Antonio nodded his head, and went out the room a few moments later Angelo came in. "Did you tell dad your going to take me?" Angelo said "No, I told him. That you might not want to do this and let you do something you want to do but he gave that family speech and also something about him wanting it to be only him and his wife this summer" Demetri said "Unbelievable, when are we leaving" Angelo said "In a few minutes, you don't have to come if you don't want too" Demetri said "And have dad ring my neck" Angelo said "Okay better hurry up" Demetri said Angelo sigh out and went out of the office, Demetri grab his coat and gun and put it on his waist belt and went out the room where she saw his mother. "Where you going?" Valentina said "Work, trying to hurry what I promise" Demetri said "What promise?" Valentina said "Right, I promised you a year ago that I will make our family business legit and we are about three or four months away from that" Demetri said "Really darling" Valentina said happy "Yes so I have to go, gonna take Angelo with me incase I need help since he's fresh in learning the business" Demetri said "You promise no shooting?" Valentina said worried "I promise momma, I would never put any of my brothers in danger" Demetri said "Okay, your father just told me about a cruise. I wanted to tell you since you won't be here when you come back" Valentina said "Okay momma, have a safe trip keep calling me" Demetri said "Okay, bye baby" Valentina said "Bye momma" Demetri said Demetri gave his mother a hug and kiss as he went downstairs where Angelo was waiting for him. "Finally" Angelo said "Sorry momma was wanted to know where we were going" Demetri said "Yeah, come on faster we do this the faster I can chill" Angelo said "Sorry pal going to be a long summer for you. Dad wants you to know all about the business" Demetri said "Ugh! I should've just did summer session" Angelo said Demetri chuckled, as they got into the car and they drove to the airport where the jet was waiting for them. "Where is this place?" Angelo said "It's a secret place where I met the people that turn our money clean so we can use the clean money to invest" Demetri said "What you going to invest it in?" Angelo said "In three or four months I will start, although we have enough money now but I want to actually buy the place first" Demetri said "Why not invest in the shops that are going out of business back home?" Angelo said "For one, people won't go to those shops if they are going out of business" Demetri said Angelo nodded his head in understanding, they got to the jet as they got on board and left for the secret place.    
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