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"Where is he now?" Angelo said "I don't know Russia?" Petrov said "It's been what six months since the m******e of the families?" Aldo said "Yeah, now he's going around killing people" Angelo said "How many family has he wiped out since then?" Petrov said "About three, mostly in Russia and Spain" Angelo said "Jesus, when do you think he'll come back?" Aldo said "Who knows, every since he caught Sofia in bed with Javier he's been going insane"  Angelo said The brother's kept talking Demetri stood by the hallway as he listen to them, he's not insane he's just getting rid of the people that are helping the family of the five every time he get's there they always end up getting away. So, he's been spending the last six months taking out those family members, Demetri stop listening and went towards his mothers room he knocked on the door his father answered and looked at him, his father knew about the killings as well, his father moved to the side and let him in. Demetri went towards his mother she smiled as she saw him. "Hey momma" Demetri said Valentina smiled at him as she creased his face. "Sorry haven't stop by in awhile, busy with trying to make our business legal so all your son's well be safe and nothing bad will happen again" Demetri said Valentina frown at him. "I'm almost there, had a set back but will get there soon, so you have to be okay, okay?" Demetri said Valentina creased his cheeks again. "I have to go now, I will see you again. Take care of yourself okay" Demetri said He kissed Valentina on the forehead, and went out of the room his father was standing there. "How long will you be gone this time" Antonio said "Just a couple of months" Demetri said "At least take your brothers you might need help" Antonio said "I have it handle" Demetri said "Forget it father, he doesn't trust anybody" Petrov said Demetri saw his three brothers and looked at his father. "I'll be back" Demetri said Demetri walked pass his brothers and out of the mansion as the car speed away, his phone rang out. "Hello" Demetri said "Ah, Demetri it's Giovanni Ferrari" Giovanni said "If you need help call the twins" Demetri said "Okay, are you busy" Giovanni said "Yes, very much. I won't be free until next year and half" Demetri said "Okay, nice talking to you Demetri" Giovanni said Demetri hung up the phone, and looked at Theo and Rafael. "Go on" Demetri said "There was a sighting in Spain, and we are still looking for the hid outs" Rafael said "There was also one in Russia again" Theo said "Okay Theo you go to Russia with Rafael and I will go to Spain, do you know where the location was?" Demetri said  "Some where in Malaga" Rafael said "Where you guys heading too?" Demetri said "The other is somewhere in Volga" Theo said "Okay, I will see in Spain and met up with you" Demetri said They got to the airport two jets were waiting for them, Demetri went in one and told them the location so he left first then after they were in the air Theo and Rafael left to there desolation as well, by the next morning Demetri arrived at Spain, one of his men was already waiting for him with a car. "Inform me in" Demetri said "The family helping is called Rodriguez they live near the shore, no woman or children yet wife died last year" his men said "Do we have maps of the home?" Demetri said "Yes, they have an escape routine the men are watching it" his men said "Which one is here?" Demetri said "Alfonso De Luca" his men said "What about the one in Russia" Demetri said "Fabrizio Conti" his men said "s**t no lets strike now, we have to get to Russia" Demetri said Demetri got into the ride, they drove towards the shore where the Rodriguez lived, looked around. "How many?" Demetri said "About a hundred" his men said "How many men we have here?" Demetri asked "Fifty" he said "Alright send them in from the back, first and when they are distracted from there well go in from the front" Demetri said "Copy that" his men said They stop the car, Demetri got down and put his vest on checking his guns, they went closer to the home and waited until they could hear shots fired about thirty more minutes later they finally hear the guns going off near the home. The men on the wall started moving towards the house. "Let's go" Demetri said They went towards the house, as more men kept going inside, they were getting closer when a big expulsion went off  Demetri and his men flew back, Demetri's ears were ringing as he open his eyes he saw people burning coming out of the mansion. "Sir you okay?" his men said It sounded like muffling, Demetri nodded his head. "Yeah! What happened!" Demetri yelled "C4 was used the path way was blocked, other team is moving back out" His men said "Let's do a quick sweep" Demetri said Demetri stood up as they went into the home, there was still smoke so they had to put on their mask as they walked around looking at each body. "He's not here sir" his men said "f**k! Get back to the car's" Demetri said They went out of the mansion and back to the car. "Get the men together and head to Russia" Demetri said His men nodded his head as Demetri got into the car and drove back to the jet once there he told the pilot where to go as he sat down taking off his vest once they were in the air he went to the back where the small bed room was at. Demetri took out a fresh clothes and went to the small bathroom and got in the shower as the black smoke and dirt wash off of his body, before going out and putting on some clean clothes as he got himself a drink and sat down.
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