Chapter Nine

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Renesmee's P.O.V. The following day, my eyes were swollen. In a nightmare last night, Jacob and I ended our engagement and moved on. We never got married or had kids. Jacob broke the bond and moved on to a new lifelong companion. It was so depressing that it made me cry the whole night. I woke up and noticed Sophia sleeping. Then I checked my engagement finger and saw the ring wasn't there, but it was still in my bag. It feels wrong not to wear the ring when I'm engaged. I understand why he was so mad. I woke up and realized I had school, so I went to the bathroom to shower. I got naked and hopped into the shower. Once I got in, I cleaned my hair and body, then hopped out to dry off. I left the bathroom. I saw Sophia had left the bedroom. So, I dropped my towel to my knees. I picked up a light blue bra and underwear and put them on. I went to my closet to find an outfit. Since it was colder, I opted for a grayish-pink sweater, skinny jeans, and slim boots. Then I grabbed this pinkish-blue and red scarf. Then I went back to the bathroom. I blow-dried my hair, threw it up in a bun, and slapped on my gold earrings. Then I slapped on some makeup. I had to do my makeup, including eyeliner, mascara, foundation, and lip gloss. Then I checked myself out and saw how tired I still looked. I sighed and exited the bathroom, grabbing my backpack, phone, and keys as I left my bedroom. As I walked down the hall and reached the kitchen, I saw Sophia and my mom hanging out. Mom and Sophia heard me come in and turned toward me. "Hey, Renesmee. How are you feeling?" Mom asked. "Fine, I guess. I had a restless night because of a troubling dream," I responded. "What was it about?" "I don't want to talk about it." "Wait, was it about you and Jacob?" Sophia asked. "Yeah, but I don't want to discuss it," I responded. "Alright." I grabbed some food and left. I jumped in my car, started it, and drove out of the driveway. Then I headed to school. When I got to school, I parked and hopped out. Walking to school, I noticed people staring at me again, and I rolled my eyes. Don't they have anything else to do instead of staring at me and minding their business? I made my way to my locker. Upon arrival, Chloe was absent. I opened my locker, put my bag in, and grabbed my Spanish binder. I closed the locker, and Isaac appeared, leaning on it and frightening me. I gasped. "s**t, you scared me." I said. "Oh, I'm sorry. I came to see if you're alright. I noticed you from down the hall, and you didn't look like yourself. Are you okay?" Isaac asked. "No, not really." "What's wrong? Chloe told me you and Jacob are not doing well. She wouldn't tell me why, though." "Well, Jacob and I fought." "Over what?" Chloe interrupted me when she came over to hug me. "Renesmee, I'm so sorry about you and Jacob. I hope you guys can work things out," she said. "Thanks, but that's going to happen soon," I said. "I still can't believe he wants to break it off." "Wait, Jacob wants to break what off?" Isaac asked. Chloe looked at me with curiosity. "You haven't told him yet?" she asked. "No," I responded. "So, what is it?" Isaac asked. "Oh, hum, mine and Jacob's engagement might be over. Jacob doesn't want to marry me now." "What? You guys are perfect for each other," Isaac said. I looked at Isaac with curiosity. "What? It's true. Ever since we moved on and seeing you guys broke up, I see how much happier you are with him. He's a good person, now that I've gotten to know him. He's good for you." "Aww, thanks, Isaac," I said. "No problem." I hugged Isaac, and Isaac hugged me back. Isaac then pulled away. "So, what are you going to do?" he asked. "I don't know. I have yet to talk to Jacob this morning. He wants to see me right now," I responded. "Obviously. You broke Jacob's heart because you wouldn't wear your ring. If you didn't create this stupid lie, you and Jacob would still get married." Chloe said. I glared at her. "Thanks, Chloe. You make me seem like a horrible person now," I said. "Sorry, but it's true. I may be your best friend, but I'm on Jacob's side. It would be best to not care what people think of you. I get people are making fun of you, but you should ignore them. Besides, they are jealous because you are marrying a hunk of a man," Chloe said. I nodded. "You're right," I said. "Yeah, she's right. You should stop caring about people's thoughts and ignore them," Isaac said. I nodded again. "I'll think about it. We should get to class. See you later, Isaac." I said. Chloe and I went to class, walked in, and sat down. Sitting down, I thought about what Chloe and Isaac had said. I understand they want me not to care what people think. But, if I did that, they'd talk smack about me and spread rumors. I prefer to avoid that experience. The teacher came in, and the class started when the bell rang. The teacher gave us our exams since it was exam day and my last day in this class. Then we grabbed a pencil and started the test. Twenty minutes later, I finished and walked to the teacher to submit my test. I returned to my desk and grabbed my phone to check if Jacob had texted me. There were none, so I frowned and texted Jacob. Hey. I know you're not talking to me, but can we talk? I felt bad. I shouldn't care what people think of us. But you don't know what it feels like when classmates pick on you and call you a slut in school. I'm okay outside of school, but in school, I don't want people to know. If you never want to talk to me again, it's okay, but please hear me out. I miss you and want to see you. Please text me. I love you. I sent the message and turned off my phone. Chloe returned to her seat after giving the teacher her exam. She looked at me with curiosity as I put my phone away. "Who were you texting?" she whispered. "Jacob," I responded. Chloe gave me a surprised expression. "Really? What did you say?" she asked. I took out my phone, unlocked it, and let her check out what I wrote. She grabbed the phone and read it. Once Chloe finished, she returned it to me, and I put it away. "Renesmee, he might reply. But give him some time. He could be busy now, especially with pack stuff," Chloe said. I nodded. The rest of the class was quiet, and everyone had turned in their papers. After class, we left the classroom and went to our lockers. When I reached my locker, Isaac and Henry were waiting for us. Henry pulled Chloe in and kissed her. I glanced away and opened my locker. Isaac was right by my side. As I got out my stuff for English 4, I noticed Isaac looking at me with a smirk. I looked at him with curiosity. "What?" I asked. "Nothing. Have you talked to him?" Isaac asked. "No, but I did text him, and he hasn't responded yet." "You should go see him after school and talk. You need to work out your problems with him and fix them." "You're right and okay. I'll go see Jacob." We all went to English 4, walked into class, and sat down. Then my phone buzzed in my bag, so I grabbed it. I got a text from Jacob. My eyes went wide. I opened the text and read it. Hey, Nessie. I miss you too. I'm sorry I haven't responded quickly enough. Busy with work and pack stuff. I'm sorry about how I reacted to you. I understand what you said in your text message. I wouldn't want others to treat me that way in school, but I'm unsure if I can be with someone who only values opinions. You know, babe, my co-workers tease me at work, too, but I don't care what they think because I love and want to marry you. You mean everything to me. If you love and want to marry me, others' opinions won't matter. See me after school at the pack house if you're going to talk. I glanced at the message once more and smiled. Jacob wanted to talk. "What are you smiling about?" Chloe asked. "Jacob wants me to come by after to talk in person," I responded. "That's good." "I'm glad he still loves and misses me, even after what I did." "Of course, he still loves you. You are everything to him." I nodded. "So, are you going to see him?" "I think so." "That's good." After finishing the exam, I bounced out of class and went straight to volleyball. Chloe and I headed to the locker room, and when we reached our gym locker, Danielle walked over with Kelsey. I noticed Danielle smiling at me, and I smiled in return. We're cool now, even though I told her to stop talking to me. "Hi," I said. "Hey, how are you?" Danielle asked. "Okay, Jacob and I are in a rough patch right now." "What, what happened?" "In the gym, alone, I can tell you this." Danielle nodded. "Alright," she said. Danielle walked off with Kelsey, and we finished getting changed. We then headed to the gym. Chloe and I arrived at the gym, and Danielle approached me. "So, are you going to tell me?" she asked. "Sure," I responded. I looked at Chloe, and she gave me and Danielle an awkward look. "Well, I'll let you guys talk," Chloe said. Chloe walked over to Hannah and Courtney. "So..." Danielle said. We headed toward the benches to sit where everyone else was. "Well, Jacob and I are struggling," I said. "What...what happened? Tell me it wasn't me who did this?" Danielle asked. "It isn't. It's me hiding the engagement from everyone at school. Jacob saw me not wearing it and asked me why I wasn't wearing it. I told him I didn't want people to mock or judge me, and he got mad. Jacob then wants to cancel the wedding. He didn't mean to say it, though, because Jacob texted me, telling me he still loved me and wanted to marry me. But we still need to talk." "That's terrible. Hum, even though I used to judge you, if I were in your shoes and loved someone, I wouldn't care what people think either." "Really." "Yep." "So, when are you going to see him?" "I don't know yet. I'm going to see Jacob after school. "Well, that's good, and I hope you guys work it out." "Thanks. You know you can be a nice person when you aspire to be." "I know." We laughed, and then she pulled me in for a surprise hug. The coach entered and started the scrimmage. After gym class, we changed clothes, and I grabbed some lunch. Then, I went to the last class of the day, the U.S. Government, which flew by. When school was done, I headed to my car. I hopped in my car, started it, and headed to La Push to see Jacob. Upon reaching the pack house, I parked the car, and as I prepared to leave, a sudden realization struck me. Now that I'm done with school, I must put my ring back on. I grabbed my backpack, unzipped my front pocket, and pulled out my engagement ring. I put it on my engagement finger and admired it. It looked good on my finger. I exited the car and entered the building. I walked in and shut the door. I glanced left and spotted Jacob in his closed-door office. He looked very focused. I approached the door and knocked. Jacob's intense concentration kept his eyes glued to his task, ignoring everything around him. Jacob spoke in his alpha tone, which didn't affect me. "Who is it?" he asked. "It's me," I said in a soft tone. Jacob tensed up. "Come in," Jacob said. I opened the door and walked in. I closed the door and sat in the chair before Jacob's desk. I spoke in a nervous tone. "Hey," Jacob looked up at me and gave me a little smile. He wore a mask of sadness, and the guilt stabbed at my heart. "Hi," Jacob said. A quiver in his voice accompanied every word Jacob spoke. I glanced at him and saw that he was almost done with the paperwork. "How are you?" I asked. "I'm okay, I guess," Jacob responded. "Busy with some stuff." I nodded. Jacob remained silent and focused on the papers. "Hum, if you're too busy, I can return later. It's fine." I said, getting up. Jacob grabbed my wrist. I got those tingles whenever he touched me. I looked at him with a curious expression. "No, it's okay. I'm about done, anyway. You can hang out in the living room while I finish." Jacob said. "Oh, alright," I said. Jacob released my wrist, and I walked out, closing the door. I went to the kitchen to grab a bite. After grabbing something, I sat on a stool and ate at the counter. While doing so, I noticed the front door open and witnessed Embry and Hannah kissing in the kitchen. I raised my eyebrows as Embry pushed her against the counter and picked her up. I remained silent, finding it amusing without understanding why. Embry was going to take off her shirt, but I interrupted with a cough. I didn't want to see them getting it on while I was eating. They pulled away and turned. They looked at me with a smirk. Hannah fixed her shirt, and Embry backed off, feeling embarrassed. "Oh, hey, Renesmee. I didn't know you would be here because, you know," Embry said. "Same," Hannah said. "Yeah, well, take it to the bedroom since I'm eating?" I asked. "Sure." They both said. Embry grabbed Hannah's hand to pull her. But she didn't move and looked at me with worry. Then she spoke to Embry. "Embry, can you give me a minute? I want to talk to Renesmee for a second." "Okay, I'll wait for you," Embry said. "Alright." Embry left, and Hannah approached me. "Are you alright? Have you talked to him?" she asked. "No, not yet. Jacob's in the office working on some stuff," I responded. Hannah nodded. "Well, I hope you guys work it out." She said. "Thanks, Hannah," I said. "You're welcome. Well, I better get going. I don't want to keep Embry waiting." I shook my head in amusement as Hannah headed down the hall to Embry's bedroom. After finishing my food, I put away my dishes and heard footsteps approaching me. I then could feel Jacob's presence near me. "Nessie," Jacob said. I glanced at Jacob and shut off the water. I then leaned against the counter. "Hey," I said. "So you want to talk?" Jacob asked. I nodded, and Jacob motioned me to follow him into the living room. We sat on the couch, and it was silent. "So..." I said. "Nessie, we need to talk about ourselves," Jacob said. "I know, and I'm sorry for hurting you and hiding our engagement." "Nessie..." "No, Jacob. I understand why you're upset with me. If you don't want to marry me now, that's okay. We can break this off, and you can reject me. I deserve it because I shouldn't care what the students think of me and our relationship. After all, it's our relationship. " "Ness!" "Jacob, say you don't want me, and I will give you the ring back right now." "Ness!" I halted my speech and made eye contact with Jacob, noticing his apparent stress. "What?" I asked. Jacob smirked. "You talk too much," he said. I looked down at my hands. "Sorry," I said. "Nessie," Jacob said. "Yeah." "I'm not rejecting you or wanting to cancel the wedding. I was thinking about it, but I love you too much to do that." "But..." "What I said in the text message was true. I'm upset and dislike your secrecy about us at school. It's stupid to me, and it shouldn't matter. People should mind their own business." "I know, and you're right, but you know me. It bothers me so much." I gazed at my hands, fixating on the ring, and Jacob noticed his eyes widening. "You're wearing it?" he asked. "Yeah, it doesn't bother me outside of school, though, because people outside don't care." I responded. Jacob nodded, grabbed my hand, and brushed his finger against the ring. Jacob then formed a smile. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, thinking," Jacob responded. "About what?" "Us." "And..." Jacob sighed. "I can't do this anymore," he said. I looked into his eyes with curiosity. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Us fighting. It hurts me and my wolf to be away from you for so long." "So, what are you saying?" "I'm saying that I forgive you, and I will have to accept that you don't want people to know at school if it bothers you." "Really?" "Does this answer your question?" Jacob asked. Jacob leaned in and kissed me without even waiting for a response. At first, he gives me a gentle kiss, but then he goes deeper, making me moan. I kissed him, hugging him tight and pulling on his hair. He groaned, and I couldn't help but smirk. Jacob put me on the couch, got on top of me, and ran his fingers through his hair while we kissed. Our tongues tangled, and I disregarded the wait. I wanted him, and I knew he wanted me to because I could feel it. I started touching his chest and stomach, and then I grabbed his shirt and pulled it on. Jacob ripped off his shirt and chucked it on the floor. Then he leaned in for another kiss. Jacob's hand sneaked under my shirt. It brushed against my stomach. This gave me the chills. Then Jacob stopped kissing me and took off my shirt. Then he chucked it on the floor. Next, Jacob moved his face to my neck and began sucking on his mark, causing me to arch my back and let out a moan. Jacob grinned and moved from my neck to my breast. He grabbed my breast over my bra and squeezed it. He unclipped it, and I realized we were in the living room, about to do it. "Jacob. We can't." I said. Jacob looked at me with a guilty expression. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry, Nessie. It was my wolf taking over. I shouldn't have let him take control," he said. "No, it's okay. I wasn't thinking either," I said. Jacob nodded and grabbed our shirts off the floor, and we put them back on. Jacob then grabbed my waist and put me on his lap. "You know you're the death of me," Jacob said. "I can never get enough of you." "Same." Jacob smiled at me. He leaned in for another kiss. But we heard footsteps. Quil walked through the front door and saw us on the couch. "Oh, hey, Renesmee," he said. "Hi," I said. "Well, I see you guys have made up?" "Yep," I laid my head on Jacob's chest, and Jacob played with my hair. "Well, that's great. Well, I'll leave you guys alone," Quil said. I waved goodbye and then turned to Jacob, who was grinning and smiling back. Realizing I needed to study for exams, I had to go home. I moved out of Jacob's hold. "Well, I should go. I have to prepare for an exam tomorrow," I said. Jacob nodded, but his hand yanked me back as I tried to escape his embrace. I turned to Jacob with a curious expression. "Don't you forget the goodbye kiss," Jacob said. "Oh yeah, oops," I said, giggling. I leaned in to kiss him, and he kissed me back. After a minute, I broke away and stood up. "Bye," I said. "Bye, babe," Jacob said. I smiled, headed toward the door, opened it, and walked out.
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