Chapter Eight

3512 Words
Renesmee’s P.O.V. Last night’s homework exhausted me. I yawned before getting undressed and washing my hair in the shower. I washed out the shampoo and conditioner from my hair before applying soap to my body. I rinsed it, shut off the water, and left the shower. I stepped out of the shower, dried myself, wrapped a towel around myself, and walked out of the bathroom. When I entered my bedroom, the door opened, and it was Sophia. “Oh, morning, mom. I didn’t want to wake you up because you looked tired. Jacob’s in the kitchen with your mom,” Sophia mentioned. “Oh, okay,” I said. “Okay, well, I’m going to finish getting dressed,” I said. “Okay, I’m going to brush my teeth and head back out there.” “Okay.” Sophia made her way to the bathroom. I visited my closet to choose an outfit. I selected a dark navy blue shirt, a pink polka dot pattern, and skinny jeans. I exited the closet, placed the clothes on the bed, selected a navy blue bra with lace to match the shirt, and wore them. I dropped my towel, walked over to my clothes, put them on, and walked to my dresser to pick out a white pearl necklace. I then returned to the bathroom to blow-dry my hair, and after finishing, I braided it to the side. Once I applied mascara, eyeliner, and foundation, I saw my red and exhausted eyes in the mirror. Staying up late last night must have made me feel tired. I retrieved my shoes from the closet before heading to the kitchen. Walking down the aisle, I could hear Jacob conversing with Mom and Sophia. I went to the kitchen’s other side and, unnoticed, reached the fridge. As soon as I opened the refrigerator, their conversation stopped. They turned their attention towards me. I ignored them as I grabbed a blood bag from the fridge, placed it on the counter, and headed towards the cups to pour. While doing so, I noticed footsteps approaching me. As his arms enveloped me, I recognized Jacob. Jacob pressed his face against my neck and planted a kiss on it. “Baby, are you alright?” Jacob asked. “Yeah, tired,” I responded. Jacob kissed my neck and collarbone. “How long did you stay up?” he asked. “Till almost two,” I responded. “Of course you did.” Jacob pulled away and turned to me to face him. He gazed at me and caressed the bags beneath my eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay? If you want, you can stay the night with me,” Jacob said. “Jacob, I can sleep. I stayed up late working on homework,” I said. “I know, but I bet you would feel better sleeping with me instead.” I gave a nod because I slept better in his arms. Jacob leaned in for a kiss, and I reciprocated. I meant to stop the kiss. But Jacob’s wild desires got the best of him. So, he made it more intense. Yet, I didn’t prevent him. My body was giving me a different message. His tongue contacted my lips, seeking entry into my mouth, but I refused. His hand transitioned from my waist to my buttocks, giving it a firm squeeze, which elicited a moan as we kissed. Jacob kissed me. He reached for my thigh and lifted it. One of my legs was wrapped around his waist, and I wrapped my other one around his waist. Jacob then pushed me against the counter. I forgot people were in the kitchen. I heard a cough while making out. I pulled away and saw Sophia at the table, eating a snack with a disgusted expression. “Do you guys have to do this in the kitchen?” she asked. I am embarrassed now. Jacob’s eyes returned to normal. He had an amused expression on his face. “Perhaps you should have left the room,” he said. “I could, but I must let you know I’m hanging out with grandma today. So, you don’t have to take me anywhere,” Sophia said. “Alright,” I said. “Well, I’m going to go now.” Sophia dipped out of the kitchen and downed the rest of my blood bag. I then went back to my bathroom to brush my teeth. When done, Jacob took me to school on his motorcycle. When I reached the school, Jacob gave me a ride, and I went inside, ignoring the whispers once more. I walked down the hall and saw Chloe with Henry at her locker, but guess who I saw? Danielle! I couldn’t resist walking over to her with a pissed-off look. Danielle turned around and smirked at me. “Oh hey, Renesmee. That kiss with Jacob was pretty amazing, and he’s a great kisser,” he said. I was fuming. No one touches my man. With my vampire strength, I pushed her up against the locker, and she looked at me, scared. I yelled in her face. “Don’t you ever touch or kiss my boyfriend ever again!” A crowd formed around us, but I didn’t care. I have to teach Danielle a lesson to avoid touching what’s mine. Danielle then smirked at me again. “Make me. I bet you he would want more with me than with you,” she said. Okay, can I kill her now? “No, he wouldn’t. Jacob loved me and no one else. He even told me last night. He would never want you,” I said. “Okay then, if he loves you, how come he said he thought I was a good kisser and wanted to go out with me sometime?” Danielle asked. “He didn’t kiss you.” “Yes, he did. He’s lying to you.” “You know what? I’m done with this conversation. I know Jacob, and I know he wouldn’t hurt me.” I tried to walk away, but Danielle spoke again. “You know this isn’t over. I will get what I want.” I rolled my eyes as I walked away. “Whatever,” I said. After three classes and lunch, I went to my last class. I walked into class and saw Danielle chatting with her buddies. I went to where Chloe was sitting with Henry and sat beside her. “So, what happened to Danielle this morning?” Chloe asked. “Danielle, getting on my nerves like always,” I responded. Chloe nodded. After class, I left school and saw Jacob standing by his motorcycle, waiting for me. Then I saw Danielle heading towards him, and I rolled my eyes. Oh no, not again. She invited Jacob to her place. I rolled my eyes, and Jacob backed away from Danielle. He spotted me from far away before he could talk to her. He walked around her and came over to me. Danielle gave him a curious look and saw Jacob hugging him. Then Jacob gave me a peck on the cheek. “No, thanks. I’d rather do that with Renesmee instead,” he responded. I smiled. “Why not? I’m a way better kisser than her.” Danielle said. “No, Renesmee is a better kisser.” “Oh, really?” “Yeah, she has amazing lips, and I could always kiss them.” Danielle gave me an eye roll, and I couldn’t help but grin. With a mischievous expression, she pulled Jacob close to her by his arm. Danielle planted a big one on him, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Who does she think she is, kissing my fiancé again? This pissed me off. I dragged Jacob away from her so I wouldn’t harm him. Then I grabbed Danielle by the neck, choking and lifting her. I can hear her wheezing now. “Don’t you ever touch Jacob again! He’s mine! I will kill you if I ever see you kiss my man again! I don’t care about the surrounding people who love you. You shouldn’t be touching what is mine!” I yelled. “Okay, I’m sorry,” Danielle said as she tried to breathe. Jacob looked at me with concern. “Renesmee! You’re killing her!” he yelled. “I don’t care. Danielle shouldn’t have kissed you,” I said. “I’m sorry. Please don’t kill me,” Danielle said. I sighed. “Okay, but on one condition,” I said. “And that is?” Danielle asked. “Keep your distance from Jacob while he’s present.” “Okay. Is that it?” “No, I want you and Kelsey...” “Me and Kelsey to what?” “Quit the volleyball team and never talk to me again.” “No... no way. I won’t talk to you, but I will not quit the team. I love volleyball. I can’t quit.” “Okay, I guess I have to do this then.” “Renesmee, you’re being ridiculous. I expected more from you,” Jacob said. “Jacob. She didn’t listen to me,” I said. “Nessie, no need to do this. Let her be on the team. She promises she won’t talk to you or go near me again.” I pondered Jacob’s words while Danielle turned purple. He was right. She promised she wouldn’t talk or go near Jacob so that she wouldn’t bother me during practice and the games. “Fine,” I said. I let go of Danielle, and she dropped to the floor on her knees, breathing hard and coughing. Jacob moved over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. “You made the right choice,” he assured me. I sighed. “I know,” I said. Danielle stood up and looked at me with fear. “What are you?” she said. “You’re so strong.” I sighed. I should tell Danielle now. “Don’t freak out,” I said. “Okay,” Danielle said. “Okay, well, I’m a vampire.” “A what?” “A vampire. I’m half vampire and half human. My mom was human when she had me. After her death, my dad, a vampire, turned her into one too.” Danielle looked at me with a scared expression. “You... you’re a vampire?” she asked. “Correction, like I said. I’m a half vampire, half human. That’s why my eyes are normal,” I responded. “Half vampire, half human. How is that even possible?” “I know it’s weird, but I was born that way.” “So you’re saying you were born like this because your mom was human when she got pregnant?” “Yeah, my mom fell in love with a vampire, but also in love with Jacob. By the way, he is a werewolf.” I looked at Jacob, who smiled at me. I’m surprised he was not mad that I told his secret. Danielle looked at me, surprised. “Jacob fell in love with your mom, and he’s a werewolf. Where did all this come from?” Danielle asked. “It’s a long story,” I responded. “So, how did you guys fall in love?” “Well, it’s a long story, too.” “Tell me.” “Alright, well, like I said, Jacob loved my mom before, but she chose my dad, had me, and got turned to save her life from dying.” “Okay, and this deals with your guys’ relationship. How?” “I’m not done yet.” “Okay.” I rolled my eyes and continued. “So anyway, when I was born, Jacob was angry that I killed her, or that’s what he thought. He came to kill me, but he chose not to because of my mom,” I said. Jacob had his arms around my body, now holding me close. “And what happened?” Danielle asked. “Jacob imprinted on me later on. It was destiny that brought us together,” I responded. “Imprint. What’s an imprint?” “Well..” Jacob took over before I could respond. “Imprinting is how werewolves find their soul mates. It is a profound, intimate phenomenon among the Quileute shape-shifters,” Jacob responded. “Oh, that’s interesting. What’s it like? Was it love at first sight?” Danielle asked. “There was no love at first sight. It was weird. It was more like... when gravity hits, it’s not the earth holding you here anymore. It’s Renesmee... You become whatever your imprintee needs you to be: a protector, lover, or friend.” “So wait, you have loved her since she was little.” “It began as a protector, then a friend, and now a lover.” Jacob kissed my cheek. “Oh, Renesmee, how did you fall in love with him?” Danielle asked. I responded, “He was always there for me, and later on, I fell in love with him.” “That’s interesting. I wish I had one. Wait, do your friends know about yourself and Jacob?” “Yeah, they know everything, and also Hannah. She is Jacob’s best friend, Embry’s imprintee.” “Oh, that’s cool.” “It’s crazy and great.” Jacob moved to my neck and started kissing me, and I giggled. “Well, I better go,” Danielle said. “Alright, bye,” I said. She took off, and I spun around to meet Jacob. Jacob’s hands ran down my arms, making my hands tingle. He kissed my left hand. But, as he did, he gave my fingers a curious look. “Nessie, where is the ring?” he asked. “It’s in my bag. I don’t want people to know I’m engaged in high school,” I responded. Jacob’s smile disappeared with disappointment. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Nothing,” Jacob responded. “Come on, tell me. You can tell me anything. We’re together.” “I know.” “Then tell me.” I lifted Jacob’s chin with my index finger, and he looked me in the eye. “Why would you want to hide our engagement?” he asked. “I don’t like people judging me,” I responded. “I thought you wouldn’t care about what people think about you. I don’t. Others’ opinions don’t affect me. I may have a high school student as my partner, but I don’t care. I love you, and you are everything to me.” “I don’t. I don’t care what people think of us.” “Why aren’t you wearing the ring?” “Because... because I don’t...” I remained silent as I had no words. I don’t care what people think of us, but I’m fed up with people mocking me. It’s silly, but it’s almost the end of the year, and I could keep it under wraps longer. “I get it. You don’t aspire to be judged, but knowing that you choose to keep your relationship status private hurts me. I’m like, we’re about to get married. I thought you were better than that,” Jacob said. “Jacob....” I cried. “I can’t do this. I can’t marry you.” My eyes widened at Jacob’s words. “What do you mean you don’t want to marry me now?” I asked. “If you don’t want people to know we’re engaged, why are we engaged?” Jacob asked. “Jacob!” Jacob remained silent, released my hands, and retreated. “I can’t do this right now. I got to go,” he said. Jacob then left me in the forest. “Jacob!” I cried. My eyes started watering. I hope Jacob didn’t mean his words and still wants to marry. I dropped to my knees, bawling my eyes out. Jacob’s P.O.V. I can’t believe her. She doesn’t want anyone to know we’re engaged because she has no desire to be mocked. I found it stupid. Now, we should not get engaged. This will hurt me and my wolf, but it’s what’s best for us. Unable to think. I have pack stuff I have got to do. I returned to my motorcycle and saw Renesmee’s best friend standing by her car, worried. She emerged from the school. “What’s going on, Jacob, and where’s Renesmee?” she asked. “Renesmee and I got in a fight, and I wanted to call off the engagement,” I responded. Chloe gasped with a surprised look on her face. “What? Why are you calling off the wedding? What happened?” she asked. “Why don’t you ask her yourself? She’s still in the forest,” I responded. Chloe nodded, and I ran into the forest. Renesmee’s P.O.V. I was super bummed lying in bed, feeling down because it looked like I was not getting married. I couldn’t tell how Jacob felt because he shut me out. I wanted to know his well-being. I hope he still wants to tie the knot. Footsteps caught my attention. Chloe approached me, worry clear on her face. “Renesmee, what happened? Jacob says he thinks he wants to call off the wedding,” Chloe said. So it’s true. Jacob wanted to call off the wedding. I bawled, and Chloe pulled me close to her. “Jacob refuses to marry me. I care too much about others’ opinions about our engagement. All I want is to hide it,” I confessed. “What? That’s terrible.” Chloe said. “I know. I feel horrible. At least Jacob hasn’t rejected me yet.” “Come on. Let’s get you home.” Chloe grabbed my bag, and we headed out of the forest and to her car. We got in the car, and we headed to my house. I left the car, glanced at Chloe, and smiled. “Thanks, Chloe, and you’re a great friend,” I said. “You’re welcome. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Chloe said. “Alright.” I went inside, and my mom was watching T.V. on the couch with dad. I walked over to them, and they turned to see me looking upset. They freaked out and paused the T.V. Mom got up and approached me. “Jacob broke the engagement, so Jacob and I are not getting married now,” I responded. “What...what happened?” Mom asked. “I was mocked at school for being engaged to an older man. I didn’t like it, so I lied to everyone about the engagement. I said I’m not engaged and didn’t wear my ring to school,” I responded. “Why would you do that?” “It’s the only way.” “Renesmee, you can’t let people judge you. In high school, I didn’t let people get in my way. I disregarded people’s thoughts about me. I ignored them. You should, too.” “Your mother is right, Renesmee,” Dad said. “But, I don’t like it, guys. Don’t you know how I feel? I can hear what everyone says about me, and it hurts. I can’t let it happen again,” I said. Mom sighed. “I understand, Renesmee, but that’s your choice of saying yes to Jacob. You made your choice, and now you stuck with it,” she said. “Yeah, I know, and you’re right,” “I know I’m right, but what’s his reason for canceling the wedding?” “I haven’t got there yet. Jacob asked me why I wasn’t wearing the ring, and I told him. He’s upset because I want to keep our engagement a secret at school. He wonders why we are even engaged.” My parents looked at me, surprised. “Renesmee, why would you say that? I can see why it hurts him.” Mom said. “I was unsure of what to say,” I admitted. “What did he say next?” “He said nothing else. He left.” “You unsure about the wedding status?” “No, but Chloe came to find me and told me Jacob told her he thought about calling off the wedding.” “That’s horrible, Nessie. We have to do something.” “Mom, you guys can’t do anything. It’s up to me to fix this.” Mom nodded. “Well, before doing your homework, please wash your face in the bathroom. You look awful,” she said. “Alright.” I said. I headed to my bedroom to see Sophia on her bed, reading something. She looked up at me, shocked. She got up off her bed and walked over to me. “Mom, are you alright? What happened?” she asked. “It’s a long story. Why don’t you go ask my mom?” I asked. “Alright?” Sophia exited the bedroom and proceeded down the hall. Once she was gone, I washed up, did my homework, and crashed.
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