Chapter Seven

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Renesmee's P.O.V. When I arrived at the cafeteria, I noticed the students, especially the girls, turned their heads to look at me. Their mischievous expressions had vanished, but they had smiles on their faces. A bunch of girls stood up and came towards me. "Hey Renesmee, we are so sorry for being rude to you. We thought you were getting married. Would you forgive us?" The girl asked. "Huh, sure. Unless you don't do it again," I said. "Okay, we promise." "Good." I walked past them and walked to my table with Chloe. When we sat down, Chloe looked at me with a curious expression. "What was that?" she asked. "I don't know. I guess everyone knows the actual truth now." I responded. Chloe gave a nod. Isaac and Henry approached our table. Henry and Isaac sat next to each other. Henry lifted Chloe from her chair and placed her on his lap. He occupied the seat that belonged to her. Henry embraced her from behind and kissed her neck, causing Chloe to giggle. Their cuteness made me smile. Throughout the rest of lunch, Chloe had been whispering to me, within earshot of only those around me. She had been talking about my wedding, which is in a couple of months. She informed me about the bridal shower she was organizing. The other bridesmaids are Leah, Emily, Sophia, and my three friends. We now have six bridesmaids. Chloe has scheduled the bridal party for next week. She is going overboard with decorations and buying me gifts. They kept the plans for the bridal party a secret to surprise me. "So Renesmee. What do you want the theme to be?" Chloe asked. "I don't care. You are the one planning it. It doesn't matter to me," I responded. "Alright. Then I guess it's all up to me and the girls." I nodded. After eating, Chloe, Henry, and I went to the U.S. Government. Our first stop was our lockers, where we gathered our things for class. After taking out my belongings, I noticed Chloe's concerned face. I looked at her with curiosity. "What's wrong, Chloe?" I asked. "Are you sure this is going to work?" Chloe asked. "What's going to work?" "The lie. About you know. I see people whispering and observing us." "Really? Let me hear." I used my vampire hearing to listen to people walking the halls. "I think Renesmee is lying about her engagement," a girl said. Another girl said, "Same. Renesmee's a coward. She should defend herself and ignore others, regardless of involvement." I now realize that people have gossiped about me lying about my engagement, and I must defend myself. I continued to listen to others. "She is such a coward. That's why she's lying. That's why she's not wearing an engagement ring." Another girl said. I then heard two guys talking who were walking past us. "I don't care if she's engaged or not. I would aspire to be in that guy's shoes any day," the boy said. "She's hot." "Same. I wonder if Renesmee is good in bed? If so, many guys would enjoy sleeping with her." Another boy said. I gave the guys a disgusted look. I wasn't promiscuous and wouldn't sleep with those guys. "Are you okay? What did they say?" Chloe asked. "Few girls perceive me as dishonest and weak, urging me to confront the rumors. Another doesn't care if I'm engaged or not. They want to sleep with me." I responded. "Oh, that's sick." "I know." "We should head to class." "Yeah." We went to class and took our seats, then Coach Smith arrived, and class began. Someone handed me a note from behind for the rest of the class. I glanced back and locked eyes with the person who gave it to me. She gestured toward the person standing behind her. They had curly brown hair. She recognized them. I last spoke to her a long time ago. The person was Danielle, Kelsey's friend. With a mischievous smile, she glanced at me while I focused on the note and the teacher grading papers. Next, I glanced at the message, opened it, and perused its contents. It said: I know your secret, and you won't get away with it. I know you're engaged, and I've seen your boyfriend. He's hot, though. I should make out with him. Also, I'm a good kisser, and I bet I'm a way better kisser than you. I should hook up with him. I raised my eyebrows and adopted an angry expression. Danielle won't go near my man. He's mine. I met Chloe's curious gaze with mine. I gave her the note, and it caught her off guard. "Threaten her," Chloe said. I gazed at her in disbelief and gave a nod. She returned the note, so I flipped it and wrote on the reverse side, and I said: What are you going to do? Tell the entire school. They won't believe you either way because there's no proof unless you know where my ring is, but you don't, so... Also, stay away from Jacob. He's mine!!! And no one else's. If you touch him or kiss him, I will hurt you. I returned the note to her, my face filled with a menacing expression. She unfolded it and perused its contents. She wrote a response and returned it to me. I made sure the teacher wasn't watching, then opened the note. I'll figure something out, and I'm not scared of you. It's not like you have some power over me. My blood boiled with rage at the mere thought of Danielle laying a finger on Jacob. After the class ended, I went to my locker, stored my things, and picked up my bag. Because of everything that's happened, I want to leave and spend time with Jacob since I'm not feeling up to it. I bid farewell to Chloe, walked to the front, and glanced at Jacob's motorcycle. As I approached, I noticed a girl heading toward him, and I recognized her. Danielle walked over to Jacob. She halted in his presence and started a discussion with him. Jacob said something back to her. Danielle glanced at me and attempted to kiss Jacob. He wanted to push her away, but she pressed her lips against his. The kiss lasted long, overwhelming me with sorrow. I tried to move away but collided with Isaac. He was with Henry and Chloe. Isaac watched me and helped me stand on my feet. "Wo Renesmee. Are you okay?" he asked. I felt tears fall from my eyes. "No," I responded. "What's wrong?" Chloe asked. "Look," I responded, pointing to Jacob and Danielle. Their eyes widened. "What the f***K. This is terrible," Chloe said. "I know. Can you take me home? Can't handle this at the moment." I said. "Okay, sure." We headed down the stairs and walked to the car. Overwhelmed with sadness, I failed to register if he had made any effort to fend her off. I heard Jacob yell my name. "Renesmee!" Right now, my anger is stopping me from speaking to him. I entered Chloe's car, and she followed suit. After starting the car, she drove onto the road. Jacob's P.O.V. What just happened? I was getting off my motorcycle when a brunette with long, curly hair approached me and started flirting. I didn't flirt back because I was engaged to the girl I loved and couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. I was on the verge of pushing her hands off me. Yet she pressed her lips against mine. I tried to create more distance between us once more by attempting to push her away. Once I pushed her away, I noticed Renesmee walking off, upset. Oh s**t. I ran toward her, trying to get her attention. "Renesmee!" I yelled. Renesmee ignored me and joined Chloe in the car. s**t, what was I going to do? She assumed I kissed that promiscuous person. I hopped on my motorcycle, donned my helmet, started the engine, retracted the stand, and sped off. Upon hitting the road, I headed straight to her place. I thought she was present because she didn't aspire to be at my location. I made a right turn and headed towards her house. Renesmee's P.O.V. I wanted to get my daughter since I didn't aspire to be here. Upon arriving at the pack house, I stepped out of the car. She stayed behind, waiting for me to retrieve Sophia. I spotted Leah and the others in the group, excluding Seth and Sophia. Leah glanced at me, noticed my face, and appeared haunted. "Renesmee, what's wrong? What happened? Where's Jacob? I thought he was picking you up?" she asked. "He was, but something happened, and I don't want to discuss it. I'm here to get Sophia. Do you know where she is?" I asked. "Yeah, she's upstairs with Seth in his room." "Okay, thanks," I said. I rushed upstairs and headed down to Seth's room. Sophia's P.O.V. Seth and I spent the entire day together. We went to the beach, our favorite place. We also hung out at the pack house and in his bedroom, watching T.V. Seth was lying on his back. I wrapped my arms around him as we lay intertwined, resting my head on his chest. He could hold me forever; he radiates so much warmth. Seth stroked my skin with his fingertips while we were watching a show. It caused me to feel shivers and tension. I noticed a smirk on his face as his hand moved down to my buttocks and squeezed it. So, you know, I was wearing leggings, and Seth thinks they make my butt look attractive. I squealed and glared at him. Without saying a word, he leaned down and kissed me, and I became lost in the kiss. He knows how to affect me. He drew me nearer with a kiss, gripping my thighs, prompting me to straddle him as we carried on kissing. We've been getting pretty serious despite others suggesting we take it slow. The longer we're together, the closer we become. It is hard for Seth and me to keep our hands off each other. I knew this would happen. It will soon be time to take the next step in our relationship. But I promised my mom I would take it slow. While kissing, footsteps approached the bedroom, followed by a knock. Seth stopped kissing and glanced at the door. "Hey, Seth and Sophia. It's Renesmee. Can I come in?" Mom asked. "Sure." We both said. I hopped off Seth and sat beside him. Mom opened the door and found us on the bed together, sighing with relief. Did she think we were doing something? Regardless, she approached us. "Hey Sophia, we are leaving. Say goodbye to Seth." Mom said. "Wait, why are we leaving? You just got here." I said. "I'm not in the mood, so I want to go home." "Why, what's wrong? What happened? You don't look happy." "It's a long story, and I don't want to discuss it." "Where's Jacob?" "He's not here, and Chloe's outside, so can you please hurry?" "Fine." Mom left the bedroom, and I kissed and hugged Seth goodbye, got out of bed, and headed out. Renesmee's P.O.V. I went back to the car and joined Chloe in the front seat. Sophia emerged a minute later and headed towards the car. She entered and shut the door. Chloe started the vehicle, and we exited onto the road. "So what's going on?" Sophia asked. "I told you. I don't want to talk about it," I responded. Chloe sighed. "I'll tell you. So Renesmee wanted to keep her engagement secret because the student found out about it, so she lied. Still, Danielle knows she's been lying. She said she would take Jacob from her. She found her outside making out with Jacob after school," she said. Sophia gasped. "That's awful," She said. "I know," Chloe said. "You want to know what's worse? Danielle knew Renesmee was watching, so she kissed him right before her." "Omg," Sophia said. "Did he kiss her back, mom?" "I don't know. My upset with Danielle prevented me from noticing if he reciprocated the kiss or attempted to distance himself." I responded. "You need to talk to him and discuss it." "She's right," Chloe said. "He loves you. You need to talk to him." I nodded. "Where is Jacob anyway?" Sophia asked. "I don't know. I'm too upset to care right now." I said. "He may search for you at this moment." "Yeah, I heard him yell after you in the parking lot," Chloe said. I nodded, still not speaking. I didn't feel like talking to Jacob, but I simultaneously wanted him to come after me. Since his motorcycle wasn't at the house when we arrived, I assumed he wasn't following me. It brought sadness and caused my eyes to well up once more. I disliked Danielle. She's such a b***h. Her knack for ruining people's lives explains why she's single. I hurried inside and found my parents in the living room, wearing worried expressions. "Hey," I said. "Renesmee, what's wrong, and where were you? We became concerned when Jacob came over without you." Mom said. Wait, Jacob came by looking for me. My heart skipped. Jacob wanted me, not that slut. Sophia walked in and spoke. "I'm going to go to our bedroom," Sophia left, and I glanced at mom. "So..." Mom said. "It's nothing. Chloe took me to get Sophia, and now I'm here, so can I go?" I asked in a moody tone. "Wait, not yet," Dad said. "What's going on between you two? Jacob looked stressed and upset when he came looking for you." "I don't want to talk about it," I said. "Okay, why don't you go to bed and get some rest?" "Alright, I'll try. I have homework that needs to be done first." "Alright, sweetie." Sophia was already in bed when I got to my bedroom. I prepared for bed, took out my unfinished homework, and completed it. While doing that, my phone beeped, and I glanced at the screen to find a text from Jacob, saying... Baby, where are you? I'm worried sick. I visited your parents, but you weren't there. Then I went to the pack house, and you weren't there. Please talk to me. I ignored him, and five minutes into my homework, my phone beeped again. I groaned and reread it... Please don't ignore me. I can tell that I have saddened and disappointed you. I can feel your emotions right now. Please talk to me and let me explain to you what happened. I love you. I forgot about our bond. I could feel how worried and upset he was. It made me want to feel bad for ignoring him, but I don't know what happened. I didn't see if he kissed her back because I was so mad at Danielle. I picked up my phone and responded to him, saying... I- I went to pick up Sophia at the pack house and went home. I sent the message and waited for him to reply. A minute later, he responded. Jacob-Oh, okay, well, I am coming to see you. We need to talk. I- Alright, see you when you get here. Jacob- I love you. I said nothing back because we needed to talk. I put my phone down and put on my headphones. Twenty-five minutes later, I heard footsteps outside my door and a knock. I then heard a familiar voice. It was Jacob. "Nessie," Jacob said. I glanced at Sophia, and she responded with a nod. I sighed and stood up to answer the door. To my surprise, Jacob was right there, and I took him in. Jacob's eyes were puffy, and he appeared downcast. Jacob appeared terrible. Was he so upset about this? I regretted ignoring him. I desire to draw him near, embrace him, and provide comfort. Yet, we need to discuss it first. "Hey," Jacob said in a low voice. "Hi," I said in a soft tone. We remained silent and locked eyes. "Well, I'll let you guys talk," Sophia said. Sophia exited the bedroom and walked down the hall while I glanced back at Jacob. "Nessie, we need to talk," Jacob said. I nodded and sat on my bed, and Jacob followed me. Jacob took it in front of me. Jacob pleaded with his eyes. "Nessie, what you saw was nothing. She kissed me, and I didn't kiss her back. I tried to get her off me, but she was all over me. I promise you, I don't want her. I desire you," he said. "Please believe me. I love you so much. You are everything to me." I gazed into his eyes, convinced of his honesty by how he looked at me. I knew Jacob's character, and he wouldn't harm me. "I believe you," I said. Jacob smiled. "You do?" he asked. "Yes. I was afraid, but I trusted you because I knew you would never hurt me," I responded. Jacob smiled bigger. He grabbed my hands, pulling me close to him. "Good, because I can't lose you. Without you, I'm nothing," he said. I responded by nodding and smiling. Jacob embraced me and leaned in for a kiss, and I couldn't resist kissing him in return. The kiss deepened as Jacob's lips met mine, causing me to melt. The way he makes me feel is indescribable. Weakness flooded my legs as I clung to his shirt for support. I gazed into his eyes after our brief make-out session. To catch his breath, he rested his forehead against mine. "Baby, I love you so much, and I can't wait to marry you and for you to be Mrs. Black," Jacob said. As I smiled, Jacob brushed a strand of hair away. He kissed me again before he had to go. After Jacob left, I finished my homework. Sophia went back to bed. Then, I went to bed.
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