Chapter Sixteen

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Beware, this chapter contains mature content. If you don't want to read it, scroll down to skip. Enjoy!!! Renesmee's P.O.V Surprised, I stared at the guy, my eyes wide with astonishment. Omg, he found us. I moved closer to Jacob, feeling the warmth of his arm as I gripped it. His curious gaze met mine. Then he reached out and wrapped his arm around me. It created a sense of warmth and comfort. I activated the mind link, allowing him to hear every word of my words. "Jacob," I said. "Yes, babe." Jacob said. "It's him." "What?" "It's him. He's Ma... Mason's half brother." Jacob's eyes widened and deepened in color as he gazed at me. He locked eyes with Zachary, his face contorted in a stern, glowering expression. "Hello, I'm Zachary Erickson. Do you know where Renesmee Cullen and Sophia Black are? The mother of Sophia is Renesmee to let you know," Zachary said. I said nothing. I glanced at Jacob, curious about his forthcoming words. "No." Jacob lied. "Sorry, we don't know anyone named Renesmee or Sophia Black. Try somewhere else." "Okay, but do you know where they could be at?" Zachary asked. "No." "Okay, thanks, though." Zachary looked at Jacob, nodded, and then smirked at me. "Is she yours?" Zachary asked. "She's pretty fine." Jacob's body tensed, and he pulled me closer. "Yes, she's mine and my fiancée," Jacob responded. I grinned, and Jacob did the same. "I see." Zachary said. "Well, see ya." Zachary turned around and walked away. The door closing echoed through the room. I could sense Jacob's shakiness in the air. I soothed him by stroking his arms with my fingertips. "Jacob, calm down," I said. "I can't calm down when I know the guy who wants to kidnap you is close!" Jacob yelled. The way Jacob spoke startled me, so I moved away a bit. "Babe, please calm down. Everything will be alright. We can't let him know who I am," I said. Jacob calmed down a little. "Nessie, I can't. What if he discovers your true identity? He will know you live here? He could kidnap you when I'm not around," he said. "I know, but Zachary is unaware. Let's not dwell on it," I remarked. Jacob looked away from me and didn't speak for a minute. "Jacob," I said. Jacob stood muted. I raised his chin, meeting his worried eyes. Jacob said, "I can't leave you." I looked at him with curiosity. "What?" I asked. What does Jacob mean by that he can't leave me? Was he planning on leaving me? That made me want to cry. "I can't leave your side. Trust in Zachary is lacking, even though he is unaware of your existence. It could be a trick. He may already know what you look like. Now that he has found you, he has a chance," Jacob responded. I stood there, unable to utter a single word. Jacob had a point. He might have known and was reaching me. "How will you do this? You have a job, patrol, and also run the pack. That's impossible. I cannot allow this, nor can I always be with you." I said. "I'll need to take time off work to ensure your safety. You're my priority now. You will always be my priority," Jacob assured him. I nodded. Jacob took my hands in his and rubbed circles against my palm. "What about patrol? I can't be by your side," I said. "We will rotate to be with you. We want to make sure you're safe. You also stay with your family if we have to if I can't protect you," Jacob responded. "Okay, but what about Sophia?" "Same thing with her. Seth will be by her side, along with your family." I nodded. "Okay," I said. Jacob's intense gaze locked on my eyes as he grasped my face. He pulled me closer, his lips meeting mine in a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling the warmth of his embrace. His hands slid from my waist to my hips, drawing me nearer to him. Our bodies pressed against each other. As he ran his hands up and down my body, sparks ignited every nerve, eliciting a passionate moan during our kiss. When his tongue touched my bottom lip, I pressed my lips together, refusing to open my mouth. To my surprise, his hand ventured lower and grasped my buttocks. My squeal of surprise opened the door for him to slip his tongue into my mouth, and he kissed me again. He pulled me closer and moved toward the wall, his footsteps echoing in the empty room. With his body so close to mine, I couldn't help but feel a sense of resistance. I moved my hips with a rhythm, and I couldn't help but smile as he moaned into the kiss. Our kiss intensified, and I moaned as I felt the pressure of his bulge on my body. It sent a wave of desire through me. He then broke the kiss, gasping for air. He moved his lips to my jaw and kissed it. Next, he proceeded to my neck and repeated the action. Along with everything else, he nibbled on my neck. I moaned louder. I pressed my back against the wall. He trailed his lips from my collarbone to my shoulder and back to my neck. Jacob whispered in my ear. "I love you so much." I moved my face into Jacob's neck and pecked his neck before I spoke. "I love you, too." Jacob's smile widened as he pressed his lips against mine. My hand glided over his chest. I felt the steady beat of his heart beneath my touch, and then it moved down to his stomach. I long to experience the warmth and softness of his skin against mine. It bothers me that I couldn't sense the warmth of his skin at that moment. I longed to be near him, unobstructed by any barriers. Jacob moved away from the wall and started walking. He heard my words through the mind link. "Oh yes, I did. We didn't finish what we had started," Jacob said. I gulped. Jacob headed upstairs and walked down the hall to his bedroom. When Jacob walked through the door, he closed it behind him and locked it. He then walked towards the bed, placed me down, and positioned himself on top of me. I pulled him close to me while wrapping my arms around him and kissing him again. He kissed me, too, but he grabbed my arms and pinned them above my head. I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes. Jacob smirked, admitting, "I still haven't gotten what I wanted." I rolled my eyes. Jacob grabbed one handcuff and cuffed one of my hands. Next, he repeated the same action as the other one and secured it to the headboard. Jacob kissed me again, his lips lingering on mine before removing his shirt and pants. Then, he tugged on the shirt that was on me, ripping it off my body. Gasping, I glanced up at him, only to meet his intense gaze filled with desire as he appraised my figure. Since I wasn't wearing a bra, I felt exposed. I wasn't self-conscious because he had become so used to seeing me uncovered. Jacob's lips met mine again, and I returned the affection as we kissed. He then moved to my neck and planted a soft kiss. It sent shivers down my spine. Then he trailed down to that particular spot that always drove me wild. As I moaned and arched my head, I could feel a smirk forming on his face. As he moved down to my breast, I felt a rush of anticipation and took a deep breath. My heart raced, matching the rapid rhythm of Jacob's heartbeat. "Babe, this time it's me doing the stuff. You will relax, okay?" Jacob said, looking into my eyes. I took another deep breath and relaxed. Jacob moved back to my breast, his lips lingering as he kissed and sucked on it. My back arched, pushing my n****e further into his eager mouth. He continued to repeat the same action. Next, he switched and repeated the motion with the other. When he finished, his lips trailed from between my breasts down to my stomach. As his lips pressed against my stomach, a gentle flutter danced beneath his touch, causing me to gasp. It wasn't an incredible feeling that Jacob would give me. It was something different. Jacob stopped what he was doing, looking concerned. "Hey, are you okay?" "Yeah, I thought I felt something weird inside me. Maybe it's the adrenaline from this," I responded. Jacob glanced at me momentarily, smiled, then resumed his task. Moving closer, he tugged my pants down, revealing no underwear. With a chuckle, Jacob quipped, "No underwear today, huh?" "Hey, I was in a rush earlier." I responded. Jacob's laughter filled the room as I swept my legs, causing him to tumble off the bed. This time, as he fell, I couldn't help but burst into laughter, and he shot me a glare. "Payback's a bitch." I said. Jacob rolled his eyes and got up. "Oh, you're so getting it," he said. My laughter stopped. Jacob turned to my sensitive area. His skilled movements made me moan with pleasure. With each movement of his tongue, I arched my back. I did this, surrendering to the intense feeling. With each movement of his tongue, my moans grew louder. Jacob's smirk grew more prominent. The sensation was pure bliss. I couldn't fathom how I would ever tire of this. It felt like he had a magical touch as if he could ignite a particular feeling within me. He then pulled away and started using his tongue to pleasure me, causing me to tilt my head back in ecstasy. "Jacob," I said, moaning. Jacob did it faster, and I arched my back again, feeling myself about to reach my climax. "Jacob..." I said. Jacob sucked on it, causing me to squeal. He kept doing both, and I felt myself reach my climax. "f**k. Jacob!" I yelled. Jacob gazed at me, lusting, "You taste amazing." I met his gaze and let a smile speak for me. He moved toward me. His footsteps echoed on the floor. Jacob pressed his lips against mine. He ended the kiss, got off me, and took off his boxers. Jacob discarded his clothes, hurling them across the floor, before climbing back on top of me. Before moving inside me, he kissed me again, his lips lingering against mine, and kissed me. Jacob then leaned down, his lips grazing against my neck. He found that spot that made me shiver. Jacob then moved inside me, and a minute later, he moved deeper into me, stared into my eyes, and smiled. I love his smile. It makes me happy to know that I can fulfill his needs. I smiled back and watched him move inside me. As he moved, he hit my G-spot, and I moaned and arched my back. This caused Jacob to smirk and move down to my breasts, sucking them hard. After that, he moved to my collarbone, kissing it again. I moaned. "Jacob..." I said. Jacob didn't respond but moved faster and even deeper inside me. "Jacob," I said again. As Jacob continued his movements inside me, I gripped the bedboard. Just as I was about to climax, Jacob surprised me by pulling back and thrusting harder. Jacob let out a pleasurable moan and continued with determination. My moan echoed in the bedroom, surpassing any previous sounds. I reached the pinnacle of pleasure, and Jacob followed suit, collapsing on top of me. It was unforgettable. It was the most intimate I've ever been with him. Jacob caught his breath, uncuffed me, and then rolled over onto his back. Moving closer to him, Jacob embraced me, pulling me closer as he tucked into the surrounding covers. ~~~~~~~~Mature scene ended~~~~~~~~~ Jacob whispered in my ear. "Nessie." "Yes," I responded, looking into Jacob's eyes. "That was amazing." "Same." Jacob kissed my forehead, and I fell into a deep sleep with him, saying goodnight. The following day, I woke up on a warm chest, feeling my breath's gentle rise and fall beneath me. Last night's intimacy lingers in my thoughts. It felt like stepping into a fairytale. I had never experienced such intense pleasure before. This time, it was better than before. I can't express enough how thankful I am for Jacob and how he fills my heart with gratitude. I looked up to see Jacob asleep. He was so handsome and so cute when he slept. I leaned to kiss his cheek when urged to go to the bathroom. I attempted to escape the covers but was yanked back into muscular arms. "Jacob, I have to pee." I said. With Jacob's eyes still closed, he released my grip and asked, "You will come back, right?" "Yes," I said. "Okay." I left the bed while Jacob turned in the opposite direction. I walked into the bathroom and realized I wasn't wearing any clothes. I closed the door behind me and sat on the toilet to pee. Once I flushed the toilet, I turned on the faucet and lathered my hands with soap. While doing so, I glanced at the mirror and saw my reflection gazing back. I noticed something different about me but couldn't figure it out. I looked under my eyes to see dark patches under my eyes. How did that get there? It wasn't there yesterday. I splashed some cool water on my face, feeling refreshed. As I was about to open the door, a sudden wave of cramps twisted my lower abdomen. I winced in pain as I clutched my stomach. It didn't feel perfect. It was like someone was kicking me in the stomach. It stopped. I exited the bathroom and noticed Jacob still lying down. I crawled back into bed beside him, feeling the warmth of the covers wrap around me. I then heard Jacob turning my way, his footsteps echoing as he approached. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close and engulfing me. I nestled closer to him, feeling his arm around me and the comforting warmth of his chest. I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he whispered into my ear. "I love you." Jacob then kissed my neck, and I smiled. "I love you, too," I said. I then fell back to sleep. After four hours, I opened my eyes to find the bed unoccupied and the room silent. The sound of the running shower caught my attention. It filled the bedroom with a soothing noise. I crawled out of bed and slipped into my underwear, a comfortable bra, cozy sweatpants, and a soft tank top. My bladder felt like it was about to burst, demanding immediate attention. I headed to the bathroom, feeling the cold tiles beneath my bare feet. I opened the door. I felt the cool breeze on my skin. I lowered my pants and underwear to pee. I saw Jacob in the shower, so I finished and washed my hands. Then, I tied my hair into a bun and observed my face again, noticing the persistent dark patches beneath my eyes. I looked exhausted as if I hadn't slept in days. I then looked at my skin. It was lighter than ever before. I heard the shower turned off. My attention shifted to Jacob. He appeared moments later, clad in a towel. Jacob saw me in front of the mirror. He walked over to me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and leaned his wet body against mine. "Ahh, Jacob, you're wet." I said as I pushed him away from me. Jacob's laughter filled the air as he pulled me into a tight embrace once more. Also, he guided me to face him and inspected my expression. His smiling face transformed into a look of worry. "What's wrong, Nessie? You don't look good," he said. Jacob took my hands in his. "Thanks, Jacob. That makes me feel so good." I said, I shifted to the opposite side of the bathroom. "Nessie, I'm serious. It looks like you haven't slept in days. Are you okay?" Jacob asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm exhausted from everything that is going on." "Are you sure?" Jacob walked over to me and took my hands in his again. "Yes, I swear, except that I had cramps yesterday in my stomach, but then it stopped," I responded. "Well, have you started yet?" Jacob asked. "Hum no not yet. Why?" "Well, it is the second week of June." "Jacob, if I started, would I have had s*x with you the past couple of days?" Jacob looked at me, thinking, and gave me a look that made me feel stupid for asking. "True," Jacob said. "But do you know when you will start?" "Next week." I responded. "Okay. I'll get dressed and make breakfast. Do you want anything?" "Sure." Jacob gave me a gentle kiss on my head. Then he left the bathroom. I could hear him rummaging through his closet to find something to wear. I turned around and glimpsed my reflection in the mirror. I applied concealer to hide the dark patches under my eyes. After applying makeup, I left the bedroom and noticed he had already left. I descended the stairs. The smell of Jacob's cooking wafted through the house. It was enticing. I smiled. I circled to Jacob's other side and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Hey, babe." Jacob said as he flipped the pancakes. "Hi." I said. Jacob turned around and embraced me, his muscular arms enveloping me in a warm, comforting hug. His hands explored every inch of my waist; his gaze fixated on how my tank top clung to my body. "That tank is so tight on you, it's showing way too much of your body," Jacob said. "How?" I asked. "Look at it," Jacob said. My eyes shifted from the tank top to Jacob. "Your body is so hot that it makes me hungry for you," Jacob said. I looked into Jacob's lustful eyes. "I can see that," I said. Jacob chuckled and moved his hands up my arms, stroking them. "Your skin is so soft," he said. I smiled. "And your skin is lighter than it was two days ago. Last night's encounter impacted you," Jacob said. Chuckling, I asked, "Is that a good thing?" Jacob smirked. "Yes, a wonderful thing. We should do it more often when we get married," he responded. "Maybe," I said. With a smile, Jacob drew closer, his lips meeting mine in a tender kiss, and I responded with equal enthusiasm. I pulled away and glanced at the pancakes cooking. "You should finish the pancakes before they burn," I said. Jacob looked to see the pancakes boiling. "Yeah, I should," he said. "Good, because I'm starving," I said. Jacob laughed. His laughter filled the room. He resumed making the pancakes while I headed to the fridge to quench my thirst. I reached into the refrigerator and grabbed the orange juice. I felt its coolness in my fingertips. I then grabbed a glass and poured some. I listened to the soothing sound of liquid flowing. While I did that, I heard Sophia and Seth's footsteps echoing through the house. They were entering the kitchen, their hands clasped. When they looked at Jacob and me, their laughter stopped. "Oh morning, mom and Jacob." Sophia said. "Morning Jacob and Renesmee," Seth said. "Hey, morning." Jacob and I said. "What are you guys making?" Sophia asked. "Well, Jacob is making pancakes for all of us," I responded. "Oh great. I'm starving." "Good, because it's almost ready," Jacob said. Ten minutes later, the rest of the pack entered. Their footsteps echoed through the kitchen. I grabbed my food and sat at the table. Jacob joined me, settling in the seat next to mine. He pulled me out of my chair and placed me on his lap. I chuckled. "Jacob, I can sit in my chair," I said. "Yeah, I know, but I like it when you're on my lap," Jacob said. I rolled my eyes and ate my food. Sophia and Seth sat across from Jacob and me. Embry and Hannah sat beside Jacob, me, and Sophia. Quil and Leah sat at the bar on the stools. As we ate, Sophia looked at me. I also was very uncomfortable with the stares looking at me. They all saw it, and Jacob wrapped his arms around me tighter. "What, guys?" I asked. "Nothing, you look...different," Sophia said. "Same," Hannah said. "Guys cut it out. There's nothing wrong with Nessie," Jacob said. "Same. I'm fine." I said. "Are you sure?" Hannah asked. "Yeah, guys. I don't get why you, Jacob, and Sophia are so obsessed with knowing if I'm okay. I'm fine. Gosh guys, it's getting annoying!" I yelled. My blood pressure surged, and I felt like a volcano ready to erupt. Emotions and confusion overwhelmed me, unsure of my circumstances. I never had an anger problem unless I went hunting, but this time, it felt distinct. I felt under its control, like a puppet on strings. It prompted Jacob to stroke my back. "Nessie, it's okay. We want to make sure you're alright." Jacob said. I got out of Jacob's lap. "I'm fine for the hundredth time!" I yelled. Jacob got up, trying to grab my hand, but I moved away. "Babe, calm down. You're freaking me out," he said. "Jacob, please leave me alone!" I yelled. I walked away. The sound of my footsteps echoed through the hallway. I made my way toward Jacob's bedroom. The footsteps echoed behind me, but I disregarded them. Entering the bedroom, silence weighed as I shut the door. With tears streaming down my face, I lay on the bed and buried my face in the soft pillow. After shedding tears for a minute, a sudden knock broke the silence. "Mom," Sophia said. "What?" I asked, crying. "Can I come in?" "Okay." I tried to compose myself by wiping away my tears as she entered the room. She closed the door with a soft click and settled herself beside me on the bed. "Mom, are you alright? What was that in there?" Sophia asked. "Nothing," I responded. "Are you sure?" "Yes." Sophia sighed. "You can tell me anything. I am your daughter." I smiled at her. "I know," I said. "So tell me, what's going on?" Sophia asked. "I don't know. After Jacob and I had..." "Don't I need the details of your and Jacob's s*x life?" "Okay, after Jacob and I had, you know, almost two days..." "Wait, you guys had s*x for two days?" "I thought you didn't want to know about our intimate relationship." "I don't, but wow, two times in a row. No wonder Seth and I can hear you down the hall." I blushed. "Sorry about that," I said. "Last night was the loudest. What did you guys do?" Sophia asked. "Do you want to know?" "Yes." "Okay, Jacob did something different to me. It was like he was dominating me." "Oh, my god. Now I'm sick." I laughed. "You said you wanted to know," I stated. "Yeah, now I regret it," Sophia said. "Anyway, what happened after?" "The next morning, I went to the bathroom to pee. As I washed my hands, I saw my face. I noticed black patches under my eyes. I'm unsure how they arrived there." I responded. "Are you not getting enough sleep?" Sophia asked. "Yeah," I said. "I always sleep well with Jacob." "Oh, hum, has stress been affecting you?" "Huh, a little. Last night, someone came to our door asking for Jacob and me. Jacob lied to him. He doesn't know me or you, so he couldn't get to us." "Who was it?" "Hum..." "Mom, tell me." "It was Zachary Erickson." Sophia had a scared expression on her face. "Wait, Zac... Zachary was here?" she asked. "I'm stressed because he knows where to find me if he finds out. He knows where I live. But he doesn't know where you live." Sophia nodded. "That's good. Anyway, mom, it could be life, especially with the wedding coming up and the bachelor and bachelorette parties," Sophia said. "Yeah." I said. Feeling sick, I sensed something rising. "Oh no," I muttered. I put my hand to my mouth. My stomach churned as I leaped off the bed and sprinted to the bathroom. I emptied my stomach into the toilet. Sophia was behind me, pulling my long hair away from my face and rubbing my back. "Mom, are you okay?" Sophia asked. I flushed the toilet, stood up, and replied, "I'm not sure." I walked over to the sink and washed my hands and mouth. "Well, you still have black patches under your eyes," Sophia said. I nodded. I felt the sharp cramps again. This time, the pain doubled. Dropping to my knees, I let out a piercing scream while clutching my stomach. Sophia got on her knees, pulled me close to her, and yelled, "Mom!" "What is happening to me?" I asked. "I don't know." The pain returned, and tears welled up. "You must see a doctor," Sophia said. "No!" I said. I screamed again at the pain. "Yes, I need to call grandpa, then inform Jacob. Lie on the bed for now." Sophia said. "No, don't tell Jacob. I don't want him to be stressed about one more thing," I said. "Mom, he's your fiancé. He needs to know." "Fine." Sophia guided me to bed. She gave me the support I needed. I sank into its soft embrace. With urgency, she grabbed the phone beside the bed. She dialed grandpa's number. Buttons' sounds echoed in the room. Grandpa picked up the phone after a few beeps, and Sophia spoke. Once their conversation ended, Sophia went downstairs to get Jacob. I inhaled, filling my lungs with relief. What is happening to me? The surge of emotions overwhelmed me. Once again, those painful cramps seized my body, causing me to let out a piercing scream. When it stopped, I checked my stomach for any problems. I found something intriguing. I couldn't help but notice the unfamiliar shape that had formed. This can't be happening. Am I pregnant? Fear coursed through me as I gulped, and the sound of approaching footsteps echoed in the silence. In a rush, I adjusted my shirt as Jacob walked into the bedroom, accompanied by Sophia and Hannah. Jacob approached me, knelt, and kissed my hand. His expression was concerned. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked. "I don't know. I have painful cramps. They are worse than having period cramps. Then I threw up." I said. "Yeah, Sophia told me, and she also told me Carlisle was on his way." I nodded. "So what do you think is wrong with you?" Jacob asked. "Well..." I said. I glanced at Jacob, then Hannah and Sophia. "Can I have a little privacy with Jacob?" I asked. "Sure." Hannah and Sophia said. They exited the bedroom, and I glanced back at Jacob. "So... what do you think it is?" Jacob asked. "Well, hum, how about you sit next to me, and then I'll tell you," I said. "Okay." I crawled over, and Jacob got on the bed with me. "So..." Jacob said. "I think I'm preg...." I said. I got interrupted when grandpa walked in. "Hey guys, what's going on?" Grandpa asked. "Hum, I've been feeling weird, and I threw up five minutes ago." "Okay, I brought some of my things here, so I'll run some tests." Grandpa pulled a stethoscope out of his bag. He moved to the opposite side of the bed. Jacob took my hand in his. Grandpa then put the stethoscope and the turntable diaphragm on my chest to check my heartbeat. He spoke when he finished. "Your heartbeat is good, except that you're breathing too hard. Earlier, did your blood pressure go up?" Grandpa asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Well, your blood pressure is low now." "What?" Jacob tensed up. "Is this supposed to happen?" I asked. "No, but only for certain reasons. Let me run some blood tests on you to see," Grandpa said. "Alright." Grandpa took a shot needle and grabbed my arm to take some blood. He then walked back to his bag. "Okay, well, I have to go back to the main house to run some tests, so would you guys mind coming back with me?" Grandpa asked. "Sure." I responded. "I'm coming with you because I'm not leaving her side," Jacob said. I nodded. "Well, we should get going," Grandpa said. Jacob and I left the bedroom with grandpa. As we headed downstairs, we could hear the chatter and laughter of everyone in the living room. We then stepped outside, greeted by the sun's warmth on our skin. We knew Jacob had a tight deadline. So, we borrowed his motorcycle and followed grandpa.
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