Chapter Seventeen

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Renesmee's P.O.V After twenty-five minutes, we arrived at the house. Jacob and I got out and went inside the main house. Jacob grasped my hand, and we descended to the first floor to see Mom. She hugged me, causing Jacob to drop my hand. "Hey, Renesmee. How are you? We heard what was going on," Mom said. I looked to see dad looking at me with a worried expression. "Yeah, I look pretty bad," I said. Mom glanced at me and then at Jacob with a dark expression. "What did you do to her?" she asked. Mom walked over to Jacob, and Jacob spoke. "I did nothing except we..." Jacob said. I interrupted Jacob by speaking. "Mom, Jacob, and I mated." Mom looked at me, surprised. "You guys what?" she asked. "We couldn't help it, and besides, if I want to get my virginity back, the bond will have to break, anyway," I said. "Why do you want to do that?" "I want to start over." "How will you do it?" "I don't know." Mom sighed. "Anyway, we should get into grandpa's office," I said. "Okay," Mom said. Jacob, grandpa, and I went into grandpa's office. I walked to the bed and sat on it. Jacob approached and settled into the chair beside me. With a tender gesture, he clasped my hand and pressed a soft kiss onto it. "I'll return with the results," said Grandpa. "Okay." Jacob and I said. Grandpa left, and I looked at Jacob. "Whatever it is, Nessie, I will do anything to make you better. I'm here for you. Even if we have to keep moving our wedding back and forth, I'll do anything." Jacob said. I smiled and responded, "Okay." Jacob stared into my eyes and stroked my face. "You're so beautiful to me even when you look great," he said. I smiled. "I love you, Jacob," I said. "I love you, too," Jacob said. Jacob stood up. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. A wave of warmth flowed through my body. I drew him nearer and returned the kiss. I wrapped my arms around him. His warmth against mine sent a delightful shiver down my spine. The kiss ended. Jacob eased into the plush chair. He found comfort in the gentle hug of the soft cushion against his back. Grandpa then walked in. "Okay, I got the results," he said. "What is it? I want to know what's wrong with me," I said. Grandpa smiled. "Well, it's good news, though," he said. "And..." Jacob said. "You are both having a baby." I looked at grandpa in shock. How can I be pregnant? Jacob and I used protection. Wait.... s**t. "Nessie," Jacob said. I didn't speak. Shocked, I couldn't even respond. "Nessie," Jacob said again. "She's in shock. Give her some time, and I will be back later to run more tests," Carlisle said. Grandpa left, and Jacob spoke to me. "Nessie, I know you're freaking out, but please speak to me," Jacob said. I turned to Jacob, concerned. "Why didn't you use protection? I'm not ready for a baby. I hoped we'd marry before," I said. "I know, and I wish we were more careful, but it's too late," Jacob said. I nodded and said, "Jacob." "Yeah." "I think we should wed next week." Jacob looked at me, surprised. "What?" he asked. "If we marry, I'd like to stay the same size since the baby will grow fast," I answered. Jacob nodded. "And I want to wear my wedding dress," I said. Jacob nodded. "Fine, but babe, what about the Ericksons? They could find you and ruin the wedding. We should change locating the wedding somewhere else," he said. "Okay," I said. "I'll get Aunt Alice, and she'll know what to do." I heard footsteps, and Aunt Alice walked in. "Did I hear my name?" she asked. "Huh, yes. I want to move the wedding to next week because of my pregnancy." I responded. "Wait, you're pregnant?" I nodded with a grin. "Omg. I'm going to be an aunt again." Aunt Alice screamed. I laughed. Aunt Alice gazed at Jacob and me, curious. "When did this happen?" "Well, we found out today. That's why I'm here," I responded. Aunt Alice smiled. "Anyway, back to the wedding. We also need to change the location, which needs to be inside," I said. "Oh, okay. I found a perfect indoor place for the ceremony for your guys' safety," Aunt Alice said. "What is it?" I asked. "It's an indoor barn, but there's a problem." "What is it?" "The wedding ceremony must be outdoors." "Oh..." "Okay," Jacob said. I looked at Jacob with curiosity. "What?" I asked. "We'll do it. It must be unseen." "Okay, how about you, Nessie? What do you think?" Aunt Alice asked, looking at me. "I don't know. I don't even know what it looks like." I responded. "Well, here's a picture. Pine River Ranch is the name of the place." I saw a picture of a barn with flowers in front. It was cute. "What do you think?" Aunt Alice asked both of us. "It's cute," I responded. "We'll marry there, but where exactly?" "Well, it's in Leavenworth, Washington." "Where's that?" "Same," Jacob said. "It's past Seattle, about 5 hours away," Aunt Alice responded. Shocked, I glanced at Aunt Alice, as did Jacob. "Why so far?" I asked. "We want to avoid ruiners. It's a remote wedding to do so. We're especially worried about the Ericksons," Aunt Alice said. I nodded and said, "Okay." Aunt Alice looked at Jacob and asked, "Your thoughts?" "It's perfect. It's far away from town, and they won't find us, so I accept." "Great, I'll start making invitations for the wedding, Renesmee." "Okay." I said. "Wait what day, though?" "Wednesday the seventeenth." "Okay, and I'll give you some ideas on the cake since we're changing the theme." "Okay." "I should start planning the wedding." "Okay." Jacob and I said. Aunt Alice's exit silenced the room. The silence between Jacob and me was suffocating. Jacob took hold of my hand and pressed his lips against it again. My face lit up with a broad grin. With a big smile on Jacob's face, he looked up at me. "I can't wait for the wedding. It's going to be amazing," he said. "Same." I said. Jacob's smile illuminated his face as he rose, leaning down to kiss me. As his lips met mine, I responded, feeling a rush of warmth spread through my body. We kissed, savoring each moment, until Jacob had to leave. Jacob wanted me to join him, but I had to remain here for further tests. After one last kiss, he left me alone in the room until grandpa returned. Ten minutes had passed since Jacob left, and then grandpa returned. He grabbed a chair and pulled it beside me, the legs scraping against the floor. "Okay." I said. Grandpa grabbed a pen and then a clipboard with paper. He then asked, "So, when did you and Jacob have intercourse?" "Huh..." I said. This got a little weird for me since I wouldn't say I like to talk about my s*x life with anyone, especially my grandpa. "It's okay, Renesmee. You can tell me. I'm your doctor now. Share anything with me," Grandpa said. I nodded. "Okay," I said. "So, when did it happen?" Grandpa asked. "Saturday and yesterday," I responded. With a wide-eyed gaze, grandpa scribbled something. "Okay, for symptoms. Have you had anything besides cramps?" Grandpa asked. "My eye bags disappeared, and my breasts got darker," I responded. Grandpa nodded and wrote it down. "Have you had any blood spots happening?" Grandpa asked. "No, why?" I asked. "No reason. It happens to some women." I nodded as he wrote more things down. "Okay, that's it, and I recognize where you are in your pregnancy," Grandpa said. "Okay, where?" I asked. "You are four weeks pregnant." I observed his words and felt surprised. How could I be four weeks pregnant when Jacob and I made love? "What? That can't be possible." I said. "From the results I got from you, it shows you are four weeks pregnant," Grandpa said. "But how?" Well, there could be reasons. You're only in your first week. But, from your baby's growth rate, it is at four weeks." "Okay, so you're saying that at a human growth rate, I'm at the four-week stage and only in my first week of pregnancy?" "Yes." I nodded. "Your baby may arrive in three months, depending on its growth rate," Grandpa said. "Oh, okay." I said. "I'm uncertain about the baby's strength, as it is now fertilized." I nodded. "That's it! I must see you again for a checkup next Monday. I'll talk to Alice about moving it to Tuesday." Grandpa said. "Okay. What would you consider helpful in getting rid of cramps?" I asked. "You can't get rid of them. But try relaxing in a warm bath. Do some gentle exercise, like walking or swimming. Or curl up on the sofa with a magazine and a hot water bottle. You can also ask someone to rub your lower back." "Oh, okay, thanks." "You're welcome." "Well, I'm going to get something to eat. See you later, grandpa." As I got out of bed, grandpa stopped by and yelled, "Wait!" "Yeah," I said. "If you're going to eat. No blood. Unsure of the baby's gender. Avoid blood for now and consume human food." "Hum, okay." Darn, I can't have blood. How was I going to stay strong? I then headed out of the room and down the hall, but Mom stopped me and grabbed my arm. “Renesmee,” she said. "God mom. You scared the crap out of me." I said. "Sorry, I want to know if it's true. Are you pregnant with Jacob's baby?" "Yes, why?" Mom's silence spoke volumes as she wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace. I stood there, taken aback by her abrupt movement, and then I felt a wave of pain as she embraced me. "Mom... you're hurting me." I said. "Oh, sorry, baby. So, how far are you now?" Mom asked. "The baby's progress is four weeks." "Oh, wow.... so it's growing fast?" "Yeah, I guess so, and what's weird is that it's as bad as I did when I had Sophia." "That's strange." "Yeah, but I'm getting symptoms, but not big ones." "What are they?" "Cramps in my abdominal and tender breast." Mom nodded. "It seems rare that you have normal human pregnancy symptoms, but not like I had when I had you, but different. It's like you're taking on a normal human baby with non-human abilities but during a normal human pregnancy." Mom said. "So, what are you saying?" I asked. "It's possible your baby won't be due for another eight months." "What?" We heard footsteps, and I turned to see grandpa. "She might be right. I thought about this: your baby is human but with vampire or werewolf abilities." "Is that even possible?" "Likely, but I'm not sure, though." I nodded. "But I'll search for some stuff and discover what I can find." Grandpa said. "Okay." I said. Grandpa left, and I turned back to Mom, seeing her crying. "Mom, don't cry," I said. "Sorry, I can't help it. My baby girl has grown up and will soon get married." Mom said. "I know I can't believe I'm getting married next week. It's crazy." Mom smiled, wiped away her tears, and looked back at me. "I also can't believe I'm going to be a grandma again," she said. I laughed. Mom hugged me again, but it was not so tight this time. "Well, I should head to the cottage. I have to pack my clothes in my closet before the wedding," I said. "Well, Renesmee, we already have that planned," Dad said. I saw dad walk in, wrapping his arm around mom's waist. I looked at my dad with curiosity. "What do you mean?" I asked. "We thought for the best that you stay with Jacob, so we already started packing your things," Dad responded. "Oh, but I have already been doing that?" "We want you to keep doing that, though. We have seen that you are much safer there when you're with him. And since you're pregnant with a human baby, it's better to stay there every night." I nodded. "Alright," I said. It was weird to witness my parents like this. Their hearts swelled with happiness as they shared in my joy with Jacob. They opposed us, but now they let me live with Jacob. "Well, I'm going to grab something from my bedroom to take to Jacob's place," I said. "Hold on, it's better if I come with you for safety reasons," Mom said. "Mom, I'll be fine. The people looking for me know I'm not Renesmee Cullen because we lied to them." "What?" "Yeah, Jacob lied to Zachary." "Oh wow. Well, please be safe." "Okay." I walked out of the room. The sound of my footsteps echoed through the empty hallway. I walked downstairs to the front door. Upon leaving, I opened and closed the door, feeling invigorating fresh air that rejuvenated me. I then walked to the cottage, which was a ten-minute walk away. When I got there, I could hear the distinct crunch of footsteps. I turned around and faced the one person I had avoided. "Zachary, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Aren't you supposed to be looking for Renesmee Cullen and Sophia Cullen?" "Yeah, and well, I found out they live here. I came, but no one was here. Somehow, I ended up seeing you again," Zachary said. "Yeah, I'm here to hum... grab my things. I was staying the night with my friend Renesmee." Zachary nodded. "I see," he said. "But Renesmee is not here, so how will you get into the house?" What was I supposed to say to that? I need to come up with something. "She led me her key to the house so I can grab my things." I lied. Zachary nodded and started walking toward me. "I see," he said. "But what explains seeing you outside Cullen's house earlier? Why were you walking out of their home?" I gave Zachary a curious expression. "Why were you at their house?" I asked. "I thought Renesmee and Sophia were there." "Isn't that stalking?" "Yeah, but don't get off-topic. You still didn't answer my question." "That is none of your business." "Or you could be lying to me." Zachary knows. I need Jacob; fighting hurts the baby. I unblocked the mind link and spoke through it, "Jacob, are you there?" Jacob didn't answer, and I panicked. "Jacob, please answer! I need you! Please, babe. Answer me." I said. I am still waiting for an answer. I could call for one of the other pack members since I'm now linked to the pack as Luna. "Is anyone else there? Seth, Leah, Embry, Quil, Hannah." I said. I am still waiting for an answer. "What's wrong, angel? Can't get a hold of your werewolf friends." Zachary said. "Shut up! What do you want?" I asked. "I want to know the truth. Where are Renesmee and Sophia? You said you spent the night with them, so where are they?" "I don't know. They're not here, so they must be somewhere else." "Don't lie. I can see it in your eyes." "I'm not." "Oh? Where did they go then?" I need to find an answer because I have no more excuses. Words failed me as I stood there in stunned silence. Zachary smirked. "I know who you are, Renesmee. You look like how Mason has described you," he said. "You're more attractive than Sophia, but I have enjoyable activities planned with her upon locating her," he said. "What ever. I'm going inside." I said. "Tell me Sophia's whereabouts," demanded Zachary. "I'm not telling you. Can you leave me alone?" "Not until you tell me." "Nope." I rushed inside at a vampire speed and locked the door behind me. I heard someone in my head. "Nessie! Are you there?" Jacob asked in a worried tone. "Yeah," I said. "I can sense your emotions. Are you alright?" "Yeah, but I ran into Zachary. He knows." "What? Where are you?" "I'm at the cottage." "I'm coming." "Okay." Closing the mind link, I wasted no time in grabbing my belongings. While turning towards my room, a hand clasped my shoulder. It caused me to yelp in surprise. The person pushed me up against the one, and I saw Zachary. How did he get inside? I looked toward the window and saw it was open. Why was it not closed? I then looked back at him. "You know you shouldn't leave your window open. Now tell me, where is she?" Zachary asked. "I'm not telling you," I responded. "Now let me go." Despite my efforts, he refused to release me. "Nope, not until you tell me," Zachary said. A low, menacing growl reached my ears as I was about to speak, causing me to turn towards its source. Jacob stood before Quil and Embry, his expression filled with fury. His eyes revealed a primal desire for dominance as I inspected them. "Let her go!" Jacob yelled in his alpha tone. Zachary looked at him and smirked. "Oh, look at that, Renesmee. Your sweetheart is here to save you," he said. I turned to Jacob and shouted, "Hey, Jacob!" I tried to escape Zachary's arms, but he held me tighter. "Let her go," Jacob said again. Zachary looked down at the mark on my neck. "Ooh, what's this?" he asked. Zachary stroked the mark with his fingertips and moved to my sweet spot. "Don't dare mess it up. She's mine." Jacob growled, walking closer to us. "What are you going to do about it?" Zachary threatened. "Hum, I could kill you, but that would be too easy." Zachary smirked. "Oh really? All I have to do is sink my teeth into your neck, and you're dead," he said. "Oh really? You want to go," Jacob said, growling. I could see that Jacob's wolf wanted to take control. "I would like to see you try," Zachary said. Jacob closed the distance between us, and in response, Zachary loosened his grip on me. Their faces met, eyes locked in a fiery stare. I could tell Jacob was getting ready to shift by the intensity in his black eyes. They cannot do this here. Also, there is a real risk of injury. I can't bear to see Jacob in pain, especially with our wedding approaching. I got up and pushed Zachary aside, positioning myself before Jacob. Jacob looked down at me. I stared back into his eyes. I noticed they were still black, not their usual dark brown. I then touched his face and stroked his cheek with my thumb. "Calm down, Jacob. This isn't right," I said. Jacob nodded, his body language showing that he was relaxing. My hands glided down his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my fingertips. Jacob got in front of me. He shielded me from danger. Zachary's laughter filled the room, and I shot him a fierce glare. "Ah, she affects you. How cute." Zachary said. "I wonder how much pain you would be in if I screwed her." Jacob growled, and I tensed up. I then whispered in his ear. "Jacob, don't let him get to you. I don't want him. I want you." "I won't. I won't let anyone take you from me," Jacob said. "So, are we going to fight or what?" Zachary asked. Jacob growled and moved me away toward Embry and Quil, who now moved me behind them. "Oh really? There's more of you?" Zachary asked. Jacob said, "Yep, now you have no way of reaching her." Zachary huffed, frustrated. "It seems I have no choice but to do it the hard way," he said. Zachary charged at Jacob. He felt adrenaline in his veins as he braced for the coming clash. Jacob pounced on Zachary, pinning him down, and unleashed a menacing snarl. "No!" I yelled. I tried to run toward them, but Embry and Quil held me back. "Let me go!" I yelled. "No, you'll get hurt," Embry said. Watching them fight, I struggled to escape Embry and Quil's grasp. I fixated my eyes on the intense battle. Jacob's wolf tore into Zachary with its powerful jaws. Zachary grabbed a fistful of Jacob's fur and yanked it. Zachary then flipped Jacob over and got on top. He was about to sink his teeth into Jacob's neck as he grabbed Jacob's arms to break them. "Guys stop. You're going to get yourselves killed!" I yelled. Zachary gazed at me, but Jacob turned him upside down and growled again. This was unbelievable to me. My wedding is next week, and they are doing this now. What if something happened to Jacob? I am upset and unable to do this right now. I needed to pack. I was abandoned by Quil and Embry, who went outside where Jacob Zachary was. I then packed. Ten minutes later, I heard footsteps approaching my bedroom. I glanced behind me. I saw Jacob standing in the doorway. He was in his human form and wearing new clothes. I watched him and saw no signs of bruises or cuts on his body. Learning that he was okay relieved me, but his decision to fight with Zachary made me feel let down. "Hey," Jacob said. I looked away and continued packing, speaking in a low tone. "Hi." I headed towards the closet, and Jacob followed me. I grabbed a shirt and headed back to my suitcase. "Nessie, I'm sorry," Jacob said. I ignored him as Jacob stood beside me. "Nessie, please talk to me. I was foolish to do that. I read your mind, and you're right. Fighting Zachary was wrong since we are getting married so soon, and I could have gotten killed." Jacob said. I halted my actions and shifted my gaze towards Jacob. As I glanced at him, his eyes showed sympathy. He expressed remorse. I couldn't remain angry with him. Despite everything, I remained hurt. Apologizing won't be enough if he wants me to forgive him. "It's okay, Jacob, but you have to do something way better than an apology," I said. I walked away from Jacob and headed to the bathroom to grab some liquids. Jacob followed me and stopped right behind. "Like what?" he asked. "I don't know, but I'll be in the guest room until you figure it out," I said. "What? Really Renesmee? You're being ridiculous about this." "I'm not. Please consider others before yourself." I walked past him and back into the bedroom, putting my stuff in my suitcase. Jacob walked out and spoke. "Well, hum, I have to talk to Embry, and I'll meet you in the car." I gave a slight nod. Jacob exited the bedroom, and I let out a sigh. I closed my suitcase and left my bedroom, holding Sophia's belongings. I walked down the hallway, heading towards the front door. Stepping outside, I closed the door, expecting Embry and Jacob. However, there was no sign of Quil or Zachary. I walked over to Jacob, curious. "Where are Quil and Zachary?" I asked. Embry walked over to take my things as Jacob approached me. "I told Quil to take him to the pack house and lock Zachary in the jail cell," he responded. I nodded. "Well, we should get going," Jacob said. I gave another nod. Embry, Jacob, and I occupied the red truck, with Jacob driving and me sitting in the front passenger seat. Twenty minutes later, when we got to the pack house, we saw Seth, Leah, and Quil walk out. Then we heard howls, and I looked at Jacob with curiosity. "Sam's pack is here," Jacob responded. I nodded, and Jacob exited the car, turning off the engine and closing the door behind him. , I saw Sam, Paul, and Jared come out of the woods in human form. I got out of the car, and Embry handed me my things. "Thanks," I said. "Welcome," Embry said. Jacob walked over to where Sam, Paul, and Jared were while I went inside. As I walked into the house, I heard footsteps from behind. They made me turn around and discover Leah. "Hi?" Leah said. "I heard you're pregnant." "Huh yeah." I said. "Do you know what it is?" "It's a human, but with both werewolf and vampire abilities." "So it's a hybrid." "I'm not sure." Leah nodded. "So, how long is the pregnancy?" she asked. "Eight more months," I responded. "Oh wow, so you're having a regular pregnancy?" "Yep." We went up the stairs and placed Sophia's belongings in her bedroom. Next, we walked down the hallway, but instead of going past Jacob's room, we went to the guest room. "Why did you pass Jacob's bedroom?" Leah asked. "I'm mad at him right now," I responded. "I don't aspire to be in the bedroom as him." I walked into the bedroom and set my suitcase on my bed. "What did he do?" Leah asked. I sat down on the bed, and she sat next to me. "Since Jacob and I are getting married next week, I hoped we wouldn't have any fights or deaths. But Jacob decided not to care about anyone but himself and attacked Zachary," I said. I was about to tear up when Leah comforted me. "Oh, I'm sorry. You know he was trying to protect you, but I get it. He could have died." Leah said. "Yeah, and I just can't believe he would do that," I said. "Sometimes, I wish we could all live normal lives without people trying to cause trouble." "I know I wish the same thing." I nodded. "Also, I wish Zachary would move on. No way he can take me or Sophia." I said. "Same, that Zachary guy is strange," Leah stated. I looked at Leah with a curious expression. Has she seen this guy before? "How? Have you met him?" I asked. "Hum, yeah. I have something to tell you, and you may react negatively." "Okay, tell me." "Well, when Zachary got here, and when they locked him up, I fou…" "He is what?" "My imprintee." My eyes widened. "What?" I asked. "I know. It's crazy. I just found out about it." "Wow, what are you going to do?" "I don't know. He's a horrible person and not what I want." "Well, you could change his mind when he meets you." "Yeah. Should I go see him now?" "If you want." "I don't know if it's a good idea, though." "He's your imprintee. No one can keep you from him." Leah nodded. "Alright, I'll go." she said. Leah stood up and exited the bedroom. I got up and headed to the bathroom to put my stuff there. I then turned the bathtub on. Soaking in a bath can provide relief from cramps. I undressed and locked the door to avoid any unexpected interruptions. I got into the tub and reclined. I then fell asleep for a while.
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