Chapter Fifteen Part Two

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Beware, this chapter contains mature content. Enjoy!! Renesmee’s P.O.V I went downstairs to the kitchen. I searched the pantry and fridge for food. Next, I prepared a breakfast feast of pancakes, eggs, sausage, and bacon. I cooked the bacon in the microwave and prepared the pancakes and eggs. As I prepared the food, I sensed footsteps approaching and felt an arm encircle me. I almost grabbed it to twist it to prevent whoever was touching me, but I felt tingles, and I knew right away it was Jacob. Jacob buried his face in my neck, inhaling my scent. “What are you making?” he asked. “I’m making eggs, pancakes, sausage, and bacon,” I responded. Jacob looked at the food, and his eyes widened. “Don’t you think that is too much food for you and me?” Jacob asked. “No crazy. It’s for the pack, too.” I said, taking his arms off me and making the sausage. “Oh,” Jacob said. While I was cooking, Jacob embraced me, making me laugh. Someone is being touchy today. Jacob nuzzled my neck and planted soft kisses along its length. Then, it goes down to my collarbone and shoulders. Then back to my neck again, leaving a butterfly kiss. It made me laugh once more. “Jacob, stop. I’m trying to cook.” I said. Jacob pouted and kissed me again before walking to the other side of the counter and watching me cook. Once I finished, I prepared a plate for him and myself, and we ate. I observed someone’s gaze fixed on me as I ate. Jacob’s gaze was devoid of emotion when I looked at him. “What?” I asked. “Nothing. You’re beautiful, and I’m glad you’re mine,” Jacob responded. I smiled at Jacob’s words. “I’m glad I’m yours, too,” I said. Jacob grinned and touched my thigh. “Nessie, I want you to know you’re the only girl I will ever love. Don’t forget that,” he said. I nodded, and he leaned in for a kiss on my lips. I couldn’t resist desiring a more intense kiss. We shared a one-minute kiss, and then I withdrew, smiling, and resumed eating. Jacob glanced at me, studying me, before eating his food. Once we finished eating, I took care of the dishes while Jacob held me, cleansing me with his touch. I’m unsure what it is, but Jacob couldn’t keep his hands off me for a second. The vampires have arrived in town, making Jacob more protective. Also, the bond is more robust, so it’s harder for him to stay away from me. I shook my head with amusement, and Jacob continued to kiss me. Not to complain; it felt good, and he kept me company. Once finished, I pivoted and pinned Jacob against the counter, starting a kiss. I interrupted the kiss to say something. “Jacob.” Jacob leaned his forehead against mine. “Yes,” he said. “Is there a reason our bond is stronger than before?” I asked. “I’m not sure, but you’re an alpha’s imprintee, so that the bond could be stronger.” I nodded, looking down. “Yeah, that might be it,” I said. Jacob raised my chin with his index finger before kissing me again. I responded by kissing him back, tugging on his shirt, and drawing him nearer. The kiss lasted for two minutes until we stopped when we heard coughing sounds. Embry, Hannah, and Quil were the ones making the noises. Quil gave a disgusted expression. “Guys? In the kitchen, where do we eat?” he asked. I blushed, and my face turned red once more. I turned to Jacob, and he embraced me. Embry smirked. “So, how was it? We heard every word last night when we returned, and this morning?” he asked. “Yeah, you were like, oh my god, Jacob go faster, and Jacob, you were like, f**k oh my god Renesmee, that feels amazing, and Renesmee again says...” Quil said. I buried my face in Jacob’s neck in embarrassment. Jacob spoke. “Okay, I get it, Quil. We get it. You guys heard the entire thing.” Judging by his facial expression, Jacob was feeling embarrassed. I saw Hannah’s amused expression as they all laughed. I asked Hannah. “Did you guys hear the entire thing?” Hannah was going to speak, but Embry responded for her. “We heard you guys upstairs when we returned, which was gross.” “Same, especially since you’re my friend,” Hannah said. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it. Jacob has an edge on me, which causes me to lose myself,” I said. I saw a smirk on Jacob’s face and rolled my eyes. “It’s fine. But this house should have soundproof walls. Then we won’t have to hear you guys, especially from upstairs,” Hannah said. Thinking about that, we should. I looked at Jacob, waiting for him to respond. Jacob smirked. “Yeah, I’ll think about it since I’m never going to get enough of being inside you,” he said. “Ugh, man, you’re gross. We don’t need to hear that,” Embry said. Quil looked disgusted. “Same,” he said. Hannah and I laughed, and so did Jacob. We stopped laughing when Quil asked when he saw the food on the counter. “Food. You made food, Renesmee?” “Yep, you guys can eat it. Jacob and I already have,” I responded. “Okay, thanks, Renesmee.” “Welcome.” Hannah and Embry joined Quil, grabbing some food and laughing. They were like monkeys. Jacob laughed also, and I looked at Jacob and spoke. “You’re one, too.” “What? No, I’m not.” Jacob said. “Yes, you are. You’re worse than us,” Quil said. Jacob rolled his eyes and said, “Whatever.” I laughed, and Leah walked in as she asked. “What is that smell? Who created this amazing scent?” Leah walked to the counter and saw Quil, Embry, and Hannah already eating. “Renesmee did. She did a great job, though. The food is amazing, thanks,” Embry said. Leah looked at me, shocked, and asked, “You did that?” “Yep, and the rest is yours. Jacob and I already ate.” I responded. “Oh, okay, thanks, Renesmee.” “You’re welcome.” When I glanced at Jacob, I saw him smiling. What was going through his mind? I communicated with him using my mind. “What are you thinking about?” I asked. “Nothing, how amazing of a Luna you are becoming. You did great taking care of the pack. It makes me proud to have an imprintee like you,” Jacob responded. I smiled at Jacob’s words. “Because of our bond, it’s pushing you to help take care of the pack because you’re meant to,” Jacob said. I grinned and nodded while observing the pack eat. This is where I belong and where I call home now. This is my forever family. Speaking of my future, what about Hannah? She’s now part of the pack since she’s Embry’s imprintee, which means... “Jacob,” I said. “Yes, babe,” Jacob said, looking at me. “Is Hannah part of the pack now?” “Yes. Since she’s Embry’s imprintee, she is now part of the pack, but she needs to be bound to the pack to be a part of the pack.” “What does that mean?” “The pack needs to link her.” “Oh, like me?” “Yes, but if she and he have already mated, she is already part of the pack.” “Oh, when you say linked to pack, does that mean I could link to anyone in the pack?” “Yes.” “That’s cool.” “But you will want to keep it closed so people can’t hear you, especially when you’re with me.” Jacob gave me a look with a smirk, and I realized what he was talking about. “Oh, okay,” I said. “Anyway, I got to get back to my office. Will you be okay here with everyone?” Jacob asked. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” “Okay. Call me if you need me, or come see me.” “Alright.” Before he left, Jacob kissed me on the forehead. Afterward, I glanced at everyone. They were finishing their meal and putting their dishes in the sink. I walked to the sink and began washing the dishes. Quil put his dish in the sink and smiled at me, “This is good. Thank you a lot. You should cook for us more often.” “You’re welcome and sure. I will when I move in,” I said. “That’s great. Also, I never said this before, but you’re a great Luna already. I like you even more now, even though you’re half vampire, but you’re different, which keeps Jacob on his toes. I can tell you to make him whipped, and it’s weird. You have changed him a lot since he got together with you. It’s a good thing, though.” I smiled, and I spoke. “Thanks, and I’m glad you want me to be your Luna. It makes me feel welcomed and loved.” “You’re welcome, and I mean it when I say Jacob is whipped. He drops everything for you. If something happens, he stops what he’s doing. You have this effect on him,” Quil said. “Yeah, I’ve noticed now. Jacob couldn’t keep his hands to himself for like five minutes. It scares me, though, wondering how he tries to focus on other things than me.” “Trust me, you don’t want to know.” “Believe me. I rather not.” Quil chuckled, and I laughed. “Thanks for the food,” Quil expressed. I laughed. “You’re welcome,” I said. Quil pulled me into a hug, leaving me startled. I reciprocated the hug and patted him on the back. I heard a growl. The person pulled me away from Quil’s arms and into someone’s muscular arms. I glanced and saw Jacob’s face filled with anger. His eyes were dark, and I noticed his wolf wanted control. I placed my hand on his face and stroked it. “Jacob, it’s okay. We were bonding, nothing else,” I said. “Then why was he touching you?” Jacob asked. “Jacob, I was hugging her because I’m glad she’s our Luna now and for caring for us. That is different. I would never touch her in that way because she’s yours. You would kill me if I did that; you’re my best friend. I wouldn’t do that to you,” Quil responded. I noticed Jacob sighing and calming down. He then looked at me and asked, “Is he telling the truth?” I nodded and spoke. “Yes, nothing happened.” “She’s telling the truth and, besides, I already have my imprintee,” Quil said. I turned to Quil, shocked. I didn’t know he had a mate. No one told me this. “You have a mate?” I asked. “Yes, she’s eleven years old,” Quil responded. “Oh.” “Yep.” I looked back at Jacob and spoke. “Anyway, as we said, Jacob, nothing happened. I promise. You know me. I love you so much. You should trust me.” Jacob’s expression changed from unreadable to a grin. “Okay, I trust you,” he said. “Good. Well, that’s out of the way. I’m going to leave the room.” Quil said. Once Quil was gone, Jacob embraced me, wrapping his arms around me and leaving a soft kiss on my neck. I savored this private moment with him, yet a question lingered. How did Jacob find out I was in Quil’s embrace? “Jacob,” I said. “Yes, babe,” Jacob said. “How did you know I was in Quil’s arms?” “I just know.” “How, though? I want to know.” “No, you don’t.” “Yes, I do.” Jacob sighed and spoke, “I’ll share, but then you’ll be curious, too.” “Okay,” I said. Jacob held my hand as we headed to the living room and settled on the couch. He sat me on his lap and began talking to me. “So...” I asked. “I need to tell you something,” Jacob said. “Okay, what is it?” “Well, I found out something. You know how I know when someone else touches you. It doesn’t work unless we finish the mating process,” Jacob said. Jacob expresses his frustration by running his hands through his hair. His words made me think, and my eyes widened. Wait, we can’t have. Did we? s**t. “So, how do you know?” I asked. “It’s a feeling. I can feel it in my gut. If anything happens to you, I can feel it, like if you got hurt, I can feel your pain in the spot you’re hurting. For example, if you cut your finger with a knife, I would feel the pain in my finger.” Jacob responded. “That is weird. Can I feel anything?” “Yeah,” “Can we try?” “Try what?” “What you have told me. I want to feel what you’re feeling. I’m curious about what it’s like.” “Nessie, I don’t know.” “Come on. Please.” “Fine, but because you want me to.” I smiled, and we got up and headed into the kitchen. “What are we doing?” I asked. “I’m going to show you,” Jacob responded. My heart raced as Jacob seized a knife, leaving me anxious about his next move, and I spoke, “Jacob, what are you doing...” Jacob cut his finger; blood gushed out. I felt pain and hissed, “God, that hurts.” Jacob gazed at me, worried. “Are you alright?” he asked. “Yeah, I’m fine,” The pain disappeared, and I noticed the cut had already healed. My eyes widened as I spoke. “Wow, that’s cool,” Jacob chuckled at my reaction. “Yep,” he said. “Does this happen every time we’re in pain?” I asked. “No, not all the time. It’s the serious, painful ones you will get.” I nodded. “Anyway, again, I’ll be in my office,” Jacob said. Jacob left and headed towards his office. I sighed and returned to the sink. I finished washing and drying the dishes. Once I finished, Sophia and Seth entered, looking tired. Their appearance made me laugh before I said anything. “It looks like you two woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” “Tell me about it. I have a tremendous headache from drinking alcohol.” Sophia said. “Sophia, you drank!” “Yeah, so.” “I drink too sometimes, so it doesn’t matter. Why did you drink a lot?” “I was having fun.” “I can see that, but...” “I’m hungry. Can I eat?” “Huh, yeah.” They both got food, and Seth spoke. “Thanks, Renesmee, for the food,” “Hum... you’re welcome,” I said. They started eating, and I stood there for a minute. “I’m going to do something. When you’re done, would you mind cleaning up after yourselves?” I asked. “Yeah, sure,” Seth responded. “Okay, thanks.” “Your pleasure, Luna.” “Seth, call me Renesmee. You don’t have to call me Luna if you don’t want to.” “I would, but it’s more fitting. You are now Luna. Jacob wants us to get used to it. After the wedding, you will be his wife and part of the pack.” “Alright, whatever. Do what you want.” I left the kitchen afterward. What should I do next? I could practice my music, but I don’t have a piano here. After moving in and getting married, I asked for a piano at the pack house for my birthday. So what should I do then? I walked over to the closed office doors and saw Jacob working. Not wanting to bother him, I turned and left. I went upstairs and entered the game room to play Xbox 360. I searched for games and found one, The Call of Duty Black Ops III, where you’ll take out zombies. I powered up the Xbox 360, played the game, picked up a controller, settled on the couch, and pressed play. I picked out a character and started playing. I saw zombies and started killing them. When I finished the level, I killed all of them. “Yes,” I yelled. I played levels for an hour until I heard footsteps on the stairs. I sensed someone’s breath near my neck, causing me to shiver. I paid no attention and continued playing. I felt the lips on my neck while I was playing. I struggled to suppress my moan to stay focused on the game but failed. I felt a tingle run through my body as the person’s lips kissed my neck, making me tense. It was Jacob. No one else could elicit this response from me except for him. Jacob kissed my neck. Next, he planted kisses on my collarbone. Once again, I groaned and couldn’t resist pausing at the game. He then kissed my neck. I tilted my head to the side, giving him better access. He sucked my sweet spot before kissing me a couple more times. Then he spoke. “Hey, babe,” “Hi,” I said. Jacob tilted my chin up and tilted my head back. Unlike the first Spider-Man film, he kissed me instead of me kissing him. I kissed him back and deepened the kiss. Coughing noises interrupted us after a few minutes of making out. Jacob pulled away from the kiss, groaning, and I chuckled. We saw Quil to our left as Embry and Hannah were in the bedroom. Jacob growled as he asked. “What Quil?” “Sorry to interrupt your make-out session. But we have a minor problem, Jacob,” Quil said. Jacob got up, and his expression got severe. “What is it?” he asked. “Well, come with me,” Quil asked. “Alright.” Quil went downstairs. Jacob turned to me. “I’ll check what’s happening. I’ll return soon.” “Okay,” I said. Jacob then turned around and headed downstairs. I then started playing the game again. Twenty minutes later, I heard footsteps from the stairs. Then, they got closer to me. The steps passed by the couch, which dipped next to me, but I continued playing the game without glancing. I then heard Jacob’s voice speak. “Wow, you are good at this game. I didn’t know you were so skilled.” I glanced at Jacob before returning to the game. “Yeah, I figured it out, and it’s getting addicting now,” I said. “I know. It took me a while to quit playing,” Jacob said. “You played?” “Yeah, duh. That’s why I got the game.” “Oh yeah, duh.” Jacob chuckled and asked, “Want to play multiplayer with me?” “Sure,” I responded. Jacob extended his hand, asking for the remote. I stopped the game and gave him the remote, and he switched to multiplayer in the settings. Next, he returned it to me and took hold of a different controller. “So, are you good at this game?” I asked. Jacob smirked. “You’ll have to wait and see,” he said. I rolled my eyes and started playing again. Jacob beat me to it as I was about to defeat the final zombie and secure victory. “What?!” I screamed. Jacob smirked at me. “How did you...” I said. “Babe, I’ve been playing this game for a while now. I know the tricks. That’s why I beat you.” Jacob responded. I glared at Jacob and spoke. “Oh yeah, I want a rematch, then.” Jacob’s eyebrows rose. “Oh, you think you can beat me this time?” he asked. “Yep, and if I win...” I responded. “If you win, what?” “If I win, you must take me anywhere I want.” “Oh, so you’re betting?” “Yep.” “Fine, and if I win...” “If you win, what?” “If I win, I get to do whatever I want to you.” I raised an eyebrow and asked, “What do you mean, do whatever you want to me?” Jacob smirked as he responded. “You heard me.” My eyes widened at what he meant. “No,” I said. “Then no rematch. A deal is a deal,” Jacob said. “Fine.” “Great, and what do you mean I get to take you anywhere you want?” “Like anywhere.” “Oh, okay.” “Okay?” “Yeah, I don’t care. It doesn’t matter to me as long as I’m with you.” I smiled in awe at Jacob’s words. I shook it off and spoke. “Okay, now let’s play.” We played for fifteen minutes when we got to the game’s end. I was an inch from killing the zombie right before me when a gunshot hit it. No! “What again!” I yelled. Jacob had a smirk on his face when I looked at him. “How? Really? That is so unfair. Why didn’t you give it to me?” I asked. “I was, but then I changed my mind,” Jacob responded. “I hate you.” “No, you don’t.” “Yes, I do.” “No, you don’t.” “Yes, I do.” “Don’t.” “Do.” “Don’t.” “Do.” “Don’t.” “Do.” “Do.” “Don’t.” “Gotcha.” I groaned, and Jacob laughed. I set the controller down and turned to him. “So, what are you going to do to me?” I asked. Jacob smirked, lifted me, and tossed me over his shoulder, causing me to squeal and kick my feet. “Jacob, put me down!” I yelled. “Nope,” Jacob said. I heard the T.V. turn off and saw Jacob walking out of the game room. “Where are we going?” I asked. Jacob smirked. “Yall see,” he responded. I raised an eyebrow and said nothing after that. We went into Jacob’s bedroom a minute later, and he shut and locked the door. He approached the bed and set me down on it. Jacob moved on top of me, kissed my lips, then moved to my neck and kissed it too. His tender kisses traced a path from my jawline to my lips, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. Jacob surprised me by grabbing my shirt and ripping it off, leaving my bra exposed. He then moved down to my stomach. His lips traced a path of fire across my skin. They ignited a symphony of sensations. The sensations escaped my lips in a moan. Jacob unstrapped my bra and flung it across the bedroom. I watched Jacob with curiosity. He retrieved something from under the bed. It was a rope. I looked at him with curiosity. “Why do you have a rope?” I asked. Jacob smirked as he responded to me. “For safety reasons, but today, since I won the bet, I will use them for something else,” My eyes widened, and I felt nervous about what he would do to me. “Scoot closer to the bed and give me your hands?” Jacob asked. “Why?” I asked. “Just do it.” “Okay,” I said. I followed instructions. Jacob tied my hands with a rope and directed me to lean against the headboard. He tied the rope to the headboard, leaving me lying on my back with my arms raised. After Jacob finished, I watched him pull his shirt over his head and throw it across the room. “Jacob, what are you going to do to me?” I asked. “I wanted to try this on you but lacked the courage. Can you trust me? It would not hurt you, and besides, if I did, I would feel your pain, and I don’t want that.” I smiled at Jacob because, despite him being in control, Jacob was always so sweet and caring. Jacob began unbuttoning his pants, revealing his boxers underneath. Jacob removed his boxers, and I scanned his body from head to toe. The urge to touch him arose, but being tied up prevented me from doing so. “Babe, I can smell you. You’re going to cause me to want to take you.” Jacob said. “Then do it,” I said. Jacob raised an eyebrow and smirked as he spoke. “But that wouldn’t be any fun.” I raised an eyebrow. Jacob then removed my shorts and underwear. He parted my legs, planting a soft kiss on my thigh, before burying his face between my thighs. Jacob’s tongue danced across my sensitive flesh. It sent waves of pleasure through my body. I let out a soft moan. Jacob kept at it for a bit of a while, pushing me towards the climax. But he stopped, leaving me flustered. A whimper escaped from my lips. Before I could utter a word, he inserted two fingers into me, gliding them in and out. Another moan escaped my lips. I arched my back, moaning more. “God, Jacob!” I yelled. “I want you.” With a smug smirk, Jacob sped up. He left me with an overwhelming desire to grab onto something. But there was nothing within my reach. He was making me suffer here. While moaning his name, I experienced a climax, and he pulled out. Jacob smirked and licked me clean, causing my legs to twitch at the feeling. “Mmm, you taste so good,” Jacob said. Jacob leaned in closer, his lips pressing against mine as he kissed me. Then, he moved to my neck, planting gentle kisses and leaving a trail of tingling sensations. His kisses were so intoxicating that I couldn’t help but moan with pleasure. Jacob then moved his lips to my breast, and I could feel the intensity as he sucked on it, making me tilt my head back. His lips trailed from between my breasts down to my stomach and reached my belly button. Jacob then moved back to my lips, and I felt the gentle pressure as he kissed me again. I kissed him back, savoring the connection between us. As our lips met, he entered me, causing me to break the kiss. I couldn’t help but moan and toss my head back, overwhelmed by the sensation. Jacob began thrusting inside me, his eyes fixed on my response, a smug smile playing on his lips. He kept moving faster, and moans escaped our lips, growing louder as we approached the climax. The sound of the doorbell echoed through the house. Jacob stopped what he was doing and groaned in frustration. He then spoke. “Really now.” I laughed, and Jacob sighed. He got out of bed to grab clothes. He then put them on and untied the ropes for me. I got up, grabbed one of his shirts in his drawer, and put my shorts back on. Jacob looked at me and spoke. “We are not done with this. We will get back to it later.” I chuckled and nodded, and then we went downstairs to answer the door. When we got to the door, Jacob answered it. We saw a tall, light tan-skinned guy with brown hair as we opened it. His pompadour showcased his long, wavy hair, which gelled to create a polished look. The guy caught my attention with his striking hazel eyes. Jacob was more attractive than him. He also looked a lot like Mason. Wait, if he looked like Mason, then... Oh no!
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