chapter 6

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Stella is scared and hurt . Am dirty ? Who told you that I have slept with a man before. . Moffat he's just looking at what's between her legs. She walks away to go and pick up her dress . He rushes towards her and pulls her close to him and starts kissing her . she tries to push him away . he's too strong . he lets her go and she slaps him hard how dare you insult me says Stella .He's now angry he picks her up and throws her on the bed , she is screaming and struggling to get out. Let me go . Moffat let me go cries Stella. He's kissing her neck and bites her n*****s she screams in pain . Moffat is now concious but he needs to release for him to be ok. She's struggling and rubing against him. aaaaah moans Moffat has she rubs against his d**k . I don't want to do this let me go . He kisses her ear and tells her. I told you your little temper will put you in trouble. , he holds her hands in his left hand ontop of her head . he parts her legs and positions himself between her. No No , Moffat please stop . he pushes is d**k inside . a piercing scream leaves Stella's mouth ,she cries bitterly that it breaks everyone's heart . Angel is panicking and fidgeting . Mum we have to make him stop she tells her mother he can't stop says Christine it's not possible. Grace you said she's not a virgin but why is she screaming and crying. You lied to me . Says Angel with tears in her eyes . Ken holds his whiskey glass tightly and takes a big gulp. he holds the bottle but his hands are shaking . Stella's screaming is breaking his heart he goes to were Nancy is sitting he pulls away the curtains Robert follows him . he holds, pulls Nancy by her neck . You evil woman you lied to me that she's not a virgin. you disgraced my daughter . Why Nancy Robert tries to pull him away . but it's no use. Moffat is shocked he looks at Stella she's crying and trembling . because of pain. Am sorry I heard your mother saying that you have done this before. it's going hurt again he tells her and kisses her lips . then he pushes deep , Stella feels like her p***y is being torn to pieces inside out . another piercing scream comes from the curtains and Moffat screams with pleasure Ken let's go of Nancy's neck and turns to open the curtains of the bedroom. but Robert holds him back . you can't do this Ken . That's my baby girl in there tears leave his face . Angel is also crying . Please Dad make him stop says Angel. Baby girl I can't . . Stella is begging Moffat to stop but he doesn't want to . she's so tight that he's moaning and growling loudly . he turns and tosses her around ,the plane is filled with Stella's screams and Moffat screams of pleasure and moans . this goes on for hours even after they land ,he doesn't let her go . Stella is tired and her tears have dried up . she has lost consciousness and faints . he releases himself and lays ontop of her . he gets up goes to the shower to get a clean towel and a robe he comes out and looks at the scene . There's blood on the bed , on her thighs her beautiful white skin is has red marks on everywhere her eyelids look sollen from crying are lips are bruised . he looks down on himself there's blood on his d**k on his thighs . ( moffat you did this , you even want to divorce her after a year. ,you could have trusted her .now she will hate you ) he wipes her clean starting from the head She frowns when touches between her legs . she will need some stiches . He cleans her and puts her in a bathrobe. He cleans himself. everyone is outside in the cars waiting for them . she's unconscious he lifts her up in bridal style and walks out .gets in his car and drives back to the estate. the family doctor is already waiting for them . Why can't I go with them . I want to know how my daughter is. Ken she's fine she will feel embarrassed to see her father let them reach first then will follow later. , Christine pulls Nancy aside and they go back in the jet , Grace and Angel follows. why did you lie asks Christine. That's what Richard told everyone. whose Richard? It's the guy who tried to rape her and is the fiance'to Grace, Angel explains . you failed to believe your own daughter . she pulls the curtains of the bedroom. now look what your lie has down . , everyone gasps and Angel is terrified at the scene . Christine pulls off the blood stained covers. The blood has stained the mattress too . She tells the flight attendants to burn the covers and mattress . Moffat is holding Stella's hand she's sleeping soundly.The wound will heal after 2 weeks after she's healed up practice more often so that she adjusts . wash the wound and let fresh air pass through . no pants and alot of liquids . she prescribes some medicine. The family arrives the moment they enter they can hear Moffat shouting like a deranged man on the phone. Find out who the did this. I will come and shot every one including your cockroaches. tommorow morning I need names . . he cuts the phone and throws it to the wall and it breaks . Christine rushes to her son. she holds his arm , son it's alright. No mum it's not alright she will hate me ,she will leave me. Says Moffat, turns around and he's enraged when he sees Grace and her mother. He holds Grace's collar . what did you put in the champagne you gave me ? that's the only drink I had . Me nothing Ken rushes to save Grace from his hold . And you ,he points at Nancy . You lied that she's slept with other men. Why is she surrounded by snakes . get out of here . I don't want to see you here again. roars Moffat. . Son calm down how's my daughter Stella What did the doctor say.asks Ken. she's ok you can go and see her . she's with the doctor . They all go the Moffat's bedroom Stella is sleeping soundly . Ken holds and kisses her hand . Moffat is standing by the door and watches the father and daughter. my poor little monkey .Get well soon . Doctor how is She? asks Christine . she will wake up by tommorow morning. Don't give her a negative or sad vibe . she will be phycologically disturbed and maybe choose to be celibate for the rest of her life because of fear. This is common in most virgins . And she's doing just fine . your son is also disturbed he is scared to touch her again. and this causes big problems in most marriages. I recommend they do it more often once she's healed. Angel and Grace blushes. They all go to their rooms . Moffat is really tired he gets in bed and holds her tightly in his arm and he sleeps. . Grace what are we going to do when they see the footage of us drugging him . I don't know mum ,Let's just wait for Stella to wake up. if she forgives him he will not be bothered with who did what and what. .. Robert am worried about the Stella and Moffat. What if she doesn't want him and hates him. am really worried. woman put your worries aside . if it was me in Ken's position. I could have beaten her husband. now unfortunately the husband is our son. your son is a monster says Christine. Has she gets in bed . . he has inherited from I don't know who . says Robert. Angel was crying Mummy make him stop , she doesn't understand that it's not possible . I will kill the son of b***h who will do that to my Angel. mmm Robert but your son almost did that to someone's daughter. . come here he holds her in his arms and kisses her. I love you Christine and they sleep. Angel can't sleep she's scared. Stella's screams and cries are still echoing in her mind. . she stalks Lucas on i********: and looks at his physic . Stella feels restrained she can't move. He feels movements and he wakes up . He looks at her . she looks at him and she's frightened. Moffat only sees fear in her eyes. she's scared to be with him, she wants to scream but he cover her mouth .Am not going to hurt you, . I will remove my hand from your mouth. ok ,she nods her head . he removes his hand. the memories of yesterday flash back. tears fall down from the corner of her eyes. He doesn't know what to do. he holds her and she cries in his arms . shh shh am sorry Stella. Am really sorry I didn't plan for it to be like that. forgive me for what I did . He kisses her head. it's breaking his heart listening to her crying. She suddenly stops . I want to go to the bathroom . He lets go of her . She tries to sit up . she leans on her elbows and sits .but she winces in pain and falls back . can I carry you ,, she nods her head . he carries her and sits her on the toilet,she's biting her lower lip . she's in pain. she hold him tight as she feels pain when she urinenates and tears fall down her face. . she finishes he picks her up and goes to the bed . Stella She looks at him . Yes . Her voice is very hoarse from the screams and cries. What would you like to eat? I Don't know, my stomach hurts. says Stella. he puts his hand on her small stomach. is it here no. Can you call the doctor , in less than a minute a doctor comes in. Morning Mr and Mrs King. morning. My stomach hurts ,were exactly she points in the lower regions . . lts ok you will be fine . . The doctor prepares a bath for her and cleans her. Moffat goes to the kitchen , meets his mother and ken . is she awake ? yes says but she wants to eat. what's are favorite food? she loves french toast and hot chocolate. Moffat starts to make, but Christine says I will make it go be with her . Ken let's wait until she's ready to see us ok .. Moffat goes back to the bedroom and finds Stella puting some make up to cover the lovemaking marks . she's wearing a lose green dress with white canvas she does her hair . were are you going? I want to go down for breakfast. I will bring it up . No let's go we eat together . can you walk? she's walking slowly but she's walking. . ok am coming. he rushes down gets a soft pillow and puts it on the chair. Stella comes out and she walks down the stairs with difficult.but manages to get down. Moffat pulls the chair for her and holds her has she sits slowly. . Everyone is suprised to see Stella eating . Moffat is sitting next to her Ken can't help but stare at his daughter. Dad am fine says Stella , and she changes the topic, looks at Moffat ,will I not be in trouble at the office for being absent. Asks Stella. No . Tony has it sorted out. she's worrying about the office instead of your honeymoon says Angel. Will go very soon says Stella. Grace can't stop staring at Moffat . ( god this man is perfect ,he has it all) Stella notices Grace and she holds Moffat's hand on the table. . where are we going for the honeymoon? , Moffat feels happy when she hold his hand. he lift her hand and kisses it. Anywhere you want to go, will go".
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