Chapter 5

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Everyone is awake except for the bride . she slept late thinking about what Grace told Angel. Rise and shine beauty today is your day .says Mrs King. I know,am scared . don't be everything is alright. she takes her bath ,and comes out of the shower naked , Stella has always had a problem with wearing a bath towel or robe , when she's from bathing .Nancy and Grace are used to see her walking around naked . even her room mates . So she didn't mind and forgot that Angel and Mrs King are in the room . For Grace it's normal to see Stella walking butt naked . she goes to the dressing table and starts applying cream . Angel what type of panties should I wear ? ,I think white will do . she goes to the suitcase and find white lacy french panties , Grace notices Mrs King and Angel are looking at Stella suprised ,. hey dumbo dress up this is not home ,. you are walking naked in front of your mother inlaw. Stella looks at herself and looks at Mrs King and Angel . then she runs back in the bathroom . They laugh at her . Just come out we have already seen everything . ooh goodness my son is very lucky and he will appreciate if you would be walking around like that when you are just the two of you , shouts Angel . and they start laughing. Baby girl come out you will be late . , pass me a towel ? , here . now hurry and you don't wear a pant on your wedding says Mrs King has she winks at Stella . no way mum . , It's true if you want ask your mother? . Bertha enters. why didn't you tell me you look beautiful in your wedding dress . oh my god you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. Let me take a picture of you, this dress was made for you . Thank you Bertha says Stella.. Everyone is present The friends and family, some board members to witness the marriage. Moffat is standing at the alter looking devilishly handsome . In a black tux . his hair looks neatly combed. He has Lucas and James by his side . Angel can't help stealing a glance at Lucas. hes looking handsome. I wish it was me getting married says Angel. Stella is ready and the que in music for the bride is played . Ken hold his daughter's hand and walks her down the isle . the veil is covering her face and the dress is shining so brightly . They reach the alter . Ken removes Stella's hand from his arm and hands it to Moffat . he takes her hand . Stella can sense that something is not right. yes he doesn't love me but he is the one who wanted this? They say their vows and exchange the rings . Now the part Stella feared the most . ( he's going to kiss me in front of my Dad and his family ) Stella is lost in thoughts. she suddenly feels the veil being lifted up . The way she is looking , Moffat forgets all the hate he was feeling and pulls her for a strong magnetic kiss. he holds her tight and she responds to his kiss . they kiss each other sweetly and the people cheers and claps from them . He doesn't want to stop . until he feels her run out of breath . Stella is shy to look at everyone. she just looks down . Moffat holds her waist and they step down from the alter and get in the car . Stella is happy . she loves weddings and today was her wedding. she's smiling and the beautiful dimples are on display for Moffat who can't stop staring at her pretty face . He pulls her on his lap and closes the partition of the car he tries to kiss her but shes scared and looks away . he's infuriated with her action and pushes her off his lap.(she has slept with other men and wants to act shy with me ) he looks at her coldly and hands her a document. This is the divorce agreement and the marriage contract. This marriage is valid for a year . After one year you can sign the divorce agreement. My signature is already there . . Stella is speechless and tears fall down her face and she looks away . ( What's happening now) she can't help but let tears fall down her face . They arrived at the airport first and had to wait for the family to arrive . Moffat is busy on the phone . She wipes away her tears . Don't even cry you never wanted this marriage anyway ,after one year you are free miss Stone . So don't act like you are hurt . am a business man but I don't trade emotions. He tells her coldly. They get down from the car . They go to the private get . The plane takes off the all family is excited. except for Grace and her mother. Mum you said I should be the first before he sleeps with Stella. Now do you think they will sleep on the plan?. Mummy has it all planned don't worry. she assures Grace. Stella is sitting with Moffat. They are not talking to each other. she gets up and goes to sleep in the room . Moffat is alone . Nancy pushes Grace to sit with him. you have lost your bride in the first hour of marriage,says Grace. Moffat looks away from his phone and looks at her. ( is this what that stupid girl would have stollen from me ,No way . those blue eyes all my god ) ,she looks at his lips and licks her lips seductively . She's sleeping he says ,I think you should rest too says Grace . it's a long flight to P..... before she could finish he gets up and goes to the room where his father and Stella's dad are sitting and drinking. how early for you to join us says Robert (his Dad) . Stella is tired she's sleeping. . today will be a busy day after the celebration you have to go to your honeymoon. Were exactly are you two going? Ask Ken ( Stella's Dad ) . south Africa. Ooh wow that's really great . She has always wanted to go to Africa. I liked the place when we went last year for the family vacation. Says Moffat. After the two hours flight the arrived in France. They have changed their wedding clothes. She's wearing a white simple dress , white heels and let her hair loose. We are not spending a night in Paris. we have to go back and finish the wedding celebration . . at 18 hours. Tommorow you must leave for your honeymoon says Mrs King . Now is the time Grace . here is the pill , put it in Moffat's drink . When you see him go to the bathroom you follow him. He will not be in his right mind,Then you sneak out of here with him . . mum when can I give him the drink .? . I will give you a signal. Alot of people there are present . The media and companies presentatives . The master of ceremony welcomes everyone and . calls Mr Robert king to the stage with a round of applause. welcome family and friends, business associates and ventures . This is the happiest day of my life . I remember like it was yesterday when my father Mr Seth king handed over the king's company to me . he told me son , they will come a day when you will also retire and hand over to my grandson. And the day has finally come . I now hand over the king's company to my son and heir Moffat king. The light is turned towards him and Stella , he gets up and bends to kiss her . He goes on stage . Grace looks at her mother who nods her head she waits until the all family goes on stage to congratulate him. He holds Stella's waist with his left hand and receives the drink from Grace with his right . He kisses Stella and a round of applause resounds once again. he lifts his cup and drinks the champagne. . He's really happy and Stella can't help but to smile back at him. They are called to open the first dance . He holds her waist and she wraps her arms around his neck . They dance beautifully and people can't stop staring at them . he's handsome and she beautiful they look like a painting. . He's looking into her eyes , You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen . , she smiles shyly and says thank you , he can't help but to kiss her. The moment his lips touches hers he feels different like she's cold and he feels hot , Stella feels it too . Are you ok ? she asks . Moffat his aware of what is happening to him . He has been drugged. He knows when the drug will be very effective . This is his important day . And who ever did this will pay. Just after they finish dancing they socialize and start off they drive back to airport. Stella can't help but touch his forehead ,he's burning hot . And her little hand is so cold . he holds her hand and pushes it away. They get to the plane Moffat goes straight in the room and takes off his clothes and goes on the shower. Stella is worried she tells Mrs King and Angel. He's been drugged says Angel. What!! will my son die ? Mrs King is panicking and she's scared. Grace and her mother pretends like they know nothing. Christine is worried she tells her husband to check on him. They all gather in one compartment. The private jet is not very big . it only has two in the bar lounge , the room and the seaters. the bar lounge is not near to the bedroom. Robert goes to see his son. Son are you alright ? . No Dad answers Moffat from the shower . What type of drug is it ? . It's the S drug Dad. oohh ok , you mother is worried . Does Stella know ? . She thinks am sick . We have to tell her so that she can help you. No Dad I will go to the hospital when we land . I will just be on the shower . But you will catch a cold . it's fine I don't want to touch her . Why son ? , she's your wife . Dad let me be alone . for now. Robert comes out and he's worried . He only calls his wife and Stella's mother and father to the bar lounge. Stella is worried ( why have they gone and left us here? , what are they talking about? ) she can't help but become curious ,so she goes near the curtains, Angel and Grace join her . They all want to know . except for Grace who is the culprit in all of this. Moffat is drugged says Robert holding his wife's hand . he's drugged with the s*x pill . he's on the shower . And it's a two hours flight from here ,If he stays on the cold shower he will be sick by the time we reach the hospital. . Have you told Stella about it asks Ken (Stella's Dad) No . I thought of discussing with you first since she's your daughter. But she's his wife . she should know. Let her make the decision says Ken. I agree with my husband says Nancy. Stella is now scared she looks at Angel and Grace ,they all look at her . The curtains open and they catch the girls eavesdropping. Nancy pretends to care and hold Stella's hand . My daughter your husband needs your help , but am not ready ,. don't worry every girl dreams of being married a virgin And since you are nolonger a virgin your sister can help you and then when that happens when he's unconscious you can go and lie on the bed ,when he wakes up it's you he will see. says nancy in a small voice only the two of them can hear. Stella is now angry . . he's my husband and am his wife . only I can help him she walks to the room and pushes the curtains and closes them . Moffat he's in the shower she takes off her dress and heels and goes in the shower he feels a presence and turns around . And sees Stella is standing naked in front of him . She's wet and cold her n*****s her hard and the sexy tiny waist and curvy hips . he swallows hard and his d**k is now hard . Stella move her eyes to his lower body and shes scared and takes a step back . (its huge and long just like what Grace said . Will it fit? ) She takes another step back. He follows her . She's only looking at his d**k Get out says Moffat . No Says Stella . I don't want to touch you. You are not pure . I can't touch what other men have touched before. says Moffat with disdain.
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