


We have no other choice. we only have to marry her to the king's family and repay our gratitude..

we meet again she hears a cold voice and she turns around to sees the most handsome man she has ever seen.,hes towering over her and he looks very devilishly with a evil smirk on his face .

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Chapter 1
Stella honey we have something to tell you. What time is your graduation party?. asks her Father (Ken) ,what is it dad , She looks at her step mum ,she knows that it's not something good,." The king's will be here tomorrow , Stella first of all you remember when your mother was sick, we owed alot of money to alot of people,. Mr Robert king payed them off ,now we only owe Mr King. , you sister Grace is getting engaged and you being the only daughter of my late wife ", Dad get to the point when does he want his money? Stella can't you let your father finish . Mr King doesn't want any money he wants you , says.(Nancy her step mother) . What!!! , Dad what's going on? Mr King will come with his son whom you are going to marry. I don't want to marry anyone. I will work more shifts,I will find another job ,dad don't do this . How much do we owe him? , the interest has accumulated my daughter it's alot . I can't even pay back in my next life. what if you tell him you can't marry me off to his son or whoever. ? (Nancy) then your father will go to jail ,. you even know his condition , this is not fair cries Stella . I am not marrying anyone no way. she storms out frustrated and goes to Bertha her friend,. They prepare and go to the party shes wearing Bertha's short brown dress with high heel sandles and ,she has a very beautiful face ,a face that gets stuck in your brain when you just see her . very big sexy lips sharp eyebrows and beautiful dimples when she smiles. average hight and killer body. "the dress hugs you like it was made for you says Bertha",. You have no idea how strange this feels wearing a dress. Girlfriend how will you work as a planner wearing your tomboy outfit ,. from here it is now office suites and cocktail dresses. ( from here my life is doomed) Stella thinks. They arrived at the party late it's at club. everyone is suprised to see Stella in a dress . she's now the center of attention now.,. wow thanks Bertha am now a light bulb . someone spots her in the vip cubes . he has never seen such a beautiful girl ,her skin is so white and smooth she's very beautiful he thinks out loud and his friends look in his direction and they spot Stella. I have been here most of the times , I have never seen such a beautiful girl like this before. I know that one (Bertha)she's a regular ,says Lucas his friend . It's true but we just can't sit and watch a beautiful girl . wish me luck says James . No she's Moffat's he's the one who saw her first. I dare this cold tyrant to go to her. He only knows how to make business deals not proposing to a girl. by the time James had finished speaking Moffat is half way to were Stella and her friends her sitting.he holds her by her right arm and turns are to face him,. what the hell shouts Stella but fails to complete the sentence. . Moffat is standing towering her she's wearing heels but he's tall she can't clearly see his face she's tipsy and the club is dimmer inside, she can see his body is tall, huge cold temperament and rude . how much do you charge says a deep cold voice. what did you just say? asks Stella,. oh hell no you just didn't a hot slap landed on Moffat's handsome face . Stella is annoyed she wants to hit him again he holds her little hand and pulls her close to him. Don't start what you can't finish princess he whispers in her ear so coldly and pushes her off. " who was that Bertha asks ,why did you slap him ,was he picking on you , no " just some arrogant jerk ", hmm I don't think so Stella judging by his temperament and his suite he's very scary and rich . says Judy one of her friends.i don't care if he's rich or scary he's a big jerk ," what did he say , it's not important let's enjoy our night Stella shouts and raises her glass . they drinks and dance. across in the vip cube , " Moffat what was that"? asks Lucas , Are you ok? asks James .Have you seen a man die from a woman's slap says moffat with a chuckle. Does she want to live ?,does she know who you are?, She's playing with fire ,chase her out of your club says James . no let her enjoy tonight he says and squints his eyes looking in Stella's direction. He calls his body gaurd Tony. find everything about her . yes sir says Tony,. now that's what am talking about. I knew that Moffat can't let her off says James. Stella is now very sober she knows he's watching her so she goes on the dance floor and starts dancing , he's now fixed his eyes on her .she knows she is good at dancing and she's slowly whining her waist and it's so seductive that everyone is now watching her ,the talkative James has is mouth wide open and Lucas is only swallowing hard. Moffat is having it worse. suddenly a random guy goes up to her and start dancing with her. Moffat is hopping that he gets slapped . but what Stella does leaves him dumbfounded. " she wraps her hands around his neck and starts dancing with him .They look good together and he's holding her tight that it irritates Moffat. his handsome face looks very angry . the beautiful blue eyes have now turned black . veins are popping out of his arm and fists he looks at his bodygaurds without a word they go to the dancefloor and pulls out the guy , he starts throwing punches at them they beat him up and throws him out of the club. . In the process Stella is pushed and falls on the floor ,. Bertha rushes to help her up . She looks in the vip cubes and sees moffat busy looking at the phone . She walks to the cube and stands in front of him" what's your problem , I know you are the one who's responsible for hurting my friend . James and Lucas can't say anything they are busy looking at the beautiful woman standing in front of them. she's very beautiful , moffat puts down his phone and looks up at her ,". she can clearly see his face now. (he's so handsome sharp nose , sharp eyebrows , blue eyes and a light beard. he suddenly gets up and he's very close to her ,she can smell his cologne it's so strong and rich. ,his cold temperament and dominant traits. he's the alpha male. Stella thinks and a total jerk too) moffat looks at his friends and excuses himself to leave. not even glacing at Stella . he walks past her and she holds him by the arm He turns around and looks at her He's now up close and he looks like a god so handsome she fails to alter a word .he shakes her hand off his arm never touch me again then he walks out of the club with the same bodygaurds who had beaten up her friend. she turns to leave and Lucas finally says, "you sure have guts to slap him" . Stella only hurries and leaves the club. Boss here is the information you asked for. [Stella Stone 23 years ,old graduated from Preston University, daughter of Ken Stone who apparently owe Mr King $7million ] interesting .He gets in the car ready to leave then his phone suddenly rings . his Father. Son come home tonight there's a business i want to discuss with you. ok on my way. THE KINGS MANSION Mr Robert king is in his study says the maid to Moffat upon arriving. He walk in the hallway to the study . knocks on the door and enters ," Dad how are you ? He greets his father .Am fine son and what's that hand print on your face ,who did that to you ,Your mother will be sad if she's sees that. says his Dad. it's nothing don't worry ",what's the business you wanted to discuss about . Son am retiring next month and I have to make you CEO of the king company. Now the problem is you can't be the CEO without the board members approval , your performance is excellent and you have managed the company and the stocks have never dropped but risen since you have been acting as CEO. Dad what's the problem . Son you have to marry in three weeks It's one of the qualifications to be CEO. you have to gain the trust and favour of the board members that you are a stable man who can manage a home and the company. Trust me son managing a company is easy than managing a home. . have found you a wife , she's the daughter of ....Am not interested Dad you said three weeks I will choose one for myself. Moffat cuts his father before he can even finish. Moffat son I know you can find one but the marriage needs to be beneficial , we have alot of people owing us alot of money and tommorow we are visiting the Stone's family ,he has two beautiful daughters .The name (Stone) reminds him of Stella ,. (got you Kitty cat) What time ? he asks , in the morning I thought you will reject . Oh Dad you have no idea . he walks. out of his father's study . And goes to the kitchen he finds his mother ( Christine )there preparing supper . did you have the talk with your Dad ? . yes. and you have agreed ? son am not getting any yonger I want to hold my grandson soon . why does it have to be me, she can get married and have kids too he points at his young sister ( Angel ) No way brother an still a baby. Angel your brother is right says his mother. Who wants to marry off my Angel before I die Says his Dad has he kisses their mother . so what time are you going to get your wife asks Angel. hey just eat your food and stop spouting nonsense comments moffat ", will you guys stay here when you get married? Angel is so excited that she can't stop asking. , "Before Moffat could reply his mother cuts in , " of course so that I can guarantee the arrival of my grandchildren and they all burst into laughter except for Moffat. . I don't really need you to do that mum. THE STONES HOUSE Mum don't you think she will run away . she's not yet back ? asks Grace . No she can't she loves her Dad alot . but marring her off . I heard that the son of Mr King is very rude and arrogant. I hope it saves her right . she has tried to steal my Richard ( The fiance' ) Stella is listening by the door . and she burst the door open , What the hell are you saying me trying to steal Richard . that good for nothing fiance' tried to rape me . Liar it's you who tried to have your way on him . Oooh You saw it yourself who was on top of who ? ,. girls stop the nonsense!. Stella " go to bed early ,the King's are coming tomorrow morning . She can't argue with her father and goes to sleep Nancy is very excited she wakes up early cleaning and cooking for the visitors. Stella is awake but not dressed shes in her pajamas .Ella (the name her mum used to call her ) , why are you not dressed says her father ? What for?. am just seeing the unfortunate husband of mine has if am getting married today . she says and leaves the living room. she goes to the bathroom and takes a shower and dresses up she doesn't have nice clothes, only if Bertha gives her something which can't fit her . or when she's left with some money from her part time jobs after she pays a tuition fees . That's when she manages to buy herself clothes . she's wearing a black denim skinny jeans and a black T-shirt and black Snickers. Grace looks very stunning in her Gucci dress and heels . her nails are manicured and looks nice . Suddenly three big black Mercedes Benz pull up in their driveway . They are here , where is your sister ? Call Her says her father . Mr King you are welcome please come in says Nancy . Thanks . The house is very small so the bodygaurds had to remain outside . Where's your son ? asks Stella's father . He's on the phone , he's coming shortly . Moffat soon enters the house. The mother and daughter stare at him in bewilderment at the tall handsome man , woow says Grace Quickly Nancy pushes Grace to Mr King. This is our daughter Grace . , " Mr King you are welcome to our home says Grace . Stella can hear what's happening and she decides not want to go out and see who has come. Mr Stone where is your other daughter says Moffat . Grace didn't you call your sister ? , I did Dad. Am sorry let me go and get her says Nancy, Stella is wondering were she heard that deep voice before . And Nancy opens her bedroom door . she's worried that once they see Stella Grace will not have a chance , so shes contemplating whether to tell her or not. Mother what do you want ? hmm your father is calling you. Stella has no choice but to go to the living room. . she's looking very sad. upon seeing stella Mr King is pleased This is my youngest daughter Stella. Moffat suddenly looks up and smirks at her , Stella is frightened and takes two steps backwards. Is everything ok ?, asks Mr King yes yes says Mr stone . Stella this is Mr King and his Son Moffat king . Stella is still shocked and doesn't say a word . . , Moffat suddenly gets up. I have a meeting to attend to ,we will be leaving first .Thanks for having us. Mr King also gets up to leave. so soon we prepared a meal ., thank you Mrs stone next time , will be coming soon for the wedding preparations. Says Mr King Moffat looks at Stella aren't you coming wifey ? , What Grace exclaims she's going today , Robert that's not what we agreed ,you said the wedding is in three weeks say Stella's father . Don't get me wrong ken, it's my son Whose getting married and wants to take his bride who am I to refuse . Am not going anywhere not with this jerk , Stella shouts , I told you princess not to start what you can't finish. he goes to where she's standing and lifts her up on his shoulders ,she's screaming and beating him and he walks to the car .shoves her inside . Nice doing business with you mr stone says moffat. Stella's dad is devastated hes worried that his daughter will suffer or be killed . Tears slide down his face . Mr stone don't worry no harm will come to her , They will live with me and my wife for a year and move to his house. you can come visit anytime you like , Welcome to the family he gives him the address to the estate. The mother and daughter are sad ,(she doesn't deserve such a handsome man and he's very rich I have to have him ) thinks Grace. Mr king our Stella is very delicate shes our little baby at least Grace can take care of herself shes matured Says Grace's mother . he has chosen her and there's nothing I can do. , please try to persuade him . That's my baby girl cries Mr Stone . no father would want there child to be married off because of debts . I will try but I can't promise anything. ,with that he leaves the stone's compound. moffat is sitting in the back sit with Stella. Shes attempting to get out but he's locked the doors and she's cursing him non stop I really need to wash that dirty mouth of yours says. moffat. . They cars start moving the drive to the mansion is the longest Stella has ever felt in her entire life . they. arrive at the mansion Mr king gets down first from the other car and enters the house. Moffat gets down and tells Stella to come out but she refuses. Oh I see you like being lifted ,. No don't touch me I will walk on my own you jerk she gets down and enters after him .The house is very big The biggest Stella has ever seen or been to . Honey you back Stella hears a sweet voice and sees a beautiful delicate woman hugging Mr King ( that's his mother ) she's beautiful . Son says Mrs King . Mum I have brought my wife home . You won't be lonly anymore when Angel goes to school. ooh my she's very pretty hello there don't mind my son, Am Christine king this is your home now . you can call me Christine or mum . And am Angel says a very sharp voice i am sure will be best of friends. Stella is now at ease .Am Stella she shakes Mrs King's hand but she's pulled in a hugg and Angel hugs her too ,wellcome to the family sis.

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