Chapter 7

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Moffat was in his study looking at the video footage. He is very upset with Grace and her mother for. drugging him. ( you are playing with fire ) .It's been a week and Stella doesn't talk to him . She was pretending to be ok with him when her family was around . The day they left she shifted back to her room. Mrs King is worried about her . Stella honey do you need to talk to someone , I can arrange someone for you. . No mum it's fine am ok . sis you don't look ok you look sad , disturbed . . Lucas I don't know what to do. says Moffat. she doesn't want to talk to me . she sits very far from me. it's driving me nuts. call her am sure she will talk to you on the phone. says James . That's right . damn I forget she doesn't have a phone. . Am going phone shopping for my wife. Moffat so what's your plan for the mother and daughter. He smirks don't worry you will know soon .is she better than the girls here ? asks James . She's the best ,am not just saying because she's my wife . But have reached heaven this time and am not coming down. , she made me feel like she is the one I was made for. It was magical and no she hates me. Yeah who wouldn't hate you for what you did. I want her again and these weeks it's like touture ,When are you going for the honeymoon? Am not even sure myself. Cause she went to the office today without me , can you imagine guys . . don't worry we will help you out . how? just go with the flow if you want your wife again. Ok am in . First am going to buy her the phone. Moffat leaves the club and drives to the mall. He buys the most expensive and advanced mobile phone . He goes to the office . straight to the computer to watch see what she's doing. Miss Stone are you joining us for lunch says her workmates . ok . just as she takes off her jacket the phone rings on her desk . Hello she says . come to my office now! says a deep magnetic voice. she knows it's Moffat. guys I will join you soon . She gets up and goes to the ceo's office. she knocks and enters . He's sitting behind the big office table he has unbuttoned the top buttons on his sky blue shirt . He look handsomely sexy . Sit he says . , Stella sits down. He pushes the box to her . It's yours . I don't want it ,Thank you. you haven't even opened it . She gets up to leave , He gets up too . and holds her hand . Stella please take the phone. ( how can I make her to accept? ) ,your father wants to talk to you , he called me in the morning. Really she seems happy and gets the phone . Thank you. but I don't have his number. I have already saved it in there. She smiles and leaves the office . she's happy and she's smiling at least says Moffat. He watches has she goes back to her office opens the phone. she gasps and holds her mouth . It's very beautiful she checks for her father's line and dails it ,he picks up , hello says Ken . Dad it's me , Stella? ,yes Dad . I have missed you my monkey . how are you . ? when are you coming to visit. Dad it's better we meet I don't want to see your wife and daughter. I don't trust them. ok baby . then tommorow ok . ok Dad . I love you . I love you too. She is very happy that she misses her lunch . Moffat sends one of his bodygaurds to buy her lunch . Mrs King , Mr King wants you to eat . she nods her head and starts to eat , she's in a good mood . ( just buying her a phone can make her this happy ) , I should start spoiling her . Maybe I will go to heaven again . Stella finds Bertha line And sends her a text . Richard still has no idea about the man she's married to. Hey you look different now , At least you are using your body to get what you want says Richard has he looks at the phone in Stella's hand. They people in the office also look in Richard's direction. is that the new phone . It's worth a million . How did she buy that . It's true she has a old man , says the ladies. Stella doesn't mind to what they are saying about her , Richard Kent at least I got something out for my services ,than other people I know who can't even buy a purse for their fiance' after spending a night. she leaves the office and goes to the parking lot, she finds Moffat is waiting for her talking on the phone . I will see you tonight take care. And he hungs up the phone. He gets in they drive back home ,did you talk to Ken? yes he alright . good They reach home Stella steps out . but Moffat remains she enters the house and he drives away. She goes back to check and sees the Bentley leaving the estate , ( is he going to the person he was talking to ) . Stella honey where is your husband . Mum how was your day? , I miss Angel. I will go and visit her this weekend says Stella (am avoiding to talk about Moffat ) . That would be nice dear . .What have you cooked today? I missed your cooking the all day . They go to the kitchen and the food smells nice. She loves Mrs King's cooking. Baby have you thought about your honeymoon . Mum I have thought about it and will go next month. she's happy and excited. What's these laughs all about ? Says Mr King. " how was work dear ? , it was fine Dad . ok Where is Moffat? He said he's working late. she leaves the kitchen. I hope he's not going back to the penthouse and clubs. he has been stressed lately says Robert. Stella can hear what Mr King has Said,. Robert he just wants to be loved and he has issues with his wife . they both need some time . What he did to her was not ok she needs to heal phycologically. Stella is now worried about Moffat where he is, what hes doing, who is he with,. . She's scared to sleep with him again , the doctor has been asking her if they have started sleeping together . "it's now 3weeks Mrs King ,you are completely healed .if this problem is phycologically then you will need counseling said the doctor.". she calls Angel. sis it's Stella how are you ? am good . Have you been doing it ? oh hell no Am scared ,late time I almost died and it hurt like hell. give it a try . He was drugged give him and yourself another chance . That's not what I called you for. Does he have a penthouse. where is it ? why are you asking, is he sleeping out ? I don't know I just heard he's meeting someone there. what !!!! that's is w***e house . what have you two been doing. he only goes there when he's stressed or depressed. I understand he forced you . Sis this marriage is not going to work if you don't talk about it ,yes you are strangers but those things know each other better than yourselves laughs Angel. I really miss you am coming this weekend to see you . Thanks bring mum's pies ok . Ok bye. Stella is now convinced he's f**king around with some whores . I need to know . why didn't she tell me the address thinks Stella. They are having a meeting in the office and he's looking handsome , Claire is sitting close to him . she seems really excited and smiles are visible on her face. He's talking to her and not even looking in Stella's direction. The meeting ends and he walks out of the meeting room with Claire. . ( they spent the night together , why is she energetic. that man he's a bull) . she wants to cry and goes to the bathroom. she locked herself in the cubicle. She hears someone come in talking on the phone. Am sure he's into me now . I had a wonderful time with him . and he bought me breakfast I have had a crush on him since junior high. . am not letting him go this time. Stella opens the door to find it's Claire. ,she washes her hands and looks in the mirror. she's now ok. Stella is looking at her . and he hates it because she's very pretty than her . ever since she came to the company . she's loved by everyone. ,she has stolen her sport light . . Miss Stone why are you wearing a wedding ring .Says Claire. Stella looks at the ring am married . . Claire rolls her eyes whatever , I bet he's poor . Stella leaves the bathroom. she is now hurting very much ( just because I can't sleep with him ,he goes to the next b***h available . she goes to her desk . Trey sits next to her . beauty let's go to lunch? no am really not hungry , ok She finishes her work. They come back from lunch did you see all the years have been working here it's the first time I have seen the CEO come to the restaurant. says girl 1 yeah and did you see the smile on Claire first . girl 2 am sure they are dating now . Cause she always said they were dating and I didn't believe her . Stella gets up and leaves to go to his office . She knocks once and enters she finds him alone buttoning his shirt . she looks at him . what do you what he says , while removing the lipstick on his lips . Nothing its just that Dad asked about you yesterday. I told him that you are working late. . don't worry I know what to say . I wasn't born yesterday. she leaves the company and meets her Dad. Ken is excited to see his daughter. My little monkey . I missed you alot ,how are you ? ,how's your new family . Ever since your mother died I have never seen you has happy has the way you are at the king's house . yeah they are nice people. . I wish I saw her one last time . Dad you lost your company and your wife . you will never lose me . I love you too much . He pinches her check I love you too . . Your sister's wedding is in next week you should come to her wedding with your husband and the family. Sure Dad we will. They have a wonderful dinner together and she goes home. Moffat is not at home . . Mum Grace is inviting us to the wedding next week. I hope she now stops bothering you and your husband. I hope so mum . He's working late tonight . I think so . I met with Dad so I don't know . ok . she goes in his study for the penthouse address and passcode she finally finds it . got you . The she tells the driver to go to the penthouse , she buys some take Chinese . She enters the passcode and enters it's dark inside she switch's on the light and find Moffat seated on the sofa. she screams " you scared me , why you seated in the dark ? He gets up and walks towards her and pulls her in a tight hug . Stella is frightened . he loosen his hold and looks at her . He lifts her chin and kisses her and struggles and he stops and kisses her slowly again ,she responds and he holds her tight . They kiss and he lifts her and enters the bedroom.
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