Chapter 19

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Moffat is up early , he is thinking about what happened yesterday at dinner and what Tony told him . He prepares himself and wears a be coffee brown suit , brown leather shoes . He goes to pick up his nephew and drive him to school . morning Miss Cross am Janet , Mr Tony's niece ,ooh come in dear am sorry am running late . This is MJ and June wow they are adorable , you can go don't worry I can take them to school and come back in the afternoon , this is my number call me anytime miss Cross, Thanks you are a life saver , she kisses and hugs the kids , Moffat doesn't look happy I love you and have a wonderful day at school . Love you too mommy shouts June she only hears June's reply she stops by the door and look at Moffat . Janet Moffat is the man of the house ,he's in charge when am not around ok . Yes mam I love you MJ says Stella sadly , he's now ok after being told he's incharge of the house I love you too mommy . Stella leaves the house for work , she is in hurry and doesn't notice the car parked outside . Janet walks out with the kids ,they look nice in their grey uniforms , she holds June's hand and tries to hold Moffat but he refuses . He's walking ahead of them . Jared sees june walking towards the car , he shouts that's the pretty girl uncle Moffat and he opens the door just when he's about to call June , June shouts Moffat am going to tell Mommy that you didn't hold my hand . Everyone in the car is suprised to hear what has been said . They all look at the boy who's near the car , Moffat rolls down his left window and looks at the boy , MJ also looks at the window being rolled down and looks at the man inside the car . Same piercing blue eyes, blond hair , lips and nose and cold temperament . MJ he's suprised and just stares at the strange man , he has eyes like his and his sister , same hair and he look like him now bigger . Tony gets out and Jared calls June . They stop by the car , Moffat looks at June she's very cute like Stella but she has his eyes and brows shape . she's adorable like a little doll that you can just hug her . Mommy's already gone to work says June ,the little milk voice makes Moffat want to cry . He gets out and looks at the little girl , Moffat junior he's looking at the strange man whose looking at his sister . Then he walks to June and holds her hand . Let's go will be late to school , come I will drop you off .I came to pick up your mommy then when drop you off with Jared at school . sorry but you are a stranger says MJ , Tony is dumbstruck by the little boy's answer . But we picked you up yesterday with your mommy from school . Ok let me call her she knows am here . Ok says MJ with a challenging look , Moffat has just been looking at the two little adorable little kids in front of him . Tony calls Stella and she picks up , puts her on speaker morning Miss Cross I came to pick you up ,am by your place . Have been told you left already . yes Mr Tony am almost near the office . Ok . Can I drop the kids at school am with them and Janet . Thank Mr Tony I will really appreciate . Yeeee shouts June and she leaves his hand and runs to the car . Janet waves bye at them . I will come pick you up when you knock off ok . Bye miss Janet shouts June . They get in side Moffat sits with Tony in the front and the kids sit in the back sit . Uncle Tony is he your friend ? asks June . MJ looks at Moffat , Moffat looks back No am your mommy's boss , am June mommy's princess ., Moffat smiles at the little girl , am Moffat King your mommy's boss . What !! you have the same name like my brother MJ , he's Moffat junior . MJ just looks at the strange man who looks like him and has the same name . Moffat my namesake nice to meet you . He just look at him and doesn't respond looks outside the window . Moffat mumbles what was I expecting he's just like me . He's my son .But MJ has heard that unlike June who's busy chatting with Jared . They reach the school , Moffat steps out and opens the door for the kids , bye MJ ,bye June , bye Jared , .bye they all respond except for MJ , who holds his sister's hand and they walk inside the school building . Moffat looks away and tears drop from his eyes he wipes them off but they don't stop , Tony steps out and hands him the handkerchief and walks away from the car , Moffat gets in the back sit and sobs silently Stella why , how could you do this to me , cries Moffat . After some minutes he calls Tony , Let's go to her apartment ,call your niece we meet her there .. They drive back to the apartment and asks Janet to open the door for them , even Tony doesn't know what his boss he's upto , Moffat enters looks around and goes to the bathroom gets the kids kids tooth brush and Stella's , he gives Janet money . Go and buy exact same ones . Janet is happy ,the money is alot for three tooth brushes . They drive away and drives to his house he gets Stella's tooth brush from five years ago . he still kept her things like she's still there when he shifted back to his house . They drive to the hospital and leaves the toothbrush together with his for DNA testing . the results will be out by Saturday . ok thanks Moffat sits in the car and tells Tony not to drive . He asks him Tony what am I going to do. why did she do this ,why is she back , why didn't she come back , she even has kids alone . my children grew up with out a father for five years . Am not close with my dad because I never grew up with him . and she does that to my son too . sir am sure there is a reason , f**k that reason am going to confront her . sir I advise not ,she can disappear again . I don't think it's you she's hiding from ,let her disappear alone not with my children. Tony's phone rings it's Stella . Miss Cross ,am asking if Mr King will be coming to the office . there's a meeting 30 minutes from now . prepare everything we are on our way.ok she cuts the line . they drive to the company and Moffat is upset, annoyed and irritated he's furious has hell , especially at one human being . his wife . Morning Mr King ,she greets him and he walks past her doesn't respond she gathers the files for the meeting and informs him . he leaves the office and she follows him to the meeting room. she entered the company very early so alot of people have not yet noticed her . she walks to his chair and she follows him , everyone is standing and sits once he sits . They are all suprised to see a beautiful woman with big grey eyes and a sexy figure Stella is wearing grey heels and black turtle neck long sleeves tight dress . She has her blonde haircut falling to the sides , she walks to her sit next to his . she puts the files in front of him , son are you not going to introduce the beautiful lady sitting next to you . says Roy . Stella turns to the source of the voice she bits her lip and starts fidgeting with her fingers . ( why is she uncomfortable and scared of Roy . Oh my god it's Stella . she must have known he was behind her kidnapping . ) he's furious and starts the meeting . Mr King you will know her . I have received some disturbing development from the finance department . The CFO whats your excuse this time . the golden frames is the CFO, when Stella saw the business news in China about the king's company and Moffat was standing next to the golden frames man , she was scared and feared that he's in danger if something happened to him , she will never forgive herself what scared her the most is her children growing up without a father . That's why she had to come back and expose the truth and protect her husband . She had to sacrifice her happiness and the children's happiness for a long time . She had to know if Moffat killed his son and why . right now the finance department is under investigation and auditing . It will take 3 weeks and i want all of you to co-operate with the auditors and finish the job fast . Everyone is scared cause it will result in complete dismissal , Moffat had chosen this day to have the meeting when ,his father Robert left for Chile . So that Roy is caught unaware and given time to go back and change the suppliers . The meeting will be in two weeks after the auditing and he gets up from his seat and walks out , Stella follows him out and goes to her cabin and starts working .Moffat he's on the phone with Robert and has told him of the three weeks auditing so Roy will be out today to sell is weapons . well done son , he calls ken and tells him to meet for lunch near the company . He calls Stella , Miss Cross I have a lunch meeting outside the company , be ready by 12 ,Ok sir . He looks at her retreating back ( will see how she reacts when she sees Ken . What are you adding Stella , what Happened to you ) , he tells Tony to pick up the kids from school . He then calls Lucas that Tony will bring Jared home and he will meet them to tell them about Stella . Stella finishes her work and goes to remind Moffat about the lunch date . She walks infront of him and goes to the private elevator ,They enter and it closes she can feel his gaze on her ,her heart is pounding fast and she's missing kissing him or hugging him . it's really hard on her to be close to him , she has been away from him for five years . The door opens and he steps out first she looks at him and walks behind him slowly , he stops turns around and looks at her .Miss Cross , why did you want me to expose my uncle Roys department for stealing money ? , what !!, not really I did it for the company interest ,I didn't know that the finance departmentis under your uncle's management , am sorry sir . There's no need to apologise you did a great job . Thank you . he walks to the parking lot and enters into a black tinted Benz he gets in the drivers seat ,are you not getting in ? , where's Tony she asks . I have sent him to pick up my nephew from school . ( Angel has a son ) ,
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