Chapter 20

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Stella is lost in thoughts about Angel having a son ,Was she pregnant when she left ? , Suddenly the car stops and Moffat walks out , she follows after him and he enters the restaurant and notices Ken sitting near the window looking very lonely and staring into space . Am sorry Dad I took so long , it's ok son . replies Ken ,Stella was thunderstruck when she heard the voice of her father , she walked with heavy steps towards the table , she wanted to run into his arms and cry her eyes out . she looked down and avoided his gaze , I need to use the restroom she walked past her Dad abruptly and rushes to the restroom . Moffat follow ,am coming Dad let me just check on my assistant . ok son . She locks herself inside and breakdown and cries bitterly inside the cubicle ,Moffat he's also inside the female restroom and can hear her cries . he's very hurt now ,why would she leave him for five years ,he has confirmed that it's really her . he leaves the rest room and goes back to meet Ken ,they discuss about business and how he's doing ,he is doing fine except missing his daughter . my son you have to move on , Dad I know that . I will soon says Moffat once he notices Stella standing behind Ken . Your parents are worried about you and Robert told me you have been rejecting dates . it's not the end even Stella would want you to move on , Stella is rooted on her ground after she hears her father encouraging her husband to move on ,she's really hurt . Excuse me Mr King am not feeling well , I don't want to spoil your lunch ,let me visit the clinic I will be back shortly . am sorry dear says Ken , Moffat you take her to the hospital . No , thank you sir ,but it's not necessary I have a headache I will just buy some pain killer . ok if you insist miss Cross , I will find you at the office . Stella walks away , shes Happy to see her father is fine , healthy and doing well . Moffat has always been there for him. She goes back to the office . Moffat calls Tony ,have you taken the kids home ? ,they have not yet knocked off am waiting by the gate . Ok am coming , Moffat drives to the school and sees Tony , he tells him to go back to the office , he needs some time alone with his children . as soon as Tony drives back the siren is heard and the kids come out of the school building , Moffat notices MJ holding June's hand and Jared is also holding June's other hand . It's a very cute view , Jared notices him and shouts uncle Moffat and runs to him . he lifts him up and hugs him , Moffat and June walks to him , Moffat squats to their level hello princess how was school today ? ,It was nice I made a new friend shes Penny and has two ribbon . I want mommy to buy me ribbons too . Ok will get them ok ,Thank you says June sweetly Moffat how was school ?, it was ok I guess says MJ like he doesn't want to respond . What about you camp? Jared is happy and only screaming ice cream, I want ice cream and doesn't respond to his uncle's question. Moffat drives them to the mall for ice cream. MJ is starying at the handsome older version of himself . Mr King are you married asks MJ , yes . oh ok says MJ with a sad look on his face . He drops them home ,can I pick you up tomorrow , yes screams June . ok but don't tell your mommy , Moffat takes them inside until they reach the apartment , he finds Janet and tells her Miss Cross will be coming soon . Take care of the kids ,just when they reach the elevator June shouts for him to stop , he stops and turns around , June is running towards him and he lifts her up , she hugs him . Thank you for the ice cream Mr King , I will buy you all the ice cream you want my princess . Moffat doesn't want to put her down . She is so chubby and the little milk voice melts his heart .He hugs her and tears threaten to come out of his eyes and he puts her down ,see you tomorrow princess says Moffat ,bye Jared shouts June , bye June . He drives Jared back home and finds Angel , brother what's with the happy mood . mommy uncle Moffat bought me ice cream and my friends . You see that's the happy mood , this smile is priceless says Moffat pointing at Jared . it really is . Stella is busy in her office which is separated by a glass door . she doesn't notice Moffat has entered and he's looking at her , he's hurt ,mad at her for torturing him like this . ( let's wait till Saturday when the results come out ) . He walks to his desk . in the evening she comes with his coffee and puts it on the table ,he looks at the cup and then looks at her . He continues to work on his laptop . They work late and she looks at the coffee mug ,he has not touched it , He leaves the office Stella follows him . she's about to enter the elevator and he stops her , this is private Miss Cross and he steps inside , and looks ahead with a poker face and doesn't look at her until the door closes . Stella is hurt and sad ( why has he suddenly changed ) . She gets in the other elevator ,by the time she gets out Moffat's car is already left the parking lot and speeding out . she walks across the street and waits for a taxi , . Moffat reaches his house . he's angry and frustrated he opens a bottle of whiskey and pours in a cup with ice , he holds the cup with force and downs it all in one go . Lucas calls him , are the results out ? , not yet its Saturday , .how are you feeling ? ,you must be excited ? . Am not Lucas . why would she pretend and torture me like this , I cried for her and moaned her for five years . she's cruel and she will pay . MJ is excited to know that he has a Dad , Stella enters the house it's so joyful and even her cold son is very joyous and busy playing with his sister . They don't notice their mother's presence , mommy shouts June and everyone turns to the door , Moffat runs to his mother so does June ,she hugs them and kisses their forehead .how was school , they look at each other and say it's was fine . Janet updates her on the days work ,Thank you Janet for taking care of my babies , Janet feels guilty about the toothbrush she had to change , Stella is a nice woman . she just smiles and leaves the apartment dinner has already been prepared , Stella takes off her shoes and goes to the kitchen she serves herself and starts eating,she missed out on lunch this afternoon, because she couldn't face her father, June walks to her , mommy why are you so sad ? , you didn't make new friends ? , no my princess I have friends . Then why are you sad ? , it's just that I missed you , Lies Stella , oh my mommy come I give you some sugar , says June with open little arms Stella can't help but laugh at her daughter. Thanks princess mommy nee ded some sugar . Robert is in Chile and he's waiting for Roy to be captured , he sends his men to spy on the transaction of selling the weapons. he has organized buyers from around the world. this is the last shot ,he thinks Mr king the buyers have arrived , everything is in place now ,says one of the spies through the phone . Just when there is exchange of money being wired in the account and Roy is showing them samples of the products , the door to the warehouse is shot open and the military soldiers all swam inside . Roy is scared and raises his hands in surrender , but one stupid bodygaurd open fire at one soldier who is shot dead And the rest follows in shooting . ,they were all gunned down . The weapons were owned by the state military " Moffat uses them to lure his uncle into trading cheap firearms which he wasn't interested in the source as long as it made him profit and rich . That's how the military had to trace there weapons and ambush their trading area , Robert only wanted his brother to stop illegal trades of weapons . Mr King they opened fire and there was exchange of fire . But luckily Mr King is alive but shot he has been taken to the military hospital ,he's in custody and under treatment . . Robert calls his son and tells him what happened ., Am flying home tomorrow when I know that he's ok . Ok dad says Moffat Robert can't let his brother die ,it's better he's arrested for his crimes . Moffat gives a command back at the base , if the captive misbehaves shot him. yes sir . Roy regains his conciousness and Robert is informed . Mr king suffered multiple gunshot wounds which damaged his backbone . he's palarised but will remain in the military prison. Roy " he's hurt , he didn't intend for it to go like that . He's not aware that he was behind his son's misery for kidnapping Stella . It's Saturday the kids have not gone to school and are sad especially MJ ,he wanted to see his Dad today . Stella is worried with her son's change of mood . Janet has come and she has been trying to cheer up MJ . then she whispers in his ear , I will take you to the park to play today when your mum goes to work . ok don't be sad , he just looks at her and goes to the bedroom . Stella receives a call from Tony , "miss cross you will accompany Mr king to a fundraising event this evening ,so you are not required to come to the office today . He will pick you up at 6pm this evening , I will bring some staff to help you with the event dresses and make-up. Good day Miss Cross, thanks Tony . Stella she's excited to be home with the kids . my babies we are going to the park for ice cream after we shop for the groceries . let's go shopping. June she's very excited and is running up and down, she goes to the bedroom to inform Moffat . who doesn't seem happy with the idea . but forces his little body off the bed . KING'S COMPANY Moffat looks at the DNA reports in his hands . Tony is standing opposite to him and observing his facial expressions , from furrowed brows to clenched jaws to fits and white knuckles , sir is it not them ? asks Tony who doesn't get a reply . Moffat's muscles flex has he squeezes the papers in his hands ,and throws them on his desk . Tony rushes to pick them up , oh my god , it's a match .sir you should be excited , Moffat growls at him and Tony shuts his mouth and looks at his boss.
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