Chapter 18

2018 Words
Mommy there's a new girl in our class , she's pretty , I gave her my Apple , says Jared Angel looks at her son . You mean she's prettier than your mum asks Lucas . Jared looks at his mum and nods , you traitor come here I eat your toes , no Mommy I take back you are pretty . The all family burst out laughing , Robert asks what's her name ? , she's June says Jared . Moffat stops in his trucks , June that's the name he planned to name his daughter . She's the same age as Jared . uncle Moffat I have a beautiful girl in my class . she looks like a doll . Moffat hugs and lifts the running Jared . You don't have to give her your apples you get her phone number . Hahaha laughs Moffat at his nephew's expression , Dad I need to speak with you says Moffat . Ok son . They go in the study . Dad Roy is stealing money and buying weapons , he changed his supplier recently , Am not sure if he's noticed it's us he's buying from . Ok son I will fly to Chile tommorow to check the warehouse . There will be a fundraising event on Saturday your presence is requested , if the date goes well with Mr Stevens daughter you can go with her . Dad am not interested in dating I made it clear last time Am sorry am just going to dump her again and your friends will hate you . Are you not aware that you are creating more enemies than friends , Moffat leaves and goes to his house to prepare for the date . Your son is right Robert , but Christine it's been five years now . do you want him to be alone he's now 33 he will marry again . how when he still wears his wedding ring . He has been alone and buried himself in work . he has missed alot of events because he didn't want to go with an escort . And this is the last dinner date , shes beautiful am sure he will like her , But she's not as beautiful as Stella , he just had to fall in love with the most beautiful girl ,the rest don't stand a chance . Stella makes dinner for the kids and Tony arrives to pick her up , he still can't stop looking at her . she's strangely beautiful and looks like Stella . But she has kids one resemble his boss , Miss Cross you look beautiful thank you , Moffat looks at her through the tinted windows. but can't see clearly . the door opens and she sits next to him . Evening Mr king ,he just nods his head and concentrate on his phone . Her phone rings it's Jessica , Bella how are my kids ,they are fine , how's your first day at work ? how did it go , do the kids like it there . Everything is ok , will be coming on Christmas and every holiday when schools close I will be bringing them . ok , ok take care Bella , take care and greet mum . I will call her tonight . Ok bye . Moffat was eavesdropping ( she has kids , who's the father, but why does she look like Stella , did Ken have a secret daughter . I need to ask him , her scent is killing me her voice , I just want to hold her . why am I not myself when she's near , no this is not right you have to be faithful to Stella . Don't lose it ) Sir we have arrived . Tony opens the door for Moffat Stella opens for herself and walks towards the entrance , the red dress has her back exposed and hugs her hips and ass she's seductively beautiful . The dress is long that it covers her six inch heels , the make up is lite and red lipstick , he's standing behind her and looking at her sexy back . Tony notices his boss staring at her , she turns around and smiles at him and the moment he was waiting for has been revealed ,the two dimples on her face. Moffat is startled and takes a step back . Turns around and look at Tony . Tony nods his head he knows what his boss wants him to do . he drives away , Moffat leads her inside the restaurant ,he spots were miss Stevens is sitting and walks towards her table . She sees him coming and smiles but not for long, when she notices the woman with him Every one is staring at them . they look good together, she's really beautiful and he's too handsome . Moffat pull the chair for Stella , thank you smiles and he smiles back he sits , Stella notices the awkward silence . Am Bella Cross she introduces herself . oh sorry am Angela Stevens . The waiter comes and Moffat orders for Stella the food that she likes . Angela orders a chicken salad , So miss Cross what do you do ? , am his , Girlfriend says Moffat fast and he holds her hand , we just started recently says Stella . Moffat he's lost in thoughts by the touch of her hand . she feels the same and he has a reaction down there by just holding her hand his big boy has never reacted for the past years only when he missed Stella ,but now he's alive and painful , he lets go of her hand and pours himself wine . Stella notices the change in his eyes ,she knows that look ,cause she felt the same when he held her hand , The waiter brings their food ,he gets her plate and cuts the steak for her they eat and Angela is just looking at Stella . She has been around the world but has never seen a beautiful flawless woman . Moffat has noticed the way Angela is looking at Bella who's busy eating she stops and looks at him , she cuts the steak and brings it to his lips ,he opens his mouth and she feeds him . he's looking at her like he wants to kiss her Angela excuses herself and leaves without saying a word. Stella excuses herself and leaves to go to the bathroom , she's feeling hot and excited ,she has missed him so much . . she comes out and joins him . They finish eating and he calls Tony . They drive Stella home , she looks at him Mr King thank you for the dinner . He nods his head and she steps out . Tony wants to drive off but he tells him to wait untill she enters the building. , Sir she has no family background . only the two kids , who are twins sir she looks like Mrs King and her son looks like you . , Exactly like you sir ,What of the father of the twins ? ,there's no record of him . She was talking on the phone when we were going to the restaurant . yes that's the family she lived with for the fast five years . I need to see her kids first . Ok sir they go at the same school with Jared . What are there names .? the beautiful little girl she's June and the boy I don't know , we picked them up in the afternoon and my niece will be baby sitting tommorow . Ok that's great . he arrives home and he can't stop thinking about her . He calls Angel I will take Jared to school tomorrow , I will pick him up in the morning . ok how was your date ? , it was ok . I mean with the strange beautiful woman you brought to your date . how did you know ? Daddy's cry baby told on you and the father called Dad , that's how we know . Hahaha I didn't think about that laughs Moffat . Is Lucas home , yes ok am coming , ok . he cuts the call , dresses in his white shirt and black jeans and drives to Lucas and Angel's house . He picks him up and they drive to the club . Moffat is everything ok asks Lucas ,no I feel like I'm losing my mind I think she's the one , who asks James Stella . they look at each other and look at him . But she's dead , how can she Moffat cuts him off her body was not found . ok take a look and let me know what you think . he shows them the photo of Bella . Oh my god , it's her shouts Lucas . that hair is fake and those are just contact lenses , says James ,how can you tell . The roots her dark they zoom and look at her hair ,it's fake . who is she ? asks Lucas , she's my new assistant . What !! , from where ? from China. , am 100% sure it's her .me too says James . Is that the reason you are taking Jared to school tomorrow , yes she has kids and they go at the same school , her daughters name is June . June !! Jared's little apple friend . yes and that's the same name we planned on naming our daughter when she was pregnant . I just don't know the son . What she has two kids , yes twins same age has Jared . Moffat solve this fast before Jared falls for his cousin . they all laugh , don't tell Angel about it you tamed man . I won't hmmm will see trust me guys I won't . What are you going to do if you find out she's the one . They must be a reason she hasn't told me . There's also a reason she came back . but I won't forgive her for leaving me and having my children to grow up without a father . I don't know how many wild men she has been with the past five years . How are you going to find out ? , cause asking her won't do . You do a DNA test with the kids , how will I get close to them ? I know Tony's niece is babysitting for her tommorow . Yes that's it. But man what if she's not the one . They all remain quite and Moffat finally speaks ,she is the one I Know it and I feel it . Stella finds the kids are watching TV , why are you not sleeping . we were waiting for mommy says June , mommy's here now ,were you scared ? , no . she hugs them and they sit together , Moffat looks at her mommy how was your dinner ? , it was nice . when I come home early we will go shopping tommorow ok . write a list of what you want . Ok mommy , but I don't know how to alot of things ,says June I will write for you says Moffat . let's go you bath we go to bed ,She bathes them and they go to sleep . Mommy does dad miss us .asks June , yes he sure does I want to talk to him , Moffat also looks at his mother , yes we will call him when there is network were he is . Moffat knows his mother is lying ,they have never heard their fathers voice before . He only sends presents through DHL and always at war . I love you Mommy says Moffat . love you too MJ .
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