chapter 5

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Lydia pov. I gazed up at him, feeling a mix of surprise and uncertainty upon hearing his words. Was he serious about me being his mate? The confusion churned within me, unsure whether to trust his claim. As a luna of the Moonlight Pack, if he truly was the Alpha's son from this pack, I knew I had to conceal my true identity even further. My eyes shifted from the Alpha to Edward, whose smiling gaze met mine. The weight of the moment left me speechless, lost in the sea of emotions that surged within me. "You are truly beautiful, my dear," the Alpha's voice resonated, drawing my attention back to him. A smile touched my lips, mingled with the lingering confusion. "Thank you, Alpha," my voice trembled softly as I responded. Watching as the Alpha extended his arms in a gesture of embrace, my heart raced. I saw the joy in his eyes after Edward referred to me as his mate, a fact that unsettled me. Our embrace concluded, the Alpha's focus shifted to Edward, his words signaling a command. "Escort her to the maids; they will attend to her." Edward's grin reflected his compliance, his arm encircling my waist as we ascended the staircase. My mind was still reeling, torn between speaking up or staying silent. "Are you okay?" Edward's voice broke my reverie, and I met his gaze with a smile. We continued until he ushered me through a door, revealing a room of grand proportions. Amazement washed over me, both at the size of the room and the unexpected twist of fate that had connected me to a mate beyond John. But beneath my elation lingered a fear—would I ever be accepted if they discovered my origin from the Moonlight Pack? Edward led me to the bedside, gently guiding me to sit down. My gaze remained fixed on him, uncertainty filling my thoughts. "Remain here, while I summon the maids to attend to you. Afterward, they shall accompany you downstairs for a shared lunch," he assured me with a warm smile. Before he could step away, my hand instinctively reached for his, halting his movement. Standing up slowly, I locked eyes with him, my heart pounding. "Why do you show such kindness?" I inquired, met only by his reassuring grin. His hand extended, his palm tenderly brushing against my cheek. "How could I act unkindly, especially now that I've discovered my long-awaited mate? Years of anticipation have led me to this moment, and now that you're here, rudeness holds no place." His words brought a wave of emotion, threatening to spill as tears welled in my eyes. The sincerity of his sentiments touched my core. If other pack could be so compassionate, why did my father choose the path of conflict? Lost in his gaze, a tear escaped, tracing a path down my cheek. Swiftly, I wiped it away, determined not to reveal my vulnerability. "Are you unwell?" he inquired, concern lacing his words. I nodded, unable to stem the flow of tears. He guided me back to the bed, settling beside me, his touch guiding my chin to meet his eyes. "If you insist you're well, why these tears?" he probed gently. Amidst the turmoil in my heart, I found myself at a loss for words. Revealing my affiliation with the moonlight pack could spell my exile, possibly shattering the kindness I currently experience. After a prolonged silence, I managed to collect my thoughts. With a deep breath, I wiped away my tears and raised my gaze to meet his, offering a faint smile. "Please forgive my emotional display. I didn't mean to cause you worry. It's just that I find it hard to fathom that my mate is an Alpha. Look at me, covered in grime, without a place to call home, and now, I find myself residing in a grand castle." A gentle chuckle escaped his lips, a sound that enveloped me in warmth. Drawing me into a tender embrace, he held me close before pulling away slightly, his eyes locking onto mine. "Your origin matters not to me. The only thing that holds meaning is the connection we share as mates. No matter who you are or where you come from, my love for you will remain unwavering." His words, spoken with conviction, stirred a longing within me. How I wished for them to hold true. After a moment, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips, and I reluctantly broke away. "I eagerly anticipate the arrival of the maids. A bath seems like a necessity right now." His smile mirrored my anticipation, and he placed a tender kiss upon my forehead before rising from his seat. "I'll inform the maids. Meet me downstairs when you're ready." I nodded, watching him as he departed. Just as he was about to disappear through the door, he glanced back, his smile reassuring before he vanished from sight. Left alone with my racing heart, I allowed my gaze to wander around the opulent room. Anxiety lingered, a reminder that not all packs were likely to be as benevolent as this one. Unfortunately, there will always be those who derive joy from tarnishing the happiness of others. As I lay on the bed, I close my eyes, taking a deep breath and feeling a profound sense of weakness wash over me. Thoughts of my mother cross my mind, wondering what she might be doing or how her anger might manifest. The possibility of returning home seems remote, leading me to consider that it might be best to remain hidden for a while. Perhaps, when the time is right, I'll confide in Edward about my truth. After spending a few hours in that contemplative state, the door opens, and two ladies enter, clad in identical attire, their presence puzzling me. Approaching me, they bow their heads in a display of respect and utter, "My lady, Prince Edward has sent us to assist you in whatever you require." A nod on my part follows their words, and in that moment, I realize that they are the very maids Edward had mentioned. Rising to my feet, I smile warmly at them, expressing my gratitude, and speak, "Thank you. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to take a bath and change out of these soiled garments." Their acknowledgment is marked by nods, and they lead me to a nearby door, revealing a bathroom of astonishing proportions, so spacious it could almost be mistaken for an entire room. They prepare a bath for me, ensuring all the necessary elements are in place. Just as I'm about to step into the inviting water, one of the maids interjects, halting me in my tracks. "My lady, what color of dress would you prefer to wear?" I'm taken aback by the question, but I respond without hesitation, "Black would be suitable." Stepping into the bathroom, I swiftly disrobe, the stench of the clothing being replaced by the soothing warmth of the water as I immerse myself. The warmth envelops me, inducing a sense of relaxation, a feeling of security, as if all my burdens have been momentarily lifted. The weight of my worries seems to dissipate. In a hushed tone, I murmur to myself, "Thank you, Edward," allowing the words to escape my lips like a gentle prayer, a whisper of gratitude for this reprieve. As time passes, an hour slips by unnoticed, and I'm startled awake from a tranquil slumber by a tap on my shoulder. Slowly opening my eyes, I find one of the maids gazing at me with concern. "Please accept my apologies for interrupting your time, but I couldn't help but notice that you've been in the bath for an hour, and the water has turned cold." I suddenly woke up, realizing that I was still submerged in the bathwater, which had grown cold. Rising from the bath, the maids swiftly draped a towel around me. A rush of happiness washed over me as I glanced at both of them and murmured, "Thank you." Returning to the room, I was greeted by the sight of a beautiful dress waiting for me. Moving slowly towards the bed, I picked it up, captivated by its vibrant appearance. It was such a joyful sight that for that entire hour, I hadn't faced any reprimands. Turning my attention to the maids, I noticed them standing there with lowered heads. I spoke gently, "You don't have to keep bowing like that. Nevertheless, thank you for your assistance. I believe I can manage from here." With nods they departed, I continued to gaze at the dress. My eyes caught a massive mirror hanging on the wall, drawing me towards it. As I stood before it, I couldn't help but reflect aloud, "Mother, I wish you could witness my determination to change the prevailing malevolence. I yearn for you to break away from following in Father's footsteps and instead join me in forging peace." Whispering these thoughts, I discarded the towel and donned the dress, which fit perfectly and exuded elegance on my frame. Spinning around like a character from a fairytale, I felt an overwhelming sense of contentment about the choices I had made. Approaching the table, I discovered an array of makeup items. This sight brought me even more joy as I carefully applied a touch of makeup. Surveying myself in the mirror after finishing, I encountered a new version of me. Unsure if I should feel happy or melancholic, one thing remained certain: I was pleased with the path I had chosen. Stepping out the door, I realized I hadn't put on any shoes. Opting against the soiled pair, I chose to forgo them, recognizing their condition. Descending the staircase with a bashful demeanor, I spotted Edward engrossed in conversation with his father the Alpha. Catching sight of me, he halted mid-sentence and his gaze remained fixed. It was as if time itself had frozen, leaving just the two of us in the moment. As he approached, I couldn't help but notice how he couldn't tear his eyes away from me. His voice barely above a whisper, he uttered, "You look incredibly beautiful." In response, I softly replied, "Thank you." Standing there together, he extended his hand towards me. With a smile, I accepted his offer, our hands intertwining.
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