

love at the first sight

"Alpha John, do you take Luna Lydia as your cherished Luna, to stand by her side in times of trouble, war, and death?"I gazed at him as he smiled and moved closer to me."Yes, I do. I will always protect her and keep her by my side, now and forever."I observed him, searching for any hint of truth in his words. However, his eyes betrayed nothing but deceit and malevolence."Luna Lydia, do you choose Alpha John to be your cherished Alpha in times of troubles, war, and death?"I glanced at John, then at my mother, whose smile urged me on. I didn't want this marriage. I couldn't marry John."I..." I struggled to find my voice, feeling the weight of the words on my tongue. If I said yes, I would be bound to him for the rest of my life.Lost in thought, I desperately tried to formulate a response that wouldn't haunt me forever."Lydia," my mother's voice broke through, and I turned to her as she stared at me with lifeless eyes, warning me not to dare.Gazing at John and the expectant faces around me, something within me compelled me to act. Without thinking, I pushed his hands away and spoke."I cannot," I declared, leaving everyone in shock.I swiftly turned and fled from the hall. I couldn't marry John; I simply couldn't.I turn to look at my mom, her face now filled with anger. I realize that disobeying her was a mistake, but what about my own happiness? What about my own needs?"I apologize, Mom," I whispered, my gaze fixed upon her. "I simply cannot marry John. I know deep down that I will never find true happiness with him."I shifted my attention to John, his expression a mixture of shock and confusion, as he reached out to hold my trembling hands. However, I instinctively retreated, creating distance between us.Transforming into my wolf form, I heard my mom commanding the guards to pursue me. I refused to marry John, even if it meant starting a new life in another pack. I didn't care what lay ahead.

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Prologue.. "You will not marry her," his father, the Alpha, bellowed as I stood at the altar, consumed by shame. This was meant to be my joyous day, the moment I would join hands with the love of my life, the one I could call my mate and embark on a shared journey of love and companionship. As I watched the Alpha approach us, anger etched across his face, I couldn't help but wonder why it had to be me. What made me so different in his eyes? Why did he harbor such deep-seated animosity towards me? My gaze locked with the Alpha's, his piercing eyes telling a tale of disdain and resentment, as if I had committed a grave transgression. "I will never allow my son to marry someone from the Moonlight Pack," he declared, shocking everyone present into silence and fear. "The pack whose Alpha has been responsible for countless lives lost. I cannot permit you to become my son's spouse." Disbelief washed over me. How had he found out? I turned to look at Edward, who wore a look of utter shock. I knew I shouldn't have kept this secret from him, but revealing the truth would have meant losing his love and jeopardizing any chance of us being together. Unable to meet anyone's gaze, I lowered my eyes to the ground, consumed by shame. I could sense the fear emanating from those around me, their eyes filled with trepidation. The Moonlight Pack had once been synonymous with evil, but that was when my father was still alive. Now, as his successor, I had resolved to forge alliances and seek peace with the packs my father had waged war against. I turned my gaze towards Edward, whose eyes now brimmed with regret and anger. He pulled his hands away from mine, and I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces as I stared at him through tear-filled eyes. "I trusted you," he uttered, his voice filled with pain and resentment. My heart ached at the realization of the hurt I had caused him. I took a step towards him, attempting to bridge the distance, but he recoiled, his eyes burning with disdain. "I thought I had found a true mate, someone to love. Why did you have to lie?" His words pierced through me, carrying the weight of betrayal and disappointment. I could feel the raw emotion in his voice, the agony and the anger, and I knew that I was the one at fault. I had chosen to conceal my true identity as a Luna and my connection to the Moonlight Pack, all because I loved him. "I'm sorry, Edward. I never intended for it to unfold like this," I pleaded, my voice choked with remorse. Falling to my knees, I looked up at him and his father, the Alpha. I had been foolish, blinded by my own misguided actions, and now I had irreparably damaged the love of my life. All that remained in the wake of my choices was the hatred reflected in the eyes of those around me. "Please, Father, reconsider. Please don't let your hatred for my father consume your heart, and do not hate me for his sins." I pleaded with the Alpha, desperately seeking his acceptance. But as I reached out to hold his leg, ready to pour out my tears, he abruptly moved away, his gaze fixed upon me. "I am not and can never be your father. A moonlight like you can never be a part of my family. This wedding is over. You can never be my son's partner, and you certainly cannot be crowned as a luna of the lighting pack. It is best for you to return to your own pack and marry there since you are already a luna." His words pierced through me, and I stood there, fear reflecting in my eyes. "Please, Alpha," I pleaded, my voice trembling. "I love your son." But he ruthlessly pushed me to the ground, causing my gown to tear, and my heart raced in my chest. I couldn't fathom the extent of their hatred towards my father, a hatred that was now being directed at me. "Your father has mercilessly slaughtered countless packs. He is an evil man, and I cannot allow his daughter to marry my son or be a part of our family. It is best for you to return to where you came from." My heart shattered into a million pieces, and I glanced at Edward, hoping he would wrap me in his arms and offer solace. Instead, he turned away, about to leave me behind. "Edward," I called out to him, tears streaming down my face. "I love you, Edward. Please don't do this. If you go, I will be left all alone." He stared at me silently, his gaze shifting from me to the onlookers who stood frozen, witnessing the heartbreaking scene. Then, he looked back at me. "I'm sorry, Lydia, but I can't stay. It was because of your father that I lost my mother. So, I believe it is best for you to go." As he walked away, my spirit crumbled, and I collapsed, consumed by inconsolable grief. How could the man I loved abandon me because of the sins committed by my father? Why should I bear the burden of a crime I never committed? Everyone shouted at me to leave, their voices piercing my heart. The pain became unbearable, and in that moment, I couldn't bear to stay any longer. Clutching the flowing fabric of my gown tightly in my trembling hands, I fled from the wedding hall. Disbelief washed over me like a relentless tide. I never thought something like this would happen to me. The anguish I felt was unimaginable, surpassing any pain I had ever experienced before. In a desperate attempt to shield my true identity, I entertained the idea that if I kept it a secret, perhaps nobody would ever know. All I yearned for was to start afresh, to build a new family and find true happiness, even if only for once in my life. Loneliness had been my constant companion for far too long, and I refused to return to that desolate existence. The desire to escape the memories of the recent events overwhelmed me, prompting an instinctual transformation into my wolf form. Without any regard for my destination, I sprinted forward with relentless speed, determined to outrun the pain and heartache. As I raced through the wilderness, my thoughts were consumed by Edward and his painful rejection. The weight of his dismissal weighed heavily on my mind, threatening to suffocate me with each passing second. It wasn't long before I found myself deep within the enigmatic depths of the woods, far away from prying eyes and any trace of civilization that might seek me out.

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