chapter 4

940 Words
Edward pov. Walking through the streets, I felt a deep sense of loneliness engulfing me. I yearned for a companion, someone with whom I could share my entire life. As I reached the age of twenty, my father, the Alpha, urged me to find my mate. The pressure weighed heavily on me. Troubled by my lack of success in finding a mate, I contemplated giving up and settling for someone just to fulfill my duty. As I strolled down the street, lost in my thoughts, I noticed a girl. She was covered in dirt, her appearance a stark contrast to the bustling city. She begged for food. Without knowing why, I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from her. And amidst my contemplation, the word "pretty" spontaneously emerged from my mind. Compelled to unravel her story, I followed her discreetly. I sought answers from anyone who might know her or her origins, but my inquiries proved futile. Witnessing her profound sadness, an inexplicable melancholy gripped me as well. Determined to alleviate her hunger, I entered a nearby store and purchased a sandwich. With the food in hand, I approached her. Stopping her in her tracks, I extended my hand and felt a jolt, an electric connection that seemed to transcend the world around us. It was as if fate had been patiently waiting for our encounter. She was beyond beautiful, resembling a divine being. I couldn't help but stare, but I had to regain composure, lest she think I was insane. "I noticed you were hungry, so I thought I'd get you some food," I managed to say, my voice tinged with nervousness. She accepted the food from me, and as our hands touched once more, the same electrifying sensation coursed through me. Watching her consume the meal, it was as though I bore witness to a goddess indulging in sustenance for the very first time. "Do you live nearby? Where are you from? Why are you begging?" I continued questioning her, but she simply focused on her meal. Once she finished, she glanced at me, and I noticed people around us staring, prompting me to consider leaving. "Please, don't go," she pleaded, her voice tinged with sadness, and her hands reached out to stop me. I studied her face and sensed her sorrow. In that moment, it didn't feel right to abandon her on the street. "Would you like to accompany me to my castle?" I asked, expecting confusion in her eyes. "Castle?" she asked, her question catching me off guard. Shouldn't she know that I am the Alpha's son? "Don't you recognize me as the Alpha's son?" I inquired. She smiled and glanced away momentarily before meeting my gaze again. "I do know you're the Alpha's son; I just wanted to be certain," she assured me, and I couldn't help but smile, taking her hands in mine. "Then come with me." With her hand in mine, we strolled together, aware of the curious stares from those around us. I could sense her discomfort. Drawing her closer to me, I could see the surprise in her eyes. It felt as though, unexpectedly, I had found my true mate—the one I had been searching for tirelessly. Upon arriving at the castle, I anticipated her amazement. However, all I received was a stare. "You live here?" she asked, and I nodded. She nodded as well, her smile growing. "I like it." A chuckle escaped me as I heard her words. Gripping her hand tightly, I led her into my castle. In some inexplicable way, I felt a surge of happiness. I yearned to introduce her to my father. After reaching my father's, I observed how she looked at him and hid behind me. I couldn't understand why she was afraid of my father when everyone knows he isn't a bad man. I turned to her, feeling perplexed, and noticed that my father appeared just as confused. "Are you okay?" I asked her, but she lowered her head, nodded, and whispered. "I'm okay, don't worry. I think I should just leave." As she was about to walk away, I pulled her back and gazed into her eyes. "Please, I would like you to stay," I pleaded. She glanced at me and then at my father. Without saying anything, she cautiously approached my father and bowed. "Sorry, Alpha, for what just happened. I'm not used to standing in front of an Alpha." My father didn't say anything; instead, he smiled at her and then looked at me. "I sense that there must be a reason for you bringing a girl to the kingdom. I have never seen you bring a girl home before, so who is she?" I looked at her and then at my father as he spoke. What should I say to him now? Will he believe that this girl, who appears disheveled, is my mate? I know the spark I felt signifies that she truly is my mate. "Father," I tried to say, turning to look at her as she stared back at me. I moved closer to her, held her hands, and smiled. "Father, I have something to tell you, something you have been waiting to hear for so long. I glanced at my father, anticipation reflected in his eyes, as I prepared to share my thoughts. A warm smile spread across my face when I noticed how he gazed back at me. Tenderly, I held her delicate hands within my own, cherishing the connection between us. "Father, the person beside me is the one I have been waiting for—she is my Mate."
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