chapter 6

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Lydia pov Sitting down beside Edward, who held my hands and smiled at me, I gazed at the spread of food before me, wondering if they had plans for me to consume it. As I pondered, a voice broke through, "So, what's your name, dear?" It was Aloha, occupied with his own meal. I met his eyes, then replied with a smile, "I'm Lydia, sir." The Alpha turned his attention to Edward, who had released my hands and begun eating. "You're fortunate, my son. The goddess has truly favored you with a beauty," the Alpha remarked. Hearing those words, I wanted to smile, but I kept my gaze on Edward, who reciprocated my look. He scooped up a spoonful of food, guiding it toward me. I obediently parted my lips, allowing him to feed me. Feeling a rush of joy, I turned to my own food and started to eat. The Alpha's curiosity persisted, "Dear, how about your parents?" Staring at him, I faltered, uncertain how to reply. As the Alpha waited for my response, I wrestled with the dilemma and decided to concoct a lie. "I'm an orphan, Alpha," I admitted, my expression taking on a sorrowful cast. "Both my parents are deceased. I'm all alone." Edward sensed my distress and pulled me closer, his efforts to comfort me palpable. Although I knew it was wrong to deceive, I felt cornered. "I'm truly sorry to hear that, dear. I hope our environment brings you happiness," the Alpha consoled. I nodded in acknowledgment, resuming my meal, only to be interrupted by Edward. "Father, what's our plan regarding the Moonlight Pack? With their Alpha gone, should we seize the opportunity and attack?" Edward's words made me stop eating, and my gaze turned towards him. Was he implying an attack on my pack? A surge of fear gripped me, leaving me unsure of my next move. The uncertainty of the situation left me feeling scared. What would happen to my mom and everyone else? Just as the Alpha was about to speak, I couldn't hold back and interjected, "I heard that the Alpha of the Moonlight Pack daughter is poised to become the next ruler. What if we attack them and they retaliate? The potential loss of life will be a grave concern." After expressing my thoughts, I shifted my attention between Edward and his father, waiting for their response. It was Edward who broke the silence, his voice steady, "She's right, Father. The legacy of war runs in the bloodline of the Moonlight Pack. Perhaps it's wiser for us to pause for now and later decide our course of action." Though I remained silent, I reached for a glass of water and took a sip, attempting to calm my racing thoughts. With a deep breath, I closed my eyes for a moment, seeking composure. Once the meal concluded, the maids swiftly cleared the table and tidied up. Rising from my seat, I began to make my way towards the stairs, only to be stopped by Edward's grasp on my hand, gently pulling me back. "Come with me, I'd like to show you around," Edward's voice held a touch of warmth. As he led me by the hand, curiosity sparked within me. Where was he taking me? We arrived at a door, which he opened to reveal another room. "This is my room. I hope you find it to your liking. Soon, when I become the Alpha and you're my Luna, we can share this space together." His words left me speechless, a mixture of emotions swirling within. A simple smile was all I could manage. If only he knew I was already a Luna, but perhaps experiencing this role once more wouldn't be so bad. He led me to another door, and as he opened it, I was amazed by what lay before my eyes. "Do you like it?" he asked. I turned around, wordlessly, and wrapped my arms around him. "It's so beautiful," I whispered into his ear, and he held me tightly. Back in the moonlight pack, I had never witnessed such a breathtaking garden in all its glory. My mother's constant shouts about ruling the pack seemed trivial now. Strolling through the garden, I found myself captivated by the intricate beauty of each flower. I felt as if I had stepped into a wonderland. Sinking onto the grass, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Edward settled beside me, mirroring my actions. He gazed into my eyes, his fingers delicately tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before planting a tender kiss on my forehead. "I'm grateful I finally found my mate. After years of waiting, I'd almost given up hope. And now, here she is, like a goddess." His words, praising my beauty, made me feel cherished and unique in his eyes. Holding his hand, I smiled and pressed a soft kiss onto his palm. "Patience seems to be the key for everyone, doesn't it?" Laughter bubbled between us, and he drew me close, wrapping me in his embrace. We remained that way, finding comfort in each other's arms. Unaware of when sleep claimed me, I stirred as I felt my body being lifted. Slowly opening my eyes, I found him smiling down at me, lifting me gently. "Go back to sleep; I'm right here." His reassurance echoed through me, and I closed my eyes, a sense of safety and contentment washing over me. Gradually, I sensed my body being placed onto something soft, realizing he had laid me on a bed. Shifting slightly, a smile played on my lips as I relaxed further, wishing for this moment to stretch into eternity. . . In the midst of darkness and fear, my body trembled uncontrollably. The chilling cold seemed to seep into my bones, leaving me shivering. My surroundings were obscure and eerie, casting a daunting shadow on my senses. Placing my trembling hands over my chest, I surveyed the dim expanse around me, only to find an unsettling emptiness. "Edward," I called out, my voice echoing into the abyss, yet met only with an eerie silence. Lost and bewildered, I questioned my whereabouts, struggling to comprehend the reality of the situation. Uncertainty gnawed at my thoughts as I grappled with the unknown. Suddenly, a familiar voice pierced the darkness, uttering my name with an air of familiarity. I turned around swiftly, my heart racing, but there was only obscurity. The voice persisted, drawing me closer, until I stood face-to-face with the sinister gaze of John. His malevolent grin sent shivers down my spine, leaving me speechless. "John," I stammered, my voice betraying my shock as I instinctively recoiled in fear, unsure of his intentions or the very nature of my surroundings. "Lyd...ia," he whispered again, the sound of my name carrying an eerie weight. He advanced towards me, his grip on my hand unyielding, his intent unclear. "Release me, John," I pleaded, desperation edging into my voice. His eyes bore into mine with a chilling malevolence, his smirk deepening, causing my heart to race faster. "Lydia, we were meant to be together. Why did you flee on our wedding day?" His words rang in the air, laced with an unsettling mix of possessiveness and bitterness. I was paralyzed by fear, unable to articulate a response to his accusation. Panic surged through me as I attempted to free myself from his grasp, but his grip remained unyielding. He spoke of my lineage, painting a chilling picture of my fate, one I was unwilling to accept. As he closed in, his eyes took on a peculiar luminescence, the color of a brilliant moonlight. He began to transform, a predatory aura enveloping him as he shifted into a wolf-like form. Instinctively, I fled, my legs carrying me through the darkness until I found myself surrounded by the dense embrace of a forest. Confusion and fear gripped me as I struggled to comprehend my predicament. The world around me seemed to warp and twist, leaving me disoriented and vulnerable. John, now in his wolf form, emerged from the shadows, his determination unwavering. "Why can't you just let me go? I don't love you!" I screamed, the weight of my emotions spilling forth in anguished words. But his response was a primal roar, his anger intensifying with each syllable I uttered. "You cannot escape the consequences of abandoning our union," he bellowed, his words a chilling reminder of the past. With my options dwindling, I tried to tap into my own abilities, attempting to transform into my wolf form, but to no avail. Panic surged as I realized my power was out of reach. "John, we can find a way to resolve this. Just talk to me," I implored, my voice cracking under the weight of my desperation. However, my words seemed to stoke the fires of his fury, his anger raging like a tempest. "You will pay for fleeing from our destiny," he snarled, closing the distance between us. Just as he was about to reach me, I was jolted awake, greeted by Edward's concerned gaze. Breathing heavily, I clung to him, relief flooding my senses as I realized it was all a dream. Tears streamed down my cheeks, but this time they were tears of gratitude. "You were shouting in your sleep, mentioning someone named John and professing not to love him. Who is he?" Edward's inquiry hung in the air, causing my heart to race anew. Meeting his gaze, uncertainty gnawed at me. Revealing the truth could jeopardize everything, but the weight of the secret burdened my conscience.
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