chapter 3

936 Words
Lydia pov. It's been two days since I fled from my pack. I couldn't bring myself to return, especially not to face my mother. To alter my appearance, I decided to cut my hair, hoping it would help me remain unrecognized. I sought refuge in the woods near the lightning pake, waiting for an opportunity to find a more suitable place to stay. Little did I know that living this way would be akin to living in hell. Overwhelmed by a sense of loss, I closed my eyes, feeling utterly broken. Fear and loneliness engulfed me, yet it was still preferable to being in Moonlight pack, forced to comply with things I didn't desire. Hunger gnawed at my stomach, threatening to break me down at any moment. All I wanted was to be myself, not a reflection of my despised father. Emerging from the woods, I must have looked utterly disheveled. I tore the wedding gown I had been wearing and fashioned it into a smaller garment, ensuring no one would mistake me for a runaway bride. The pangs of hunger were so intense that I resorted to begging for food. It was a stark contrast to my previous life, where people would beg at my feet. As I scanned my surroundings, I noticed the judgmental gazes fixed upon me. People regarded me as if I were insane. I found solace by sitting near a nearby store, as I was unfamiliar with any other places in this pack. I resigned myself to this situation until I could find a way to improve it. Every passing second, my stomach growled louder, as if I had lost everything within me. I couldn't bear this any longer. Mustering the strength to rise, I approached various individuals, pleading for assistance. However, they simply chased me away. I couldn't help but wonder if my previous life was actually better than this. If the people here treated beggars like this, how would the poor ever find sustenance? Sadness overwhelmed me, leaving me feeling shattered and lost. Just as I was about to retreat and return to the store, a stranger's hand halted my movement. When I turned to face him, I saw a charismatic man with a benevolent expression. "I've been observing you begging for quite some time," he said, his voice filled with charm. "I decided to get you this." I gazed at him, my heart pounding like never before. As he handed me the items he had brought, our hands touched, and it felt like my entire world shifted on its axis. This was a feeling I had never experienced before. Who was he, and why did I find myself so drawn to him? "Thank you," I whispered, and he responded with a smile. Just seeing that smile filled me with a sense of calm and happiness. I had never felt like this before. Who was he, really? "I'm Edward. Do you live on the streets?" he asked, but at that moment, I was solely focused on eating to satisfy my hunger. I had never been so famished in my entire life. As I ate, he stood there, watching me intently. After I finished, I glanced up at him, surprised by his presence. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked, noting the way he was looking at me. He chuckled and turned away, but as he was about to leave, that same spark I had felt earlier surged through me once again. "Please don't go," I pleaded, and he looked at me as if I were crazy. I immediately moved away from him, feeling embarrassed by my outburst. "Sorry," I mumbled, ready to leave, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back, and we locked eyes. "Would you like to come with me to my castle? I can offer you a place to stay if you don't have a home." I looked at him in astonishment. Was he really offering me a place to stay? And did he say "castle"? "Did you say castle?" I asked, seeking confirmation of what I had heard. "Yeah, my castle. Don't you know I'm the Alpha's son?" he replied. I averted my gaze, feeling foolish for asking such a question. "No, I knew that. I just wanted to be sure," I said, forcing a smile, even though I was lying. He chuckled but didn't say anything, extending his hand towards me. I hesitated for a moment before finally placing my hand in his, and he smiled. I felt an overwhelming sense of safety just being with him. He was kind, and what's more, he was an Alpha's son. As we walked together, I couldn't help but notice the way people glanced at us. I felt self-conscious about my unkempt appearance, while he looked effortlessly cool and neat. The way he held my hand made me long to be with him for the rest of my life. It was as if we were connected on a deeper level, perhaps even a mate bond. But how could that be possible? Mate bonds were reserved for those you knew or were chosen for by the goddess. He was a complete stranger, yet this connection I felt was undeniable. As we continued our walk, I wondered why he didn't have a carriage or a car. Was this how he normally traveled? To my surprise, he began speaking to me, complimenting my beauty. For the first time in my life, I found myself blushing. Perhaps coming here wasn't such a bad idea after all. Maybe I could find love in the most unexpected of places.
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