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Princess Ellyn was still swearing and threatening Gabby behind her closed lips when she emerged from the restroom a little while later. Gabby gave the princess a cheeky look before lifting up the floral dress to reveal what she was going to wear. "You f*cking w***e! You're so brazen!” Gabby couldn't help but laugh at Ellyn's foul language. Gabby was always able to gauge Ellyn's level of rage based on the amount of foul language she used. And at this very moment, Ellyn was furious! “There is no way in f*****g hell that I'm going to wear that!" Ellyn let out a screech. Gabby argued that the change would make her look more gorgeous. “I will look like an Easter chicken that's been put up for auction. Choose one of the other options." Ellyn commanded as she entered her dressing room, sat down, and started detangling her long, curly hair with a brush. Gabby let out a sigh of exasperation. “Princess… You have been given instructions by the king to report to the council as soon as possible while appropriately attired. It would be prudent to show him the respect that is due to him by complying with his request and avoiding wasting his time.” Ellyn stopped what she was doing momentarily. She was aware that Gabby was right and that her father had always been a king who was compassionate and accepting of others. Since their mother had passed away many years prior, the monarch had been solely responsible for the upbringing of his two daughters. He never stopped pouring all of his love, attention, and patience into his relationships with his daughters. The only thing he asked for in return was love and respect as a father and his position as king. It was the least that Princess Ellyn could do thus there was no way she could ever refuse him that. She let out a drawn-out sigh. “Fine!” She leaned forward and extended her hand to Gabby. "Hand over the damn outfit for the love of god!" The corner of Gabby's mouth twitched ever-so-slightly as she moved to hand Ellyn the dress before the latter changed her mind. Gabby walked Ellyn through the immense hallways and up to the guarded conference room once Ellyn was clothed appropriately. Inside the meeting room were Ellyn's father, the king, along with all of the other key Alphas from the surrounding clans. As soon as she walked into the room, everyone's attention was drawn to her, some of them with awe but the majority of them with lust. Ellyn was without a doubt one of the most stunningly beautiful women any of them had ever had the pleasure of feasting their lustful eyes on. Her complexion appeared to be as transparent as milk, thanks to its smoothness. Her eyes, which were hazel, bright, and intelligent, were perpetually glinting with deceit. The exquisite curves of her figure caused men of all ages to gaze at her with want in their eyes, and her large pink lips promised limitless pleasure. It was easy to forget that she was a lethal warrior, skilled in the art of slicing through anything, including the hearts of men, during moments like these because she was so good at what she did. “Father.” She performed her famous curtsy, which gave her the appearance of having a hunchback every time she did it. She had the appearance of a clown! “You called for me?” Ellyn continued solemnly, indicating that she had very little to no interest in the various jokes that could be going through the minds of everyone else. “Yes, yes, daughter. Come… stand next to me,” King Henry beckoned her forward with a wave of his hand. Ellyn moved toward her father, brushing past her cousin Alpha Cade without so much as a glance in his direction. She had never bothered to hide her blatant dislike for him and if he had a brain, he would have gotten the memo without her needing to tell it to his treacherous face. Since she was ten years old, she had made it a point to always call him out for what he was. A deceptive snake with two different personalities who is loyal to no one except himself. She was never able to comprehend her father's apparent preference for him. However, she was able to deduce with little effort that it was connected in some way to his mother. He was certainly astute and a capable fighter; nonetheless, he was notorious for his cunning and his secrecy. She would frequently catch him staring with undisguised excitement at her father's throne during those times when he believed no one else was observing. Ellyn understood the significance of her father reaching out his hand to her, so she took it and allowed him to assist her in climbing the stairs to stand by his side. She knew her father was making a message to all the strong men in the room when he asked her to stand behind him, not merely out of affection or sentimentality. “Princess, so good of you to finally grace us with your presence,” Cade put on a show of bowing respectfully to her, but she was quick to pick up on the sarcasm and hypocrisy that were hidden behind his greeting. “Cousin Cade.” Ellyn acknowledged his welcome with a brusque nod, curious as to what trick he had up his sleeve this time around. "We were just talking about the most recent events that have taken place in our territories. I'm sure you're aware that the barbarians in the south have been responsible for a number of attacks that have had a catastrophic impact on our people?!” Ellyn acknowledged with a nod. To tell you the truth, it became impossible to ignore these assaults because of how frequently they occurred and how much trouble they caused. Alpha Demon, as he is known, was in every sense of the word a monstrous being. "After much deliberation on the part of me and the other Alphas in this location over the best approach to eliminate this... nuisance, we have finally settled on a solution. We are sending you out into the world, with your father, the king's consent, of course, to snoop on Alpha Demon and his pack and if at all possible, to eliminate them.” Princess Ellyn was left speechless for a moment as her mind struggled to comprehend the new information that had just been given to her. They were sending her on a mission that would end in her death. And with the permission of her father. She whirled around to face the king. “Father!” King Henry pleaded with her while he hastily took her hand in his. “Ellyn. Our people have been killed in the hundreds of thousands! Under the protection of us! You know that I would not request anything of you if another option was available. You are our most intelligent, most strong, and most clever spy." He took a moment to pause and allow his words to sink in. "You... Are the only one who can save us." He lingered over each syllable and emphasized it. Ellyn felt her heart tighten as she witnessed the desperate expression on her father's face. Her father had never, in her entire life, been seen begging or pleading to anybody else. Ever. If he is currently pleading with her, it is clear that he is in a hopeless situation. “Dear Cousin, You are not obligated to take on this obligation in any manner, shape, or form if you feel that it is either too large or too costly for you to handle," Cade stated with the most obviously sympathetic expression in the history of the world. He was trying to provoke her. Before all of these Alphas. In the event that she declined, she would give the impression of being feeble, cowardly, and unwilling to make a sacrifice for the good of her kingdom. It turned out to be a trap. A trap that has been set very effectively. "I'll get it done." Ellyn proclaimed this while maintaining a confident demeanor. The throne room as a whole was stunned into stillness for a brief while, after which numerous individuals within the room murmured their appreciation by saying, "Thank the gods." It would appear that every powerful Alpha present in the room was likewise hoping against hope that a young Princess would volunteer to preserve their lands and carry out the task. This indicated that everyone would be waiting to see whether she would succeed.
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