
The Inimitable Alpha

kickass heroine

"Take your knife away from my throat," he said lowly, his smile gone, and he was now staring at me intently.

She didn't move.

"I won't ask again, lady, take your knife away from my throat." He let out a growl. However, she wasn't scared but pressed it harder against his skin as a warning.

The nerve of him to tell her what to do! He should be begging for his life, seeing as she was the one with the weapon to his throat.

In an instant, he had her by the wrist and the waist and yanked her out of the water. His large, heavy, and hot body pressed down on her, forcing her to the ground on the wet grass before she could even begin to consider defending herself.

He was on top of her with his big hand grasping both her wrists and raising them above her head.

When her brain finally processed the shift in the power dynamic, she went completely insane and began to thrash against his body in an effort to dislodge him from his position on top of her.

"Hey!" He yelled to get her attention, but all she did was keep thrashing against him.

"Hey, stop!" He yelled again before giving her a little but sharp smack across the face.

It didn't hurt, but the fact that someone had the audacity to smack her in the face startled her.

"I said, 'Stop!' Keep moving against me like that, and I'll give that pretty little mouth something to keep it busy!!"

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"We can't continue to look the other way while these savages get away with all of their misdeeds.” A shout came from one of the Alphas who was present at the Alphas meeting. It was abundantly clear that he was losing his mind along with the other people in the hall. "The Blue River Pack has fallen at the hands of these beasts just as so many others have been recently. Who can say for sure which of our packs will be attacked next if we do nothing?” Another person spoke while simultaneously casting his eyes around the gathering. “Which of our houses is next on their hit list to be destroyed? Perhaps The Frost Season's Pack, The Green Valley Pack, or even The Supreme Order Pack?” Bang! King Henry’s fists pounded against the table. “Alpha Cade! You are very audacious to let words like that slip out of your mouth.” King Henry uttered with his eyes ablaze with rage. “You won’t keep your tongue the next time!” Cade lowered his head ever so stiffly – one could tell he wasn’t willing to show his submission. In fact, he only ever bowed his head merely to show his respect as a junior, not the other way around. "Pardon my manners, King Henry. I said what I said because, given the concept of the situation, we would all perish in no time if we did nothing. It wouldn't help to sit here and call them names while they plan their next move." Cade straightened up and turned to face Henry, “Again, no offense. But if all the packs shielding The Supreme Order Pack are wiped out, nothing will stop this place from falling.” Henry was boiling with rage as he glared at Cade. If only he could, Cade’s bones would undoubtedly have been long rotten beneath the ground. But that was impossible; he couldn’t hurt the bastard and the latter was aware of this. None of this would be if Cade’s mother weren’t so clever as to play such tricks on him. Nonetheless, all must come to an end one day. Henry was certain of it. "I must concur with Alpha Cade on this, Your Majesty. If we take the time to observe these attacks, we will find that every fallen pack is in Mootan—specifically those in the vicinity of our current location, The Supreme Order Pack." Alpha Jake of The Green Valley Pack spoke. "It appears that their attention is focused here, and all of these fallen packs could be considered collateral damage," Alpha Jake added. 'Perhaps this place has a secret or debt they're after,' Cade scoffed to himself. "What do you recommend we do to deal with these hordes of annoyances? Rogues is a more accurate description if I may add." "We launch an attack on them. Take them off guard." Alpha Bill spoke up. "At the very least, we know where they are." “Humm… That wouldn’t be a bad idea, Alpha Bill. However, that is one move we cannot make.” Another person chimed in. “Why is that Alpha Tristan?” Cade questioned with a frown. "Because we can't stage an attack that could backfire in a variety of ways. From what I've heard, the Blood Moon Pack trains their warriors to be killing machines." Tristan continued, “Even their women are the same, and their leader is considered a demon." “Your point?” King Henry questioned with his brow raised. Alpha Tristan pinched the bridge of his nose. He was unwilling to sign up for a fight that would end in their defeat. Based on what he'd heard about that pack, anyone in their right mind wouldn't agree to this plan. On the contrary, they should be discussing how to strengthen security on each of their packs in order to fend off future attacks rather than debating a suicide mission. Furthermore, Tristan was certain that King Henry would sit back on his throne while those monsters slaughtered them like ants. Only a fool would agree to such a thing. Lifting his gaze at King Henry, “My point is, we shouldn’t walk blindly into a lion’s den. These people are far from being described as rogues, which they are technically not. Or every other name we all have labeled them as. They have no humanity left in them,” Alpha Tristan said. Several hums of agreement resounded, which did not sit well with Henry. Fury rose in the pit of his stomach as he glared daggers at Alpha Tristan. "Don't tell me you're too afraid to defend your pack and kingdom." He spoke with venom. "Certainly not, Your Majesty. Aside from what I just said, The Blood Moon Pack lives within human territory." King Henry was in disbelief. Was this good for nothing being serious right now? How come such a wuss is an Alpha? Who even appointed him that position? “Though we are far from civilization, don’t we all live within humans?” King Henry barked in annoyance. Tristan moved his gaze away from the clearly displeased man, baring his neck in submission. Why did Henry make it appear as if he had said something outrageous? Was it wrong of him to act selfishly by saving his head? He reasoned that if the King wanted to eradicate the threat, the coast was clear for him to act like a real man. “This isn’t about where we dwell or how brave we are; what we need is a tangible plan for this matter,” Cade stepped in. “As an expert in strategy, it is clear to me that we cannot wage war on them.” “What do you suggest we do then because we can’t sit still and wait for our end to come.” Alpha Bill queried. "Who said anything about sitting around doing nothing?" Cade scoffed. “There are many ways to solve this problem. One: we embark on a mission that would undoubtedly be one of no return, which is not an option. At least not for me. Two: we call for an alliance by offering them a worthy prize, and I believe Princess Elisa or Ellyn will do-“ Cade trailed off when Henry’s murderous aura hit him and a ferocious growl resounded. “Calm down, dearest uncle. We don’t want everyone to think that you value the princesses more than the lives of your subjects you swore to protect now, do we?” Henry's rage was reaching a fever pitch, but he was powerless to act on it despite the intensity with which he felt it. Was Fate playing a joke on him by making this little devil his nephew? Henry had a difficult time coming to terms with the fact that he was unable to kill the fortunate bastard even though Cade was a member of his family. It didn’t matter. Only Cade had the audacity to challenge him within the entire Mootan openly. However, that won't be the case for much longer because there is an end to every reign. For the time being, he was going to make do with Cade's impudence. “Am I permitted to speak now, dearest uncle?” Cade asked sarcastically. Henry glared at him for a good second before waving his hand in front of him to indicate that they could proceed. The corners of Cade's mouth turned up quizzically as he crossed one leg over the other and resumed where he left off. “Where was I? Oh yes, finding an approach to this matter. A reasonable one.” He continued, “Well, since the first two options aren’t up for debate, that leaves me with options three and four which you will all love.” Turning his gaze to Henry, "Uncle, I want you to know that I'm not trying to be biased or that I have any ill will toward you in mind with what I am about to say next. Please understand that! Therefore, I hope you won't take it to heart or interrupt me as it is solely for the purposes of our safety." Cade dove headfirst into his ideas without so much as giving Henry a chance to respond. "Option three: we challenge Alpha Demon and my dearest uncle to a duel. Whoever wins gets to take over the other’s territories which is fair game. Four: we send in a spy.” Cade paused and peeked at Henry, who looked like he would charge at him any moment. His smirk broadened to see the man so enraged just as he wanted. He tapped his fingers on the larger round table as he added, “That is the part where the Princesses come in.” ***** A/N: Hi all, thank you for joining me in another one of my brand-new books! Before we begin, there are a few things I would want to bring to your attention that I believe are essential for you to understand before we delve any further into this narrative: This book has a dark theme. This means that there will be a lot of s****l activity, both forced and voluntary, physical and emotional torture, as well as some hilarious sequences that you will just adore. Please be aware that I do not gain any joy from writing about women exposed to abuse; this work is merely fiction and was made solely to amuse my readers. Therefore, I humbly request that you read with an open mind. The story will be updated at a rate of at least three chapters every week. Without a doubt, it would make my day to hear from you, so please do not hesitate to leave a comment.

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