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“Time to wake up, Princess Ellyn. Your father seeks your audience at once.” A very firm yet gentle female voice spoke as she drew closer to the bed and pulled the quilt off the figure beneath it. “Haag… will the entire Mootan crumble if I slept in for just one day?” Ellyn grumbled in displeasure. “Leave me alone, Gabby.” She groggily lifted her upper body, yanked the blanket from Gabby’s hands, and draped it over her body. Gabby snatched the quilt and tore it away from Ellyn for the second time. "Wake the hell up, you lazy bum! Your companions have been up for a long time and are actively contributing to the welfare of our kingdom." Ellyn's skin felt the brisk breeze of early autumn, and in response, she curled up into a fetal position to protect herself from the chill. Her sleepy eyelids suddenly sprung up, and she glared at the person who was standing a few meters away from the bed. “Give it back,” Ellyn's voice had a note of disapproval. Gabby wrapped the quilt into a tight bundle and hugged it close to her chest. "That won't be happening!" She responded. "I will f*****g murder you for going against me,” Ellyn mumbled and one could hear the annoyance in her voice. “Not the first time. I have heard those words more than I could count,” Gabby sneered. “Now get your ass up.” Ellyn rolled to one side while she gripped the bedsheet to pull it off and wrap herself with it. Sadly, it wasn’t a flat sheet but a fitted one. The elastic sheet immediately shrunk in size the second it came off the other end of the bed, causing Ellyn to groan in exasperation. Unwillingly rising from the queen-sized bed, “You inconsiderate piece of garbage, I will f*****g do it one day. You will eventually die at my hands since you keep making the same mistake. What is the use of keeping you around if you are hell-bent on going against me or wouldn't think twice about interrupting my sleep at their orders? Why do I even need a traitor like you?” She let out a furious cry. Ellyn was not someone who got up early. In fact, she loathed the concept of having to stand up first thing in the morning because that was typically the time of day she tended to get the most comfortable in her sleep. She encountered difficulty with this topic on a frequent basis during her time at university and during her training. If one were to judge Ellyn's personality just on the basis of her position as the second princess of Mootan, the werewolf race's most prestigious and dreaded province, one might assume that she is a pampered child. However, she was not even close to supporting that hypothesis. Since she was a young girl, Ellyn has had a rigorous education that has prepared her to become the most formidable female warrior in all of Mootan. Because of her bravery and outstanding fighting skills, Ellyn has earned a commendation that is well deserved, and it is impossible to list the numerous accomplishments that have been accomplished by The Supreme Order Pack over the past several years without acknowledging her. She was not someone to be pushed over. Ellyn’s reputation as a Hooligan followed her throughout all of her educational experiences, from high school to university. She had fought both guys and females who tried to make her look bad for dressing the way she felt comfortable and those who sought to bully her. In contrast to Princess Elisa, who always maintained an air of unwavering nobility in her manner and actions... also known as the golden princess of Mootan, Ellyn was untamed. She did whatever she wanted and was only marginally compliant with the boundaries that their parents had created for the family. Although both girls were connected to each other and possessed tremendous combat abilities, the manner in which they conducted themselves was completely dissimilar from one another. The only things that differentiated Ellyn from the other street thugs were her wealth and the fact that she always appeared to be impeccably dressed despite her clothes being in no way girlie. Ellyn stomped off in the direction of the bathroom and slammed the mahogany door behind her after venting her annoyance at Gabby. “What a drama queen.” Gabby rolled her eyes and scoffed as she dropped the folded quilt that she had been holding to her bosom down on the bed. After that, she proceeded toward the closet to prepare Ellyn's wardrobe for the day. She reached into the closet and pulled out a flowered dress that ended just above the knees. Gabby's mouth twitched, for she knew without a doubt that another drama would play out, especially considering the fact that getting Ellyn into a dress was always such a significant challenge. The hooligan was allowed to dress however she wanted, anywhere other than in the presence of her father. But Ellyn detested that particular aspect the most. After placing the dress on the bed, Gabby proceeded to the single sofa that was facing the bed and sat down. She raised her wrist to take a quick look at the time on her watch and began a countdown. It was only a matter of time until the drama queen made her presence known and began hurling insults at her once more.
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