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The strategy was straightforward: penetrate the enemy's territory, observe his operations and resources, and report back any pertinent information. Also, she was to act without any reluctance and take the opportunity to kill the adversary in the event that it presented itself. Ellyn has been on the road for five days already after setting off on her adventure. Her father had wished her success while bearing a terrible burden in his heart. Even though he didn't say much further, his expression of melancholy conveyed a great deal. He was not on board with this particular mission. However, he was able to maintain his dignity as a king. On the other hand, her sister was the complete antithesis of who she was. She sobbed her eyes out as she begged Ellyn to turn down the assignment and come back home with her instead. Ellyn was taken aback when she saw Princess Elisa in such a distressed state because her sister was always the picture of serene perfection when it came to royal duties. But it seems that just the news that Ellyn was about to be sent on such a perilous mission was enough to shake her to the core. Emotions and sentiments did not, however, suffice to dissuade her from going. Gabby had assisted her in putting all her belongings in boxes and loading them onto the car she would be traveling with. Even Gabby was powerless to stop the uncontrollable river of tears that was running down her face. Princess Ellyn was indeed a major pain in the rear end, and it's also true that she was never easy to collaborate with. But Ellyn was her friend and was known throughout the land for having the warmest heart and most unwavering commitment. Gabby didn’t miss praying seven times daily for the goddess to grant her wish to bring Ellyn back home safely. The pack led by Alpha Demon was last seen in the southern region. If there had been direct planes between the north and the south, the journey wouldn't have taken longer than 24 hours at most. It didn't matter anyway since she couldn't just fly there, given the circumstances surrounding her sudden travel. She knew that Alpha Demon was undoubtedly watching to see who entered and exited his surroundings and territories; therefore, she couldn't take the chance of him discovering who she was and what her objective was. Road travel was the only way to get where she needed to go secretly and unnoticed, so she got in her trusted old Mercedes and got on the road. The only option to travel secretly and beneath the radar was by road; therefore, she had taken off in her most favorite and trustworthy G-Wagon. Her first objective in the task would be to locate Alpha Demon and convince him to take her on as a maidservant. She was determined to achieve this by using her charm. Under the pretext of being his obedient servant, Ellyn intended to listen in on him and record his activities. She was not going to demonstrate her ability as a great warrior under any circumstances since she did not want to give him any reason to assume that she was lying. She had heard a lot about this so-called Alpha Demon and thus, she was under the impression that Alpha Demon was a blond-haired, blue-eyed, pompous, bloodthirsty, spoilt, egotistical jerk who commanded a large army and had a sense of superiority complex. He was a prick. As such, breaking him should be easy. Its been seventeen days since Ellyn set out on her journey. She was disoriented, parched, worn out, and in urgent need of a wash. The most recent river that she had seen was six days ago, and the next opportunity for her to obtain water that she could locate on the map was still two days away. She had already resolved that she would have to suffer from thirst and hopelessness for at least two more days. As a direct result of this, a couple of hours later when she came across a stream of water that was perfectly transparent and glistening, she went utterly insane. Ellyn didn't even wait for her car to come to a complete stop before she got out of the car and sprinted past it in order to dive headfirst into the refreshingly cool water. She bobbed back up to the surface of the water with a happy chuckle and quickly began removing her wet clothing as she had reached the surface. She stripped down to her scant underwear almost immediately and began carelessly playing in the water. She was swimming around in the water when her attention was drawn to a movement. Ellyn turned her head and was horrified to see a black mamba, the most dangerous species of snake, creeping slowly in her direction. She knew in her heart that she wasn't a faster swimmer than the snake, but she was determined to splash her way out of the water nevertheless. However, “Don’t. Make. Another. Move!” A deep, silky voice growled beside her.
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