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Ellyn came dangerously close to turning around to confront the person who had been speaking, but she was prevented from doing so by the firm grip on her arm. “Don’t move; it only strikes when it feels threatened.” The person said. She observed that the snake had become visibly more disturbed as a direct result of her erratic movements. She used her iron resolve to hold herself perfectly still. She kept her eyes cast to the side as she watched the stranger approach the snake in an eerily calm manner until he was within striking distance. This man was helping a total stranger by putting his own life in danger in order to save her. Or perhaps he was just a moron who was unable to recognize a life-threatening peril when he encountered one. Ellyn did not take her eyes off the odd man. She continued to watch with bated breath as he reached out his hand as quickly as lightning and grasped the serpent by its neck. He had it in such a way that the snake could only attempt to terrify the man by wrapping its body around his arm but it could not escape. “Oh gods!” Ellyn let out a scream as she moved away from his arm and kept a careful eye on the serpent that was still writhing in his clutches. Snakes were the creatures she detested the most out of all the animals. “Kill it!” She raged at him, perplexed as to why he needed her to tell him what should have been an apparent thing to do. He gave a hearty chuckle in response to her yells. "No, no, there's no need for that at all, it's just as terrified of you as you are of it. It's likely that it was doing nothing more than seeking for the same thing that we were—some ice water to beat the heat.” Ellyn was in wonder as she saw him carefully remove the poisonous serpent that had been wrapped around his arm. After that, he threw it with an impressive amount of force back into the wild bushes where it had come from. At that very instant, Ellyn jogged her memory and realized who she was and why she was in this part of the world. It was her responsibility to remain vigilant at all times because there were thugs, thieves, and rogues in the world who would jump at the opportunity to prey on a partially clothed woman swimming in a pond. Ellyn had no idea who the man was, but she was determined not to give him the chance to assault her first. She slid her hand under her lower undergarment and carefully extracted a knife that she had cleverly concealed there. Then she spun around and aimed the knife at the stranger's neck, precisely at the spot on his neck that contained his pulse. She knew this was the area where her blow would do the most harm. “Hey-hey- easy,” The male said this while putting up his hands in a sign of surrender; nevertheless, he did not appear to be the least bit frightened or concerned; rather, he seemed amused. “I just saved your life,” he reasoned in his deep voice. Ellyn scoffed at him. "Stranger danger, you may still try to harm me." The man threw his head back and laughed loudly, entirely exposing his neck to her in abandon, oblivious to the lethal weapon that was put up to his throat. "Had I intended to cause you harm, I would have done it the instant that you entered the water." He glared at her. Ellyn's eyes widened in surprise as she realized that he had been watching her. Since when had he been watching her? "For how long have you been stalking my every move?" She inquired. His eyes sparkled with merriment. “Don’t flatter yourself, lady, you were the one following me. I was in the water first.” Ellyn was shocked. Is it true that he has been swimming the whole time? When she made her initial foray into the water? When she took off all of her clothes? What were the chances that she hadn't noticed him? It was impossible for anyone in her country to sneak up on her because she was the most trained and highly competent warrior in the kingdom. But this man managed to pull it off. She narrowed her eyes at him. “Who are you?” "My name is Joseph, and I'm just an average nobody and a forgettable biker.” She felt a strange fluttering in her stomach as a result of the dimpled smile he offered her. Ellyn made use of that opportunity to examine him thoroughly from head to toe. There was no question that the bikers in her hometown did not appear to be as large, as muscular, or move as quickly as this man. His skin was golden and tanned from the sun, and his thick, black eyebrows drew attention to the allure of his light hazel eyes. His long, dark brown hair gave him the exotic appearance of a foreigner, and his beard gave him an aura of wild danger. If it turned out that he was a biker, then he was the most dashing and intriguing biker she had ever come across in her entire life. “Take your knife away from my throat,” he said lowly, his smile had dropped and he was now looking at her intensely. She didn’t move. “I won’t ask again lady, take your knife away from my throat.” He growled. Instead, she pressed it harder against his throat in warning. The audacity of him to tell her what to do! She was the one who had the weapon, and he ought to be pleading for his life because he was at the mercy of the most dangerous and highly competent war— In a sudden flash of movement, he grabbed her by the waist and her wrist, and before she had a chance to react, he flipped her high up, out of the water, and onto the damp grass. Then, in the blink of an eye, he was on top of her, pressing her down to the ground with his large, hot, and heavy body while her wrists were forced together and held above her head in the tight grip of one of his large hands.

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