Chapter 13: Delima

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ALESTERS POV I stayed in the room for a bit pondering what Elizabeth had said. I made fixed my cloths and hair then went out the room. I was greeted by a pissed off Ashley though. Ashley: "what were you doing." Me: "taking a break from the dance. I need some alone time." Ashley: "where is she" Me: "who" Ashley: "that hybrid tramp you can't get over." Me: "she's not here." Ashley: "she's not at the dance with." Me: "why are you concerned about where she's at? She could be in the bathroom, for all I know. Baby" Ashley: "you shouldn't be sneaking off away from your wife. Which is why I want you to reject her." I was shocked but then composed myself and looked at Ashley. I knew she was serious, and Elizabeth said the same. Her words, "why don't you just reject me already" rang in my head repeatedly. I thought she didn't want that, but I was a terrible mate,. I married a b***h instead of trying to find a solution. Me: "come on, let's get back to the party." Ashley: "fine." ELIZABETH POV I smiled as I walked into the gym. Sarah was by my side. She had put concealer on the hickey Alester gave me. When I got back, the guys ran over and checked me to see if I was hurt. Zeke: "are you ok love, you were gone for a bit." Justin: "yea, what happened." Me: "I just needed a break, but I also talked to him so." Mark: "Are you sure you're ok." Me: "I'll tell yall when we head home ok." I smiled, and the guys nodded. I smiled as we all sat down and enjoyed the night. It wasn't long before it would be ruined, though. I smiled, got up, and headed to the food table to get some food and snacks for everyone. I sat their plates on the table and then fixed my own on my way to improve my plate, waterr was dumped over my head. I looked and saw Ashley with an empty cup in her hand. Ashley: "oops, sorry." Me: "accidents happen." I forced a smile, then used napkins to clean myself up. I fixed my plate, and Ashley tagged along the whole time. I stopped and then looked at her. I walked away to my table with my food but was suddenly pulled back by Ashley and flung to the floor. I winced as I fell to the floor, and my food spilled on me. I sighed and then looked up at Ashley. I then got up and dusted myself off. I didn't want to fight. I walked away, but Ashley didn't have it. She grabbed me by my ponytail and then sent me flying into the stage. I yelped and gasped as I felt something sharp stab my side. I pulled the broken drumstick that was now covered in blood out of my side. Ashley: "come on, fight. What are you scared of." Me: "I Don't want to* Ashley: "then I'll make you." She threw a dagger at me, and it cut my arm. I growled in pain and then looked. Damn it, what am I going to do? She's insane. I can't reveal myself being a hybrid. I stood up straight, let my arm heal, got into a fighting position, and stood normal. I walked away and let my side heal as I walked back to my table. Ashley grabbed my hair and yanked my again, throwing me into the food table. She then stabbed my side with a knife. I yelled in pain, then kicked her off of me. I held my side, looking at the blood. I froze, realizing my side wouldn't heal. I- I wasn't healing. I looked at Ashley, and she smiled devilishly. I got up, and she lunged at me. I fell back onto the floor with her pinning me. I flipped us, so I was pinning her I got up and then flung her across the room and into the bleachers. I stood and held my side as Sarah, and the guys ran over. Me: "I wanna go home. Please" Sarah: "of course." Mark: "your hurt." Zeke: "hold on." Justin: "we'll get you cleaned up in the car." Zeke picked me up after Justin had wrapped my side. They took me to the limo, as I winced in pain. Alester was looking at me with concern, and I looked away, hiding my face in zeke's chest. Ray did damage control and calmed everyone down, and had the mess cleaned. He joined us in the limo when he was done. By the time he came back, I was patched up and in a new dress identical to the last one. I had told them everything that happened on the way back to my house from when Alester asked me to talk to the fight. Once we arrived at my house, I got out and went to the door. I smiled at the guys then, waved bye then went inside. Once inside, I leaned on the door, and Celestia ran over to me. Celestia: "baby sister, are you ok." Me: "I'll be fine, Tia." Celestia: "your home early. It's not even noon" Me: "some things happened" Celestia helped me up and took me to my room. It was only 11:30, and I wasn't tired. I sighed,, got charged into bed shorts and a sports bra, and put on Marks jacket. Celestia was sitting on the bed. I laid my head on her lap and cried. I was hurting at eavrything I found out. My mate married another and worse of all I was gonna lose my brother. I cried until I fell asleep. ZEKES POV I was furious at eavrything Elizabeth told us. No one was to happy about it. Ray was pissed it took all of us to convince him not to commit murder. But tomorrow was supposed to be a good day. He has got a phone call that his big brother Ace was coming back to town. We arrived to my place and all chilled in the living room. Justin: "I cant beleive he married her" Mark: "Jacob is gonna die" Ray: "no he won't" Me: "we can't heal him and he isn't healing on his own" Me: "we confront Alester that's what we do. His girl has to listen to him right? Ray: "and if she's just a b***h" Justin: "what would dad tell us to do" Mark: "something like stick up for her?" Me: "protect your mate at all cost" Mark: "so how are we gonna protect her" Ray: "let alone help" Me: "let's think of this later but we have to hope he last till after break" Justin: "that will give us a month to figure things out" Mark: "agreed plus we have a wedding to attend all the packs leaders and their kids have to be there" Ray: "I feel so bad for Elizabeth" We all got up and headed to separate rooms of the mansion to sleep and get some rest after saying good night. I sat in my room looking at the photo of my dad and mom. I picked up my phone and dial Alpha Tony aka my dad. I waited as the phone rang. I heard the sound of my mother Coras voice as the phone was answered. I hadent head moms voice in years. She had been in a comma and dad had stayed with her. Mom: "Zeke my lil fire starter." Me: "hi mom how are you" Mom: "im still kicking so" Me: "good good, can I speak to dad please its very important it's.... I hesitated some contemplating If I should tell her. She would want to meet her right away so. I smiled as I heard my mom hum in curiosity through the phone. Me: "its about my mate named Elizabeth. She hurting rn and I don't know what to do. And I was wondering if dad could help me out ya know. Mom: "oh you found a mate. Has your brothers found their mate." Me: "They did we all 3 have the same mate and we needed some advice on helping her. Can I talk to dad." Mom: "of course sweetie. Here's your father yall make sure to call me ok?" Me: "I will mom I promise. I'm glad your awake again. Get better and come home" I heald back tears as my mom handed the phone to my dad. She had been in a comma for three years and dad had been with her for two the doc said she would never wake up and kept saying to pill the plug. I'm just so glad she's awake. Dad: "Alpha Tony here." Me: "hey dad so if my mate is hurting and it's because of some bad news. finding out one of us four is being married off to a different person and she's also learned that his fiance is the reason her brother is hurting and slowly dying.... what would you do." Dad: "hey son, if I were you I would do eavrything I can to comfort her in these had times and make sure she's safe and protect her at all cost. So when you see she's about to cry you or one of your brothers go after Her no matter what she says never leave her alone. I noded and smiled. I knew what I had to do now and it started with confronting Alester and his mind set. I had to make him see what he's done. Me: "thanks dad" Dad: "no problem Zeke. Now get some rest you have to call back tomorrow and make sure you bring yalls new mate when break comes up" Me: "we will dad" I smiled as he hung up and then I sighed and went to bed I stared at the ceiling hearing Xavier in my head. Xavier: "so do you have a plan kid?" Me: "yea I do" Xavier: "so what is it Zeke ya know the plan" Me: "you'll find out soo bud untill then lets get some rest" I sighed ad I slowly fell asleep. My thoughts finally calming down as I drifted off into a deep sleep. So this chapter is shorter then my normal because I thought it was a good stopping point also I am sorry for not publishing chapter 9 untill now because I was being forgetful and I do apologize. So expect another chapter tonight. I love yall
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