
The Hybrid Luna Queen


Elizabeth isn't your average everyday girl. She is a hybrid that attends a school located in the center of 5 packs. She was found as a baby in the middle of the woods where her adoptive parents Alpha Damian Fang and Luna Nadia, and their two kids Jacob and Celestia, found her. she has never known where she's come from or who her real family was. She was homeschooled and was always happy with it. With her 18th birthday around the corner and attending actual school, her life is about to get turned upside down. Will she be able to overcome the obstacles life throws at her, or will she give in and let faith have its way. Join Elisabeth in a whirlwind adventure and see how her life plays out.

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ELIZABETHS POV Dad: "Elizabeth, your mom and I have decided that you should start attending school." Me: "But I am already attending school. home school." Dad: "No, Elizabeth, I mean the actual school, you know, the one in the center of the packs. After all, your birthday is soon." I looked at my dad as I heard the news. I would be 18 in a week and had to start attending a school full of people who hated me. Hopefully, they forgot I existed, and I can start fresh. Me: "Dad, do I have to go?" Dad: "Sadly, yes, Elizabeth. You have no social skills and need to make friends, plus you can't stay in the house all day doing school work, listening to music, and reading. I'm sure this will work out well." Me: "Dad, you said that last time in 3rd grade, then I kept coming home with tons of bruises and broken bones." I saw the sadness in Dad's eyes as he looked at me. He was doing the come on, Elizabeth; give it a try. I sighed and closed my eyes, then looked at Mom as she came into the room and started looking at me with the same eyes. I sighed, gave up, and finally gave in to my parent's wishes. I knew they would never want me to get hurt, but I also had to learn to hang around others and defend myself. After all, how hard could senior year be? Me: "Fine, I'll go, and I promise to stick it out the whole year." Dad: "That's my Lil moonflower." You'll do fantastic, my sweet Lil muffin." I smiled at both of them as they smiled happily at my answer. I wouldn't say I liked it when they tag team me like that. It's a shame Celestia and Jacob aren't here. I can't wait till they come home. They had been away from training for six years now. My parents are... well, were the luna and alpha of the most robust pack around. That was until 17 years ago when rogues attacked and took out the pack. The packs were at their most vulnerable at this time, but Dad was still the most robust pack around. While he was away with Mom, Jacob, and Celestia, they were attacked and taken down by rogues from the inside and out. Everyone was now a whole pack down during the war, but they won the battle. A few days later, after 17 years of fighting and strategizing, they found me in the woods. Now here we are, present-day, and my dad is a legend as the wolf who killed thousands of rogues single-handedly and is still the most powerful next to the alpha king. My dad is also the most prominent business tycoon in town, owning fifty percent of all the bars in our city and thirty different states. I have always seen how caring my dad is and how scary he can get, especially regarding family. I had just finished my shower and was dressed in a hoodie and bed shorts. I was about to go downstairs for dinner when I heard my wolf Kia in my head. Kia: Oh Gods, Elizabeth, I can't wait for tomorrow. It is going to be soo much fun. What if we meet our mate and make lots of friends? Me: calm down, Kia. We don't even know what would happen; I only agreed to go because Mom and Dad wanted me to. Kia: this could be our chance to find our real family. Imagine how awesome that would be. I smiled, rolling my eyes. I wanted to know who my real family was and where I came from, but I loved this family. I had incredible parents and two of the best older siblings. My world was almost perfect. I walked downstairs and saw Kia jump around in excitement. Kia was a beautiful white wolf with soft silky fur and one purple and one blue eye. I smiled as I entered the kitchen, the smell of Mom's homemade pot pie. She always did make the best pot pies. They were and always will be my favorite. I remember how she taught me how to make them. I was only 11, and Celestia and I did them together. I kissed Mom's head, then Dad's. Me: "Hi, mom, hi, dad." Mom: Hi, my Lil Muffin; I made your favorite." Me: "I can tell I can smell it a mile away, mama." Dad: "Hello, my Lil moonflower; how are you feeling?" Me: "I am feeling fine, Dad." Dad: "How Kia?" Me: "She is fine and very excited." Mom: "An angel." Angel was the name of my Witch. I smiled at Mom as she set the food down and sat by Dad. Me: "Angel is fine. She's too busy deciding what to wear for my first day at school tomorrow." Dad: "And how is Sophie, your vampire?" Me: "She's OK. She hasn't been too interested in anything. Kinda mad we can't sleep in anymore though" I smiled as we ate dinner and talked. Once I finished dinner, I helped Mom wash the dishes and load the dishwasher. I kissed both my parents good night before heading upstairs to my room. I played in bed and slowly fell asleep. I woke up to yelling. When I looked at my clock, it was one in the morning. I knew my parents were at it again. Mom and Dad get into these arguments occasionally over something Dad did or said or something Mom did or said. The last time it was over, Dad's secretary tried to steal him from Mom. Mom won, and her secretary was fired the following day. I walked downstairs to Mom and Dad and listened to them argue. Mom: "Damian, what happens if she gets hurt at school?" Dad: "This was your idea, Nadia. I said I wasn't OK with that. Especially if Jacob and Celestia aren't there to help her." Mom: "You sure didn't object to it, Damian Fang." Dad: "How could I object you made so many valid points?" I looked at them from the kitchen doorway. They kept fighting about whether my being at school was safe. Especially with my powers and angel outbursts that she has. Me: "Mom, Dad." Dad: "Moonflower, you're supposed to be asleep." Mom: "Your father is right, muffin." Me: "You were arguing again." I looked as they looked at each other and then at me. My parents never fought unless they had doubts. They were destined mates and loved each other dearly. By tomorrow morning, they would be thrilled. Dad: "We're just worried about you starting school tomorrow." Mom: "We don't want you to get hurt by others like when you were in third grade. Dad: "Or when you were eleven." I smiled, then nodded my head. I looked at my parents and then hugged them both. Me: "I'll be fine. I can heal now and do everything possible to keep Angel and my powers in check. I'll even slow my healing some." My healing was ten times faster than any normal wolf, but I could slow my recovery naturally if I had to. It's a trick I learned over time. I looked at Mom, and Dad nodded. I knew they were worried. I also knew I had to do this. After all, they were right. They couldn't be here all day and see no one personally anyway. After all, I knew the names of all the packs, the alphas, lunas, betas, and deltas of each pack, and the names of every one of their kids. It's amazing what some extra study time can do. I looked at Mom and Dad, then smiled softly. They needed to sleep before they went back to arguing on this topic and tried to change their minds. Me: "Now, let's go to bed. Shall we? After all, my big day is tomorrow." Dad: "You are right about what I said. Let's get some sleep." Mom: "Yes, let's get some sleep." Me: "So, Dad, why am I starting school tomorrow on Tuesday and not today?" Mom: "Your lovely father got the papers a day late, so they just finished all your files and stuff for school today." Dad: "I got busy and forgot." I smiled and shook my head. My parents then kissed my head before heading to their room and going to bed. I went to my room and plopped down on the bed, instantly falling asleep.

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