Chapter 14: Sweet Day

1996 Words
ELIZABETHS POV It had been two weeks since the dance, and schools were letting out for Christmas break. I was so happy. No school for 27 days, and most of al,l no f*****g demon b***h Ashley. I could now spend my time with my family. Christmas was always my favorite holiday, mainly because of how my family spent it. We would set up decorations, bake sweets of all kinds and go to the different packs and orphanages around town, giving the gods out old toys and clothes. But most of all, we would do a whole singing thing at home. Jacob on piano sometimes me. Mom and dad sang as Celestia played the harp, and I would sometimes play the violin or something. The Wedding was also today. Jacob was well enough to go, but mom and dad wouldn't let him because of how weak and sick he was I wouldn't let him go because he would try to kill Alester again. I smiled, put on a red dress with my black heels, and cast a spell, making my hair all black and curly. I was smiling and talking with Jacob as we waited for his mate to come to the doctor we hired named Jonathan was going to take care of Jacob while we were gone. Mom and dad walked in with Celestia behind them. Dad was looking mad. I smiled and then looked at Jacob. Dad didn't want to go, but had to show respect to the pack, so you know the deal. I got up after hugging Jacob, then left with my family to go to this stupid Wedding. I looked at tia as she placed a hand on my arm. Me: "I don't want to go." Dad: "neither do i." Celestia: "we have to show respect, papa." Mom: "please, it shouldn't be that long. I know he hurt our Lil moonflower, but we have to go, Damian." I heard dad mumble and growl under his breath. THREE HOURS LATER I smiled as I was hanging with the guys, and Sarah, every high-ranked wolf, and the next in line were there. I smiled as Luna Carmen approached me. She was smiling but not like when I last saw her. Her eyes looked dull. She pulled me into a tight hug, and I hugged her back. I stiffened when she apologized. I smiled at her as I pulled away. I was going to find a seat as I held Zeke's hand and smiled. Zeke: "you look beautiful, baby girl." Me: "Thank you handsome." Zeke: how are you feeling, you know, being here?" Me: "I don't want to be here, Zeke, not after knowing everything. I'm his mate, and I'm just here what having to watch this. I would rather he reject me." Zeke: "stop anyone on luck from being your mate." I smiled at Zeke as he put his arm around my shoulder as we walked. I notice Zeke's smile fall as he stopped in his tracks. I looked up and saw Alester walking over. I held on tighter to Zeke as Alester stopped in front of us. Alester: "im glad yall made it" Zeke: "we had no choice but to attend." Me: "yea. Um, but congratulations... I'm so happy for you." Zeke looked at me, smiling sadly, then looked at Alester. I layer head-on Zeke's shoulder and then intertwined our fingers. Alester: "Thanks, Elizabeth. I guess I better get goings." ONE HOUR LATER After all, the gust from the packs arrived at me, and the guys took our seats near Alesters mom. I was one seat away from the outside with Justin there on the outside and Alesters mom on my other side. Mark sat behind me, and Zeke in front of me. My family had seated behind Luna Carmen. I watched the ceremony and looked as Ashley walked down the aisle smiling happily. She looked at me and smirked evilly. I wanted to stop this, but she could kill my brother here and now. I looked as the ceramic started. I lay my head on Justin as a tear ran down my cheek. I sobbed softly as I heard him saying I do, then the pastor asked for objections. Max looked at me and grimaced slightly, and Sarah looked at me sadly. I got up as Alester looked my way and walked past Justin to the doors. I stopped as I heard Alester yell my name as I put my hands on the door. Alester: "Elizabeth" Me: "no, Alester, no." Alester: "stay, please." Me: "no, you're marrying her. You Don't need me. Or want me." Alester: "that's not true." Me: "you chose a deal over me. And if I object, I could love my brother for good, so no." I looked at Ashley, then left the ceremony and started walking to the woods, trying to breathe. I kept walking, not looking back. I wasn't going to look back and most definitely not go back to Alester Knight. I stopped as I heard a twig break and then looked around. I sighed and went back to walking. I started thinking and got lost in my thoughts. Almont is trapped in my mind. THIRD PERSON POV MEANWHILE, AT THE WEDDING Alester looked at the door as Elizabeth left. Zeke looked at Mark and Justin, who looked at them. They wanted to go after Her. Alesters mom looked at the door as tears streamed down her face. That poor sweet child to go through this, Luna Carmen thought. Celestia looked down and cried as Elizabeth's dad, alpha Damian, clenched his fist in pure frustration and anger. He wanted to hurt Alester just as badly as he hurt Elizabeth. Elizabeth's mom cried and hugged her husband, not letting him go. Ashley was standing looking at Alester. She was ecstatic inside, knowing she broke Elizabeth, knowing she had the guy, but she was happier at the broken look on Elizabeth's face. Ashley didn't care If Elizabeth objected or not. She was going to make sure she lost someone dear to her, and little did everyone know that soon would be the last they saw or heard of Jacob. ALESTERS POV I looked at the guys as Ashley walked over to me. I wanted to run after her but knew I couldn't. I walked back to the altar and stood back where I was at first. I was about to kiss Ashley when I heard a voice in my head. It was Max's. Max: "what the f**k, man? Go after her? She's hurting because of this mandatory wedding." Me: "she's not my problem, and I don't care anymore. I have to get married." I cringed at my words, then kissed Ashley deeply. She was now my wife, and I was regretting a lot of things right now. Once it was over,2wqa I looked as everyone left. FOUR HOURS LATER, ELIZABETHS POV I cried as I sat in the woods, far away from everyone. I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I instantly calmed down, feeling the sparks on my shoulder, and heard Zeke's voice. Justin stood behind him, and Mark walked over and sat beside him. Zeke: "love, are you OK?" Me: "yea... I'm fine." Mark: "no, you aren't." Me: "I'm..fine." Justin: "liza" I was crying and choking on tears. I couldn't be unfazed by this wedding, and I am feeling terrible now. I looked as the guys pulled me into one of their big hugs and then kissed my head and cheeks. I relaxed some and stopped crying. I suddenly felt drained, And before I knew it, I passed out from exhaustion. ALESTERS POV I looked at Ray as his eyes were forest green. He was stalking over to me like a predator to its cornered prey. He had seen his sister run out and felt how broken she was, and he was pissed at anyone who was the cause. They were twins, after all. Ray: "What the f**k, Alester Knight?" Me: "What, Ray" Ray: "you just chose that demon over my sister. Dude, she's no good. Why would you do that? The worst part is that you haven't even rejected my sister yet, and made her sit through this shit." Me: "Ray, I used to love your sister but that was just a crush, plus she wouldn't put out." I smirked, looking at Ray. He growled as his eyes grew brighter. He then flicked his arm, and I went flying and hit the wall. I sighed and got up. I wasn't caring right now, considering that I was feeling numb. I loved and still do love Elizabeth. I want her back, but I can't break this contract. I had spent all of yesterday trying to figure a way out. I winced and groaned in pain as I felt a punch to the gut. I looked up at Ray, and his eyes were a deep Marron red. Ray: "we are no longer friends until you fix this, Knight." Alester: "fine, I'll reject her. Next. I see her, ok." I looked as Ashley ran over, then stopped as ray looked at her. He growled and then vanished in a cloud of smoke. I got up and looked at Ashley. She and I were the only ones in this room. Now. I held her tight as she hugged me. Ashley had teleported us home. I opened my door and was greeted by my baby sister Abby, and Carol running at me. She looked pissed at me. Carol: "What the f**k? Luke, what the actual f**k?" Me: "What's wrong now?" Carol: "What did you do to her?" Me: "Elizabeth, that's who." Carol: "I went to visit her, and she looked hallow. What the f**k?" Carol to Abby from me, then kicked me in the gut hard. She then walked off with Abby, who waved a sad goodbye to me. ELIZABETHS POV I was sitting by Jacob's bed, and we talked. I smiled, looking at my older brother. There were six days till Christmas, and I wanted to have one last Christmas with him if he was going to die. I hoped in all hells he wouldn't. Jacob: "OK, what's wrong?" Me: "what ya mean." Jacob: "liza. sis, I've been calling your name for ten minutes now. So what's bothering you." Me: "you haven't healed much yet, and well, I don't want to lose my big brother." Jacob let out a struggling and raspy laugh. Then looked at me. Jacob: "look, Kid even if I die, you'll never actually lose me. I'll always be looking over you. So here" I looked as he handed me a small box wrapped in red wrapping paper and purple ribbon. I looked at my brother, and he smiled weekly, giving me that so what you waiting for look. I smiled and opened the box revealing three rose necklaces and two rings. I smiled, looking at them. I had been looking at these for a while now. I smiled, holding back tears, then hugged Jacob. Me: "Thanks, Big Brother." Jacob: "I and Stacy thought you would like them, ya know since ya love roses so much." Me: "I love them." I smiled at Jacob and sat back in my seat. We then started talking on and on about superheroes and cars. It's something we both got lost in. I smiled and then looked at Jonathan as he came in to check on Jacob. I smiled and got up, then hugged Jacob. Me: "I'm in the kitchen." Jacob: "ok, baby sister. Oh, and sis, don't forget your trip tomorrow." Me: "oh yea. Ok, I won't." I smiled and then went to the kitchen. I froze as I saw Ray sitting at the table with a hooded figure beside him. Mom was leaning on the counter, wiping her eyes. I looked out the window and saw dad smoking. He never did that unless he was stressed and upset. Me: "w-what's going on?" TO BE CONTINUED
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