Unexected Suprises :Chapter 6

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ELIZABETHS POV Me: "Um, hi, guys." I looked as the guys stared at me in shock. No one had spoken for a good ten minutes. I looked at them and then looked down. I yelped as I was tackled to the bed, as all the guys hugged me tightly. Mark: "Thank gods, you're OK." Justin: "You're finally awake." Zeke: "We missed you so much." Alester: I'm so glad you're awake." Me: "Well, I'm awake. Now please get off. I'm in pain, please." I smiled as they got up and started apologizing. I smiled, looking at them. Alester sat on the right of me, with Mark to my left. Justin sat at the foot of the bed as Zeke leaned on the wall behind him. Alester: "How are you feeling, baby doll?" Me: "I'm OK. My wounds have healed, but there's a scar, though." Zeke: "Do they hurt?" Me: "My arm doesn't, but my neck does." Justin: "Well, I'm sure the pain will disappear soon." Mark: "And besides, your vocal cords and everything look much better, according to Susan. Like nothing happened." Alester: "We missed ya, doll." Me: "So what did I miss?" Justin: "Me, Zeke, and Justin's birthdays were last Saturday." Me: "Happy late birthday, you three." Zeke: "Nah, it wasn't much of a birthday without you." Mark: "So we said we wouldn't do anything until you woke up." Me: "You all didn't have to." Justin: "But we wanted to." I smiled, looking at them. I hugged them all and then leaned on the headboard of the bed. I smiled as I caught up with the guys, and we talked. I looked and smiled as Tia walked in and set a plate on my lap. Celestia: "You look better than this morning." Me: "Thank you, Tia." Alester: "When will she be out of the room and, ya know, get home?" Celestia: "She can go home today. We hired another nurse so that she could be tended to at home. Plus, I think her being home will help Mom get better. " Zeke: "Can we take her home then?" Me: "I'm fine with it." Celestia: "Fine, but only because Luna is OK with it." Mark: "Luna?" Celestia: "Well, it's a nickname I gave her since she has powers related to the moon." Me: "Tia.." Celestia: "She always stays up late at night looking at the stars and stuff, plus Dad calls her moonflower. I smiled and ate my food while watching the guys talking about sports. I looked up as I finished my food, then got up slowly. I looked over and then saw Alester facepalm. Me: "Alester? Is everything OK?" Alester: "While you were out, my parents came over and wanted to talk." Me: "Um, OK." Alester: "Elizabeth, you're my mate." Mark: "What are you talking about, man?" Alester: "She's my mate. I found out on Tuesday when I first saw her, and then on Wednesday, it was confirmed because Coal and Alfred went crazy over her. I looked at the guys. I saw Mark look at his brothers and scratch his head. Justin looked down. I sighed, looking at their reactions, then looked at Celestia as she stared with her jaw dropped. Celestia: "Actually, you know what? I'll take Elizabeth home; she can talk to your parents tomorrow. Mark: "We can drive her home if needed." Me: "No, it's fine. I want to see my mom as soon as possible." Justin: "OK, beautiful." Mark: "See ya later, gorgeous." Zeke: "I'll see you at school. OK, baby girl." Me: "OK." Alester: "I'll see you tomorrow." Me: "OK." I looked at all the guys as they left and then at Celestia. The look of shock on her face said it all. I was too busy contemplating how I had four mates, three of whom were related. How could I have four mates? I haven't even turned 18. I won't be 18 till Thursday when I go back to school. I looked at Celestia as she shook her head, then got up and looked at the jacket on the chair. Alester had sat in. I put on my shoes and grabbed the coat. Tia and I walked downstairs. I knew all, but Zeke had left, considering he lives here. Once we got in Tias' car, we drove home. Celestia: "Four mates?! Four Luna!!" Me: "I don't know, Tia. I don't even know if they are telling the truth." Celestia: "Oh yeah, you aren't 18 yet, and for all we know, they could be lying." I would hate it if they were lying to me. I felt so comfortable around them. I looked out the window as I relaxed. I'm happy I was heading home. I wanted to see Mom and Dad as well as Jac. ALESTERS POV I drove home, knowing what was to come. But I hope Mom and Dad made up. I pulled into my driveway and then sighed. I couldn't understand that Zeke, Justin, and Mark were also Elizabeth's mates. I remember Wednesday when I first smelled the scent of vanilla and honey with a hint of strawberry; it was such a beautiful scent. I adored her. I wanted no one but her. I felt so at peace around her. I exited the car and locked it as I heard yelling inside. I stopped at the door, asking if I should even go inside. I sighed and then opened the front door. I looked around and then caught a vase that came from the kitchen. I looked as a brunette came running downstairs crying. I looked and picked up my five-year-old little sister Abbie. Abbie: "Your home." Me: "Hey, kid, why are you crying?" Carol: "Mom and Dad are still fighting." Me: "Still." I looked in the kitchen and then handed Abbie to Carol. I walked to the kitchen and then looked at my parents. Mom was holding a glass as Dad was trying to talk to her. I looked back and saw Carol start taking Abbie upstairs as she cried. I cleared my throat as I turned to my parents. Mom looked at me and smiled. Dad looked and held his breath. Mom: "Hi, my Lil bat. How is she?" Me: "She's awake, but her mother is sick now." Mom: "Oh, poor Luna Nadia. That's alright; we will see her tomorrow and check on the family." Dad: "What the f**k? No, we won't." Mom: "Yes, we will." Dad: "But love." Mom: "No, you are still sleeping in your office and cooking your s**t. Now tell him what you did." Me: "Dad, what did you do?" Dad: "I promised you to be the daughter of a demon king. You are to marry her." Mom: "Tell him why." Dad: "I gambled away all of our money and property, and to get it back, I promised his daughter he would marry one of my sons." I looked at my dad as my eyes turned red and black. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My dad had promised me to some random girl and said I would be her husband because he lost all our stuff while gambling. Me: "You did what?! So I have to marry a random girl and give up my mate. What the hell?" Mom: "Tell him the rest, Diego." Dad: "She is transferring to school tomorrow, and you must spend time with her since you are already betrothed." I looked at my dad and growled. I could no longer have a mate because my dad was stupid. Mom looked at me and put a hand on my shoulder. I went to my room growling, then slammed the door. I couldn't believe I couldn't have my mate and was unwillingly married to a random girl. I tried controlling both Coal and Alfred. I knew they were mad, but man, this isn't fair. I stared at the ceiling till I went to sleep. ELIZABETHS POV I smiled as I walked into Mom and Dad's room. I looked as Jacob sat by Mom, singing to her. Dad held her in his arms, smiling and humming with Jacob. Jacob: "Until the sun has risen and the stars have gone back into hiding." Dad: "For you are my world and a beautiful gift from heaven." Me: "You shine brighter than stars and have cared for many. Dad and Jacob looked at me, and Mom turned around and smiled weakly, looking at me. I ran over, sat on the edge of the bed, and sat by Mom. Mom: "My sweet Lil muffin. your awake." Dad: "Hey, my Lil moonflower, when did you wake up?" Me: "I woke up today." Jacob: "It's good to have ya back, brat." Me: "It's good to be back, you old fleabag." Celestia: "Really, family time without me?" Mom and Dad laughed as Jacob and I looked at Celestia. Celestia walked over and sat by Mom. We all smiled and talked for hours about everything I had missed in a coma. I smiled, looking as if Mom and Dad had fallen asleep. I smiled, looked, then slowly got up and left the room as Jacob and Celestia followed me. Me: "Let's make some dinner." Celestia: "Let's make that chicken soup for mom, ya know, the one you specialized in making." Jacob: "I can make some steaks and potatoes for us." Me: "That sounds like a plan." I smiled as we headed to the kitchen and started cooking. After a few hours of us joking around and tossing veggies for the soup at each other, the food was finally done. I started cleaning the kitchen as Jacob and Celestia set the table. I heard the doorbell as I was washing the dishes. Celestia: "Oh, um, hello, Prince Ray, King Louis, Queen Stephany. What do we owe the pleasure?" Jacob: "Um, welcome; we weren't expecting you." I dried my hands and walked out into the hall. I smiled and looked at Ray. He looked at me in shock. I looked and tilted my head, seeing a beautiful lady with the same black hair as me. I saw a taller guy than Dad, which was scary. Ray: "Um, Elizabeth, this is the king and queen, my parents." Me: "Hello, it's nice to meet you." Queen Stephany: "I'm Queen Stephany." King Louis: "I'm King Louis. But you can call us Louis and Stephany." Me: "It's very nice to meet you." I smiled, looking at them, then froze as Ray ran over and hugged me. I held back a whimper and hugged back. Celestia and Jacob looked at each other rather than at me. Ray let me go, then smiled. Ray: "I'm glad you're awake." Me: "Thanks, Ray." King Louis: "They have the same eyes." Queen Stephany: "She looks just like her." Ray: "Where are your parents Elizabeth?" Me: "Mom is in bed sick, and Dad is with Mom. My siblings and I just got done cooking, though." Queen Stephany: "We would love to see your parents." I smiled, looking at Celestia and Jacob. I turned to Ray, then the king and queen. I sighed softly and smiled. Me: "I'm sure they would love to meet you later, but today isn't a good day." Ray: "That's OK. Mom will likely be back tomorrow with some food or something like a get better." Me: "OK, got it." I smiled as I looked at them, said goodbye, and left. I smiled, waved, then sat down to eat with my siblings. We talked and smiled as we enjoyed dinner after a few hours of joking and talking. Once we finished cleaning, we all went to bed and called it a night.
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