A Week Later:Chapter 5

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ALESTERS POV I was sitting on the patio, looking out at the sky. It was officially Tuesday. Elizabeth had been out for a whole week. The guys and I were worried. I felt for Alpha Fang, though. His youngest daughter had been in a coma for a week, and not only that, but his Luna Nadia had become ill on Sunday night. Margret left to tend to Luna Nadia, Jacob was with his mom, and Celestia was there. I had my nurse do everything possible to make sure she was better. No matter what we tried, she was still out. Susan: "Alpha Alester. I changed her bandages, and her sister will be in soon." Me: "Thank you, Susan." Susan: "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help further." Me: "It's fine, I promise." I looked at Celestia coming in and then motioned for me to leave so she could change her sister's clothes. I nodded, left the room, headed to mine, and left Susan to help Celestia with Elizabeth. I showered in the bathroom that was connected to my room. I spent an hour in the shower and felt much better after my hot shower. When I walked to the room to get dressed, I was surprised to see the triplets on my bed. I dressed in a red shirt and ripped blue jeans with my grey jacket, then looked at the boys. Me: "What's up?" Zeke: "We just wanted to check on you and see how you were doing." Mark: "Yes, including with the situation." Me: "I'm... I'm fine, guys." Justin: "Don't lie to us, dude." Zeke: "We know you're hurting." Me: "It's just a week, and ya know my dad said some messed up stuff, and I'm wondering what it is." Justin: "I'm sure you'll figure it out soon." I smiled at the guys, then looked as they got up and walked to the door. Zeke and Justin looked at me. Justin: "Come on, man, we don't get all day. Lets to go. We gotta go see her." I smiled as I walked to Elizabeth's room with the guys. The guys and I went to the kitchen to get some food. I smiled as we talked about what sports we would try out for. I said I would play football, as did all the other guys. Justin said he might also try out for soccer. My mind then went to Elizabeth, trying out for cheer or color guard and how she would look in the outfits. I relaxed and calmed down as I thought of her smile as I closed my eyes. ELIZABETHS POV I jolted up as I gasped for air and whimpered, holding my neck. I looked around and got scared as I started hyperventilating in an unfamiliar room. I froze as I felt someone hug me tightly. I looked up and saw Tia. I hugged her back and cried. It hurt to cry, my throat hurt, and it was soo dry. Celestia: "Shh, it's OK, Lil sister. Here, drink some water." Me: "Tia... where is everyone? What happened to me?" Celestia: "Britney attacked you with a silver knife coated in wolfsbane while you were in the cafeteria." Me: "What happened after? I remember everything going dark." Celestia: "You were out cold for a whole week, Elizabeth. Today is Tuesday. Mom fell ill on Sunday, so Dad and Jack are tending to her." I looked at Tia and held onto her tight. I was out cold for a week, and my mom was sick. I felt so useless. I was out for a whole week, and today was Tuesday. Mom was ill for four days. I let go of Tia, then growled, ripping the Iv out of my arm. Tia stopped me and gave me a look that told me to stay put. Celestia: "I'm gonna go get you some food, and then we can call Mom and Dad, OK, and let them know you're awake." Me: "ok. Tia. um Celestia" Celestia: "yes, luna? Me: "Where are we?" Celestia: "We're at Zeke's packhouse. He had you brought it here and tended to after Marks pack doctor, and the school nurse did all they could." Me: "Are the guys here?" Celestia: "Yes, they're probably trying to cheer up the Alester and get some food." Me: "What's wrong with Alester?" Celestia: "He's been by your bedside the whole week, and the guys always come in to check on you. There was one night we found them all scattered about on your floor. I took a picture of them on your phone so that you could see it." I smiled slightly at the thought of the five guys scattered about the room sleeping. Tia smiled, then hugged me and smothered me with kisses. I laughed, then coughed some and held my throat. She handed me a bottle of water and then went to the door. Celestia: "I've missed you so much, Luna." Me: "I missed you too, Tia. I'm sorry if I worried you, big sister." Celestia: "Oh, you're fine. I wish Britney lost more than her title and got expelled. I'll be back, OK, pup." I smiled and nodded, looking at Celestia leaving. I got up and wore short denim shorts and a black crop top. I put my long black and red curly hair in a high-up ponytail. It looked like my hair went past my shoulder blades. I sighed, then sat on the bed as a girl Tia called Susan as she wrapped my arm and then re-did the bandages on my neck. I smiled, looking. Me: "Thank you." Susan: "Of course, sugar. How are you feeling, though?" Me: "In pain and exhausted." Susan: "OK, the remote is beside you, and I'll ask one of the maids to get you more pillows and blankets, OK? Me: "Thank you so much. Um, can you please hand me my phone before you leave?" Susan: "Yes, but only after I get your Iv back in." Me: "OK." I looked as Susan grabbed a new needle and stuck me with it. She drew some blood and then hooked the Iv back up. She then handed me my phone, then left the room. I flipped through the TV channels and put on the Simpson's. I looked through my phone and found the picture of the guys scattered about my room sleeping. Alester was sleeping in the chair by my bed as he lay on my arms; his feet landed near Mark's mouth while his hand touched Justin's feet. Justin spiraled his face down on a pillow as he lay on the ground, and Zeke had his ass in the air as he slept with his face on the floor. I laughed, looking at the picture of the guys. I looked at the next one and saw Alester in the same position as Justin spooned Zeke. Justin was leaning up against the chair Alester was in. Justin's head was leaning back, and drool dripped down his cheek and chin. I laughed and then looked up as I heard laughing on the other side of the door. I stared as it opened and saw the guys. Alstar's eyes landed on me as he dropped his water bottle. Zeke and Justin set the food they were holding down as they looked at me. I looked as Mark looked at me in shock. Me: "Um, hi, guys."
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