New Days: Chapter 7

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ELIZABETHS POV I had been helping care for Mom for the past two days. By Thursday, Mom was back in the kitchen cooking. My older brother had taken over the Crescent Waters Pack. After Britney had attacked me, Dad took over their pack, and shortly after, Jacob took over as alpha with the beta and Delta of the Pack, while Dad decided to retire. The crew was pretty happy with the takeover except for friends with Britney, but they couldn't do much. Jacob had found his mate the day before he took over at a party. His mate was a beautiful blond with golden-brown eyes. Her name was Lucy, but I called her LuLu. She treated me like a little sister, and the best part was she was in some of the same classes, but she was 19 like Celestia was. I liked hanging out with her, and Mom loved her too. She loved teaching her what all the Luna should know and all the things they did. It was finally Friday, and today was my birthday. I smiled, woke up, and got up out of bed. I hadn't heard from Alester since I left Zeke's place. The guys visited me yesterday, and it was good seeing them. I looked through my closet as I heard the girls in my head. Angel: "I take it we are returning to school now?" Me: "Yes, we are. We can't keep skipping school. We have to go back." Kia: "We are finally 18. Today is our birthday, and we don't have to go." Sophia: "Come on, girls, it's only one day. Plus, we can show all of them at school how amazing we look even after being put through hell." Angel: "Do I hear I can dress our ass today with black or red?" Me: "Yes, we can, angel." I smiled as I let my eyes turn emerald green, and an angel took a look through my closet. I smiled as I lay in the back of my mind thinking about returning to school. I came from my thoughts as I saw an outfit being set on the bed. I smiled, taking control, then caught the faint scent of vanilla and honey on a winter day. I saw that it was coming from an Alester's jacket. I shook my head, then smiled and let my curly black and red hair down. I looked as if it was down my back. I needed to cut it; it was getting so long. I smiled at the red plaid skirt Angel picked with the matching top. Looking at the outfit, I smiled, then pinned my hair into a curly ponytail. I smiled, then looked at my nails. I looked at the time. I said it was OK to be late, so I spent the next thirty minutes doing my nails in a red and black ombre design. I smiled, admiring my nails. After 20 minutes, my nails dried, and I dressed and smiled. I looked in the mirror at my toes as they matched my fingers. I put on my black lace-up heels and then made my way downstairs. I smiled and kissed Mom on the cheek as I walked into the kitchen. Mom handed me my denim jacket, knowing Jacob would scold me if he saw it. I smiled and put on my coat before Jacob and Dad walked in. I smiled and kissed Dad's cheek, then hugged Jacob. Mom: "Happy birthday, muffin; you look so happy. Dad: "Happy birthday, my moonflower." Jacob: "Happy birthday, Liza; how is your neck feeling, pup?" Me: "It feels better." Celestia: "That's good. Also, happy birthday Lil sister." I smiled and looked at Celestia. She hugged me, then handed me a black ribbon to tie around my neck for the scar until we could shop for some. I smiled and grabbed a muffin, then sat at the table. We smiled and talked as we ate breakfast. I sniffed the air, then looked at Dad and motioned to the door with a piece of bacon in my mouth. Dad got up and walked to the door, and just as the doorbell rang, he opened the door. I smiled and looked at the faces my family made at me. Mom: "I take it your senses have heightened, huh." Me: "Yes, they did. Speaking of Jac, you need a bath. You smell of sweat and sex." Celestia: "She got ya." Celestia laughed as Jacob blushed, then punched my arm playfully. I smiled and looked at Mom as she smiled and laughed. It was good seeing her smile and laugh without any trouble. I looked as Dad walked into the kitchen with Queen Stephany and Luna Carmen. I looked as I stopped laughing, and the room went quiet. Luna Carmen Alesters' mom held an octagon-shaped jewel box in her hands, while Queen Stephany had a smaller one and a big plate. Dad: "Luna Carmen and Queen Stephany are here." Mom: "Welcome. What brings you here today? We weren't expecting any company today." Luna Carmen: "I am here to give some things to your daughter Elizabeth as a get well and, of course, to check on you, Luna Nadia. Mom: "Oh, thank you, that is very sweet of you." Queen Stephany: "I also have something for your daughter Elizabeth and a get-well dish. We heard you were not well and would have come earlier." Dad: "Well, thank you, Luna Carmen and Queen Stephany." Me: "Thank you for the gifts, Luna Carmen and Queen Stephany. But you do not have to. Luna Carmen: "Well, these will be useful for your neck." Me: "Thank you." I smiled as Luna Carmen and Queen Stephany handed me the boxes. I smiled and set them down, looking at the one Luna Carmen gave me, then instead, the one Queen Stephany passed me. Then one Queen Stephany handed me was darker than the one Luna Carmen gave me. It had a tree carving on top of it. I looked at them, then bowed to Queen Stephany and Luna Carmen. I stood straight and then smiled, looking. Me: "Thank you so much." Queen Stephany: "Is it OK if we talk to your parents, dear." Me: "Yes, Queen Stephany." Mom: "How about you go upstairs and figure out what can go with your outfit, OK?" I smiled and nodded at Mom, then went upstairs. I went into my room and closed my door. I sat both boxes on my oversized vanity by my window. I sat in the chair and opened the box Luna Carmen had given me. The package was full of pretty chockers and collars. I looked through the chest, pulling out a black cocker with a crescent moon pendant and two chains hanging on either side of the pendant. I thought it would go nicely with my outfit. I smiled and took off the ribbon, then put the chocker on. I smiled as it covered the scar on my neck. I wrapped the black ribbon around my wrist and tied it in a bow to make a bracelet. I smiled and slowly descended the stairs to listen to Mom and Dad's conversation. I heard Luna Carmen leave, saying goodbye. I listened closely, trying not to make a sound as Dad and Mom talked to Queen Stephany. Dad: "What did you wish to talk about, my queen? Queen Stephany: "Please just call me Stephany." Mom: "Um, OK, Stephany, what brings you over today?" Queen Stephany: "It is about Elizabeth. I wish to know everything about her." Mom: "Well, she just turned 18, and we found her almost 18 years ago. Only a week later, we found her all alone in the woods. She was adorable, wrapped in a purple blanket, and her hair was already red and black. And her eyes are both blue and green." Stephany: "So her streaks aren't dyed. My son has just turned 18 today, and we have been looking for his sister for so long. He said he had found a girl who goes by Elizabeth Fang school that resembles him. They would be the same age, and she would look exactly like your daughter does now." Dad: "Are you saying that Elizabeth is your missing daughter?" Queen Stephany: "But I can not be sure she had been missing for 18 years, and I would not know for sure." Dad: "Then why do I feel a bond, a family connection, my Queen." Stephany: "That is, um, kinda complicated." Mom: "How complicated can it be?" Stephany: "You are the strongest alpha for a reason: because we are the last of our kind. We descended from a pack of unique wolves with fur black as night or white as the moon or snow. According to the moon goddess, you are not related to me, but you are her dad. I left the back when I was 18 before the war because my mate was the future alpha king." Dad: "So you survived the s*******r of a whole Pack by a year." Stephany: "Yes." Mom: "So that doesn't explain how you're her mom." Stephany: "Blood-wise, I am her parent, and bond-wise and time-wise, all are hers." I looked like I stopped listening for a second. No way could the queen be our mom; I hear the girls in my head as I contemplate all these things. Sophia: "Well, it would explain our resemblance to Ray." Angel: "And why did all the guys think so as well? We could be his sister." Kia: "But how would we know our fur is white like snow and the alpha king is a bark blue, almost black, and so are rays." Me: "But we don't know what the queens look like." I returned to my dad's conversation when I heard something about a birthmark. No one ever has the same birthmark. Stephany: "My daughter had a crescent moon birthmark with a crown above it." Mom: "Damian, Elizabeth has a birthmark like that on her shoulder." Dad: "I know, my love. I know. Please, Stephany, can we talk to her before making any decisions? It's just my wife and me... we want to process this. please" Stephany: "Of course, take your time, please." I got up and hurried back to my room. I grabbed my bag and Alsters' jacket. I smiled, acting normally. I closed my door and then made my way downstairs. Mom and Dad smiled, looking at me; then Queen Stephany turned to me and smiled. Me: "I will head to school before it gets too late. Later mom, later dad, later queen Stephany." Mom: "See you after school, muffin, and stay out of trouble." Dad: "Be good, my Lil moonflower, and have fun." Me: "I will." I smiled as I walked to school, cutting through the woods. I smiled as I got to the parking lot, then took off my jacket and put it in my bag. I put my bag on, then looked around for the guys. I smiled and saw Zeke. I walked over to him and smiled. I felt eyes on me, but I didn't care. I looked and sat on the stairs by Zeke. He smelled of caramel and strawberries on a spring day. I looked as Zeke blushed and smiled at me. Zeke: "Um, hey, baby girl." Me: "Hi, Zekey." Zeke: "You look beautiful. But what are you wearing?" Me: "What's wrong? Do you not like it?" Zeke: "No, I love it. It's just I hate all these guys staring at you." Justin: "Man, me and you both. But you look sexy as hell, my love." I smiled, looking at Justin as he approached Zeke and me. I suddenly smelled watermelon and honey as he sat by me. I was panicking in my head. I had two mates. I smiled and looked as the mark pulled up. He exited his black Dodge truck, looked at me, and froze. I smiled at him and waved. Mark blushed a dark red and then elbowed Fred as he stared at me. Mark walked up to me and smiled at me. I smiled and caught a whiff of strawberries and vanilla and a hint of an ocean breeze. I blushed and crossed my legs, then took a deep breath and calmed down. I looked at the guys as they smirked. Mark: "Happy 18th birthday, my angel." Me: "Thank you." Zeke: "Happy birthday, beautiful." Justin: "Happy birthday indeed." Me: "Thank you, you three. I can't believe I have three mates." Mark: "Is it a bad thing?" Me: "No, I just wasn't expecting to have three, so I take it yall are triplets of alpha Tony." Justin: "How did you know?" Me: "You all look a little bit like him, and his Luna Cora plus my dad taught me everything there is to know about the packs and those in line to be the next alpha or luna as well as those who are to be the next beta and delta." Zeke: "damn." Justin: "Come on, let's get inside. We all missed the first period. I smiled and let Justin help me up. He had placed his hand on the small of my back, then smiled and kissed my cheek. I looked and smiled, then kissed Zeke's cheek. He let go of me, put his arm around my waist, and then looked at Zeke. Mark: "wheres Al." Zeke: "I haven't seen him in a few days, have you?" Me: "Not since I left Zeke's house after waking up." Justin: "I haven't seen him." Mark: "That's why I asked you, Zeke." Justin: "There's his car pulling up now." We all looked as Alester's dark blue Mustang parked. He got out and then looked at me. I waved slightly at him. He shook his head, went to the passenger seat, and opened the door. Out stepped a tan girl with night-black hair and dark blue streaks. She smiled and hugged Alster's arm. I stiffened slightly as I saw him kiss her. I held back tears and let out a soft whimper that only the guys could hear. I looked as Justin put his hand around my waist and then nuzzled my neck. I looked at him as my eyes watered. I smiled softly, then looked down. Zeke looked at Alester in shock. Alester walked up the stairs to us; he smiled at the guys and then looked at me as I kept my head down. I took a deep breath and then smiled, looking up at him. I handed him his jacket and smiled at the girl. She looked at me and smiled, but her eyes were not smiling. If she could kill me just by looking at me, she would. Zeke: "Where the f**k have you been, Alester?" Alester: "Busy; why does it matter to you?" Mark: "Because you were supposed to be at school two days ago, man." Justin: "No one has heard from you." Alester: "Yes, whatever." I looked as Alester went inside. The guys looked at me as my eyes turned dark red. Justin squeezed my waist; then I smiled softly at him. I smiled and went inside for the second period with the guys. It was a free day since we had an assembly after lunch today. The class went by pretty dully, as always. I smiled as the lunch bell rang. I smiled and put my stuff in my locker. I looked as if a pretty brunette was standing by my locker. She had purple eyes and wore ripped jeans and a blue crop top. I smiled and closed my locker, looking at my best friend, Sarah. Sarah: "Happy birthday, E." Me: "Thanks, S" Sarah: "Are you gonna sit with me at the assembly today?" Me: "You know it." I smiled as Sarah, and I started walking to the cafeteria. I looked and smiled, then jumped, feeling someone smack my ass. I looked behind me and saw Joseph. I growled, then looked at Sarah as she gave him the stink eye. We started walking back to the cafeteria. Sarah dropped her voice down to a Whisper. We both began to whisper so only we could hear each other. Sarah: "So, did you find your mate?" Me: "You mean mates." Sarah: "WHAT" I looked around and shushed Sarah. Besides the guys, she's the only one who knows I'm a hybrid. I smiled at my best friend as she smiled happily at me. We made our way to the cafeteria. I grabbed a chocolate muffin and some nachos. Sarah smiled as she grabbed a pizza. We paid for our food, left the restaurant, went to the schoolyard, and sat under the big tree. No one ever came to eat out here, so we could talk freely without whispering. Sarah: "So, who are they? Do they go to this school? Are they cute?" Me: "OK, girl, one question at a time. I will make you guess as well as yes and yes." Sarah: "Are they alphas?" Me: "Yes, they are." I smiled, looking at Sarah as she thought about who they could be. I smiled and looked as if the guys were walking over. Zeke and Justin kissed my cheeks simultaneously while Mark kissed my forehead. Sarah looked her mouth wide open. Sarah: "They are your mates. Omg, you have triplet mates." Me: "Yes, I do." Sarah: "Oh, I'm so jealous." I smiled at Sarah as the guys sat down. I smiled, eating while we sat on the grass under the tree. Sarah's birthday was tomorrow, and we were going to celebrate together. I smiled and handed her the invites I had made for the party and all that good stuff. I smiled and gave a personalized one to each of the guys. Sarah: "You made them?" Me: "duh." Zeke: "a party, huh?" Justin: "This will be fun." Mark: "We'll be there, angel faces." Me: "yall better be." Sarah: "This is going to be so much fun. I can't believe there will be so many people there." I smiled and talked to Sarah about the party's details as the guys listened and added notes. I smiled as we talked and talked. We all got up once the bell rang. I walked inside with Sarah as the guys followed behind, carrying the trays and throwing them away. We headed to the gymnasium and sat in the middle. Sarah sat beside me, Justin sat on the other side of me, and Zeke sat behind me. I leaned into him as he played with my hair, and Justin played with my hand. Mark sat in front of me and lay his hand on my thigh. I laughed as Sarah teased and made fun of me. I looked as the principal came in, and I sat up. The principal seemed very nervous. We all looked as we paid attention. We all zoned out until the principal said something about the demon king's daughter transferring to our school. I looked back at Ray and saw how unfazed and cold he was on the topic. I looked as the girl with black and dark blue hair appeared in front of the mic as the principal moved away, and next to her stood Alester. He looked at me, and I looked out, then started talking with Sarah again. Sarah: "I can't believe it, the demon king's daughter." Me: "No kidding, this will be fun, huh." Sarah: "Tell me about it." Justin: "I hope she's nothing like Britney." Mark: "You mean crazy." Zeke: "yall mean observing and psychotic." Sarah and I laughed hearing the guys. The rest of the assembly was about the upcoming sports tryouts and the school's winter dance. Once everything was over and school was done. I smiled as I walked to the parking lot with Sarah and the guys. I smiled as I sat on the hood and talked with them about the party.
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