WTH :Chapter 8

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ELIZABETHS POV I smiled as I sat in the parking lot in Zeke's car. Sarah sat by me, waiting on her brother. I smiled, looking at the guys as they leaned on the car. I smiled as we all talked. It looked like Sarah's older brother pulled up. She got in the black car and then looked at me out the window. Sarah: "I'll see ya soon at your place, ok." Me: "Ok, you better be there." I smiled, looking as she drove away. I looked at Zeke, then we talked and stopped when we saw the girl from the assembly walk over. She stomped over to me, looking mad. I raised an eyebrow, then looked as Zeke lifted me off the car and set me down on the ground. She stopped a couple of feet in front of me. Ashley: "I'm Ashley. Who are you." Me: "why does it matter? You're the one who came over here." Ashley: "I want to know the slut who had my boyfriend's jacket." Me: "I'm Elizabeth. Elizabeth Fang now backs up." She looked at me in disgust as she looked at me than the guys. Justin set his arm around my shoulder as he looked at Ashley. Ashley: "stay away from my fiance, ok, hoe." Me: "you don't even know me, and you're not going to go ahead and run along." Ashley: "I think I know enough, mutt princess." I looked at her, then looked back at Alester. I growled as my eyes turned blue and purple. I looked at her, then looked back at Alester. Me: "Look, sweetie, I don't want you nor your fiance." Ashley: "lier, I saw how you looked at him." Me: "why would I want him when I have my mates." I looked and saw the hurt on Alesters face before he composed himself. I looked at the guys and smiled. Justin kissed my cheek as Zeke kissed the other, and mark kissed my cheek. Me: "Meet me at my house so we can discuss the details of the party." Justin: "of course, my love." Zeke: "I'll be right behind yall." Mark: "I'll see ya there, gorgeous." Justin: "I'll drive ya home." Me: "thank you." I smiled and got in Justin's blue Lamborghini huracán convertible. Justin got in after me and smiled. I looked at Mark and got in his black Dodge truck. I looked at Zeke and smiled, nodding, then motioned for us to go ahead. Justin drove off and started driving to my house. ZEKES POV I looked as Justin and Marks's cars drove out of sight. I looked over to alester and Ashley. She looked at me, her eyes slightly red. I growled under my breath. Me: "What the actual f**k, Alester." Alester: "what." Me: "what, dude, since when were you engaged and to the demon Princess brat no less." Ashley: "Hey, I'm right here." Me: "Oh f**k off, and don't come near Elizabeth with threats again." Alester: "don't talk to my girl like that." Me: "your girl. So Elizabeth meant nothing to you. You were playing her." I looked at alester in rage in disgust. I couldn't believe what he was saying. I heard my wolf Xavier in my head. E was mad; in all honesty, so was I. Xavier: "why are we still talking to him, man." Me: "because he's my friend, I can't hurt him." Xavier: "But you should. He hurt her" Me: "Nah, let Jacob deal with it. This will be fun." I looked at alester and then Ashley. I handed Alester the invite I snagged from Elizabeth while she wasn't looking. He looked at it, then at me. I shook my head and then ran my fingers through my messy curls. Me: "come if you want, but today was her birthday, and tomorrow she's throwing a party. The guys and I are throwing a party for our birthday and rays next week." Alester: "ill see what I can do." Ashley: "can I come." Alester: "can make sh..." Me: "do what you want, man; just don't involve me." I looked and then got in my car. I shook my head and then drove off to Elizabeth's house. I can't believe him. alester said he changed, yet he is engaged to the f*****g demon princess. I looked as I pulled up to Elizabeth's house. It was big and had three stories. I smiled and got out of the car, thinking about her. ELIZABETHS POV Once I got home, I started baking a thank-you cake for luna Carmen. I smiled as I was hugged from behind and looked at Justin. Mark had sat on the counter once he came in. Me: "wheres Zeke?" Mark: "he texted me saying he was on his way. He should be here in 30 minutes." Me: "ok." I smiled, talking with the guys. I told them how I was going to try out for cheerleading. Justin said hell to football, then soccer. I looked at the mark as he said he would join the football team. I looked at the door as I smelled Zeke. Me: "come in." Mark: "what do you mean? No one is at the door." Justin: "there wasn't a knock at the door, at least." Me: "pay attention to the door." The guys looked at the door as Zeke came inside, then looked at me in amusement. I smiled at them as I finished the cake. It was a red velvet cake with a chocolate cake center. I smiled and then looked at the mark as he took the unfrosted cake from me. He started putting frosting on it. I looked at the bowl of frosting as Justin licked some off his finger. I hadn't even realized that they had made icing. I smiled as I felt Zeke wrap his arms around my waist from behind, then nuzzle into my neck. I blushed and bit my lip as he kissed it. Me: "Zeke.." Justin: "man, come on, we're right here." Mark: "yea, we wanted her to bother." Zeke: "I'm older, so I get first dibs." Mark: "by like two minutes, man." Justin: "if anything, I'm older mentally since yall are so immature." Mark: "you were born a minute after me, man." I smiled, laughing as I looked at the guy's bicker. I took the cake as they finished icing it, then went to bickering. I smiled, adding some chocolate chips and roses around the edge of the cake. I sprinkled all sorts of chocolate shavings on the sides. I smiled, looking at the cake, then drew a bat on the top with whipped chocolate icing. I smiled, then looked at the guys as I put the cake in a cake container. I cleared my throat then the guys looked at me. Me: "drive me to the blood moon pack so I can drop this off at luna Carmen." Justin: "of course, baby girl." Zeke: "we can accompany you if you want. It's been a while since Veve saw luna, Carmen." Mark: "yea, it has." Me: "Thanks, boys." I smiled as I went to the door and then linked with mom and dad, telling them I would drop something off at luna Carmen. I smiled as we got in Zekes convertible black and gold mustang. We smiled as we talked and listened to music. I smiled and started singing as 2002 came on. Once the song was over, the guys were smiling at me. We talked about their old band and everything for the last five minutes of the drive. Justin had bought up the idea of doing it again and performing at the winter dance the school was holding. We had arrived at the blood moon packhouse. I smiled and got out of the car. The guys had gotten out and then followed me to the door. I looked as I knocked and looked at the door open. I smiled and kneeled at the little girl's level. I was glad that Zeke's red jacket was around my waist. The little girl looked at me. She seemed to be around five or six. Me: "hi, little one, is your mom and dad home." Little girl: "whos asking." Me: "I'm Elizabeth Fang, but you can call me Liza. And those three behind me are Zeke, Justin, and Mark. Abbie: "I'm Abbie" Me: "it's nice to meet you, Abbie." I smiled, looking at the girl. She then looked at the guys, ran over to them, and yelled inside for her mom. I looked and stood up as luna carmen came to the door and picked up Abbie, then looked at me. Luna Carmen: "well, hello dear, what brings you here." Me: "I came to drop off a cake to thank you for the chockers and stuff." Luna Carmen: "Oh, it was nothing big, dear. Please come in." I smiled like me, and the guys walked in. luna Carmen had set Abbie down and taken the cake to the kitchen. I smiled, looking at Abbie as she stared at me. Luna carmen came back out and smiled, looking at the guys. They waved and smiled. She ran over and hugged them. I smiled and picked up Abbie so she could play with my hair. Mark: "it's perfect to see you, Mrs. Carmen." Zeke: "it's been a bit." Luna Carmen: "that it has." Justin: "I see Abbie is doing well. Last we saw her; she was only 2." Me: "I hope you enjoy the cake, luna Carmen." Luna Carmen: "please call me Mrs. Carmen." Me: "well, it's good seeing you, but I think we should get going before Sarah gets to my place." Luna Carmen: "would you like to see Alester? He should be home soon." Me: "no, thank you, ma'am. I'm sure he rather have time with his princess." Luna Carmen: "Whatever do you mean." Justin: "we met Ashley today." Mark: "how about you go wait in the car, ok, love?" Me: "ok." I smiled and put Abbie down, then smiled at her, then went out to the car after kissing each of the guys. I got in Zeke's car and waited for the guys. JUSTIN'S POV I looked as Elizabeth went back to the car. I looked back at luna Carmen as she gave us a sad yet worried look. I shook my head and then looked at Mark. Mark: "I'm gonna go wait with her in the car and make sure she's ok." Me: "Thanks, man." Zeke: "the keys are in the car, ok." Mark: "thanks." I looked at the mark left to sit with Elizabeth. I then looked at luna carmen as her face turned serious and her eyes grew dark. Luna Carmen: "what happened?" Me: "Alester was kissing his new fiancee." Zeke: "we haven't heard from him in days after Elizabeth woke up, and he told us she was his mate." Justin: "now he has a fiance and treats Elizabeth like she isn't important." Luna Carmen: "This is all Diego's fault, and Alester isn't making it better." Zeke: "what do you mean." Luna: "about ten years ago, when we, the pack, were in debt after the war, Diego refused to ask for help from other packs on keeping the house and investing in his idea, so he signed Alester away to marry the demon kings daughter Ashley. he didn't think that alester will ever have a mate, but then he met Elizabeth." Justin: "so why didn't he tell us instead of ignoring us and then showing up and hurting Elizabeth." Zeke: "he is right. Elizabeth is pissed at him for this. He acts as if he loves Ashley." Luna Carmen: "I am sorry, boys. I will see what I can do in talking to him." Zeke: "thank you, Mrs. Carmen." I looked at my phone and then motioned to the door. Mark had sent me a text saying Sarah texted Elizabeth that she was at her house. Zeke nodded. We smiled and Said our goodbyes to Luna Carmen. I climbed into the passenger seat and smiled, looking at Mark and Elizabeth sleeping in the car. Me: "yo Zeke, look." Zeke: "she's so cute and adorable." Zeke pulled out of the driveway. We had driven by alesters car as we went away, and his girl was in the passenger seat by him. once we got out of the car, I picked up Elizabeth. I left Zeke to wake up Mark. I laughed, heading inside as I heard a scream. I smiled and sat on the couch with Elizabeth in my arms. I looked as Sarah came downstairs and softly woke up Elizabeth. ELIZABETHS POV I looked around as I woke up and let my eyes adjust to the light. I looked and smiled at Justin, then kissed him softly. I sat up and smiled, looking at Sarah. I smiled and sat up, sitting in Justin's lap. Sarah: "you ready to start planning." Me: "yup." Justin: "what do you want us to do." Me: "can yall see if we have any streamers and stuff." Mark: "yea, we can." Me: "in the closet, first door on the left by the bathroom." I smiled and got up. I looked as the guys went upstairs to the closet to find the party supplies. I turned to Sarah and smiled, blushing. She looked at me and smiled. Sarah: "you're happy." Me: "I am. Let's find out what we will do for the party." Sarah: "ooh, let's make brownies and cookies and cake. Me: "yea, we can do different types as well." Sarah: "are you gonna bake for the winter dance." Me: "yes, I will. Only because you asked though" I smiled and looked as Celestia came and sat by me. I smiled as Sara and I looked at her. she smiled and handed us two small boxes. We looked at her. I smiled and opened the box I had and found a crystal locket. Beside it was a purple jade pendant with a rose pattern around it. I smiled and then hugged my older sister. I looked at Sarah as she smiled and opened the box, revealing a set of jade bracelets and one bracelet that had a flower pendant. I smiled, looking. Sarah jumped up and hugged Celestia tight. I smiled, then looked at Celestia. She looked at the notebook we had open with all the party ideas. Celestia: "you can use the book that great great great grandma handed down." Me: "Will everyone like it." Celestia: "well, it would be a long since these recipes were used, but we used to own a very successful bakery in the 1700s." Sarah: "Realy!?!?" Me: "that's awesome." Celestia: "yes." Jacob: "all the things in that book taste soo good. It got the recipe mom uses for her chocolate muffins. This is just the copy of the original book, though." Me: "where is the original." Celestia: "somewhere in the house, probably in a secret room somewhere." I looked at Sarah, who then looked at me. I jumped as I heard a creaking, and the guys fell to the floor from the ceiling. Jacob and Celestia looked at them as Sarah laughed. I ran over to the guys. Me: "Are yall ok." Justin: "yup... perfectly fine." Zeke: "did you know there are secret rooms here." Mark: "that hurt." Justin: "we told you not to touch that panel, but you wouldn't listen." Mark: "what? I was curious." Zeke: "ever heard curiosity killed that cat." Mark: "luckily, we aren't cats; we're werewolves." Me: "what all did yall do." Justin: "We have been through eight different rooms." Me: "eight?" Celestia: "It looks like they went through some of the house's secrets." Jacob: "we're missing one of you. Where is he?" Mark: "alester is doing his own messed up s**t, but he's not here." I smiled, looking at the guys, then helped them up. Jacob looked at the guys and me. Jacob and Celestia looked at each other and smiled. I got up and smiled at the guys. After the guys sat down on the couch, Mark pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. We talked about tomorrow's party, me and Sarah fell asleep shortly after we started talking.
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