Thoughts :Chapter 10

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ELIZABETHS POV I woke up and looked around to see I was in my room. I tried to get up but stopped as I felt a muscular arm pin me. I looked and turned around and saw Justin sleeping soundly. I slowly moved out of his arms, looked around my bed, and found Zeke slumped over in a chair by my bed. Mark was in bed, leaning on the wall by my legs. I slowly crawled out of Justin's arms and to the foot of the bed, careful not to wake the guys. I went to the closet and got undressed. I put on a black and red plaid pleated skirt, a black button shirt with a cutout front, and my favorite high-top heels. Once I was dressed, I walked out of my closet and closed the door. I leaned my head on the door, recalling all that had happened last night. I gasped softly as I was suddenly hugged from behind. I silently cried as I felt sparks run up my body. When I turned around, I looked up and saw Justin. He softly wiped away my tears and then held my chin with his index finger and thumb. I looked at him as I cried softly. He looked at me with concern and then had me tight. I held on to him tight, not letting go. Justine: "let's go get something to eat. ok?" Me: "ok." I wiped my eyes and nodded. Justin put his arm around my waist. I stopped crying as he kissed my cheek and hummed softly, sending calming waves of energy down my body. I relaxed slightly. JUSTIN'S POV I looked at Elizabeth as she stopped crying. Her eyes seemed so dull and sad. It pains me to see her like this. It hurt my wolf, Jax, too. he wanted to make alester see what he did to her. I looked as Elizabeth and I made it to the kitchen. I picked her up and set her on the kitchen counter. She looked at me, and I smiled softly at her. Me: "come on, Angel, smile for me, please. I hate seeing you like this." Elizabeth: "how can I smile when my brother is hurting, and one of my mates caused it." Me: "Elizabeth, I don't think he meant to hurt him as bad as he did." Elizabeth: "but he did." Me: "Elizabeth, my sweet angel. Don't let Alester of all wolves and people." I looked at Elizabeth as she looked at me, her eyes watering. I wanted to do something to make her better. To make her smile. I kissed her soft and lovingly as I cupped her cheeks. I felt her kiss me back, then wrap her arms around my neck and pull me closer. I heard Jax in my head purring in pleasure as he felt her fingers run along my arms. There were so many things I wanted to do to and with her. I composed myself as I pulled away from Elizabeth, breaking the kiss, then put my forehead to hers. Her breathing was heavy. Elizabeth: "um, Justin, your eyes are darker." Me: "what? they are?" Elizabeth: "yes. they are." Me: "Sorry, baby." I took a deep breath calming both Jax and me down. I opened my eyes as I calmed down and smiled, looking at Elizabeth. she was blushing and biting her lip. It only made me want her more. I pulled away from her before temptation took over. I then smiled at her. she looked at me a little sad, but if it were our first together, I wanted it unique, not a distraction. Me: "I'm gonna cook, ok." Elizabeth: "ok" I smiled and got things out so I could cook. I smiled and pulled out some bacon and eggs. I then searched around and grabbed pancake mix out of the pantry. I smiled and started cooking the bacon and eggs. ELIZABETHS POV I smiled, looking at Justin as he cooked. I was still worried about my brother, but I was happy he was trying to improve me. I looked up as I heard running coming down the stairs. I looked and saw Zeke and Mark. They had run over and hugged me tightly. I smiled, looking at them. Zeke: "I'm so glad you're ok." Mark: "yea." Justin: "We were just here fixing stuff for breakfast." Me: "I was hungry." Justin: "and crying" Zeke: "you were crying?" Mark: "why? Me: "because of last night because I'm worried about my brother." I looked down and sighed. The guys looked at each other and then looked around. Justin had finished cooking and then handed me a plate of food. I smiled and took the plate, then kissed Justin's cheek. Justin: "eat up, and then we can see Jacob." Me: "you promise?" Justin: "of course." Mark: "anything for you, beautiful." Zeke: "well, be there for you the whole way, baby girl." Me: "Thanks, guys." I smiled as I was eating with the guys. I couldn't get what happened to Jacob and if he will be ok out of my head, though. I smiled and finished eating, then got up and cleaned my dishes. The guys had finished eating and then washed the dishes. Mark took my hand, held it, and led me to where Jacob was resting. I looked like mom, dad and Celestia looked at me, and then Jacob turned his head and looked at me and smiled weakly. I walked over to him as my eyes watered, and I sat on the edge of the bed. Jacob sat up slowly and then rested against the back of the bed. I smiled as my brother spoke softly as if he was having trouble. Jacob: "hey, baby sister." Me: "Hi, Big Brother; how are you feeling." Jacob: "I could be better." Me: "Well, you are not allowed to die yet." I smiled at my brother as he chuckled slightly and held his side. I looked at him, worried. I didn't want to lose my brother, but I knew Alester did some damage. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost my older brother. I had spent the whole day with my family, and the guys went home around lunch. I smiled as jacobs mate came into the room. I left them alone and went to my room to prepare for school tomorrow. It was midnight, so I went to bed and slept. I had opened my eyes to an unfamiliar field. There were different types of flowers everywhere. There was a lake surrounded by flowers and a big cherry tree on the lake's edge. I looked around and looked up. The moon was full, and it shined brightly. I got up, walked to the lake, and sat by the tree. I looked at the water as it reflected the moon perfectly. I sighed softly. Then leaned on the tree Me: "what is this place? it's beautiful." ???: "it's your safe place. and dream" I jumped up and looked around as I heard a deep husky voice. I walked around some, then looked at my clothes. I was still in my bed shorts and sports bra with Zeke's jacket that he had left. I stared at the lake, then turned, growling as I heard footsteps and a twig snap. I looked, and I saw a big white wolf. He was standing a good five feet tall with gold and blue eyes. I baked up slightly. He then looked and sat down a few feet away." Me: "who are you." Ace: "my name is Ace." Me: "Eliz..." Ace: "Elizabeth, I know." Me: "how, though" Ace: "I'm your brother." Me: "Jacob and his wolf David are my brothers." Ace: "he is your brother by choice. I am your brother by blood, and so is Ray. I can give you all the answers you've been looking for. I have been searching for you everywhere." I looked at Ace and growled. I then turned away and started thinking. There were so many questions that I wanted to be answered, but what if this was a trap? But that doesn't explain why my mind brought me here and why he was able to get in. Me: "why?" TO BE CONTINUED ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ So let's be honest, I got sluggish with this chapter, and I know it's shorter than usual, but the following few chapters will reveal the truth about Elizabeth's past and her family. I wonder how many dark or normal secrets are in store. Will Jacob live and recover, or is this the last we see of him? Until the next chapter loves.
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