Some Truth: Chapter 11

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ELIZABETHS POV I looked at Ace, but he didn't answer. He seemed pretty sad and confused like he didn't know how to answer what I was saying. I zipped up my jacket and then turned from the lake to Ace. Me: "Why are you looking for me? My family left me in the woods alone when I was only a week old." Ace looked at me with hurt in his eyes. He turned human and was wearing a t-shirt and ripped jeans. He looked to be about 19. His hair was the same black as mine and was shoulder-length. His streaks were orange, though. I looked at myself, then sighed. Ace: "because you're my sister. Mom and dad didn't leave you to die, Rose." Me: "My name is Elizabeth." Ace: "mom, the queen gave you the Name Luna Rose Avangalin Woods. Two first names, one middle name, and the last word. Our dad's last name. They have been looking for you for 18 years. I have always been watching over you. Me: "why was I in the woods?" Ace: "mom and dad have a lot of enemies, and one of them is a witch named Vivien. She had stolen you, the only daughter of the family. When we found her, you weren't with her. We looked everywhere for you. But we never found you. I was in the same elementary school when I first found you. And I have been looking out for you ever since." Me: "why should I believe you? It took yall 18 years to find me, and you found me and told no one." Ace: "Luna, if you knew the truth about how and why you were missing and why Vivien took you..." Me: "why did she take me?" Ace: "I can't tell you that... not yet, but you have to believe me, baby sister." I looked at Ace, then turned around and whipped my eyes as they started watering. I looked as Ace tapped my shoulder and handed me a locket of two twin babies with the same black hair, one with red and one with blue bars. I focused on the baby with red lines that looked like me when I was a baby. I looked at the locket's other side and saw a little boy. he was about one or two, and the king and queen held him in their arms. Ace: "I left home at 12, hoping to find my baby sister." Me: "that's me and you and ray?" Ace: "yea, it is." I sat down on the grass to catch my breath and wrap my head around everything that was just said. I looked around as my head and body felt lighter, and things started getting blurry. Me: I guess it's time to wake up Ace: "I will see you again tonight, little sister, and get to school and don't cause trouble, ok." Me: "I'll try not to." I looked around and jolted up as I woke up. I looked at my closet and sighed, ok, angel, do your work. I let the angel take over, and my eyes turn a bright forest and emerald green. Me: "Please, if we go out, at least make it so we can blend into school." Angel: "oh, I will calm down." Kia: "can we do shorts today? I'm tired of getting hurt and our ass shoes. literally" Sophie: "they are right. We love your ideas for outfits, Angel, but I think shorts would be a good change." Angel: "ooh, I have the perfect idea for an outfit." I smiled, looking at the ripped lace-up shorts and burgundy off-the-shoulder crop top Angel chose. She had put our black high tops with them. I smiled and went to shower. It was 6 am, and I had two hours to get to school. I smiled as I came out of the bathroom, clean and refreshed. I looked at my wet hair. It was spring, and I could tell because my face's freckles had reappeared. This happens when spring and summer come around. I got dressed in the outfit angel chose. After a few minutes of brushing my hair and holding back tears, I sighed. I had a terrible feeling that a part of me was fading, but I didn't know why. I shook off the surface, then put on my shoes. I looked at my birthmark and then contemplated putting concealer on it. I shook my head and then placedplaced the red jacket with pink and purple roses with wolf paws on the back. I smiled and looked in the mirror. I made my way to Jacob's room and kissed his head. I looked at the monitor as it gave a steady beat. I had to go to school, but something told me to stay home. I shook it off and then smiled. I left the room as Jacob's mate walked in. I smiled, then went to the kitchen and grabbed a muffin. I kissed Celestia's head, then Mom and Dad's. I looked at the time, and it was 7:50. Me: "ill be back after school." Celestia: "ok, be careful ok, baby sister." Mom: "come straight home or call your sister if something happens." Dad: "please be careful, my moonflower." Me: "I'll be fine, papa." I smiled and then closed the door. I stopped as I heard whispering. I stayed and listened to bits of the conversation. Dad: "he's fading" Celesta: "do you think she can sense it." Dad: "considering the bond and how I took her in and made her my daughter... I think she can" Mom: "I hope not. Jacob will be ok. My son will be ok." I looked at the door, reached for the knob, and pulled my hand back. They thought I had already left but what they said explains why I have that feeling. I looked, turned around, and started walking to school with my bag over my shoulder. I needed the walk, so I didn't take the car mom and dad got me the day of the party. I haven't even stepped foot in it yet. I couldn't help but think that Jacob would be ok. he had to be ok. He couldn't leave yet, but I didn't know any healing spells, and I hated not knowing how to control my powers. I shook my head as I walked out of the woods and stepped into the parking lot. I composed myself and then smiled. I walked up and smiled as I saw Sarah and max. Sarah ran over and hugged me tightly. I smiled, hugging her. Max came over and smiled. Sarah: "Omg, your back." Max: "how are you feeling." Me: "I'm ok." Sarah: "and Jacob?" Me: "he's still alive, so." I smiled and walked to the steps with Sarah. I squealed, laughing as I felt someone wraps my arms around me and then lift me into the air. I smiled, feeling soothing sparks, then looked to see Zeke. Zeke: "I see you're wearing the jacket we got ya." Me: "yea, I am." Mark: "do you like it." Me: "no." Justin: "you don't?" Me: "I love it." I smiled as I saw the guy's eyes light up in excitement and pride. Mark looked at me and then looked at my outfit. He leaned his head back. Zeke looked, cleared his throat, and put his arm around me protectively. Justin: "You know you're gonna be in big trouble with those outfit choices one day, angel." Me: "you love them, though." Mark: "how are you feeling, beautiful?" Me: "I'm ok. Jacob is also surviving. He hasn't healed too much, but he's healing slowly." Zeke: "is there anything we can do." Me: "I don't know, honestly." Justin: "it'll be ok. Let's get inside." I smiled and followed the guys inside as Zeke walked with me, his arm around my neck. Sarah walked with me as Max had his arm around her waist. We all sat as we sat in class. The day had gone by peacefully, and nothing terrible happened. Once lunch came around, we were seated at the table and talked about the upcoming tryouts. We all missed the last period to help set up for the dance with the student council. Once we all finished, we headed outside as the bell to let school outrang. The guys and I walked to their cars. I smiled as I sat in Justin's car. Sarah and I were talking when she looked and nudged my arm. Sarah: "so what's with the mark on your shoulder and freckles on your face." Me: "well, the mark on my shoulder is my birthmark. As for the freckles, I get them every spring and summer." Sarah: "your birthmark reminds me of the royal birthmark, and so does your hair." We all looked at her in curiosity. I smiled, looking at her. I and max were the only one who knew that she was the beta princess. And she wouldn't take over unless something happened to her brother. I smiled as she looked at me for help, then looked at max. Me: "you've been doing a lot of reading, Sarah." Max: "does that mean you're almost done with that paper for our English class on the royal wolves." Sarah: "I'm done with it. It just fascinated me so much I couldn't stop reading." Zeke: "oh well, I think they're cute on her." Mark: "ya know, this could be proof for Ray." Justin: "shh, mark." Me: "I already know. Fun fact, the books in the public library aren't going to give you much, but I'm no princess." Zeke: "I think you are a baby girl." Mark: "could explain why the b***h doesn't like you." Justin: "and why the Royal Family has interested you." Me: "yea." Sarah: "oh, come on in, think it's pretty cool." Max: "but shell has to choose between families then love." Sarah: "Oh yea." I smiled and shook my head. Look, if I'm a princess, someone would tell me. I recalled my conversation with mom, dad, and the queen. And then what Ashley said about me being a hybrid princess. I smiled, shaking my head as I listened to them theorize that I was the long-lost luna princess. I looked up. I saw Ashley walk out of the building, fix her clothes, then stop by us. Think of the devil, and they shall appear, huh? I growled at Ashley, and everyone looked up. Ashley: "I'm surprised you showed your mutt face." Me: "Oh, and why is that? Do I threaten you. or are you scared your fiance doesn't love you when I'm around." Ashley: "why, you little b***h" I got up from the car and then looked at Ashley. We were eye to eye, staring at each other. She growled at me, and I didn't back down. I was not too fond of those who said they were better than everyone, and she was starting to run this school as if she owned it. I growled louder as I felt an eminence surge of power. She cowered some, then stood straight. I smirked as Kia came to the surface, and my eyes glowed blue and purple. Me: "you're not worth my time b***h. Come at me or any of my friends, and I will make your life here a different hell. I will take everything. I am starting with your no-good fiance. Ashley: "you're such a b***h. No wonder he left you and chose me." Me: "I don't care. Ok, I don't want him, but I could take him if I want to." I looked at alester, then retook control and looked down, remembering what happened Saturday night and the thought of Jacob on the bed passing out, trying to hold on for life. I looked as Zeke touched my shoulder in then hugged him as I sobbed silently. Me: "I want Jacob to be ok." Zeke: "I know, princess. Let's get you home, and we can go shopping for the dance soon, ok?" Justin: "yea." Sarah: "it'll be so much fun." Mark: "we can all go." Max: "so what I'm hearing is we're going shopping this Friday for Saturday night's dance?" Sarah: "yup." I smiled and then whipped my eyes. We all said our goodbyes and headed home. Zeke had dropped me off and then came inside the house with me. I looked at him and smiled as he went to the kitchen. I smiled and followed behind him. He smiled as he picked up a cream-colored wolf pup that ran to him. Zeke: "did you name her." Me: "yea, I named her Josie Hope." Zeke: "nice, Josie, for short. Do you like her?" Me: "yes, and I did, and I made sure to thank everyone." I smiled at Zeke. He then put Josie down then wrapped his arms around my waist. I could hear my heart race as I blushed softly and stared into his eyes. I felt like I was in a trance. I broke free when I listened to my mom yell for my name. Zeke pulled away from me, startled, then leaned on the counter, acting cool. Mom: "Elizabeth, is that you." Me: "yes, mom, it is. Zeke is here so. He drives me home." Dad: "Thanks, Zeke." I smiled as my parents came running downstairs. They smiled at me, then looked at Zeke and smiled. Dad looked and then nodded to Zeke. Dad: "why are you still here, boy." Zeke: "I wanted to come to say hi and check in on everything." Mom: "Damien, my love, be nice." Dad: "he is friends with the bastard that almost killed my son. The asshole that has been avoiding our youngest daughter, his mate." Me: "papa, please stop." Zeke: "Alpha Fang, I know Alester has f****d up, but he has not talked to any of us since we found out he was engaged to the demon princess Ashley. or since the party." Dad: "wait, what." I looked as my dad's eyes turned dark red, and he grabbed Zeke by the neck, pinning him to the wall. I jumped, looking, then covered my mouth. I knew my dad was going through a lot. His son was fighting for his life, and his youngest had the potential of being taken away from him. To top it off, he was finding out about the betrayal that his daughter was going through due to his mate. Mom looked at Dad, then slowly walked to him, put his hand on his cheek, and made him look at her. I looked at Zeke as he grew pale. Me: "Papa, let him go, please he didn't do anything to hurt me." Mom: "Damien, let the boy go. Your hurting him. Calm down, please. My love, don't be the big bad wolf now, not yet, not while Jacob is hurt." I looked as dad let go of Zeke, and I ran to him. Dad hugged mom tight and sobbed. I looked at my dad, and my heart broke. He was losing control, and the situation didn't help. He's been mad for so long. I looked at Zeke as he gasped for air, then rubbed his throat. he hugged me, and I hugged him back. I looked at Zeke. Me: "you should go home." Zeke: "I'll see you tomorrow." Dad: "I'm sorry, Zeke." Zeke: "it's ok, sir." I walked Zeke out to his car quite the whole way as I looked down. Zeke looked at me, gripped my chin with his index finger and thumb, and lifted my hand, making me look at him. Me: "I'm so sorry about my dad. It's just with everything going on, and now that he knows about Alester, I think it finally broke him. He's been so on edge lately. Zeke: "it's fine, my love. I would blow if I were in his position." Me: "I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" Zeke: "ok, of course, until tomorrow." I smiled and watched, waving as Zeke drove away. I walked inside and then looked at dad sitting at the table as he was covering his face. I then walked over and hugged him. Letting him know it was ok. Dad cried, then hugged me back. Dad: "I'm so sorry." Me: "it's fine, papa. I know you're stressed and hurting." Mom: "let's go upstairs so you can rest, Damien." Dad: "ok." Me: "ill cook dinner." I looked as mom took dad upstairs. Celesia then came downstairs then looked at me. I smiled at her, and we started cooking. We talked about all that was going on. We worried about Jacob. He was just in so much pain and barely healing. He was our older brother, and we hoped he would get better. We then sat down for dinner with mom and dad. I couldn't help but look at the empty seat where Jacob would sit. I finished eating, no longer hungry, then went upstairs to my room and cried till I fell asleep.
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