Cuts, Bruises, and Britney: Chapter2

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ELIZABETHS POV I woke up, got out of bed, then looked at the time. It was 6:30 am, according to my phone. I refused to be late for class today. I unwrapped my arm and moved it. I was happy my bone was no longer broken, but the bruise remained. I wish I knew what I did to make Issac Black so f*****g mad or always like that. At about 7:45, I finished the shower and put my hair into a curly ponytail with tight side bangs. I'm glad I don't have to search my closet for clothes today. Angel had spent an hour trying to pick up today's outfit. I smiled and let our house nurse Margret tend to my arm and wrap it up. I smiled. Margret has been tending to my wounds for so long, and I highly appreciate it. I smiled and thanked her as she left. I got up and put on my purple velvet pleated mini skirt and mesh-sleeve crop top. I then slid on my black strappy heels. I smiled, looking in the mirror, then headed downstairs for breakfast. I made sure I was wearing a pair of short dance shorts under my skirt for safe measure. I looked at my parents sitting in the kitchen, eating with Jac and Tia. Tia and Jacob looked over at me. Celestia: "You look so beautiful, Elizabeth. You're going to knock the guys you told us about dead." Jacob: "Go f*****g change." Celestia: "Oh, come on, Jac, she looks soo cute." Jacob: "If she gets hurt, you'll see everything." Me: "Nope, I took extra measures by wearing my dance shorts underneath." Celestia: "See, she'll be fine." Jacob: "I still don't like the outfit." Mom: "Well, I think she looks amazing. Don't you think so, Damian dear?" Dad: "Yep." I smiled and zapped Jac with a surge of electricity. I smiled as he jumped. Ti and I broke out laughing. I laughed as Jac got up and charged at me. I started running from him. Me: "No, this isn't fair, Jac; I'm in heels." Jacob: "You should have thought of that before you zapped me, you little twerp. Me: "Mama, Papa." Dad: "Elizabeth, don't zap your brother with electricity." Mom: "Jacob, stop chasing your sister, and both of you come eat. Dad: "You heard your mom, you two." Jacob and I stopped running. We weren't even out of breath after running a good fifteen minutes. I looked, and we both nodded in agreement for a temporary truce. We returned to the kitchen, sat at the table, and ate. We talked and smiled. Once we finished breakfast, it was already 8:20. I got up and smiled. Me: well, I have to get to class. Celestia: "OK, I'll drive you." Me: "Thanks, Tia." Jacob: "Be safe and try not to fight anyone." Me: "no Promises." I smiled like Tia, and I walked to a black GTR r34. We smiled and talked, singing to the radio as Tia drove me to school. I have my license, but I don't have a car yet, and I wanted a car like Celestia's that just had to be dark purple or have a cotton candy paint job. It would be so cool. I smiled as Tia pulled up a few feet from the stairs that led up to the school. I smiled and got out of the car. The moment I stepped out, I heard whistles. I don't know why people thought this was different unless they think the purple and black combo looks good. I smiled and waved to Tia as she drove off. I walked up the school steps to the guys standing at the top of the stairs. I smiled, looking at their faces. me: hey, boys Zeke: "Hey, beautiful you look." Justin: "Fine as hell." Mark: "Um. Um... i-i like it." I smiled, looking at them, seeing they were at a loss for words. I then turned to Alester, saw him blushing hard, and looked away. I smiled, knowing he was at a loss for words, but I was pretty sad knowing he had nothing to say. I looked back as one of the other male students yelled at me, "You looking fine over there, new girl." I rolled my eyes and patted down my skirt, ensuring nothing was up. My clothes were fine; what was the difference between my skater dress and this outfit? The main difference was I wasn't wearing a jacket. I heard a growl, then turned and looked at Alester. He was staring daggers at the guy. Everyone had frozen when they saw him: everyone but one guy with black hair with blue streaks. Everyone bowed as he walked by. The guys nodded to him, showing their respect. I smiled, feeling an arm go around my shoulders. I looked and saw it was Alesters. He was standing protectively next to me with his arm around me. The guy had stopped in front of the guys and then looked at them with a challenging look. After a good ten minutes of staring, all six of the guys broke out laughing. I looked at them as I tilted my head. Justin: "Sorry, beautiful. This is our friend and the werewolf, Prince Ray." Zeke: "We've known each other since we were young." Me: "Oh, OK, well, I'm Elizabeth." Mark: "She's Alpha Fang's youngest daughter." Ray: "Really? Well, Elizabeth, it's nice to meet you." Me: "Likewise, um." Ray: "Please just call me Ray or Raymond." I looked at Justin, tilted my head as he stared at me, then kept looking back between me and Ray as if trying to figure something out. Justin: "What the f**k?" Mark: "You dude, what's wrong?" Justin: "Hey, Alester, get her hair for me, please." Alester: "Um, why?" Justin: "Do it. " Alester looked, moved my hair to the side, slid it behind my ear, and kissed my cheek. Mark then looked at me in disbelief, along with Justin and Zeke. Alester just looked at them, and I tilted my head. Ray then looked at me and froze. I looked at him and then looked up at Alester. Justin: "Do you see it?" Mark: "Yes, I see it." Zeke: "The resemblance is there." Justin: "Your eyes are two different colors." Me: yea, and? Ray: "You... you died, though." Me: "No, I didn't." Alester looked at me, then Ray, and nodded as if he had caught on. I looked at them, still confused, then looked at my phone. I pulled away from Alester and then looked at the guys. Me: "Um, I think I will attend my first period. Later guys" Alester: "Later, doll face." I smiled and then walked to class. I got into class and sat in the back where I sat yesterday. ALESTERS POV I looked as Elizabeth left, then looked at the guys. I couldn't believe the resemblance she had with Ray. It looked like the guys were thinking, and Ray was trying to understand everything. Ray: "How is she alive? We couldn't find her for years, and now she's here." Zeke: "It could be a coincidence, dude." Justin: "But to have the same colored eyes and nose. Mark and Zeke, we knew that and were triplets. Everyone else has everything different." Me: "Yes, Mark has a point." Ray: "Alester, what do you know about her?" Me: "That's not my information to tell Ray." Ray: "Come on, man, you must know something." Me: "I can't, man; you should ask her when we head to lunch or ask alpha fang." Ray: "Fine." Mark: "Let's do some digging, shall we?" I looked as everyone nodded, then headed to the library that held the records of everyone here. We spent hours in the library looking for something. We only found the basics of Elizabeth, saying she used to be homeschooled and the daughter of Alpha Fang. We also learned that her birthday is next week on the same day as Ray's. We sighed as we closed the books. The guys and I had missed school days and needed to be there for the rest. We left the library and returned to school just in time for lunch. Mark: "We'll figure something out, Ray, I promise." Justin: "he's right." Me: "Just ask her, Ray; she might tell you." We all went to lunch and sat at the table designated for the sons and daughters of each pack's alpha's betas and deltas. I looked around and smiled as Elizabeth walked in, then sat at a table in the corner, and she read a book, and lunch had just started. ELIZABETHS POV My day had gone by smoothly. I headed to the cafeteria for lunch, sat at an empty table, sat down, and ate a muffin Mom baked as I looked through my phone. It wasn't long until a guy with long blond curly hair pinned into a short ponytail walked over. Mat: "Hey, I'm Mat." Me: "I'm Elizabeth" Mat: "Yes, Elizabeth Fang, we have math together. But did you want to come to sit at that table with us, considering who your dad is?" Me: "Sure." I looked over at the table and then saw the guys. I shrugged like I didn't care. I got up, grabbed my muffin, and looked at him, motioning for him to lead the way. He got up and put his arm around my waist like he owned me. He gave the same attitude as his father, alpha Chris. He had a boyish demeanor and playful attitude, yet he held anything he touched. I could get along with him, but I would never date him. I smiled as he led me to the table and waved to everyone. I looked at all the guys staring, then at all the girls staring daggers like they wanted to kill me. Mat: "Everyone, this cutie here is Elizabeth Fang, daughter of Damian Fang." Me: "Hi" Alester: "I think everyone here knows who she is." I looked as Alester stared daggers at Mats' hand. I looked as Mat led me to a seat by Alester, then sat in the empty chair on my other side. I smiled and looked at Alester, Zeke, Mark, and Justin. I didn't want to sit here, but to consider the guys sitting here, it can't be inadequate. I smiled as I talked with Alester and them. I was right about ten minutes in when a skinny girl with long blond hair and grey eyes walked over, staring daggers at me. I looked at her as the table got quiet. I looked behind me in the corner when the camera pointed at the table, just in case. Justin: "Yo, Alester, your ex is here, and she looks pissed, man." Me: "Ex?" Alester: "I was dating her a week before my birthday yesterday. I will find my mate soon, and I didn't need her complicating things." Mat: "Or causing a scene like she always does." Mark: "I don't know why you dated Britney Smith. Like her sister Isadora maybe, but her." Alester: "Look, she was hot and is the daughter of alpha Joseph. It's not like I liked her." Britney: "Hi boys, alester, are you missing me yet?" Alester: "Not one bit, Brit." I looked at Britney as I kept quiet. She wasn't my friend, not after she beat me up when I was 13. I had so many broken bones and stuff. I shifted in my seat as I looked down. I felt Britney look at me, and I looked up, making eye contact. Her face went sour, and I just looked. Britney: "What is she doing here and in my seat? May I add?" Me: "Your seat?" Britney: "Yes, my seat. Are you dumb or something?" Me: "Sorry, it's just I don't see your name on it anywhere, and I didn't see it when I got over here almost 15 minutes ago. I laughed as I heard her growl. I felt the guys looking at me. I wasn't fazed by her top b***h attitude. I wasn't fazed by her at all. Britney looked at me as she scowled at me. I stopped laughing, then looked at her and leaned forward. Me: "Look, 'Queen bee,' I'm not scared of you." Britney: "You should be because last I saw and beat you, I told you I wouldn't leave you alive the next time I saw you." Me: "Well, go ahead. Me and you, b***h. Everyone sits back and doesn't come between us unless deemed necessary. OK? Britney: "You have a deal, rat." I yawned, not moving or paying her any mind. The atmosphere went back to normal as I talked with everyone and laughed. I learned that Alester had a younger sister named Carol, although she didn't like attending school and always skipped lunch. I smiled as we talked and listened to them talk about sports tryouts. They even asked if I would be trying out for cheerleading. I told them I would try out to cheer but made no promises. Me: "Hey, I'm going to throw away my tray. You all need something." Mark: "A napkin, please." Alester: "Can you grab me a cup of water?" Mat: "Nah, I think the rest of us are good, but thanks, Liza." I smiled, nodded, and got up, telling the other guys I would be back. I smiled and threw my tray away, ensuring the cameras were in view. I smiled and went to the drinking area, where I saw one of the cameras. I filled a cup of water for Alester and sat it down. I reached for the napkins when, suddenly, I was pulled back by my ponytail and yelped. I looked back and saw Britney staring at me. I growled as she threw me onto a table and pulled a knife out of her pocket. And judging by the color and my guess, it was silver. I ran by her as she cut my arm. I whined as I held my arm and looked down the blood trail. I looked as she charged at me. I grabbed a tray from the counter, ducked down, and used it as a shield as she tried stabbing me with the knife. I spun around and kicked her legs and knocked her on her ass. Britney: "You're f*****g dead, you no good rat." Me: "Oh, Britney, you should know not to bring knives to a fistfight. I fell to the ground, suddenly feeling weak. I looked at Brit as she stood up and smirked. Britney: "silver coated wolfsbane. Don't you love it? After all, I told you I would kill you the next time I saw you." Me: "I'm not scared of you, Brit. Buy you one, crazy b***h" I looked around as people started to gather and record. I'm glad, too, because I have more proof of the surveillance camera we were given the whole time. I dodged as Britney lunged at me. I got up and looked at her. My arm was still bleeding, but the pain was bearable. I looked around and growled softly as my eyes landed on Britney. I yelped as she tackled me to the ground. I looked around for something, and I found a tray behind her. I tried reaching for it, then screamed as I felt a burning on my neck. I looked at Brit as she held the small knife to my throat. I felt the blood run down my neck. Britney: "Any last words you orphaned mutt." Me: "Y-yea. th-this is g-gonna hurt... a lot." Britney: "What is?" Me: "This." I grunted as I grabbed the tray and hit Britney in the face. I saw her drop the knife and then yelped. I pushed her off of me and got up. I looked as she got up and then came at me. I kicked her back. I looked at Max, one of the guys I met, and Mat held her back. I had fallen to my knees and leaned on the table as I heard growling, then looked up and saw Alester and them pushing through the crowd. Alester: "Elizabeth?!" Zeke: "Someone calls a doctor." Mark: "Already on it. The school nurse and my pack doctor are on their way." Alester: "Tell them to hurry up, Mark." Justin: "What the f**k?" I gripped Alester as I held on to him. I was trying not to cry, but it hurt so much. I looked at the guys sitting around me. Mark: "Hey, it'll be OK. Just keep your eyes open, OK beautiful?" Justin: "Yes, just hold on a little longer, gorgeous." Alester: "It'll be an OK doll. Everything will be OK." I gasped for air and held on to Alester. I saw the school nurse walk over and look at me, her eyes full of shock. Thanks to the silver and wolfsbane in my system, I wasn't healing. I wouldn't let go of Alester as the nurse tried to get me. Alester: "I'll just hold her; please tend to her wounds." Mark: Alester, the doctor, is here. I felt my consensus slowly slip away as Alester held on to me. All I could hear were voices telling me to stay awake before everything darkened, and I passed out.
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