First Day: Chapter 1

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ELIZABETH POV I smiled as I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Dad was cooking breakfast again. I hope he made chocolate pancakes. I looked in the mirror at my raven black hair and red streaks. I always loved my hair, but it grew like crazy, but some say it makes my green and blue eyes stand out more. I walked to my closet and opened it. I had a nice-sized walk-in closet. I walked in and looked around at all my clothes and shoes. I had a little bit of every type of clothing. Me: "OK, Angel, do what you do best." Angel: "I would love to." Kia: "Can't we just wear sweatpants and a hoodie?" Angel: "HELL NO" Me: "I'm with Angel on this one, Kia. It's our first day. We at least want to look apart and blend in." Sophie: "Elizabeth is right. We're going to a school with the sons and daughters of the alphas, lunas, betas, and deltas. We need to look nice." Kia: "Oh, OK, fine." Me: "Angel, what are we gonna do about my eyes?" Angel: "Elizabeth, our eyes are beautiful... but if you want, we can make side bangs to hide one of them. So are we going to have ocean blue or forest green?" I thought, then looked in the mirror at my eyes. My mom always said it was amazing how my eyes simultaneously matched the ocean, lakes, and forest green. Me: "I'm fine with both. So tell me, what's today's outfit, Angel?" Angel: "I'm glad you asked. So today, we are wearing a red skater dress, our black and red high-top vans, hair down, and our favorite black cropped denim jacket." I smiled, looking in the mirror at my outfit. I looked at my blue and green eyes. Yea, this outfit made me stand out, but as the saying goes. The eyes are the windows to your soul. I smiled and headed downstairs as my hair fell, slightly covering the right side of my face and my blue eye. I smiled at my parents as they cooked and talked. I loved seeing them smiling and being happy. Seeing fated mates, especially those as delighted as my parents, was lovely. Me: "Hi, mom, hi, dad." Mom: "Hello, muffin. Made chocolate muffins." Dad: "I made eggs, bacon, smoked sausage, and chocolate chip pancakes." Me: "That all sounds soo amazing." I smiled and kissed both my parent's cheeks, then made a plate with some heavy things. I smiled and sat at the table with Mom. Dad joined us shortly after. I smiled as I started eating, and Dad began to read the newspaper. I felt that Mom was looking at me with that huge smile. I best believe I was right. When I looked at her, she gave me that big happy smile. Mom: "So Elizabeth, my Lil muffin, how do you feel about your first day of school?" Dad: "Oh, Nadia, come on, she just sat down for breakfast, my love." Mom: "Oh, Damian, come on, she must be excited. It's her first day at a new school. Oh, and she's 17." Me: "Almost 18." Mom: "Even better, she could find her mate... or mates." I looked at Mom as I blushed. Dad had coughed, then looked at me, then Mom. I looked at Dad as he cleared his throat and then composed himself. I went back to eating as I listened. Dad: "True. Hopefully, she only has one mate. So, Elizabeth, how do you feel about it? You know, starting public school and, hopefully, making new friends." I looked up at my parents as I ate, then shrugged, looking. I then looked at the two empty seats on the table set for five. Me: "Honestly, I'm a nervous dad because I am a hybrid and know no one there. I don't know how I'm going to survive. Including since Jacob and Tia still aren't home yet." Mom: "I know it's hard, but they wouldn't be able to attend school unless, in the upper grades of the Academy, ya know, the college portion." Mom and Dad had turned to the two empty seats. I looked as I finished eating, leaned back in my chair, and Mom and Dad looked at me. Dad: "They will be back soon, I promise." Mom: "Your father is right. In a matter of time, you will see them again." Me: "I miss Celestia and Jacob so much. It's been so long since I last saw them. I was 11, Tia was 12, and Jack was 15. Will they still see me as their little sibling?" Mom: "It's only been six, almost seven years. You all share so much. Of course, you'll still be their little sibling, and they will always love you like one, just like we loved you as our little girl." Dad: "Your mom is right. Everything will be OK." Me: "But Tia won't be there to help, and Jacob won't be there to keep me from being attacked by the other students. Dad: "Elizabeth, my blooming Lil moonflower, it will be OK." Mom: "They are bullying you only shows they are jealous." Me: "Thanks, Mom, thanks, Dad." I smiled at both my parents. They always tried to make me better. And even if they aren't my real family. I always felt I belonged with them. I hugged them both, then put my plate in the sink as Dad looked at his watch and then at Mom, who looked at her phone. Mom: Oh, look at the time. Elizabeth, you had better get going if you don't want to be late for school. Me: "What time is it?" Dad: "8:20" Me: "f**k" Dad: "Language." Me: "Sorry, Dad. Later mom, later dad." I kissed Mom and Dad on the cheek, grabbed a chocolate muffin from a container, and ran out the door with my bag. I have only ten minutes to get to school. I arrived in the schoolyard and then looked around. I knew this place like the back of my hand even though I never attended, but it was because my dad had made the school in honor of the moonlight pack that he used to lead. I looked up at the massive school. I have no clue how I'm going to survive this. I was nervous as hell. All of a sudden, I then heard Kia in my head, trying to reassure me. Kia: "Come on, Elizabeth, it'll be fine. You got this" Me: "I don't think I do, Kia. Look at this place; it's massive. What if I get lost or something?" Kia: "Oh, you'll be fine. Come on in with you every step of the way." Me: "You promise?" Kia: "I promise." Me: "Hey, Kia, where are the other two?" Kia: "Sleep. Angel will be up soon. Sophie is still asleep and not interested in school." I smiled and walked into school, trying to remember my classes and how I got to school as I looked at my phone. I yelped in shock as I was pushed down and landed wrong on my left arm. I held back a whine and felt pain course through my arm as my bone broke and I sprained my wrist. I sat, looked up, and saw three guys. They screamed authority, and one gave me a nasty look. I knew exactly who he was too. He did this same thing to me in elementary school. The crescent moon pack delta is named Fred Heat. Suppose I was right; that means the remaining two are Issac Black, the son of alpha Jason Black. The second one would have to be Mark. He was the future beta, but no one knew who his parents were. Fred: "What are you doing, newbie? That's Issac Black you almost ran into." Mark: "You, Fred, be nice. She was walking here first. You want a reason to push someone new around. Plus, a delta, like you, has no authority." Fred: "You're always nice to the fresh meat. She isn't part of our pack, so why is she here? She's a rift raft." Issac: "Fred, leave her alone and stop being a d**k constantly." Mark had short dark brown hair and blue eyes, with a quarterback build, but you could tell he was brilliant. Fred just looked like your everyday dumb asshole. Issac had an alpha build and brown eyes, but he gave off a leave me the f**k alone type of video. Celestia: "That rift raft is my sister. Now you three bullies need to get lost." Jacob: "You heard her boys get lost.'' Fred: "Whatever. She's not worth my time." I smiled, looking at Tia and Jac. I wasn't expecting them, but I couldn't hug them either. I looked, and Issac and Fred left, but Mark stood and looked at me with concern and worry. He looked at Tia and Jacob before speaking. Mark: "Can I at least help her up, please." Jacob: "Make it a quick mark." Mark held his hand to me. I looked at him, then nodded to my arm. He looked at my arm and then let out a low growl. He wrapped his left arm around my waist and helped me up as he held my hand. Mark: "Are you OK?" Me: "Yes, I'll be fine eventually. Thank you, though." Mark: "OK, good. Um, I'll catch you around, new girl." I looked as he walked away and caught up with Issac and Fred. I turned and smiled, looking at my siblings. I ran over, hugged them with my right arm, and got a big hug back. I loved my siblings and missed them a lot over the years. Me: "What are you all doing here?" Celestia: "We finished training and were coming home early." Me: "And why didn't you tell me?" Jacob: "Because we told Mom and Dad not to tell you." Celestia: "We would have been home on your birthday, but we packed as soon as Dad told us that you were gonna start attending school." Me: "You are all the best siblings ever." Jacob: "We know. Now let's go see what classes you have got." I smiled as we walked into school and then to the front office for my schedule. I didn't need an escort to the office, but walking with my siblings and being in their company was lovely. Jacob: "Oh, so who said you could walk out of the house in that outfit?" Me: "Oh, come on, Jacob, it's fine; besides, it could be worse. I could wear a mini skirt and short crop top showing my midsection." Celestia: "She's right. Besides, she wants to make a good first impression." Jacob: "But in that outfit? She's only 17." Celestia: "Oh, come on, she's almost 18, Jac." I smiled as we got to the office. I turned to my siblings and saw them still arguing. I smiled and sighed, going into the office to get my stuff. I smiled as I returned and looked at my siblings, still arguing. Jacob: "No, Tia, she almost got hurt today, and we both know how this school receives. Celestia: "Oh stop, we both know she could bring every wolf here, no matter what rank, down to their knees in the blink of an eye." Me: "I got my schedule." I smiled at both my siblings. Jac looked and smiled, taking my schedule. I smiled as he and Tia looked at it in amusement. Celestia: "Omg, yay, she's got our old teachers." Jacob: "Is that a good thing, Tia?" Celestia: "No, not our teachers were mean." Jacob: "Ms. Bluebee was pretty nice." Celestia: "Yes, she was." Celestia smiled at me and then hugged me tightly. I whined slightly, and she pulled away. I smiled as we began walking to my first class. Celestia: "I'm so sorry, Lil sister. I can't believe it's been 17 years since we found you." Jacob: "I can't believe it. We found you 17 years ago. Who would have thought the richest and cruelest alpha would take in and care for a pup that wasn't his blood?" Celestia: "Oh, stop, Jac. You know Dad has a soft spot. Besides, he said that he instantly felt that Elizabeth was like his daughter." I smiled, listening to my siblings talk all about Dad, the legends about him, and some of the things he did as we walked to my class. I always loved hearing stories about Dad, and it's weird how I can never see him being the mean strong brut that killed thousands of rogues single-handedly. I smiled as I stopped by my class door. I smiled as I turned to look at my siblings. Me: "OK, you two, my class starts in five minutes, and you still have to greet Mom and Dad at home. Jacob: "True, but we had to ensure you made it to your first class." Celestia: "Yup, now that you're here, we will go home because our bags are still in the car, and our parents don't know we're home yet. So later, Liza." Me: "Later, Tia, later, Jac." I smiled as I walked into class and sat in the back corner. I listened as I waited for the teacher to call attendance. I looked at a kid with dark brown hair and red and blue tips. His eyes were a vibrant orange. He nodded and smiled at me. ???"See something you like?" Me: "It depends." Justin: "I'm Justin Young, and who may you be?" Me: "Elizabeth Fang. It's nice to meet you, Justin." I raised my hand as the teacher called my name and then heard the other students start to whisper. I looked around, then looked at Justin as he stood up. He looked as if he owned the classroom. Hell, all eyes were literally on him. Justin: yall be quite I looked at him as he sat down, then smiled. I then looked to my right as Mark sat by me and smiled. Mark: "Hey beautiful, hi Justin.." Justin: "Hey, Mark." Me: "Hi, Mark. Do you all know each other?" Mark: "Yes, we know each other well. Then again, everyone knows everyone but the new girl, of course." I looked at the guys and saw they had the same nose and hair, but that could be a coincidence, right? I smiled and listened to them talk back and forth as I took notes for class. Mark: "Oh, Elizabeth, how is your arm feeling?" Me: "It's fine. It hurts, but it's fine." Justin: "What's wrong with her arm?" Mark: "Fred was being a grade-A asshole and shoved her when she came to school." Justin: "What the actual f**k. Are you OK?" Me: "yea, I'm fine. Thanks for the concern, though." I smiled as the bell rang for class to be let out. I smiled and tried to get to class but was stopped by Issac in the hall. I yelped as he forcibly grabbed my arm. I swear I could feel a bruise forming too. Issac: "You don't belong, her kid." Me: "I have the same rights to be here as you, Issac Black. After all, my dad owns this school." I smiled as Issac froze in place and loosened his grip on my arm. I was stuck with that jerk for ten minutes, and now I have to figure out how to get to class. Eight minutes passed, and I made it to class. But I was fifteen minutes late, and I got detention. Just what I needed on my first-day arrest. I looked as the teacher called out Elizabeth Fang. I raised my hand and sighed. I looked around at everyone staring at me, but the eyes of two boys caught my attention as they sat on either side of me. As the teacher took attendance, I learned that the guy on my right with the slicked-back black hair was shoulder-length and was named Alester. His eyes were lovely and pretty red, though; for some reason, I liked being around him. The guy to my left was Zeke Maveric. It's been said he has two other siblings, all of the alpha blood, but they were separated. I would think they still kept in touch, but what struck me as odd was that his hair was the same shade of brown as Marks. His eyes were brown, not blue like Marks or orange like Justins, yet all three had the same nose, hair color, and ears. I would call them triplets if I didn't know any better. Alester: "Hello, doll; it's a pleasure to meet ya." Me: "Um, lisbonense." Zeke: "Hey, baby girl. So tell me, what brings a girl like you to these parts of the woods?" Alester: "My friend means to say, How come we haven't seen a lady like you around before? Considering the ties and connections you seem to have" Zeke: "All kids of the three commands of every pack know each other, so why are we just hearing about the third child of Damian Fang, the great alpha?" Me: "I was homeschooled." Zeke: "Still doesn't explain the sudden appearance. We would have known you even then." I looked around as I tried to evade Zeke's questions, then sighed in relief as the bell rang for lunch. I smiled and waved bye to Alester and Zeke. I went to the library and ate my muffin in the corner. Dad took me here to get books for school work and studying. I smiled as the rest of my classes went by smoothly. As my lab buddy, I had Justin, Mark, Zeke, and Alester in my last biology class. It was fun getting to work in a team together. They kept the class interesting. They also kept detention interesting. It was two long hours, but it would have been longer if I hadn't had their company. Once everything was done, I waved bye to the guys as we parted ways, and they went to their cars. I sat on the stairs waiting for Dad to get me. He had left me twenty different voicemails saying he would call me and fifty texts checking in on me. I waited a good hour and then looked at a dark blue sports Mustang pulled up by me. I looked as the window rolled down, and I saw Alester. Alester: "Do you need a ride, doll's face?" Me: "No, but thanks. My dad should be coming to get me soon." Alester: "Well, can I keep you company? My dad always said it's rude to leave a lady alone." Me: "I would love that, thank you." I looked at Alester, got out, sat on the hood of his car, and then helped me sit by him. It was nice just being near him. If only I knew why I was feeling it, though. After all, I couldn't have a mate, yet I wasn't 18. Alester: "So what are you, if I may ask?" Me: "What are you?" Alester: "I'm a vampire-werewolf hybrid." Me: "I'm a witch, vampire, and werewolf hybrid." Alester: "How though the fangs are only werewolves. Me: "They found me as a baby and took me in." Alester: "So you're adopted." Me: "Yes, I am; promise not to tell anyone." Alester: "That's cool. I promise as long as you don't tell me." Me: "deal" I smiled as I looked at Alester. We had talked for two hours straight, and I was happy and felt safe and comfortable around him. I smiled as I looked towards the gate, then sat up, seeing a dark red Ferrari parked slightly away from the Mustang. I looked as Dad came out and then yelled my name. Me: "That's my ride. I had better get going later, Alester." Alester: "Later, baby doll, make sure you eat with us tomorrow, OK." Me: "Sure, but you'll have to convince me why I have to." I smiled and let Alester help me leave the car without messing up my dress. I smiled, walked over to my dad's car, and got in. I looked as we drove off and started heading home. Dad: "You do know that Alester Night." Me: "Yes, I know, son of Diego Night and Carmen Cortez. The alpha of the blood moon clan and queen of the vampires." Dad: "Yup. So what were you all doing?" Me: "Talking as I waited on you, Dad." I smiled at my dad as we talked about my day at school as we headed home. I smiled as we pulled up the driveway to our twelve-bedroom, three-story house. I looked at Dad. I know he was mad about Fred breaking my arm. I smiled, then reassured him, letting him know I was OK. I smiled as we went inside. I looked at Mom, hugged her, and went upstairs as she motioned toward the stairs. I smiled as I entered my room and saw my siblings chilling in my bed. We talked the whole time until dinner was ready. We ate dinner and smiled as we joked. It was excellent and fun. We hadn't been able to do it in six years, but it felt like no one had ever left. After dinner, I helped Mom and Tia do the dishes. Once the words were done, I went straight to bed and smiled. I started to drift off to sleep as I hit the bed. I can't wait till tomorrow. It was going to be better than today. Hopefully.
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