Uneasy: Chapter 3

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ALESTERS POV It was lunch, and Elizabeth had gone to throw her tray away and was getting me a cup of water and marking some napkins since he didn't grab any. I smiled as I leaned back and thought of Elizabeth and her beauty. Zeke: "I can't believe she said that stuff to Britney, of all people." Justin: "she is something, huh?" Mark: "hey guys, look at Alester. I think he's falling for the new girl." ME: "yall shut up and leave me alone." Mat: "who wouldn't want she's hot." I smiled, blushing as I thought of her. that says a lot considering I never blushed. I looked at my second-in-command, max. He's been my best friend forever and one of the only few at the table who knows my mom is the vampire queen. He's also the only one who knows that sweet, beautiful Elizabeth is my mate. Max: "damn, dude, I've never seen you act or look like this before. It's hilarious." Me: "Oh shut up, Max. Why are you my beta again." Max: "because I'm your best friend, you would be lost without me." I laughed as max wiggled his eyebrows. he was so weird but funny. He could get along with almost everyone. I jumped up as I heard a yelp. I looked at everyone as they stilled, then looked around. I sat up and looked at Zeke, and max got up on the table. Me: "hey Zeke, what's going on out there." Zeke: "a fight, and it looks like a big one to the man." Me: "again." Zeke: "um, dude, you really wanna see this." I sighed, then got up on the table and looked around as I heard a growl. I froze at what I saw. I looked at Britney and Elizabeth as they fought. I growled, getting down. I looked at Zeke, and Mat held me back. Zeke: "They said we couldn't interfere unless needed." Mat: "Zeke is right to look well. Have Justin watch them along with the mark. They should catch something if it seems off." I sighed and calmed down. I pulled out of their hold and looked up at mark and Justin. They looked absorbed in keeping an eye on the fight as it went on. Mark: "dude, we have to interfere now." Justine: "yea." Me: "Why, what's wrong." Justin: "Britney has a damn silver knife." I got up and ran over to the fight. I looked at the crowd and then linked max and Mat. Me: "Max, Mat yall two grab Britney the moment you can, do you hear me." Max: "on it, boss." Mat: "got it, man." I looked as Mark got on the phone to call someone, and Justine ran off out of the cafeteria and down the halls. I pushed through the crowds to get to Elizabeth. I got to the front and looked as she pushed Britney off her and then kicked her back. I ran to Elizabeth, growling at onlookers as Mat and Max helped Britney back. I quickly grabbed Elizabeth as she fell. I held her in my arms. I looked around as she held onto me. Me: "Someone calls a doctor." Mark: "my pack doctor and the school nurse are on their way." It took about a good ten minutes before the doctor got there. The guys told Elizabeth to keep her eyes open as we saw her drifting in and out of conciseness. The doctor tried taking her, but she wouldn't let me go. I told the doctor to tend to her wounds as I held her. I readjusted her slightly in my arms. I looked as the doctor managed to her neck as she passed out. Mark: "Elizabeth?" Justin: "Elizabeth, wake up, please." Me: "Elizabeth?! Please, Elizabeth, wake up." I looked as max ran over and looked. He froze, looking at her. I watched as the doctor stitched up, wrapped her arm, and then covered her neck. I saw Ray push through the crowds, then looked at Elizabeth. I noticed as his eyes went black. Ray: "what the f**k happened here." Me: "Britney had attacked her when she left the table to throw her tray away. Max: "Mat and I restrained her, and Mat knocked her out." Ray: "clear everyone else out of the cafeteria." Mark: "got it." I looked at the cafeteria was cleared out by mark, Justin, and Zeke. I, ray, Marks's's pack doctor Blake, and the school nurse. I held on to Elizabeth, not letting go. I was scared and worried. I had lost all composure and wasn't keeping my cool; my mind was racing and all over the place. Blake: "she's breathing, but she's in a coma. And judging by the amount of wolfsbane in her blood, it will be a few days till she comes to 3 days at most. But she will not be able to heal correctly from these wounds. They will leave a mark, including since the blade was silver. Me: silver wolfsbane coted knife?! Mark: "how the f**k did that crazy b***h get ahold of something so deadly." Justin: "you guys, what are we going to tell alpha Fang and Luna Nadia." We all looked up in fear and started thinking. We knew that the minute he found out, he would flip and kill the moment he found out. Mark: "we tell him the truth; he's got the surveillance cameras and the videos of everyone's phone who decided to record and not help." Me: "I hope it'll be enough for him to see." Zeke: "so who's gonna call him." Justin: "that's if he doesn't already doesn't know." Blake: "I'll take her to the packhouse if you need alpha Alester." Zeke: "take her to my packhouse and have doctor Logan take care of her." Me: "NO. Let my pack doctor look t her, and I'll talk to her dad." Blake: "are we sure." Me: "yes, I already sent my pack doctor a text to be there." I looked as blake nodded, then left with Elizabeth and Zeke to his packhouse. About ten minutes later, we heard the loud yelling of alpha Fang as he walked in. we all turned to look at Britney as she slowly got up. She looked at us in fear, then tried to run as she heard alpha, Fang. I looked as alpha fang busted through the door. His eyes were a dark silver with sparks of red. I could tell he was pissed. He looked around, then looked up. Alpha Fang: "Where the f**k is my daughter." Me: "Alpha Fang, I promise your daughter is ok. Britney attacked her, but we got it under control, and my doctor is at Zeke's packhouse tending to her, and you can meet us there." I kept my cool as alpha fang looked at me, then looked at Britney as she recoiled. He stalked over to Britney and then walked away, growling and mumbling. Alpha fang: "I will see yall at the crystal moon pack, and I'm bringing her doctor and siblings as well as her mother." Me: "I will tell Zeke and his family to set up some guest rooms then." Alpha Fang: "thank you, Alester. Oh, and make sure Britney doesn't go much of anywhere. I will call her dad. she knew what would happen if she attacked my daughter again." Me: "Understand alpha, Fang." I looked as he left. I sighed in relief and then looked at the guys. They all looked at me, then Britney. Ray had called her dad and ordered a house arrest on her. Me: "let's go, you guys. We have to get to Zeke's place." 4 HOURS LATER I got to Zeke's place first and went straight to the room Elizabeth was being kept in. I stayed by her bed for the whole three hours and thirty minutes. I listened to her heartbeat as it held a steady beat. Her chest would slowly rise and fall. I looked at her hair as it was taken down. My doctor, Susan, had said she would be ok. She had given Elizabeth some medicine to help her body counteract the wolfsbane in her system. Elizabeth may have been a hybrid, but even the amount of wolfsbane could have caused her to die. Max: "hey, man. How are you holding up." Me: "just as well as anyone who looks likelike their hurt mate in a coma." Max: "shell, be an ok man. I'm sure of it." Me: "yea. I know" Max: "well, I better head back downstairs later, dude." I nodded, then looked as max left. I kept an eye out and watched over her. I looked like a lady with strawberry blond hair walked in, ran over to Elizabeth's bedside, and looked at all the monitors. A few minutes later, Alpha Fang and Luna Walked in with Celestia and Jacob. Luna Nadia: "noo, my Lil muffin." Celestia: "Luna. Elizabeth? who did this to her." Alph Fang: "Britney had attacked her in the cafeteria as she was getting water." I looked over at Jacob as he was fuming. Celestia and Luna Nadia sat on the edge of the bed on either side of their daughter. I kept quiet, letting Elizabeth's family have their time with her. I looked at Jacob and saw him walk over and sit by me before linking me. Jacob: "so what happened to my sister Alester." me: "Britney attacked her as she was throwing away her tray and grabbing water and napkins." Jacob: "what did Britney use on her? Me: "a silver knife that was coated in wolfsbane. I don't know where she got something so dangerous, though" Jacob: "so, the same thing everyone else has told me. I looked at the silence and the video uploaded to the internet. That's how my dad found out; then he called the school, and when he came home, we found out. I looked at Jacob as he motioned to the strawberry-blond woman. Then they looked at me as I stared at Elizabeth. Jacob: "that is Elizabeth's doctor. She's tended to all of Elizabeth's wounds for years. I see the way you look at her, you know. So I take it that she's your mate." Me: "I think she is, but I just feel this pull to her like I need her, I want her, and I can't be without her; she is the only person or thing in this world that can make me get so flustered and lose my cool." Jacob: "just promise to protect her and not hurt her, or my dad will be the least of your problems." Me: "I understand, Jacob." I looked as Celestia braided Elizabeth's hair into a side braid and then laid a blanket over her. I stayed in the room as everyone left the room. Jacob looked at me as he paused and walked out of the room, closing the door. I turned on the tv and then put on some loony tuns. I loved this show, but I needed something other than the monitors echoing in the room. I got up and kissed Elizabeth's head, then sat back in the chair and slowly fell asleep by Elizabeth's bedside. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Announcement Thanks for reading you guys so much for reading this. I highly appreciate it. I love the support, and I would love it if you liked and commented until next time, loves.
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